#kinda like in a dick and roy way ya know. except they're not as constipated. but still very emotionally wrecked
roobylavender · 1 year
I was thinking about Koriand’r as one does, and thinking about all the imagery we get when she’s hovering over earth and is in the middle between the lonely stars and the place where there is so much life. And I’m thinking about how earth despite her welcoming it so much into her life and trying to make it her home, like it didn’t love her back. I remember how awful she was talked about when it was announced she was going to marry Dick and how the citizens would call her names or not even really acknowledge her as a person with those kind of rights and she didn’t understand why they said those awful things to her. And I’m thinking about this because I feel like it’s something nobody talks about when it comes to suddenly giving Dick different ethnicities (which is usually to be like see he has it harder than everyone else) like idk… and then I think about how you said that Bruce wanted something for all his children and Dick making hero-ing his whole life. And I think that’s interesting when you compare to Koriand’r because I don’t necessarily think that she would have been upset with that lifestyle because she just wanted to belong to something but she also would have agreed with Bruce with wanting more for Dick because they know him and his needs and she like Bruce had seen him go through different masks while growing up and knows everything he could have. And here she is as his lover and his friend who was willing to follow him, and Dick was clinging to her but didn’t know who to vocalize what he should have and she had abandonment issues. Like what would I have given to have so many of these issues addressed between them and show that yes the love was always there and they were what the other needed but it was just the wrong time. Like it’s all tragic.. sorry if this doesn’t make sense I was going somewhere with it but I lost the plot lol
i am so sorry for letting this rot in my inbox for so long but GOD yeah like with the titans in general i think what wolfman really marvelously created was this group of people all suffering from various identity crises with respect to the place vigilantism had in their life as something inherited whether by way of legacy or circumstance. like all of these new adults were searching for somewhere to belong and permanently stick their roots and it was hard. and like you said for kory that struggle was twofold bc most if not all of her teammates at least had somewhere else to turn to if they failed to find themselves but kory had no one. like where would she go if she failed to make earth home? it's not like tamaran was an option as much as she loved it and had sacrificed herself for it and would do again at the drop of a hat if circumstances called for it. i can't remember what issue maybe it's from one of the later titans volumes where she's like "no matter how long i live on this planet, no matter who i meet, nobody means more to me than dick. more than a friend. more than a teammate. more than a lover. from the very beginning he was my connection to this planet. there was a time when i though we would spend our entire lives together as soulmates" like he was her CENTERPOINT. everyone else had homes or parents or towns to go back to in the event they failed themselves and all she had was HIM. the rest of the titans too by that point obv but we all know with dick it was different. and like you said i can't imagine the kind of emotional damage it inflicted upon her to have finally broken things off and the fact that writers never really bothered trying to explore that vacuum in the aftermath is so frustrating bc it wouldn't only have been about the dick and kory relationship but also about their own weaknesses as people and needing to overcome them and in the end we might have seen them become the people they needed to be when they were in the relationship in the first place. we might have seen them become whole
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