#just me holding my beloved blorbo up and yelling 'who wants to know about this bastard' at max volume
erythristicbones · 2 years
FIRST BATCH OF OC QUESTIONS!!!! For Firefly: 1, 4, 5, 10, 14
if this is too many you absolutely do not have to do them all, i am just so enamored with this character
1. How does your OC feel about their full name?
If we're talking full birthname, they're named after their mother and quite frankly hate it. They hate the pressure of being expected to be just like her (although, really they sorta are tbh). If we're talking chosen name, Firefly actually likes theirs quite a lot bc to them it's symbolic of who they are as a person. Stubborn and annoying enough to take the "name yourself after a bug bc you bug me" suggestion to heart.
Although since you have a character named Roach, that I adore so much, Multi I feel it's absolutely pertinent for me to tell you Roach was in fact one of the bug names I considered for Firefly 🤣
4. How do they act around a crush?
-gestures at their everything- Do you really believe this ends well at all? Firefly is an asshole normally, but I like to think it's absolutely much worse around someone they have a crush on. Can't let them know we have feelings, am I right boys?
5. Do they have a “tell” for when they’re lying?
One of their stims is to chew on or fidget with their hair and it also doubles as a "tell" for Firefly. Those are more or less their "stressed" stims and kinda give away that Fly isn't being wholly truthful.
10. What is a weird quality that they have (ie their hands are always cold, they’re always hungry, they snort when they laugh, etc)?
Okay, I hadn't considered it before, but the snorting when they laugh is adorable and, yeah, that's defs a Firefly thing. They hate it so much, but at least they don't laugh often and thus not very many people know about it. On another note though- Firefly is always weirdly warm. A walking furnace, if you will.
14. What attributes do they have that are inherited from their parents or shared with their siblings/other relatives?
Oh man- Firefly is like a goldmine of inherited traits okay. Namely in terms of personality; They're so much like their mother and aunt it's honestly funny. The loner personality, toughness, and biting wit of their Aunt Tasha. The spitting image of their mother, with the natural inclination to leadership and inability to hold their tongue too. You could throw being a Lycanthrope in there too since...pretty much their entire family is.
Also, Firefly and Tasha are nearly identical in their inability to grow attached to any of their family (aside from each other), as well as the blinding loyalty to the people few and far between they do get attached to.
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