#junpei salt you're in my sights too *_*
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
K mako I know but why is yukari the worst thing to happen? I'm not upset I just don't remember/know if I've seen ya go into that
I started a post but....man this is gonna take a long time. And I need to go through P3 on both sides again. Partially cause info is inherently different on each side, and/or timing of said info. Such as, Yukari apologizes about something in her first SL rank (which is completely optional on both sides), but what she apologizes for between the Male and Female is completely different (due to when the SL can start). And I need to see if she apologized for the OTHER thing on the other side and vice versa (I think she does, but both are....optional.....so her apologies are optional).
But if I could give a run down on my issues with the char without elaborating (I’ll make a separate post about it in detail, I just don’t want to leave you hanging kfjsdaflk T0T). (I say this but spent hours typing this out...8U)
(oh boi...under the cut. Is this a rant or a therapy session? Maybe it’s Maybelline? The world may never know! Jk jk, I do try to relate some real life experiences to drive home why it annoys me. Basically “Why does this trope annoy me? Is it because I’ve been placed in that tropes situation 100 times, and each and every time it did not turn out the way the trope turns out even tho I did exactly as I was supposed to? Oh.” no I don’t go into situations with a trope in mind, hindsight is just 20/20.)
Basically her and Makoto surprisingly have similar things that irk me. 
Both are suppose to be chars we root for, but then do things that are not on the up and up, but we are suppose to be fine with it because they are the good guys and we are suppose to root for them/feel sorry for them. (and while this is relatively new for my hate on Yukari, both ironically harm a char I like. Makoto vs Anne, and her insults towards Anne and the whole Kamo incident, and Yukari vs Mitsuru and the whole.....everything...but mostly the Answer and Slap....and undermining >_> Not a complete 1:1, I find Yukari/Mitsuru dynamic to be more paralleled with Makoto/Eiko....and Mako ironically made me feel more sorry for Eiko lkdjsalfjdsa But again this is NEW for my dislike on Yukari, like the past 3-4 years......I’ve been playing Persona since 2009 so.....yeah bit of a gap. Anyway found that tidbit ironic)
(oh boi...under the cut. Is this a rant or a therapy session? Maybe it’s Maybelline? The world may never know! Jk jk, I do try to relate some real life experiences to drive home why it annoys me. Basically “Why does this trope annoy me? Is it because I’ve been placed in that tropes situation 100 times, and each and every time it did not turn out the way the trope turns out even tho I did exactly as I was supposed to? Oh.” no I don’t go into situations with a trope in mind, hindsight is 20/20.) 
An issue I’ve found with Yukari is that she can be VERY self centered and selfish. Any supposed empathy some how comes back to relating to herself. She goes behind SEES back (mainly Mitsuru and MC, aka the leaders, but we’re all in this together), and doing so knowingly is fine with jeopardizing operations (her reasonings aside, she could put us in more harms way with her digging around and it really should be hurting the teams trust than it does. “What about Mitsuru” Mitsuru isn’t a lone operator like Yukari, she has people she has to report to and even she doesn’t have all the answers.... gotta do what the Game and Yukari won’t do, consider Mitsuru’s situation more >_>). 
She continually acts out and it’s her way or the highway. She wants answers? She gets someone to hack the Kirijou group. She hates Junpei’s ghost story? She goes out of her way to prove him wrong, even if it means going to a shady part of town that gets them hurt. She hates the (albeit fake) info she gets about her dad? She goes off running and acting out. She hates the MC died? Well fuuuuuuck everyone else and how they feel. “What you guys can’t move on already? Just do it! Ugh, great now I can’t move on! I want to see him more than any of you! Screw you Aigis, why do you get Orpheus???? You’re just a sucky robot with no feelings, how dare you run away! WHat i”m not running away you guys are-” (I think I got a rough abbreviation to what happened, have to rewatch). 
“Wait Silly, you’re getting a bit unreasonable! She’s grieving.” Yeah so we should smack her. Smack some sense into her. She keeps acting out. It’s not fair to everyone else. She says and does things that hurt other’s or puts them at risk for her own goals. She could hurt their feelings on top of it! And it’s been like 10 years since her dad died. How dare she. She deserves to be smacked! >:(
“Silly, brah, why are you saying that??? What is wrong with you??? You don’t just smack people when they are grieving!”
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Hmm huh? What was that? I couldn’t here you guys over the hypocrisy of this game. So Yukari gets to go around making an ass of herself. Gets mad when you try to console her at Yakushima (she flips on a dime like twice). “Oh but she apologizes” She (and Junpei) apologize throughout the whole damn game. After awhile, it starts to lose it’s meaning. Sometimes you can’t just “Sorry” your way out of situations. And these two tend to say some really harsh and line crossing things but it gets waved away with a sorry. It’s a bit infuriating. 
Oh, and that’s just the Journey. Let alone The Answer. Until my last playthrough like 3 years ago, I was like “I can’t be too harsh on her she is grieving.” But after replaying it I was like “Oh....you know what? That mentality is stupid. Everyone is grieving. Why does she get to act out the entire time. Why is her grief allowed to reign over everyone elses? No Mitsuru, stop defending her! Ahhhhhh I cannot buy your friendship she’s just been an ass to you the whole time and slaps you at your lowest! Slap. Her. Back! She’s gonna get us killed!” 
“But Yukari is realistic!” Yeah a realistically horrible person. 
Yes I completely hold any and every apology against her for this moment. No dramatic effect is not a good excuse. It’s just shitty. Mitsuru lost her dad like 11 days ago? Two weeks? And she’s still doing her Student Council duties? She now has to run a company? All while she literally lost her meaning of fighting. This is ignoring all the other bullshit she’s been put through. From lab experiments, to being the only user who could explore the Dark Hour for like 5ish years (give or take)? To have all the sins of her company, of all the adults, on her shoulders while she had no say. The fact she’s trying to clean up a mess that was never hers. The fact she is only a year old than Yukari but has been put through so much  than Yukari could ever dream (this is not measuring hardships, Yukari has never been put in all these same situations as Mitsuru). But Yukari thinks she can get up on a high horse and start smacking people around? What is she not grieving the right way for you Yukari? 
It’s just....so infuriating. Mitsuru has soooo much going on with her an we barely scratch the surface! Yet she has to constantly minimize herself for the sake of something/someone. She restricts herself to be prim/proper/mature for her company and to be able to take responsibility. She lets Yukari smack her around when she’s grieving. She let’s Yukari go off the rails in the Answer and sides with her, putting aside her own feelings because “Yukari needs her.” Mitsuru you need someone. 
It’s just.....Yukari always rubbed me the wrong way, same with Junpei. They are the main reason I dropped P3 the first time. Never made it to Aigis (I think I JUST made it to Fuuka/she just joined), Aigis is the reason I stuck with P3 when I gave it a 2nd chance. But the more I learn about Mitsuru (and god do I have to dig for info ;w;), the more upset I get with how she’s treated vs Yukari. (but this is only something I’ve started feeling the past...3-4 years, prior to that it was just Yukari’s conduct.....)
“But there’s no right or wrong way to grieve!” You’re right. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. But if your way of grief is lashing out at other’s, closing yourself off, and all around being harmful. It’s not other people’s fault if they don’t want to have anything to do with you. And that’s fair for them.
It’s not them abandoning you(Yukari).
It’s a gray area, on one hand “How could you just abandon them???” but on the other..... you have to take care of yourself. There’s personal boundaries and people can cross them, even ones you love. 
Again, all I’m saying is, yes you can be volatile when you grieve. You may watch your world burn. But don’t be surprised when everything around you is ash. 
I’m usually an optimist, but it’s a tough pill I have to swallow too.
So how do you confront such a complex situation? Well you could just simplify it and be like “We’re your friends, and we’ll be here for you! Yes we’ll ignore you insulting us, almost killing us and the world! Because we’re friends! :D” Yes, that is certainly an option you can do. Do I think it’s a good one? No. But it’s what we got.
And going through the Journey, knowing where Yukari will end up, and how yeah....it’s perfectly in line with her character.....It makes me dislike her more. Journey!Yukari might be tolerable by itself....MIGHT, but then you  recontextualize her reasonings in The Answer and how Answer!Yukari acts, then Journey!Yukar is just the blueprint laying the toxic foundation on what Answer!Yukari is going to be like. 
There’s also the message of (mostly in the Journey but also the Answer) of “I need to put in the effort so you can open up to others and be a good person, but I have to deal with your issues the whole way through to get to that.” Why? Why do I have to put all the work in so you can be decent? Why do I have to be the front runner of this emotional baggage? 
Can you tell I’ve dealt with these people before, and why I don’t like this trope? (I’m a bit of a people pleaser irl). Here’s the thing about this trope.....doesn’t always happen irl. If someone doesn’t like you and it’s almost a pain to hang out.....it probably means they don’t like you. You can try, I tried cause of friends of friends, but it doesn’t matter how nice you try to be....they just won’t like you. But when you see it, it’s like “oh if I just try harder!” but nope. 
I guess how I view it, it’s similar to the bastard boyfriend trope (and girlfriend), in which they are toxic and horrible but you just need to unlock that hidden sweet side! But no honey, you’re in a toxic relationship. 
Tldr; Yukari gets away with stuff because she’s grieving. Ignoring the fact that everyone else has emotions and is grieving too. But we’re suppose to give her a pass. But no, if you don’t give her a pass for her grief then you “lack reading comprehension” or some bullshit. Well maybe I understand why she’s acting that way, but I still don’t think it’s proper? What then? I should just be ok she’s being mean to Aigis cause she’s jealous? That’s bullshit. 
*gets hit with multiple flashbacks as a kid and teen where people were mean to me because they were jealous of something outside my control, despite me being nice and trying to befriend them* Oh.....yeah we’re getting to the root of my issues I see. Maybe that’s why I didn’t like her even back as a teen, I was thinking about that subconsciously. Hmmmmm......
(”Well aren’t you just perfect Silly?” No, like I said I was a people pleaser. I know I could be annoying but I was never a malicious person. If you couldn’t tell I like to hyperfixate and talk about stuff. That can annoy some people. And that’s fine. The difference between back then and now is that if I feel like we aren’t vibbing, I’m not gonna push it/force it. I’m also gonna hold my tongue for a lot of stuff because I’d rather keep a situation peaceful.....to an extent. I don’t like to rock the boat...... unless it’s Persona fandom boat, then I’m rocking it like a seesaw! kdljafl jk jk do I rock the boat here? I dunno. While there’s overlap in how things that happen to me irl influence how I view a medium..... I approach issues that arise irl vs fiction differently. I’ll get really passionate about fiction, maybe it’s because I have no control over it. I can get passionate about irl stuff in private, never online....but I usually figure out how to solve it if it’s long term.
Sorry went on a rant of trying to understand my thinking....maybe I shouldn’t leave it in there, possibly gonna regret it. But.....it does give insight on WHY I think that way, so it might be helpful in understanding my point of view? Or maybe this is just a sleep deprived rant..... *shrugs*)
Oh! Wait. One thing. I was joking about the “slap her back.” I don’t think the slaps should be there at all. But if we are gonna be all around fair, I’m still gonna question why Yukari never gets slapped. 
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