#jude deveraux
bnmxfld · 2 years
My soul will find yours.
Jude Deveraux
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qvotable · 2 years
My soul will find yours.
Jude Deveraux // A Knight in Shining Armor
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: The Funeral
Stephen King: hey what’s going on? It looks like there’s some commotion happening over at the romance writers campfire Poe: hmm King: you think we should go check it out? Poe: no I don’t think that would be a good idea Poe: things can be a little, uh, volatile over there
King: what? Barker: they’re all deranged Poe: now clive, that’s a little unfair Barker: I guarantee anything that happens over there is 100% lunacy Poe: now clive VC Andrews: oh it's not so bad there actually Barker: Poe: King:
[at Circle of Love] Nora Roberts: today we gather to pay our respects to susan meachen Roberts: a fellow romance writer who left us too soon [susan meachen walks in] Roberts: who Roberts: Roberts: Roberts:
Susan Meachen: hey guys whats going on in here Roberts: Meachen: Roberts: Meachen: Roberts: I don’t know susan Roberts: what IS going on in here
Meachen: you guys doing a funeral? Cool Roberts: yeah Roberts: it’s Roberts: it’s um Roberts: it’s your funeral Roberts: we Roberts: we thought you were dead Meachen: oh yeah Meachen: well, I got better Roberts:
Roberts: your family said you were dead Meachen: oh yeah about that Meachen: they just made that up Meachen: they thought it was for the best Meachen: I can’t fault them for that Roberts:
Roberts: we all thought you were dead Meachen: yeah, and this funeral you’re doing? Great stuff! Roberts: there was a memorial anthology dedicated to you Meachen: oh yeah, I read that Meachen: pretty hot stuff! Roberts: Sandra Hill: hey can I still give my eulogy?
Sandra Hill: can i still read my eulogy? Hill: or like Hill: is it gonna be weird now? Meachen: no no you should still do it Meachen: I want to hear it Roberts:
Sandra Hill: ok so uh Hill: “now we can just hope that susan meachen is in a better place” Hill: “a place filled with oiled-up Vikings and sexy army rangers” Jude Deveraux: oh yeah Vikings Deveraux: that’s the good shit
VC Andrews: I like to imagine heaven as a locked attic Andrews: filled with all the sexy blood relatives you can imagine
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litandlifequotes · 1 month
My soul will find yours.
A Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux
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barbielore · 1 year
You would think since Barbie has been a lingerie model, a cabaret dancer, and Pussy Galore, I would stop being surprised by how adult some of the adult collectors editions of Barbie are.
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Officially this is called "The Raider" Barbie, but I perpetually think of it as Bodice Ripper Barbie. IT was released as a collectible in 2003.
Jude Deveraux is a prolific romance novel author, and The Raider is legitimately one of her books. I've never read her work myself but she comes highly recommended as an author, having sold over 50 million copies of her books. And with an official tie-in Barbie.
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A lot of sources on the secondary market refer to the Barbie as part of the "Romance Novel Collection" but when I search that term only The Raider shows up.
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fated-mates · 7 months
In my day, cars had no method of displaying classic romance covers. We had to go to the back corner of the local library to look at them and we loved it!
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cecexwrites · 2 months
Fandom: Teen Wolf - LI: Lydia Martin my beloved
Yes! Okay I have someone for this already and I've been actually dying to talk about her
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Jude Deveraux, Eldest daughter of Amalie Deveraux and first in line to take over the Coven. Until her cousin Eden St James shows up and threatens that unshakable right.
The moment she sees Lydia Martin (Around the events of the movie) She is interested. After all, a confident bad bitch needs another confident bad bitch.
Also she spends so much time shit talking the Sokolov boys. She is a sass queen who speaks her mind no matter what is on it.
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sistinad · 1 year
 “Si muriera mañana, mi alma te recordaría”
Nicolás Stafford,  Conde de Thornwyck.
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weirdesplinder · 1 year
Questo fine 2022 invece dei soliti post dedicati ai libri natalizi o ai riassuntoni di cosa si è letto durante l’anno, siccome per me questo è stato un anno horribilis da dimenticare, ho deciso di regalarvi una serie di post e video dedicati ai LIBRI CON VIAGGI NEL TEMPO.
Cosa c’è di meglio per fuggire alla realtà che viaggiare nel tempo?
Spero queste lista vi saranno utili e vi intratterranno, e come sempre vi invito ad aggiungere i vostri titoli preferiti di questo genere.Ogni lista è specifica di un genere per agevolarvi e suddividere il LISTONE che altrimenti sarebbe stato lunghissimo.
Questo è il terzo video della serie quello dedicato a: LIBRI IN ITALIANO CON VIAGGI NEL TEMPO SEZIONE ROMANCE:
-L'ultimo dei templari, Karen Marie Moning (serie di 8 libri)
Link: https://amzn.to/3F2POli
Nel  Quattordicesimo secolo l'Ordine dei Templari viene messo al bando; i  suoi cavalieri, perseguitati in tutta Europa, vengono accolti in Scozia,  in grande segretezza. Circenn Brodie è uno di loro, un guerriero  immortale, custode delle reliquie sacre dell'Ordine e di una boccetta  dal contenuto magico, appartenente al popolo delle fate. Il suo è un  mondo retto da formule magiche e regole antichissime. Quando Lisa Stone  viene catapultata dai giorni nostri in un castello medievale, tra le  braccia dell'affascinante guerriero, la sua vita sembra crollare in un  istante. Sarà un sogno o un terribile scherzo del destino? Nessuno dei  due è pronto a questo incontro, ma nulla potranno contro la magia che  sta per travolgerli.
-La moglie dell'uomo che viaggiava nel tempo, di Audry Niffenegger
Link: https://amzn.to/39fphjh
Quando  Henry incontra Clare, lui ha ventott'anni e lei venti. Lui non ha mai  visto lei, lei conosce lui da quando ha sei anni… Potrebbe iniziare così  questo libro, racconto di un'intensa storia d'amore, raccontata da due  voci che si alternano e si confrontano. Si costruisce così sotto gli  occhi del lettore la vita di una coppia e poi di una famiglia cosparsa  di gioie e di tragedie, sempre sotto la minaccia di qualcosa che nessuno  dei due può prevenire o controllare. Artista, professore  all'Interdisciplinary Book Arts MFA di Chicago, Audrey Niffenegger firma  con questo libro il suo primo romanzo.
-Patto col passato, di Susan Price (serie di 3 libri ma solo il primo è stato pubblicato in italiano)
Link: https://amzn.to/2JXLeuE
Viaggio  nel tempo tra il Ventunesimo e il Sedicesimo secolo: una Metropolitana  del Tempo garantisce il collegamento e consente a un gruppo di  scienziati di entrare in contatto col passato, quando la Terra era  ancora ricchissima di risorse inesplorate e con i suoi abitanti, il clan  degli Sterkarm che vivono in una cupa torre. Andrea, una ragazza grassa  e goffa del Ventunesimo secolo spedita come spia nel Sedicesimo diventa  popolarissima e si fidanza con il bellissimo Per Sterkarm, il figlio  del capoclan. Sarà Andrea a salvargli la vita quando, ferito, lo farà  curare nel suo secolo. Il romanzo prosegue tra avventure e passioni.
-Le parole del nostro destino, Beatriz Williams
Link: https://amzn.to/3OHNJhO
Amiens,  Francia, 1916. Incurante della pioggia battente, una donna è in attesa  fuori della cattedrale. Tra i fedeli raccolti in preghiera, c'è il  capitano Julian Ashford, l'uomo per cui lei ha sacrificato ogni cosa e  che tuttavia non rivedrà mai più. Quando tornerà in trincea, Julian  morirà. Ma lei è lì per riscrivere il loro destino. Il nome della donna è  Kate… New York, oggi. Incurante del gelo, una donna è in attesa  davanti alla porta di Julian Laurence: sebbene sia la vigilia di Natale,  deve consegnargli dei documenti urgentissimi. I due si sono conosciuti  il giorno precedente, eppure, quando lei entra in casa, lui si comporta  come se l'aspettasse da sempre, come se l'amasse da sempre. Ricambiare  quell'amore le sarà facile: Julian è uno degli uomini più ricchi e  affascinanti di Manhattan, è romantico, appassionato, intenso, Per  qualche mese, la vita diventa un sogno da cui non ci si vorrebbe  svegliare mai più… Ma poi, dal nulla, spunta un libro: la biografia di  Julian Ashford, un prezioso volume corredato di foto e di lettere  scritte dal celebre poeta-soldato durante la prima guerra mondiale. La  donna non ha dubbi: la calligrafia elegante e ordinata, gli occhi  gentili, il volto che s'intravede sotto il berretto sono del suo Julian.  E quel libro sta per segnare il loro destino. Il nome della donna è  Kate… In un turbine di sentimenti e di misteri, di speranze e di  passione, “Le parole del nostro destino” racconta la storia di un amore  vero, un amore unico, un amore eterno.
-La straniera, di Diana Gabaldon (serie di 9 libri)
Link: https://amzn.to/3qwXHVH
Nel  1945 Claire Randall, un'infermiera militare, si riunisce al marito alla  fine della guerra in una sorta di seconda luna di miele nelle Highland  scozzesi. Durante una passeggiata la giovane donna attraversa uno dei  cerchi di pietre antiche che si trovano in quelle zone. All'improvviso  si trova proiettata indietro nel tempo, di colpo straniera in una Scozia  dilaniata dalla guerra e dai conflitti tra i clan nell'anno del Signore  1743. Catapultata nel passato da forze che non capisce, Claire si trova  coinvolta in intrighi e pericoli che mettono a rischio la sua stessa  vita e il suo cuore.
- Verde oscurità, di Anya Seton
Link: https://amzn.to/3bS2ygd
Una  residenza aristocratica e misteriosa, Medfield Place, nel Sussex. Una  donna che cade in coma e rivive nell'incoscienza il tormentato amore di  una sua ava per un monaco dell'epoca Tudor. Un peccato da redimere, in  bilico tra passato e presente… Un affascinante romanzo sull'enigma della  reincarnazione.
-L'uomo dei miei sogni, di Jude Deveraux
Link: https://amzn.to/3OI9Pk7
La bella americana Dougless aveva fatto di tutto perché quella  vacanza in Inghilterra con il fidanzato Robert fosse perfetta e  indimenticabile. Invece, per colpa di un litigio, lui la pianta in asso  senza bagagli né denaro in una chiesa sperduta in mezzo alla campagna.  Mentre lei è in lacrime sulla tomba di un cavaliere, appare al suo  fianco un uomo straordinario, alto e prestante, con un'armatura che gli  arriva alla vita, calzoncini a palloncino e tanto di calzamaglia. È  Nicholas Stafford, conte di Thornwyck, morto nel 1564 ma verso il quale  Dougless si sente spingere da una forza sconosciuta. Legami misteriosi e  insondabili sembrano unirli fuori dal tempo, in un amore sospeso tra  due epoche senza possibilità di un futuro. A meno che Dougless trovi il  modo di cambiare il corso della storia, salvando così l'unico uomo che  lei abbia mai veramente amato.
- Grande amore, Ann Brashares
Link: https://amzn.to/3F0VbkN
Trama: Daniel  ha attraversato gli oceani del tempo per trovare Sophia. La “memoria”,  la capacità di ricordare la sua vita passata, è per lui un dono ma anche  una maledizione. Ora Sophia è Lucy, una studentessa liceale, e non  crede a una sola parola di ciò che le dice Daniel: le sembra impossibile  che nelle loro precedenti vite si siano amati e poi siano stati  separati da una crudele forza misteriosa. Ma Daniel sa che loro due sono  stati insieme: in Asia Minore nel 552, nell’Inghilterra del 1918, e poi  in Virginia nel 1972. Brevi, fugaci attimi di passione che la morte ha  sempre brutalmente spezzato. Anche oggi le loro anime si stanno  cercando, e ancora una volta quella misteriosa forza è pronta a  separarli. Un’avventura romantica che si snoda attraverso i secoli per  abbracciare non una ma tante vite, inseguendo l’unico, vero, grande  amore.
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littleplasticladies · 2 years
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Romance via Jude Devereaux
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editorauthoranna · 2 years
TWIN OF ICE Book Review
By Jude Deveraux
{Warnings for Twin of Ice: sexual content}
Twin of Ice features Houston Chandler, ice queen extraordinaire, and her quest to live the perfect life, as she’s been taught. You can’t really blame her for the way she was raised, and Houston is a fun character to read as she learns more about herself and grows throughout the book.
She and Kane (the love interest) look to be exact opposites when they’re introduced, and I truly love that they’re shown to be much more similar than first impressions would have you believe. Houston and Kane butt heads because of differences in culture and social niceties, not true incompatibilities. And while I’m hard-pressed to believe their relationship would be successful, long-term, in the real world because of those things, Deveraux makes the possibility believable enough for a fun fiction read.
I’m not a fan of how Kane treats women in general, but I understand this is historical fiction written in the late 80s. On that same turn, Kane does learn and begin to be more physically respectful over time. He may be a gruff shipyard boy, but he shows emotional growth throughout the book. He’s not perfect, or even a gentleman of the time, but he clearly has his heart in the right place once he figures out who he wants to be.
Overall, I liked Twin of Ice more than the title initially made me feel like I would. (I really dislike people, women in particular, being called cold because they aren’t extroverted or assertive enough for the society in which they live.)
~ Anna
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sweetsavageflame · 2 years
Favorite Historical Romance Author Poll
Favorite Historical Romance Author Poll: Vote for your favorite vintage historical romance author from the 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s.
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catmint1 · 2 years
Love can make even nice people do awful things.
Jude Deveraux
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feed-me-romance · 20 days
We Need More Joan.
I'm stuck in bed with a torn meniscus and back spasms. All I've done over the past two days is read, and watch Bravo television. For those wondering, Vanderpump Villa is absolute magic, and I am still hoping to come back as Lisa Vanderpump in my next life.
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All this time spent in bed allowed me to finish the first book from The Brown Paper Bag of Smut: Velvet Song by Jude Deveraux. This is the third book in a series, all of which have Velvet in the title. It was published in 1983, and the paperback copy I have was a whopping $2.95. Man, inflation is a bitch.
Velvet Song is set in the very specific, "South of England" in 1502. Right off the bat I'm going to tell you I'm not a historian, and the only history I know anything about (much to my mother's delight and pure bafflement) is revolutionary China, because it was the only subject that interested me in college. If you're looking for historical accuracy, I doubt Jude Deveraux novels are your wheelhouse.
Now that we got that out of the way, our heroine is the Taylor Swift of the 1500's. Alyxandria Blackett has no curves to speak of, lavender eyes (it's always lavender), hair of every color, and mad troubadour skills. She's out in the woods one day with her cittern, writing songs and making music when she's accosted by Pagnell, the soon-to-be Earl of Waldenham. Alyx kicks him in the balls, and takes off. Pagnell is livid, so he retaliates by killing Alyx's father and starting her house on fire. He also puts wanted posters all over town, accusing Alyx of treason, witchcraft and thievery. So typical, am I right?
Pagnell is universally hated, and the town feels bad for Alyx; so they disguise her as a boy and send her off into the woods to live with a band of outlaws. Now, this is where the book goes full Mulan. Since Alyx has no curves to speak of (something she curses God for every chance she gets), it's easy to disguise her once her hair of many colors is cut off.
Of course the leader of the band of outlaws is our heartthrob: Raine Montgomery. Raine takes Alyx on as his squire, and it immediately becomes an enemies-to-lovers situation. With plenty of weird homo-erotic behavior thrown in for good measure. Raine declares he's going to, "whip some order into the men." Guys... this is where Disney got the "Make a Man Out of You" inspo for Mulan. I'm TELLING YOU. Jude girl, I hope you're receiving some residuals.
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One of Alyx's squire duties is to wash Raine's armor. She's down by the river, casually washing away when a really hot guy shows up. I thought this might turn into a love triangle, but no dice. Jocelin has too much trauma from his last relationship. Instead, he and Alyx (remember, she's supposed to be a guy) have a very intimate singing scene.
Later on, Raine gets hurt in battle, loses a ton of blood, and of course it's the perfect moment for him and Alyx to bang it out. Oh, I'm sorry. It's when, "his maleness touched her womanliness." I will say, I love the fact Alyx has no shame or guilt over their tryst. We love us a sexually positive queen!
Once Raine recovers, he finally admits he knows Alyx was a female (honestly, she did a terrible job disguising it), they admit they love each other, and they proceed to have sex on the forest floor. And on horseback, which sounds very uncomfortable and damn near impossible to do.
Lest you think this is just a romance novel, some "historical" stuff happens too. Raine's sister is kidnapped by the rival Chatsworth family; she is raped and then commits suicide. Raine is furious and wants to go avenge his sister. Meanwhile back at camp, Blanche the jealous camp vixen sets Alyx up and makes it look like she's been stealing from the settlers. Raine agrees to take Alyx and leave camp. But Alyx knows this is a horrible idea, so she and Joselin pretend to make out, Raine sees them, and banishes them from the camp, only to stay behind himself.
Fast forward four months, and of course Alyx is pregnant. I would love to know if they conceived the baby during their horseback romp, but we'll never know. She and Joselin are traveling around as a musical duo, and they end up at a castle where they meet Elizabeth Chatsworth; one of the reviled Chatsworth family members who is actually very nice, and protects Alyx when the dreaded Pagnell shows up.
Just as Pagnell is about to get his revenge on Alyx, Raine arrives. He rescues Alyx, they quickly get married, and he takes her back to his family's land. Of course Raine's family all loves Alyx, and they head off to the market where Raine buys Alyx all kinds of furs and cloth for dresses. It's like Pretty Woman of the 1500's.
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While at the market, Alyx gets pulled aside by Roger Chatsworth. He wants to know what happened to Elizabeth, and is worried about her because he heard she was sent off to live with Raine's brother Miles. Raine sees Alyx talking to Roger, and loses his shit. He heads back to the woods, and leaves her with his brother and sister-in-law.
While he's pouting in the woods, Alyx gives birth to his daughter, Catherine. But even the birth of his daughter isn't enough to draw him out of the woods. So, Alyx takes matters into her own hands, leaves baby Catherine with Raine's family and heads into the woods to get her man back. She takes Joan, the maid, with her.
Y'all. This is where the story really got interesting.
Before Alyx leaves for the woods, her sister-in-law warns her about Joan, and tells her she, "sometimes forgets her station." This is 1500's speak for, "Joan is a sexually liberated woman." Once they get to camp, Joan proceeds to have sex with four different men. At the same time. Alyx is both impressed, and curious about the logistics. Raine is mad, because Joan's magic vagina tired his men out to the point they can't even lift a sword.
I need a Joan standalone novel. How did she become the tamer of four men at one time? What's her backstory? How did she end up as a maid for the Montgomery women when she's obviously capable of so much more? We need more Joan.
Raine is still so mad about Alyx talking to Roger Chatsworth, there's a requisite spanking and make up sex scene. Meanwhile, Brian Chatsworth shows up at the camp and asks for refuge. Not long after, Roger shows up looking for a fight. Brian drugs Raine, takes his armor, and tries to fight Roger. It doesn't go well, and he ends up dead. Alyx and Joan nurse Raine back to health again.
Alyx goes back to the castle where Raine's brother and sister-in-law convince her to go talk to the King on Raine's behalf and get him pardoned. Alyx knows Raine is going to be pissed, but does it anyway so their family can be reunited. The King agrees to pardon Raine, and allow Elizabeth and Miles to marry. Alyx... brokering peace after generations of strife. We love her.
Raine is mad, and still won't come home. So, Alyx packs up baby Catherine and sends her off into the woods to live with her father. It's like split custody before that was even a thing. Of course Raine falls in love with the baby, returns home, and they all live happily ever after.
This was a promising start into The Brown Bag of Smut, and I'm resisting the urge to get the rest of the Velvet novels to see if there are any more details about Joan. But this queen deserves her own novel. The Velvet Touch? The Velvet Maid? Drop your suggestions below.
I give this one 2 peppers on the spice scale. Mild heat, but nothing outrageous.
Until next time... feed me romance and tell me I'm pretty.
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starlightsparrowfox · 6 months
"I am the sea; the sea is me. It is in my blood, in the veins of all my family."
Garret Kingsley, For All Time
- Jude Deveraux
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doodlesink · 1 year
My Heart Will Find You by Jude Deveraux  - Book Review
Happy Wednesday!  My Heart Will Find You by Jude Deveraux is an entertaining time travel romance.  Drop by to learn more about it and read my review. Happy Reading!
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