#jimmy is a defense attoney prosecutor AND weird little girl at different parts of the plot
snakeassassins · 2 years
as an ace attoney fan saul goodman drives me absolutely insane because like. this man is an ace attoney character. a main ace attorney character.
his name is a play on words. he does all his own investigations. he's a funny silly jokes man who makes things hell for the opposition. he has over the top mannerisms. him and kim take turns being each other's weird little girls. he has an emotionally devastating backstory
by every conceivable metric this guy is like. the guy who bothers you and obstructs your investigations for the whole game before becoming the defendant in the final case.
and yet somehow, instead of ending up in the ace attorney universe, where his shenanigans would be rewarded and he'd learn about the power of friendship, he ends up in like? an actual serious crime drama? where he is constantly under threat of arrest or disbarment for his shenanigans. like rip man you would've loved cross examining the witness' pet parrot
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