#jasper's attic ꗃ
starlitmark · 4 months
Well you might as well bring your only seventeen wip out from the attic for me 😘
oh boy Bee... remember telling me that Mingyu has been coming for you...... WELL HERES SOME MEANIE CONTENT
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Pairing: labrador!Mingyu x fem!reader x black cat!Wonwoo Genre: fluff, humor Rating: PG Warning: hybrids, poly relationship Word Count (at abandonment): 747
Other Attic Items
If you had been told a few years ago that you would be in a committed relationship, you would’ve laughed. Now if you had been told that it was with two people instead of one, that would be even crazier. Not to mention that those two people are hybrids, you’ve never had anything against them but you had never been in a relationship with one until you started dating Mingyu and then Wonwoo joined in. In your current state, you’re being suffocated slightly by your first boyfriend, Mingyu, he was in a rather clingy mood. He almost always was though. His deep black ears are laid out against your chest as he cuddles close to you. His tail flopped heavily against the couch with happiness. It was quite an odd position from an outside view. You’re much smaller than him, both of them actually, Mingyu just being slightly bigger than your feline boyfriend. Mingyu’s head laid comfortably against your chest, it’s always been his favorite place to lay regardless of where you were or how small the space was. His larger frame stretched out between your legs nearly asleep with how comfortable he was. The only reason you knew he was still awake was by the way his tail was wagging so intensely. Your hands absentmindedly pet his ears as he lays there, everything about the moment’s atmosphere was so peaceful.
Your other boyfriend, Wonwoo, was much less affectionate. He hardly ever showed an interest in physical or verbal affection. He of course has his moments but he was quite literally the exact opposite of your other boyfriend. Your black cat boyfriend was currently sitting longways on the opposite couch, legs outstretched on the cushions, quietly reading a book. The sun gently shines on him from where he sits. That’s the one thing that you do know they have in common, other than obviously dating you and each other, they loved sitting or laying in the sunlight. When you would be out for the day and they both had off of work you’d often come home to find them laying in a sunny spot together. Wonwoo only tolerated physical affection from you and Mingyu, for a short time. Those moments though, he deemed as an exception. Laying in the sun makes him sleepy more often than not. Mingyu is a very cuddly person, so Wonwoo lets him cuddle and take a nap in that sunny spot together. It’s one of your favorite sights, seeing both your boys peaceful and happy.
You hear your kitty boyfriend sigh as he reads causing you to turn your head towards him. His sleek dark tail was flicking back and forth by his side on the couch. You couldn’t tell if it was a subconscious movement or if something was on his mind. It could be both though, you knew the book he was reading, it was bound to get him thinking about things and he might not even be fully aware of his tail moving in thought. Just as you go to brush it off you hear him sigh again and notice how his tail flicks rather hard just after.
“Wonwoo, are you okay?” you ask softly, “You keep sighing and flicking your tail.”
“It’s nothing, I promise.” Just as you go to respond your other boyfriend shifts in your lap. You move your hands off his ears to give him space but he whines signaling that he wants you to continue. Smiling softly and place your hands back in their original spot. You had nearly forgotten about your other boyfriend’s bout of sighs until it happened again. Leaning down towards Mingyu your nose gently brushes against the soft fur of his ears.
“Does he smell off to you?”
It was a question you always asked when you suspected something but wanted further confirmation.
“A little, maybe he’s thinking too much again. Do you want me to let you up?”
You nod at your younger boyfriend and he slowly maneuvers to let you get up from your seat. You start walking across the small living space towards where your other boyfriend is sitting. You doubt that he’s aware of your approach so you try to be as quiet and gentle as possible with your movement. You stop just behind where he’s leaning back against the armrest, you notice how his thumb fiddles with the corner of the page as he reads. Another habit you’ve noticed over the past couple of years.
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starlitmark · 4 months
Hi! For the WIP game, may I request Ateez and number 3? Thank you 💕
ohhhhh boyyyy this one was going to destroy people 🫠
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Summary: You’ve always ridden your motorcycle with your brother and his best friend since the moment you had your license. When your brother isn’t around, though, maybe you’ll ride something else. Pairing: Jongho x fem!reader Tropes: brother’s best friend au Genre: smut Rating: R 18+ Active Warnings: language Prospective Warnings: unprotected sex, dirty talk, possessive pet names (mine, my) Word Count (at abandonment): 516
Other Attic Items
Going for rides has always been the way you and your brother have bonded. Since the moment he got his license and trusted himself to let you ride with him, Yeosang has brought you along with him. Jongho would almost always be there too. He and Yeosang are two peas in a pod. Nothing could ever be bad enough to stop them from being friends. You were never really close with Jongho. Not until you also got your motorcycling license and started riding your own instead of being Yeosang’s passenger. Even now, though, Jongho doesn’t say much to you. He’s far more interested in chatting with your brother. It makes sense with him being Yeosang’s best friend.
You’re on your way to the place the three of you always meet up before going out for a ride. It’s gorgeous out, so you opt to wear something a bit more form-fitting rather than a thick jacket like you’ve had to for the past few months. Normally, you meet up with Yeosang before heading to where Jongho is likely already waiting for you. Your brother had told you to go ahead, though, since he had to wrap up a last-minute project his boss asked him to do. 
As you approach the small park, you see Jongho, but your brother is nowhere to be seen. A small noise of confusion escapes your lips before waving to the car beside you, asking if you can merge in front of them to turn into the parking lot. They let you pass, and you see Jongho wave lazily to you as you approach. He’s leaning against the worn wooden fence in front of his bike, scrolling through his phone. Despite the warm weather, he’s still wearing his black leather jacket and a pair of black jeans. He’ll always say he’s not too hot in that ensemble, but you know he must be dying slightly due to the sun beating down on him. Your bike rumbles smoothly as you park it beside Jongho’s. 
“Where’s Yeosang?” you question as you place your helmet on one of the handles.
“Damn, am I not exciting enough for you?” Jongho teases, not looking up from his phone.
“No, no, it’s not that.” you explain, “I just expected him to already be here too.”
Jongho finally looks at you. His eyes scan your body for a second before refocusing on your face.
“He told me he couldn’t make it. The project his lazy boss gave him is probably going to take him all day. Do you still wanna ride?”
“Y- yeah, do you have a specific place in mind?”
“Not really, let’s just see where we end up wandering off to.” he smiles lightly.
You always talk to people on your rides. Strangers next to you more often than not. You know, people tend to be more careful driving around you due to how exposed your vehicle is. That just gives you more opportunity to have a friendly chat, though. Jongho is currently ahead of you and a lane over. You’re simply following his lead through this ride.
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starlitmark · 4 months
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ꗃ Welcome to my dusty attic (aka all of my wips that are collecting dust)
ꗃ We're going to make a little game out of this! Send me a group (retired or active) and a number. If there's an abandoned wip for that group I'll post what I have written for it as is in response. The number will correspond to which number wip it is.
ꗃ I know this may seem familiar to some since @sanjoongie also did an event of sorts posting all of her abandon wips in a graveyard dedication. We talked before I posted this to ensure this was not too similar to her creation.
ꗃ Some are smut wips and others are sfw so prepare for either option when asking!
ꗃ Once someone asks about a wip the link to said wip (and ask) will be attached to the list below
ꗃ You may send in asks about the following:
╰┈➤ Ateez: Wip One ꗃ Wip Two ꗃ Wip Three ╰┈➤ NCT (2 wips) ╰┈➤ The Boyz (2 wips) ╰┈➤ Xikers (1 wip) ╰┈➤ Seventeen: Wip One ╰┈➤ Pentagon (2 wips)
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starlitmark · 4 months
😮 Ateez 2 from your attic. Been loving all your wips by the way 😍😍
EEEEE thank you for enjoying the wips 🥹 this is another that............ is very self indulgent............... and I may or may not return to later on
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Summary: You got stranded outside the venue of the concert. You had no way to get back to your hotel. Then, someone unexpectedly offered a helping hand. Pairing: Yunho x fem!reader Trope: idol au, idol-fan relations Genre: fluff, smut Rating: 18+ Warnings: language, joke about an NDA, flirty Mingi Prospective Smut Warnings: fingering (fem receive), protected sex Word Count at abandonment: 1,229 Note: I was originally writing this cause of the concert (last year), but here we are doing it for this and seeing him at barricade for KBS live. Note 2: @sanjoongie sadly............ this one is one of the ones collecting dust
other attic items
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You had nowhere to go. The concert had ended nearly two hours ago, and still, there was not a single ride-share available. You checked every possible app that exists, and nothing. It was cold and still slightly damp due to the rain earlier. Plopping down on the steps of the arena, you let out a sigh, not sure what else to do. You were cold, and the outfit you chose was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable. Even though you did your best to dress comfortably while still looking nice, you hadn’t planned to be stranded outside afterward. Unlocking your phone, you recheck your rideshare apps. Nothing. Not a single driver in the area. You hear someone nearby open a door. You don’t pay it any mind. It was probably one of the venue staff cleaning around the building. People left trash everywhere from waiting in line all day despite the rain. 
“Are you okay?”
“Hmm?” You turn to face whoever it is.
You think you must be hallucinating or something. There was no way Jeong Yunho was standing right behind you. You shake your head in hopes that it will clear things up somehow. Somehow, he’s still standing right there when you look again.
“Are you okay?” He asks again.
You shrug, “I can’t find a ride back to my hotel. I’ll be okay, though.” You force a smile.
“The concert ended a while ago; you’ve been sitting out here the whole time?” “I- it’s not a big deal.”
You hear Yunho sigh, followed by a little bit of shuffling. At first, you assume that he left. Then, his larger frame is sitting beside you on the cold wet pavement. He doesn’t say anything at first. You sit there side by side in silence.
“You could catch a cold sitting out here. You don’t even have a jacket with you.” He finally speaks.
You chuckle humorlessly, “I didn’t expect the rain or to be stuck here.” You try to downplay the situation, “I’m sure someone will come around.”
He looks like he’s contemplating something for a minute. You watch him, still baffled that you’re sitting here and talking to him.
“Do you want to stay in my hotel with me until you can find a way to yours?”
You laugh lightly, “You’re really trying to get me into an NDA agreement, aren’t you.” You tease.
He chuckles, “That’s not my intention at all.” he insists, “I just don’t want you sitting out here in the cold all night.”
You feel your chest swell with warmth and nod silently. You quietly tell him your name, and he smiles at you. If someone had told you earlier in the day that you would get stranded and hang out with Yunho, you would probably have laughed at the person telling you or made a joke out of it. He offers a hand out to you. You just look at it briefly before processing what he was doing. Taking his hand, you let him take you back into the building. The warmth of the building slowly melts your frozen bones. Neither of you speaks as you walk through the nearly empty building. It’s not an uncomfortable silence. It’s anything but uncomfortable. Instead, you focus on how his hand feels in yours. It feels nice, very surreal, but very nice. His larger hand nearly encapsulates yours entirely. You’ve always known he’s a large person and has large hands, but to see it at the moment feels unreal. He stops in front of the door and lets go of your hand.
“Stay here for a minute. I need to explain the situation to my manager and the guys.” He smiles gently, “I won’t take too long, okay?”
“Okay.” You return the sentiment.
You sway back and forth in your place while you wait outside the door. You can vaguely hear a few people talking on the other side. You can easily pick out Yunho and Hongjoong’s voices, but you don’t know the third. You can only assume it’s their manager. Before you can contemplate too deeply, the door pops open. Yunho pokes his head out and smiles at you again. 
“You can come in. We’ll be leaving pretty soon.”
The moment you step into the room, your eyes fall on Yeosang. He was in the process of removing his makeup, completely unbothered at your entrance. As your eyes move around the room, you notice that not many of them seem to pay you any mind at all. Honestly, it’s probably better that way. They’re exhausted and have things they need to get done. You feel a hand slowly, softly wrap around your shoulder. In the process, a lock of hair falls from your shoulder down along your back. You look at the hand and then to the other side of you, where Yunho is standing. He’s looking at you with a gentle, sweet look. He squeezes your shoulder lightly and raises his other hand.
“When we leave, wear this.” He gestures towards the hoodie in his hand, “I don’t want anyone getting crazy ideas or potentially hurting you. It’s my personal one, but I’ll just wear the ones that we have for the stages.”
“Are you sure cause-”
“It’s fine, I promise.”
He leaves the hoodie in your hands and walks away. You think there couldn’t be anything else that could get crazier about tonight. You’re proven wrong again when their manager approaches you. He’s clearly frazzled but tries not to show it.
“Do I need to get paperwork ready? Yunho told me not to worry about it. I want to double-check, though.”
You feel heat rush to your face, “Um, yeah, no paperwork needed. Yunho just offered to let me come since I can’t find a way back to my own hotel.” You explain.
Without another word, his manager walks away and starts organizing what you assume are the boys’ personal belongings. Up until that moment, you don’t process how awkward you must look standing in the room holding a hoodie but not speaking a single word to anyone. You’re just standing there and observing. You can feel a pair of eyes on you, and for a few moments, you try to brush it off, but you find yourself turning around to find Mingi’s eyes fixated on you. His hair is pushed back out of his face, and he’s in comfortable, casual attire. His shirt, as always, has the first few buttons undone, which sends your mind reeling in places it probably shouldn’t be when you’re less than 20 feet from him. The look he’s giving you is hard to decipher. You can’t tell if he’s checking you out or trying to figure you out. When you properly make eye contact, he takes it upon himself to walk over to you.
“You’re who Yun chose for the night?” He asks.
“I-it’s not- no, um,” You start to explain.
“Leave her alone, Mingi. She’s just coming to the hotel for a bit until she can get a ride to hers. I didn’t want her sitting out alone in the rain.” Yunho interjects.
Mingi chuckles, “We’re doing the knight in shining armor shtick today?”
“Mingi, it’s not like that.” He says firmly.
Mingi hums, “M’kay, if you want some extra fun I’m in the room next door.” He supplies with a wink and a slight smirk.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
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starlitmark · 4 months
Ooo being Ateez 1 out of the attic please!
OOOOOOO BOY HERE WE GO!!! ANOTHER KILLER tbh I might still go back and finish this when I have more time
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Pairing: Jongho x fem!reader Genre: fan-idol relationship, established relationship, smut Rating: 18+ Summary: Jongho was intentionally doing things to get a rise out of you throughout the concert. How could he not expect you to act a fool? Warnings: language Prospective Warnings: unprotected sex, lots of kissing, Word Count at abandonment: 232 Note: Sorry @pyeonghongrie and @kpop-stories-21 this was one of the ones I had a note to tag you two and it got abandoned 😭
other attic items
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You returned to the hotel as soon as the concert was done. You could’ve stayed until the crew cleaned to go backstage with your boyfriend and his members. In reality, though, you knew the traffic on the drive back to the hotel would’ve been nightmarish either way. So here you are, laying on the bed you and Jongho have been sharing the past few nights, waiting for him to return from the venue. Honestly, you weren’t even close to being tired. Jongho has recently been far too flirty and confident on stage for your weak heart to handle. You were just about ready to jump him when he walked in the door.
You hear the door unlock as if on cue, and Jongho’s steps enter the room. You don’t even think twice before bouncing off the bed and nearly tackling your boyfriend. Your lips immediately find his jawline and kiss all along it. He chuckles lowly and wraps his arms around your waist lightly.
“What’s got you so riled up?” he teases.
“You’re really going to stand here and pretend you don’t know what you’re doing? Fiddling with your mic just the right way, winking directly at the camera and motioning for someone to come closer, the fucking manspreading in the Cyberpunk choreography. Choi Jongho, you have been an absolute menace recently.” you ramble, fingers playing with the fabric of his hoodie.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
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