#jackie and mary have multiple braincells so they're good sjfklsdfj
What the OFMD crew uses their single braincell for:
Stede: fucking around and finding out
Lucius: couples’ therapy
Buttons: who the fuck knows at this point
Frenchie: music
Jim: revenge
Oluwande: being in denial
Pete: loving his boyfriend
Swede: singing
Roach: knives and meat
Wee John: clever insults/catchphrases
Ed: also fucking around and finding out
Izzy: not being able to leave ed and being angry about it
Fang: having a heart of gold
Ivan: stealing golden teeth and nothing else. he doesn’t want the gold if it isn’t in teeth form.
Badmintwins: hating stede bonnet
Calico Jack: nothing. it’s unused. probably lost it.
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