#ive never seen a single character so universally maid'd as saihara. we are all shaking hands
evercelle · 24 days
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HAPPY MAID DAAAAY whew wow who is this MYSTERIOUS maid who is possibly also a DETECTIVE?? only one way to find out...
MAIDGATE (r/OumaKokichi), fic by @merthurlin
it's another collab with maayan! the thrilling sequel to last year's deranged maidective/idol AU!! i drew a bunch of pics for idolouma's stans to puzzle over. they're all embedded in the fic, but i'll put the extras under a cut :)c
these are version are without ouma's graffiti on them...!
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(if ur asking is that his zozotown outfit the answer is yes. i dont know how to dress idols)
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