#it's only right that claudette gets the most earnest description so far
byanyan · 1 year
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@morealist sent:ㅤi'm being funny . describe ur big sister , byan
byan describes your muse based purely on personal opinionㅤㅤ.・ (accepting)
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ㅤㅤ" claud's... prob'ly the nicest person you'll ever meet. —an' i don't say that lightly. i'm not in the habit of callin' people nice 'cause it's an overused word and most of the people who have it attributed to 'em are fakin' it. claud's an exception though — like, she's so nice that it's as much a flaw as it is a good thing. she doesn't expect anythin' in exchange for her kindness, which i used to like, but now... i dunno, it feels like she doesn't do enough for herself. "ㅤlips purse, and byan stops themself there — their issue with claudette giving and never getting anything in return isn't relevant to describing her right now.
ㅤㅤ" on top of bein' too damn nice for her own good, she's real shy. like, almost no confidence. i dunno why, it doesn't make any sense when she's so— "ㅤamazing. but that's too big and meaningful a word for them to use even in front of claudette herself.ㅤ" —i mean, she's cool, y'know? she's got no reason to not be confident if y'ask me. she's prob'ly the smartest person i know! she knows, like, everythin' about plants. and her cookin'? god, don't even get me started, it's so good. "ㅤthey sink backward, as if satiated by the very thought of one of her meals.
ㅤㅤ" claud's great. "ㅤi love her.ㅤ" she's not the sorta person i'd usually bother with, but like— "ㅤi'm glad she kept trying.ㅤ" ...she's persistent, in her own careful, nervous way. i like that 'bout her. an' she's a lot of fun once she opens up a little. the kinda person who's easy t' just be yourself around. she doesn't judge you for anythin' and instead just... accepts you for who y'are. like yeah, she might try t' improve some of your habits 'n whatever, but not in this obnoxious, patronizing, 'i know better than you' kinda way, y'know? she just... she cares. "ㅤshe saved my life.
ㅤㅤ" she's good. she's a good person. i won't call many people that, but claud? that's just what she is, there's no other fittin' way to describe her. "
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