#it's obviously not 1:1 either
mortal-kombat-1 · 1 month
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
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I don’t know if you know this but I love a good royal au just as much if not more than a mer au… so when someone mentioned it at the beginning of May and i went for the thematic mermay instead I vowed I would come come back to the subject. Sketch dump time
Enter young king Aaron and prince Andrew, who recently were assigned new personal guards but Andrew is starting to realize every other word out of Abram’s mouth is only a half-truth if not an outright lie… what could he possibly have to hide
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tennessoui · 3 months
I enjoy any reverse age fic that keeps Anakin realistically dark (and dramatic - I am an eViL SItH!!!) while also letting twink Obi-Wan be like, nope, Jedi live and Palpatine dies, those are the rules for fucking me <3
its very important to me that anakin thinks and acts like he's the most powerful person in the whole galaxy but then his soaking wet pathetic chihuahua of a padawan actually holds both of their leashes yeah
padawan obi-wan is like kill your master for me it would make me happy for a millisecond and anakin does the math and is like. perfect ok will do immediately. is there anyone i can kill for you that would make you happy for a whole minute? maybe thirty whole seconds? just let me know. i'll do it. i'll do it so fast.
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lunar-years · 1 month
S1 Keeley with a boyfriend she genuinely likes and has fun with (the first one in ages) and is maybe even starting to love, even though she hadn’t ever planned on falling in love with him, and this was only supposed to be PR, right (probably), and he isn’t even the right material for a longterm thing anyway (unless he could be?) only for him to go and break their carefully woven trust and demonstrate that he really is more the arsehole everyone else keeps telling her he is, rather than the person he's been to her (the one who, sure, has an ego through the roof, but who's also funny and kind and ambitious and brave) in one fell swoop. To have to wonder if she’s been blind this whole time to who he really is, and to be made to feel like a total idiot because of how he treated her, and then to decide firmly that no, he is good and he is trying, and then to make the choice to continue to be there for him and help him when he asks...
Late S1/S2 Keeley with a different boyfriend, and this one she's certain she loves, and he could most definitely be longterm material with only a little polishing, in fact she's pretty sure this is it, and she's going to see this man through to his shine, because he's worth it. Even as he spirals in retirement and even as they hurt each other in small ways that eventually start to add up into something bigger, she keeps believing things will get better and they both will do better, because the little life they've been building is worth it. Or it has been, up until he goes and breaks up with her and doesn't even give her the courtesy of presenting something passable as a reason, even as he's turned into a stranger before he's fully out the door. And then they're barely talking and she's heartbroken and she knows she probably went wrong somewhere in there, too, but he never told her how and she's too tired to pick apart all the whys, and she's mad at him but it's difficult to even hold space for that anger because she misses him....
S3 Keeley Jones who stumbles into another new thing, and it's not going to be anything serious (unless it could be), and she's still grieving the last one (maybe the last two?) (but this will be different, really) and Rebecca's telling her she isn't certain this is a good thing (but Rebecca never liked Jamie, either, and Jamie's turned out all right, hasn't he). Her new girlfriend flying her on extravagant dates and flooding her with extravagant gifts and making Keeley feel appreciated, like all the time she's put in is finally being recognized, makes her feel worthy of love (she only wants to be loved. she wants people to stop leaving.) Even as her new girlfriend announces their relationship to the entire office (and sure, it's a little sticky, being that her girlfriend is also her boss, and it makes Keeley feel a little uncomfortable, actually, having all those eyes on her, her employees, but she pushes it aside because Jack isn't afraid to acknowledge her, to make it known that she likes her, to stick with her, and that's something). It's something until it isn't, anyway. Until she only acknowledges Keeley where she wants to, to the people she wants to. Until she leaves, too, and takes Keeley's funding with her. And then Keeley is left to feel like the clueless one again, the idiot for not spotting it coming all along.
And she's making stupid decisions again (sleeping with exes just to get the chance to feel someone), and Jamie and Roy are weirdly close now, and isn't that just flipping great. somehow she missed that, too. And she's the one who made them both better!! they never would have turned out like this if she hadn't been pushing them towards it all along, and now they're there without her, which really doesn't seem fucking fair and definitely sucks. And she's maybe still a little (a lot) in love with both of them, but then they're demanding she choose between them like quarreling stupid schoolboys, and she doesn't even want to choose and she wants both of them at the same time she wants neither of them and then there's still the sticky business of rebuilding her firm with what Jack did still sitting so raw in her chest (and it was never that serious anyway, so why does it bother her so much? why does everything bother her so much?)
(im gnawing at my enclosure)
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mattodore · 1 year
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everyone say hi jordan ✌
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otrtbs · 11 months
“regulus’ death in art heist baby was so abrupt?” no way, almost like an actual death of a 20-something-year-old would be??? “it came out of nowhere” ??? no way, almost like an actual death would??? “even with the heavy foreshadowing it just took me by surprise” thank god,, that was supposed to be the point
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toastingpencils37 · 13 days
Random theory for why in canon (not talking about the VA) Ras voice is different from DR part 1 to later.
In Part 1, while he was still in Imperium, he had to build up a menacing reputation for himself. Thus, the deeper and more growly voice.
But later, in Part 2 and onwards, he doesn't have to do that as much, as he doesn't have as much social power as he did then. And even when he's talking to Jordana, he doesn't have to be as threatening to her, but more generous, as he's offering her a chance to use what she extracted from the source dragon. Plus, that reputation he previously had, is still somewhat there.
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wetcatspellcaster · 9 months
"What if I told you I love you" "You'd be lying" "*laughing* But a beautiful lie, nonetheless...." - hahahahahaha screaming crying throwing up
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watchmakermori · 2 years
something I appreciate arcane for above all else is the perspective it takes on violence and change. it would have been so easy for this show to take a ‘violence is never the answer’ stance, wherein silco’s aggression and terrorism only make things worse for the people of zaun and his anger gets in the way of resolution. likewise, it also would’ve been very easy for this show to take a ‘violence is always the answer’ approach, leaning harder on the revolution aspect and taking the stance that compromise with oppressors is always failure. but instead, it approaches these themes with a lot more nuance, showing how violence can both aid and hinder progress, and how brokering peace can often only solve conflict in the short term
this is represented most keenly via vander and silco. we’re positioned to like vander, and his goals are sympathetic; he has an uneasy peace with the enforcers, which keeps the undercity in poverty but saves them from more tyrannical violence. it’s understandable why he wants this, after having lost so much in a previous revolution, but it ultimately hurts the city in the long run. constantly making peace with piltover leads to dissent amongst his own people, and his inaction is the catalyst that allows silco to take over. that puts the people of zaun in even more peril
but silco also represents change. he’s a ruthless kingpin who ravages his own people with shimmer, but the power he holds is what ultimately gives zaun a chance at independence. the council would never have entertained this when vander was in charge, because he bowed to their every whim. by becoming a genuine threat, silco gained bargaining power, and very nearly gained the independence he’d spent years grasping for
I really like that the thing which dooms zaun and piltover’s prospect of peace is not silco’s destructive nature. it’s his benevolence - his love for his daughter, who he refuses to give up. but on the other side of this, it is jinx’s violence that ultimately shatters any chance of peace between the two nations, when she makes the decision to attack the council
there are just so many layers to it, and this theme is present in more than just silco and vander’s characters too. we see how horrified jayce is when he accidentally - but brutally - kills a child in the undercity, but we also know that the council’s ongoing negligence towards zaun kills far more children, and he was happy to ignore that for years. we see how heimerdinger cautions against developing hextech for fear of the destruction it could cause, yet ignores the day-to-day suffering that hextech might alleviate, because he is privileged enough to turn away from it.
arcane is one of very few stories that successfully takes a big-picture look at how violence and peace are not necessarily polar opposites, and how sometimes brokering a peace to maintain an oppressive system is the most violent thing you can do. it manages to capture the nuances of how violence can both help and hinder a cause, without ever giving us an easy answer of how to resolve things. i love it so much and I hope that complexity carries through into the next season
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noscomnias · 8 months
i think a lot of people forget hiiro isn't stupid, like you know that canonically he gets higher scores than tsukasa in class and tsukasa is literally an honor student and wants to top him one day. just because he may not understand city culture doesn't mean he's lacking in logical smarts
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recurring-polynya · 4 months
Assuming that Ichigo, Chad and Uryuu left for Hueco Mundo from Urahara's shop after midnight, November 1 started during Bleach episode #142 and ended on episode #310 and I honestly find that a little bit upsetting.
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I am once again daydreaming of making my own social media platform and how to make it not give a hoot about American laws (no relation to American soil, I'm European anyway) and be structurally resistant to enshitification through independence and community ownership unfortunately I am one inexperienced programmer with not much spare change to throw at such a gamble so I'm only daydreaming
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
Why Athy's coronation is a bigger deal than it seems
Or me overthinking WMMAP's worldbuilding
The narrative of Athy's coronation is so interesting to me. Perhaps it wasn't completely intended by Spoon, but its implications for the world of WMMAP are more than impressive.
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What got me thinking about this is that, in real life, the heir to the throne is not "crowned" as crown prince, they are the person expected to succeed since birth. That would be Athy as Claude's only child, so why would she need a coronation? Apart from securing the position that people have been trying to steal from her since she was born. Well, if we look at how royal succession works in real life, until the 20th century crown princesses weren't considered heirs. Being the rulers of their nation by their own right was just not allowed.
They were more often than not the spouse of a crown prince, but even crown princesses by birth wouldn't inherit the throne in a male dominated succession. Which seems to be exactly Obelia's case, despite how its first ruler was a queen, Queen Ambrose, as stated in the novel by Athy. Some interesting events must have happened between Obelia's foundation and the present day for that to change.
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We see some subtle signs of this in the manhwa. All the royal portraits only depict male rulers, and Athy mentions how immortal names were only granted by the emperor to his heir, the empress' son, that's why Claude received such a name (meaning "limping"). We aren't told that giving immortal names to the emperor's daughter was outright forbidden, but it's certainly unusual, as -apart from Ambrose- Athy is the only member of Obelia's royal family that we know has a name evocative of immortality. The named emperors, Anastasius, Aevum, Aeternitas, Caelum, were all males.
This makes Diana naming her daughter "Athanasia" incredibly daring. She wasn't the emperor, who has the right to choose an heir, she wasn't even Claude's wife, and yet Diana was the one who gave Athy her name.
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So, following Obelia's succession and history, it looks like Athy was never expected to actually rule the empire or exert authority. Sure, she would be the empress, but she wouldn't be looked as an equal to her male predecessors. In the novel, both local and foreign nobles were very invested in who Athy was going to marry, saying that she needed to have a strong and capable husband, like Arlanta's prince Dice, since as a princess she was delicate and weak. Others (Roger) argued that she must marry an obelian nobleman, to maintain the power within the country. This was followed by a hilarious scene of Athy breaking the cutlery and shutting their mouths.
This kind of worldbuilding also explains why Roger was so focused on Ijekiel marrying Jennette, he wanted him or their future son to be emperor. As we see in the novel's LP side story, they never wanted Jennette to seize the throne, and she never got a coronation or the title of heir. The same could be said for the manhwa, Anastasius and Aeternitas wanted to use her as a puppet, not make her an empress, and in that way legitimize their accession to the throne.
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Athy actually being considered the heir to the throne by her own merits and later crowned as such is pretty extraordinary for a world like Obelia's. Other series have coronation ceremonies for princes and princesses, so maybe Spoon thought it was a real thing, but both analyzed from a real life point of view and from within the narrative, it's an amazing achievement. Claude is obviously not someone that cares for Obelia's traditions, the nobles rescenting him for his origins, so it's even possible that the ceremony was the first of its kind.
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Since Athy is Claude's only child, the reader would expect her to be the next ruler by default, but Obelia doesn't seem like a particularly equal society when it comes to both class and gender. This is even more apparent with the misogynistic treatment she received in the novel, or how a noble tried to belittle her in the manhwa. Even more polite nobles mentioned they thought of Athy as little more than "a cute little princess" before she became the emperor's proxy. So it was natural that, with Anastasius suddenly coming back to life, a good portion of the traditional noble faction would back him, despite being an overthrown tyrant.
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In summary, Athy being crowned as heir is an extraordinary accomplishment in itself, breaking Obelia's tradition of perhaps centuries. I would dare to say, maybe an unprecedented event since Queen Ambrose's rule. And as the final chapter states, she would become an empress adored by the people and who would live on in history.
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s4pphoiduser · 4 months
in a world with an aftg show (because it Has to be a show, not a movie) seth would have a Pretty Guy actor playing him who looked even prettier when he was sneering or scowling and people would make edits of him with the velocity + slo-mo effects and be like "i can fix him"
#and kevin would be it boy of the century and matt would be THE 2000s icon along with allison#neil's the one who looks scrappy and jumpy (which he is) but everyone's gonna be in love with his sharp tongue and hater behavior#everyone would either hate andrew or love him and obv i fall into the second category i'd be no. 1 andrew minyard apologist/defender/lover/#everyone (including myself) would love nicky if this adaptation of him didnt come with all those predatory jokes godbless#everyone else is an icon. yes even aaron who's way too detached from the foxes but he partially slays just being a fox and king of idgafdom#the girls are icons obviously duhhh#but i think with riko the actor would be soooo good and pretty like scary pretty that people make edits and the captions are like DISCLAIME#wymack would have sooo many edits with the sound of whatever's trending that's equivalent to the usher DADDY'S HOME one#i actually have so many thoughts ab an aftg show despite how much i dont want it like i cant help it! aftg slays too much!#these bitches r all too damaged! i love them all too much! i think ab them all the time!#lots of people hate but aftg and the foxes r genuinely some of the most well written relationships to me probably bc i can personally relat#and i think a show would allow for other scenes that we dont see in the book bc theyre all from neil's pov and we don't really find anythin#know anything ab the other foxes beyond what neil knows himself#and LEST I FORGET. JEAN MOREAU. ICON OF THE CENTURY METHINKS...!#neil josten#andrew minyard#kevin day#dan wilds#allison reynolds#renne walker#matt boyd#aaron minyard#nicky hemmick#seth gordan#s4pphoiduser#aftg#all for the game#the foxhole court#the raven king#the king's men
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unityrain24 · 6 months
"oh the loki in the series isn't the same as the one in infinity war because he got several movies-worth of character development scrapped. the tva version is all the way back from avengers 1, that's why."
ok but have you considered that maybe that doesn't even make sense for avengers 1 loki.?
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sinlizards · 1 year
ok op I found your art a bit ago when I got back into aa and immediately got reinvested into narumitsu and I. Am obsessed with the way you draw Phoenix. he is so nice to look at and idk if I'm making sense with this but your art is so calming!! it's so good!! do you have any art tips for beginners? I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I just really enjoy your style and your art is a big inspiration. have a good day/night!
thank you so much ;_;! with art tips i never really know where to start esp cuz "beginner" is a really broad spectrum, but the best i can give (aside from telling you to do studies and dumping a masterpost of stuff people already have talked over endlessly) are 2 things that drastically helped improve my outlook on art 1) Draw things simply for the sake of it being fun. Basically this post
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sometimes I would get so caught up in my own head about trying to make the Next Best Thing but ended up just killing any joy drawing gave me which defeats the whole point of art for me. Sometimes you have to draw some silly shit just to be like damn this is fun !
2) Let yourself be inspired by other art. By that I mean look at other artists work and actually analyze what you enjoy about it (color, pose, composition, etc.) and see how you could apply that to your own work. It's not cheating to use some colors or a pose you found interesting in one persons work. the Key here is being INSPIRED and not COPYING please for the love of god nobody misinterpret this
if you did want any advice on something specific feel free to shoot another ask! im very bad with Broad topics like this </3 EDIT: i'm gonna go ahead an link a really good post iraprince made on the basics of getting started with art! It's a lot more thorough and also the part about learning to separate your inspiration is really good: https://www.tumblr.com/iraprince/674915305693265920/if-youd-never-seriously-practiced-art-how-would
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