#it's not just the initial hesitation. he hesitated -> chose to disarm yuri rather than shoot to kill -> left yuri alive after their fight.
muninnhuginn · 1 year
It is an ask and answer though, really. "Why did I hesitate?" followed by not finishing off Yuri as soon as he invokes Yor's name.
And Twilight explicitly told Yuri to flee if he wanted to live, but in the end, he didn't follow through with that threat when he was in the position to.
Both Twilight and Yuri are left with their own questions after this chapter. Will Twilight recognise the reasons behind his actions in this confrontation? And with Yuri considering that Twilight could disguise as him so well because he'd been close enough to observe? It's setting him on a clear path to suspecting Loid. For all that Twilight won the physical fight, Yuri is the one leaving with more information.
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