#it's like more or less my take on his TYL form
fawism · 2 years
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This was actually from 2 years ago, happy birthday Tsuna
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ppatpranss · 4 years
GAYA SA PELIKULA EP. 02 Review: Let’s talk about that dinner scene.
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“May nahanap ka na bang mauuwian?”
I always have this kind of fear over a series that I already liked in the first episode: a fear that the second one will not live up to it, and so will the rest. But Gaya Sa Pelikula on its second episode did not disappoint, and instead set a whole new pace that further strengthens the story it wants to tell. In this episode, you get easy banters, hilarious make-believe and intriguing fantasies, heartwarming softness, a piercing tension at every turn, that very subtle buildup of romance, and of course, that wonderful conversation on the dining table.
Early warning that I have been gushing about the dinner scene since last night, so it will take up a lot of space in this review/discussion.
What sets Gaya apart
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Every time I watch an episode of this show and would rewatch it, I am always overwhelmed with the amount of observations I am able to write down. There are a lot of elements that make this such a good watching experience, and all of those elements just naturally come together. By this, I mean that it does not rely solely on, say, just directing or writing or acting. All of these come together, and I appreciate that you can clearly see how well-thought out everything is.
Episode 02 is a lot more free-flowing and non-structured in my opinion. Transitions feel a lot smoother this time compared to the more scene-after-scene approach of the (no less incredible) pilot episode. Because of this, I actually feel like this point is the real beginning of the story – that this sets the tone for a lot of the future events that could possibly happen between Karl and Vlad, and the people in their lives.
Personally, this is what sets Gaya apart not just among the BL series, but also in Philippine TV in general. For the longest time, we got used to stagnant or repetitive conflicts. Sometimes all the drama are injected to overwhelm the audience. But this one takes its time well. This is a show that wants to bring its audience along its every journey.
Parallels, heartbreaks, buildups
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The opening scene picks up where we left off, with Ate Judit now writing a check for Karl’s rent because Vlad will stay over. She reminds Karl that while she’s a cool sister, she won’t stand for her brother getting hurt again. With this, she specifically mentioned “a boy too sweet to swat a fly” who broke his brother’s heart before.
First of all, I’m getting a sudden whiplash whenever this is brought up because I know exactly who it is. Given the first encounter of Karl with Vlad, where he saw him drunkenly dancing to a song about intense heartbreak (again, stream tyl by kakie!), it must have been something truly painful. It doesn’t help as well that there is an obvious parallel going on here with the fact that the description also fits Karl. At one point, Vlad also tells him that he does not need to worry because he looks like someone who does not have a power to hurt him anyway. They are really setting us up as early as now for the heartache, no?
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In the same way, I appreciate how this show inserts the sexual attraction also forming between the two of them. Sexual attraction is a part of romance. Gaya normalizes it and emphasizes that it is just natural. The couch scene was particularly genius because of the double meanings of Karl and Vlad’s exchange. But more than that, I like how it also unapologetically shows the physical component of that attraction by having Karl and Vlad sit close together. Vlad even has his arm around Karl. Even the fact that Karl stared at Vlad when he got out of the bathroom was a nice touch.
While the One More Chance dream fantasy was all sorts of hilarious and sexy, it is a testament to how Karl’s subconscious is already telling him something that he keeps on denying. I also like the nice touch there when Karl woke up, he was just disoriented that he had a dirty dream, but not disgusted by it (there are some series and dramas that do this). He is attracted to Vlad. However, for Karl to accept his feelings, it also means that he needs to accept his sexuality. A point which was discussed primarily in the scene before this – the conversation at the dining table.
The phenomenal dinner scene
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I wish I am able to give justice to this scene through words, and I’ll try because we need to talk about it (or I need to talk about it). As a fan of films and TV series, I feel like conversations are the most difficult to bring to the surface. You need to keep the audience’s attention while also making sure that the depth is there. For me, what I always look for in conversation scenes are three things: (1) how normal these conversations would sound like as if you are overhearing them from the table next to you; (2) how a director captures the rawness of the exchange between the two actors; and (3) how natural would the delivery be of each line. I think the third point is very important. Some actors have this tendency to talk in a certain kind of perky tone that makes it sound superficial. Thank goodness, both Ian and Pao were really great in this scene.
Of course, the most well-known example for a good conversation scene is the entire Before trilogy – it remains the gold standard for exhibiting the power and the magic of conversations, of an entire film with just these two people talking and forming connections. While this dinner scene isn’t exactly a Before levels type of perfection, to me it was a perfect scene in the face of BL series and the Philippines TV landscape in general.
𝗚𝗮𝘆. 𝗕𝗮𝗸𝗹𝗮. 𝗕𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘁. 𝗕𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗮𝘆 𝗶𝘁. 𝗜𝘁 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝘀 𝗻𝗼 𝗲𝘂𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗺. 𝗜𝘁’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁.
One of the things best highlighted in this scene is when Karl did the gesture with his hand. That is unfortunately common in the Philippines, with people literally doing it to your face when they ask you. Or some of them done behind your back with matching giggling and knowing looks. I should know because I’ve seen it among my relatives when they try to refer to or describe a cousin or an uncle who is gay or might be gay. Karl was conditioned to think this way, and it’s no surprise that he would struggle to ask the question and get the word out. Meanwhile, Vlad is confident in his own skin. He doesn’t miss a beat and tries to get Karl to say the words in a way that both lectures him and encourages him.
This is what makes the scene purely amazing. It is confrontational, but it is not dramatic. It isn’t even preachy at all. It’s just a seemingly ordinary conversation between two people over a meal, trying to get to know and understand each other. You really got to hand it to Severo for constructing a dialogue this way because it also brings out both of Karl and Vlad’s current disposition. Moreover, this topic is a big deal and there are a lot of conversations that need to be had around it. But this scene easily summed it up around that one simple gesture. In less than a minute, it was able to tell you that being called gay, bakla, bayot, bading is not an insult. No grand monologue was needed.
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Aside from that iconic exchange, I also loved the second part of it. It’s not going around much on Twitter so I can see some people reacting to the earlier exchange as if Karl was really just insulting Vlad. But the deal here is, Karl is also in the process of unlearning his bias and conditioning. He grew up in a household where his Dad would take digs against his gay uncle, Tito Santi. There’s even a hint of Tito Santi being physically hurt by his father if he’s “babakla-bakla” (basically another insulting way of saying lalambot-lambot). You can just imagine how difficult it must have been for him to grow up and feel like he needs to follow a certain path that his parents see for him.
Hence, when confronted by Vlad with the question, “Ikaw ba, bakla ka?” he was defensive. His tone shot up much higher than normal and was almost panicked. You can literally feel all of his guard come up. Vlad asked him why he was acting like he just accused him of a crime, and to his credit, Karl immediately apologized. But again, I just really understand Karl and I can’t wait for him to really see himself and get to know himself. There is so much about him that I am interested to learn and for him to learn as well about himself. I always see him as like a kid learning to take his first steps – he stumbles but tries to stand again even for just the sake of himself. His many mess-ups in life make his character compelling… and I guess this is just me on my #ProtectKarlAgenda.
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Interestingly, as per Direk JP, above scene references an iconic scene from Jose Javier Reyes’ 1993 rom-com film MAY MINAMAHAL which, coincidentally, I just watched last month when I found its restored version on iWant. Amazing as well that the specific scene of them having a meal together was really my favourite from the film because it was a turning point for Carlitos (Aga Muhlach) and Monica (Aiko Melendez). It was when they finally start to get to know each other because for the longest time, they would just flirt in the cafeteria. It was a fitting reference because for Karl and Vlad, they are already starting to get to know each other by sharing even a small part of themselves. I also find it adorable watching Karl watch Vlad messily eat his food. I live for those small soft moments because it just seems so pure and innocent.
All in all, the dinner scene truly delivered. It was iconic and powerful. Major props to Gege and Direk JP, but also to both Ian and Pao. I loved how Pao was able to capture Karl’s reluctance and embarrassment, and Ian just exudes the confidence you need to see in Vlad. How can I describe this connection? Magnetic, I guess? They can easily throw these lines at each other, sustain the tension, and kind of just get lost in it. At every turn, Vlad has the power in this scene as he tries to pull Karl towards him, but also Karl stands on his own ground despite being unsure. I appreciate that about Karl – his life can be a mess, but he never really loses his sense of self and principles.
Finding a home
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Aside from everything that happened in this episode, one of the things that I definitely loved is its subtle hint of these two people finding a home in each other. The most striking line for me, really, was when Karl asked Vlad, may nahanap ka na bang mauuwian? I like that this can translate to have you found a place to stay in? and have you found a place to go home to? The episode had such a great run in double meanings, and this one takes the cake more than anything. Karl was starting to feel guilty about kicking out Vlad, and it also happens that over his phone call with Tito Santi, he told him to always find a way to repay kindness with paying it forward to another person or to the community. Luckily, Vlad went back to his apartment to use the restroom.
When Vlad was about to leave, Karl called him back and asked, “Nag-dinner ka na ba?”
Vlad stayed for dinner.
When Vlad was done with dinner and was about to leave again, Karl stopped him and said, “Dito ka na lang matulog.”
Vlad stayed the night.
When Vlad was about to leave to come live with his ex-boyfriend after cooking breakfast as a thank-you, Karl offered him a place to stay, “Will you be my housemate?”
Vlad said yes and stayed.
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In today’s epilogue, Karl is still seated on his side of the couch, but Vlad this time was standing at the back of the other side, leaning forward. A stuffed whale occupies the space beside Karl. Every now and then, the two of them would look at each other but it is Karl who would often glance back at Vlad – as to what his eyes are telling him, I don’t know. But if I am allowed to guess, perhaps he was trying to get him to sit beside him? Perhaps, as the closing note goes, there is always a space for Vlad there.
Comments; Ramblings
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It’s only the second episode but Gaya is already sparking conversations and it does it in such an engaging way for its many fans. For me, this one really sets the foundation for what is yet to come for the story of Karl and Vlad. If anything, this episode emphasizes that struggle will always be a part of queer love, at least in our current socio-political climate. It isn’t just in regard to identity, but also with everything that comes with the acceptance of who you are by yourself and the Other.
For the pilot episode discussion, I talked about how there seems to be a running theme in this show about seeing – of looking at yourself, the other, or a beloved. This episode shows us Karl seeing Vlad; closely and slowly starting to unravel what it was about him that compels him. For Vlad’s part, I’m pretty sure he’s starting to see who Karl is, too. I feel like him feeling comfortable enough with the idea of staying in Karl’s place and actually living with him over the sem break is an indication of strangely feeling at ease (home?) with someone he just met.
The concept of persons as homes takes me back to a post from a Facebook page called Bibliophile, which was lifted from a poem written by Warsan Shire called ‘For Women Who Are Difficult to Love’: “You can’t make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that.” This episode made me think a lot about that. On one hand, it feels romantic and uplifting to know that you have someone you can call your home, someone you can always return to as Yiu-fai put it in HAPPY TOGETHER [1997]. On the other hand, it feels scary because people change and if today the door and the windows are open, it might not be the same the next day. But I suppose I can feel hopeful for both Karl and Vlad. Perhaps, the door to Karl’s apartment will always be open for Vlad and the space beside the couch will always be reserved for him.
Gaya Sa Pelikula airs new episodes every Friday 8PM (Manila time) on Globe Studios’ Youtube channel.
GAYA SA PELIKULA Ep 01 Review [x]
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heartslogos · 5 years
seas who could sing so deep and strong [120]
“Percy! Baby girl come here!” Punk yells out and Judge feels his stomach flip, clench, and then sink through his feet and into the Void.
Judge feels an astounding wave of bitter, uncomfortable things curling up in the space his stomach recently vacated, and his chest tightens to match. It feels like his skin is tightening against his bones and all the liquid’s been sucked out of his body. Judge feels like shit and the fool that Kore always (sometimes affectionately, usually with a touch of exasperation and despair) calls him.
Kore can be with whoever she likes. Kore has every right to go wherever she wants and be with whoever she wants and…form relationships with whoever she wants. Judge doesn’t get to, well, judge that. He doesn’t get any say in that and he doesn’t have any right to have feelings about it. Kore’s her own person.
Kore is her own person. Judge knows this and he’s always known this.
Kore is more than capable of making her own choices and…well. Cutting others off. If Kore didn’t like something or someone doing anything - existing, even - she can and will remove that thing immediately. Judge knows his firsthand.
And he’s never - well. He’s never said anything. He’s never put words to that feeling of golden dust that runs its fingers along his ribs or gently lathes the back of his neck or the warm sunbeam glow that seems to coat his shoulders and his face and his palms whenever she gives him that look that he’s fairly certain is just for him. He’s never said anything about the stillness, the presence, of her breath inches away from him when they sleep on the same ship. He’s never said a single whisper about the feeling of her fingertips touching his before their palms meet.
Judge’s never told Kore that he loves her, just…convinced himself that she knew. He’s never said a thing to her. He’s told her that he appreciates her and that she’s important to him and that he wants to help her and be with her and….pretty much everything except those key words.
Kore, I love you.
Well. He might have said it? But said it kind of off hand. Not. Not in the way that conveys what he really means.
But Judge doesn’t quite know what he really means? Because?
What he really means is that Alpha always knows where Earth is but Judge can feel Kore in his head and his chest like dawn. What he really means is that even though it’s super gross he wants to be the only one to scratch her Nidus’ brain for her and make all of those cells sparkle and light up. What he really means is that he doesn’t want to ever lose her and he wants to be there for her through every single star in space.
What he really means is that he loves it when she mocks Tyl Rygor, and he adores it whenever she pretends like Spooky isn’t her favorite baby, and he’s entirely charmed with how smooth she thinks she is whenever she and Ordis pretend to be a regular Tenno and Cephalon around other people instead of Tenno and self-aware and determining intelligent entity that’s broken all its safety protocols.
What Judge really means is that. Well. All of the above and then some, but he has a hard enough time talking in general so he’s not sure how he’s supposed to say all of those things out loud.
He’s not even sure what kind of response he wants.
Judge feels the resignation setting in already. And he can see himself taking every opportunity to get sand in Punk’s everything and to maybe give him a good “accidental” zap now and again. But Punk’s so good natured he probably won’t even notice. Judge could, also, probably ditch Punk and get him out or something, but that’s unfair of him. Judge shouldn’t take out his own insecurities on Punk, just because Punk had the guts to -
There’s a sudden blast of deeply uncomfortable, and a quickly beginning to become painful, heat at Judge’s back and he turns, squinting to see Kore. Kore, stepped out of her Nidus, and blazing gold so strongly it’s like a star has touched down on Earth.
“What the fuck,” Kore says and Judge is hit by a simultaneous wave of relief that nearly knocks his legs out from underneath him, and confusion.
“Guys,” Chic says, clapping Judge on the shoulder, “Chill. He’s talking to my dog. Seriously, Judge. Chill. You’re making my hair stand on end.”
Judge blinks, turning to Chic and sees that the Tenno’s hair has gathered his static to become an impressive cloud of vibrant pink. He didn’t even realize - well, never does realize honestly.
“Sorry,” Judge says, attempting to smooth her hair down and only making it worse. Chic sighs.
Kore’s rage has not abated, not a single degree, in fact it seems like she’s getting hotter. Judge and Chic quickly jog away from her as vegetation in her vicinity begins to wilt and brown.
Punk’s holding Chic’s newest kubrow pup as the black and tan puppy wiggles about doing its damned best to lick his face off. She’s a squirming, yapping, wriggling mass of fur that’s delighted to be in Punk’s arms as he coddles and coos over it.
“Did I forget to mention that Percy the dog adores Punk like nothing else?” Chic says.
“I rescind my permissions,” Kore barks out immediately. “Change the name.”
“I can’t,” Chic says, “Percy already recognizes her name.”
Percy the dog swivels towards Chic, ears perked up immediately, tiny puff of a tail still going at it like a motor. When no one says anything else towards her she resumes trying to merge with Punk’s body via licks and enthusiastic cuddles.
“I hate this,” Kore says, and it’s several minutes of her slowly getting her temperature under control with the occasional flare up whenever Punk says Percy in the direction of the dog.
Judge waits with her, feeling guilty and ashamed of the several less than kind thoughts he’d just been going through.
Once the air around Kore’s gone from insufferably hot to weirdly warm he approaches and Kore snags his wrist with her hand - it’s like being held by a rock that’s been baked for a few hours - and just. Holds him there.
“You going to be okay?” Judge asks, hoping that she doesn’t notice the weird wobble to his voice. Or that if she does she attributes it to the fact that this could possibly be seen as a humorous situation. Certainly not by himself and not by Kore, but probably by Chic or Alpha or Punk or Empress.
“I need to change my name,” Kore says. “And you change yours too.”
“Me?” Judge blinks, wrinkling his nose, “Why do I have to change my name?”
“Because our names are a pair,” Kore replies like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “Hades and Persephone? We had an entire story time about it? You made me holograms and got me pomegranates? If I change my name you change your name and vice versa.”
Again, that warm feeling that blooms along his bones and sighs into his veins.
Judge smiles at her.
“You know I’m bad at naming things, though. We could just be the Fool and Spring.”
Kore wrinkles her nose, “We’ll call those…plan Z.”
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