#it's great but whew that's a lot of time! ya girl has been sleepy as hell
notjanine · 1 year
this week me n Books got dressed up and went to a slightly famous fun new restaurant,* the next day we stayed in for a cozy movie night,** and the next we met their mom for dinner.*** it’s almost like we’re building a life together or something****
#also got absolutely railed on my birthday godbless#actually we had sex every night i was at their place this week which is. a lot bc we be fuckin for hours#it's great but whew that's a lot of time! ya girl has been sleepy as hell#* canje atx- it was fun and i would recommend it but i probably wouldn't go again#each thing we ate was good (except i hated Books' drink and they did not like the (v mustardy) callaloo) but most dishes weren't balanced#and they didn't present them in a way that made a lot of sense (i've been to one of the owners' other restaurants and it was similar there)#it was also unbelievably loud in the restaurant which would have been very unpleasant but it was fine being there with Books#like it was a bummer bc they had just finished the first ep of black sails and i'd just finished the first book in their favorite series#so we were both psyched for a good conversation over dinner but! not possible!#but we still had fun bc they're the only person on earth i could just look at and not talk to for an hour and a half#ANYWAY the appetizers did absolutely fuck we had a little tropical fruit salad and saltfish fritter and they were bomb#and i looked Cute in my little black dress with my new leg tattoo#** we had never done a movie night in before?? we've gone to the theater and we've watched tv at home but#hadn't done a full on lights out cozy blankets quietly stare at the screen for two hours before. it was great#*** my first time meeting a Mom and it was weird and scary and awk bc they aren't out to her so i had to use the wrong pronouns for them#but i survived. and they aren't super close for complicated reasons so it won't be a regular thing but. it was okay.#**** i spent christmas AND my birthday with them and#ok they're in school right this is currently their first semester of college#and they mentioned to their mom that they might be transferring/moving before they finish#that was my first time hearing that so i brought it up later like hey what did you mean by that where are you planning on going?#and they were basically like. if you pick a state i'll pick a school there#like it is time for me to start applying for jobs and i had been planning on bringing up this slight possibility with them but#i decided to wait until next week or later bc i didn't want them to feel obligated to say what i want to hear bc of my birthday#but they brought it up. because as usual we are very much on the same page#i don't even particularly WANT to move out of state right now but#to know that i wouldn't have to make the hard decision between them and my career? gosh#they're so good#i'm so glad i kept an open mind when my friend offered to set me up with someone the exact opposite of what i was looking for lmao#remember after that weekend i had those two first dates and i was like idk ab this Bookstore one... l m a o i was a fool!#now i am still a fool just in a different way
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nebris · 7 years
Written in 2001. Teenage bisexual witches. What’s not to like?
FADE IN EXT. SKY - DAY MEDIUM SHOT of MIRIAM, 18, angelic, petite. She is wearing a Diaphanous White Gown as she slowly floats downward, a SKY of RACING CLOUDS above her. INT. BEDROOM - DAWN C/U of Miriam, snuggled in the Bed Clothes, sleeping happily, sucking her thumb. EXT. SKY - DAY A TIGHTER SHOT of Miriam floating downward against the Sky of Racing Clouds. INT. BEDROOM - DAWN A WIDER SHOT of Miriam REVEALS:SUZY, 18, cute, blond. She is sleeping 'spooned' with Miriam. EXT. SKY - DAY C/U MIRIAM'S FACE: She smiles mysteriously as the Clouds Race above her. INT. BEDROOM - DAWN LONG SHOT of Miriam and Suzy in bed, 'spooned'. They snuggle closer in their sleep, smile slightly. EXT. L.A. SKYLINE - DAWN STOCK SHOT: Rapid time lapse transition from DAWN to DAY. INT. BEDROOM - DAY Miriam wakes up, checks Digital Clock, then turns to Suzy, strokes her cheek. MIRIAM (gently) Come on, sleepy head. It's time to get busy. Suzy wakes up, smiles at Miriam. They kiss tenderly. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Miriam, hair in a towel, stands naked before a slightly steamed Mirror, shaving her underarms. We see the SILVER PENTACLE PENDANT she always wears. SOUND of SHOWER in B/G. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Miriam and Suzy, wearing T-Shirts and Panties, sit on a Furniture Pad spread on the floor. They smoke cigarettes and drink coffee as they each clean a WALTHER PPK AUTOMATIC PISTOL. We see Suzy also wears a SILVER PENTACLE PENDANT. INT. BEDROOM - DAY A RAPID MONTAGE: Miriam and Suzy trying on different outfits, one after another. They 'tease', 'pose', and giggle, have a lot of 'girl fun'. EXT. L.A. SKYLINE - DAY STOCK SHOT: Rapid time lapse transition from DAY to NIGHT. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Miriam and Suzy check themselves out in the Mirror. They wear tough, sexy outfits: tight, low-cut tops, short mini-skirts, and big boots. They are pleased. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT C/U of FINE WHITE POWDER being chopped with a RAZOR, cut up into 'rails' on a GLASS TOP TABLE. CUT TO: Miriam snorts a line, hands the straw to Suzy. MIRIAM Whew! Sharp as a mother fucker! Suzy does a line, rubs her nose vigorously. SUZY (jumpy) Ooow, fucking A, dude. They look at each other with wicked grins and sparkling eyes. MIRIAM Let's go get some! SUZY Yeah! INT. CAR - NIGHT Miriam drives, as she and Suzy 'scope out the scene': the street is full of CARS and 'TRENDY' PEOPLE. [Melrose at night?] EXT. STREET - NIGHT It's a narrow, funky residential street. JIM, 40's, good looking, a bit sleazy, heads up the Sidewalk toward a LATE MODEL MERCEDES COUPE. SOUND of CAR ALARM 'CHIRPING' OFF. The Coupe's Parking Lights Flash. Coming in the opposite direction are Miriam and Suzy. Jim gives them a 'Hey, babe' smile. They both smile coyly. JIM And where are you fine ladies heading on this fine evening? MIRIAM ('checking him out') Depends. JIM Feel like partying? Miriam and Suzy look at each other, giggle, look back at Jim. SUZY Maybe. MIRIAM What ya got? JIM (grins) What do you want? MIRIAM Tweak. SUZY Yeah. And some fat, juicy bud. JIM Done. EXT. L.A. SKYLINE - NIGHT STOCK SHOT: Rapid time lapse of TRAFFIC RACING through The City as the FULL MOON RISES. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT C/U of TWENTY DOLLAR BILLS being counted out onto the Glass Table Top. JIM(O.S.) ..Forty, sixty, eighty, five hundred. Jim, Miriam, and Suzy sit on the floor around the Table. Miriam picks up the Cash. Suzy takes a big hit off a BONG, holds it, blows a huge cloud of smoke. SUZY Oh, man.That is the shit. JIM You know, I wouldn't have taken you two for working girls. Miriam looks at him very intensely. MIRIAM Thousands of years ago, in the Temples of The Great Goddesses, men would pay the priestesses for sex, not to fuck them as whores, but to have a real physical connection with The Divine, with The Goddess Herself. JIM (a bit stunned) That's pretty deep shit from such a little girl. MIRIAM I have a very old soul... (smiles coyly, pulls off her top) ...in a very young body. Jim leers at her breasts, notices her Pentacle. JIM (laughs nervously) You're a Satanist? MIRIAM No. The Devil is a Christian god. (sweet smile) We are witches. Suzy pulls off her top, licks lips at Jim, smirks. SUZY Bi-sexual teenage witches. Miriam and Suzy move into Jim's arms, begin kissing and touching him, pulling his shirt off. CUT TO: A RAPID MONTAGE of the three of them in several sexual positions and combinations. CUT TO: Jim lays sprawled naked against the couch, soaked with sweat, looks 'blasted'. Suzy, also naked, snorts a line. Miriam enters wearing a Diaphanous White Gown, carrying a Large Bottle of White Wine, which she places on the Table. MIRIAM (smiles at Jim) I have a special treat. She holds up a SMALL VIAL of DARK LIQUID. CUT TO: C/U of the Vial being emptied into the Wine Bottle. Dark Purple Tendrils swirl into the Golden liquid. MIRIAM(O.S.) Tonight, you shall know The Goddess intimately. CUT TO: C/U of the Darkened Liquid poured into a SILVER GOBLET. Miriam takes a deep drink, refills the Goblet. Jim sits in front of her, Suzy behind him, propping him up. Miriam offers the Goblet to him. He takes uncertainly, takes a sip. JIM (eyes widen) Whoa! He drinks deeply, up ends the Goblet. Miriam and Suzy exchange subtle smiles. CUT TO: OVERHEAD SHOT of the LIVING ROOM FLOOR: A WIDE BLACK CLOTH has been spread on the Floor. Across it, PAINTED in BRIGHT WHITE, is a LARGE PENTACLE inside TWO CONCENTRIC CIRCLES (apx. 5 ft. Dia.) with NUMEROUS ARCANE SYMBOLS inscribed around them. After a beat, Jim falls backward onto the Pentacle. CUT TO: A RAPID MONTAGE: C/U's of Jim's Wrists and Ankles being bound with Leather Strips. CUT TO: Miriam 'mounts' the tied down, spread eagled Jim, begins 'working 'her hips. He MOANS with PLEASURE.She starts to CHANT in an INCOMPREHENSIBLE LANGUAGE, (She does this non-stop though this scene) thrusts her hips harder: a steady rhythm. C/U JIM'S FACE: He looks up at Miriam in profound ecstasy. JIM'S POV: Miriam slowly floats downward, a Sky of Racing Clouds above her. OVERHEAD SHOT of LIVING ROOM: Miriam straddles Jim, 'rides' him steadily, CHANTS. Suzy knees above his head, holds it facing Miriam. C/U JIM'S FACE: Ecstasy! JIM'S POV: A TIGHTER SHOT of Miriam floating downward against a Sky of Racing Clouds. C/U JIM'S FACE: He is 'close to his limit'. JIM'S POV: C/U MIRIAM'S FACE as she smiles mysteriously, the Clouds Racing above her. Suddenly her EYES GLOW a BRIGHT YELLOW. SIDE ANGLE SHOT: Miriam's face, EYES GLOWING, is right up against Jim's face. She kisses him deeply. His EYES GLOW a BRIGHT YELLOW. Miriam breaks the kiss, pulls back slightly, opens her mouth. BRIGHT YELLOW 'CHANNELS' of LIGHT begin to pour from Jim's Eyes and Mouth and get sucked into Miriam's Mouth. Jim's Body spasms violently. Miriam and Suzy hold him down 'like they were made of steel'. LOUD SOUND of KEENING. The 'draining' lasts several seconds, then stops abruptly. Jim's Body collapses. His EYEBALLS have turned a PURE WHITE, his mouth hangs open. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT In the shower, under hot, steaming water, Miriam and Suzy embrace and kiss passionately, as BLUE/WHITE TENDRILS of 'ELECTRICAL' ENERGY crawl all over and around their wet, naked bodies. INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT C/U INTERIOR STAINLESS STEEL TUB: After a beat, Jim's Body is dumped into it. CUT TO: Miriam and Suzy, in Surgical Scrubs, pull on Rubber Gloves. CUT TO: Miriam begins to cut off Jim's Right Hand with a Hacksaw. CUT TO: Suzy holds a Clear Plastic Bag open, into which Miriam deposits Jim's severed Right Hand. CUT TO: Miriam writes on the Plastic Bag with a Magic Marker in an ARCANE SCRIPT. CUT TO: C/U of LARGE FREEZER LID: It is opened, REVEALING SEVERAL PLASTIC BAGS containing SEVERED HANDS. Miriam places Jim's Right Hand carefully among them, closes the Lid. CUT TO: Miriam and Suzy, now wearing Masks and Goggles as well, each heft a HAND HELD CIRCULAR SAW. They 'rev' the Saws, lean into the Steel Tub. SOUND of SAWS CUTTING INTO FLESH AND BONE. BLOOD and 'BITS' splatter onto Miriam and Suzy. They work steadily. CUT TO: C/U ELECTRIC MEAT GRINDER: A PIECE of 'MEAT' is fed into the Grinder, coming out as 'hamburger', which falls into a LARGE PLASTIC BUCKET, already half full. THREE BUCKETS, full and sealed, sit nearby. CUT TO: Miriam and Suzy wrap the Buckets in Plastic Garbage Bags, and tape them up. EXT. STREET - DAY Miriam and Suzy load the Plastic Wrapped Buckets into the trunk of the Mercedes Coupe, close it. EXT. SMALL PARK/MULHOLLAND DRIVE - DAY It's a Park overlooking the Valley. It is a beautiful day. Miriam leans on the front of the Mercedes, admiring the view. nearby, Suzy sits behind the wheel of their Car. After a beat, a CLASSIC 60's CAR pulls up next to the mercedes, inside TWO WOMEN, 20's, Latina, attractive, very tough. The passenger gets out. YANERA, tall, slim, wears a Leather Jacket, walks over to Miriam. They hug, kiss on both cheeks. Yanera leans on the Mercedes next to Miriam. YANERA It's a beautiful day. MIRIAM Yes, it is. Yanera pulls an ENVELOPE out of her Jacket, hands it to Miriam. YANERA Seven thousand, right? Miriam quickly looks in the Envelope:It's full of Cash. MIRIAM That's the deal. YANERA (sly smile) You got any of that 'special' pet food? All my homegirl's, their cats and dogs love that shit. MIRIAM (grins) There's over two hundred pounds in the trunk. (hands her the keys) Bon appetit. They hug, kiss on both cheeks. INT. CAR - DAY Miriam gets in the passenger side. SUZY All good? MIRIAM All good. They both look at the view. MIRIAM It's a beautiful day. SUZY That it is. EXT. L.A. SKYLINE - DAY STOCK SHOT: Rapid time lapse transition from DAY to NIGHT. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT LONG SHOT of Miriam and Suzy sleeping 'spooned'. Miriam sucks her thumb. EXT. SKY - DAY MEDIUM SHOT of MIRIAM: In a Diaphanous White Gown, she slowly floats downward, a Sky of Racing Clouds above her. FADE TO BLACK
@evaannapaula @catcomaprada @sissyhiyah @edenazucarar
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Playdate part 3: the playdate
The Play date It was shortly after 11 when there was a knock at the door and Ichigo was practically bouncing in place, eager to meet his new bestest buddy. He'd been all cleaned up and was in black short-all's and white diaper shirt with a pair of black socks on (since they weren't going out, there was no point in getting sneakers on him) and his lion print paci was clipped to the front of his short-all's. He was in a semi fenced off area of the living room, a baby gate used to keep him out of trouble and it was just high enough that with his bulky diapers and shaky legs there was little chance he'd be able to get over it. It was filled with baby toys, some coloring books and crayons, and of course some action figures. (When it came to toy shopping Ichigo had his mommy wrapped around his little finger)  but now Ichigo was standing up and trying to peer out the window to see who it was, though sadly the angle wasn't good enough. "MOMMY! Did you hear?! They're herrre!" the big baby said again, looking over his shoulder. Orihime was already up and headed for the door and smirked. "I think everyone on the block heard you silly boy." she teased and then went and answered the door. Ushering her guests in quickly Ichigo was shocked to see Rangiku lead in Toshiro of all people! the ex captain was dressed in a light blue pair of shorts that puffed out at the crotch much like Ichigo's short-all's and a black t-shirt, with white socks on and a pair of barney sneakers on. in his arm's he had a white dragon stuffie and was cuddling it to his chest. He was also sucking on a white pacifier and was blushing, clearly having been eager to get inside. "I hope my neighbors didn't give you any trouble." Orihime said to Rangiku, as she took a stroller that had been clearly used to cart Toshiro over and parked it in the hall. "Well we got some looks and some chuckles, but mostly because somebody was being a silly pants and trying to hide his face." The blond mommy said and leaned down to tickle Toshiro's tummy, making the big baby giggle and his paci fell out of his mouth.(though thankfully it was on a clip like Ichigo's) "who's a little silly pants, you are! you are!" Rangiku chuckled and then lead him over to the play area. "See? I told you we didn't need to bring more toys, Ichigo has lots of them and I'm sure he's more then willing to share while your here!" she said, She then dropped down to one knee to undo the velcro straps of Toshiro's sneakers and stood back up, lifting Toshiro free of his shoes and setting him in the play area. "Now you boys be good and play nice, Me and Rangiku are gonna go and have a coffee." Orihime said and waved bye bye to them. as the mommies walked off the two big babies looked at each other, Neither had expected his playmate to be the other one and after about 40 seconds of silence Ichigo finally broke the ice. "You uh..wanna play superheros?" "..DC or Marvel?" "Both!" "...Ok!" As the little dorks went to go and play Orihime poured herself a cup of coffee and then one for Rangiku who to Orhime's annoyance 'Irish'ed' hers up with a flask she pulled out. "..for future reference, no drinking at my place." was all she said and gave the other mommy a look that said try me bitch. "ehehe..Noted." Rangiku said, a nervous twinge in her voice. "So I was a little shocked to see baby boy Toshiro today. I figured you'd of brought him over in full sissy mode." Orihime giggled. She of course would NEVER of dressed her little cutie pie up as a sissy, (well, unless he asked her to, which she didn't see happening.) but that didn't mean she didn't just LOVE the cute pictures Rangiku sent her of 'princess' Toshiro. "I did toy with it for a little while." Rangiku admitted, sipping her coffee and smirking. "But I figured we wanted the first play date to go good and you said Ichigo doesn't respond well to girls other then mommies or caretakers." "heh, Yeah. though if he ever makes Toshiro cry over his pretty outfits when he goes over to your place let me know, I won't have the little pants pooper making our darling princess sob." The mommies shared a chuckle at that. After flipping a book about the ABC's three times, it was decided that Ichigo would play as the baddies while Toshiro could be the heroes. The plot for their game was the baddies had managed to take control of a lot of giant monsters (AKA Ichigo's stuffies) and were sending them after the Justice league and the avengers. As they were setting up for the game though Ichigo eyed Toshiro's dragon stuffie. "Ya know..that would make a super cool like final monster for the baddies ta have to fight." he said. Toshiro whined a little and clutched his dragon to his chest, looking a little nervous. "I-Icy isn't a baddie! He's a super duper cool dragon!' he whined and pouted a little. Ichigo giggled at then and smirked. "it's just PRETEND 'member?" Ichigo giggled. "ngggh..You promise ta be super careful with Icy?" Toshiro asked. "of course! I'm always careful wiff my toys!" Ichigo said, at which point Toshiro looked as a stuffed kitty that was missing a eye and a tail. "...Most of the time." "...If you hurt icy I'll never play with you again! and I'll tell my mommy and she'll kick you butt!" Toshiro said. Then he slowly, VERY slowly held out icy for Ichigo to take and let the bigger boy have it. "I promise, kid gloves. just gonna have him doing breath attacks." Ichigo said and nodded. The Mommies finished their first cup, and after a few more and some snacks,  moved into the living room to watch the boys play. AS they came into view of the great battle, Rangiku to stop and look shocked then smiled as she watched them keep playing. "Wow. Toshiro is trusting Ichigo with Icy.." She said, nodding to the stuffed dragon in the bigger boys hands. "Is that a big thing?" Orihime asked, smirking as Ichigo was roaring loudly and having the dragon fly around the heroes. "it took me a week before he'd let me hold Icy and I wipe his butt." "heh..well Ichigo does have a way of getting others to trust him." Orihime said, beaming with pride. As they moved towards the couch the boys stopped and looked at them. "Oh don't mind us, keep playing." Orihime said motioning for them to go on. "Totally. I wanna see who wins." Rangiku added. the boys looked at each other then grinned and the great battle waged on. "It's over fools! The avengers have been destroyed and you've exhausted yourself against out army and now you're too weak to stand against us!" Lex Luthor laughed, Standing over the downed man of steel. Behind him members of the dark angers and the legion of doom laughed. "Heh..Not quite Lex." Superman said. "What?" Lex asked, raising a eyebrow. "the avengers weren't destroyed by the tiger blast like you thought, we teleported them away to rest up while we handled the beast, figuring you would do something like this. In other words Lex.." Behind the villains came a cry from Iron Man. "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" The big final battle started to take place only to be interrupted with a loud crack of something that sounded like thunder, but it didn't come from Thor. Toshiro looked up and held his nose as Ichigo blushed a little, rubbing the back of his head. "Ewww really?" Toshiro whined, waving a hand. "ehehe Sowwy. Maybe we should pause the game fer a few." Ichigo said as anther thunder poot escaped into the back of his thick diapers. "Stinky!" Toshiro whined but he nodded in agreement. He was about to make anther comment when a third thunder poot sounded, only this time it wasn't from Ichigo. Toshiro's cheeks turned bright red as he too started to fart up a storm with Ichigo giggling. "Surre git mad at me, but whew, ain't like your blasting out roses ya know!" he giggled, holding his nose. "Ngggh..I-I know." their mommies watched and smirked, commenting to each other how natural it was for one baby messing to set off other babies, though their comments weren't hear over the boys now both giggling and trying to see who could fart louder. "Oh, this isn't going to end with clean diapers." Rangiku said and wrinkled her nose. "Er, you have any scented candles?" "Naturally, though a little worried about lighting them with all the methane in the air." Orihime giggled, winking. the babies caught onto to that comment and both huffed and whined. "Heyyy we're not THAT bad!" Ichigo whined. "Yeah! yer acting like it would blow up the house!" Toshiro added. "Isn't it cute when babies babble at you you? it's ALMOST like you could swear their trying to tell you something." Rangiku said and smirked. Orihime snickered despite herself and the babies Huffed and pouted big time, before both of them went from standing with their arms cross to popping a squat in stereo. "Wow, you'd swear they'd choreographed that!" Rangiku laughed. with a final series of gross sounding farts and the seat of Ichigo's short-all's bulging out, and Toshiro's shorts actually ripping in the back, the big babies -adorably!- held hands as they filled their huggies together. The mommies naturally didn't leave the little stinkers to stew in their fudge for long, and again chuckled as the two big babies kept holding hands to show support for the other as their diapers were changed side by side. After the change both babies little a little sleepy and so with Ichigo in her arms, Orihime lead the way to Ichigo's nursery with Rangiku carrying Toshiro behind her. As the babies were laid in the crib in just their diapers, they cuddled into to each other, making both mommies squeal in delight at the sheer cuteness of the scene and soon both were fast asleep. "so, I think we can agree the boys are going to get along." Orihime said as they walked back to the living room, opening some windows and airing it out. "That's a understatement." Rangiku said as she used a fan to help blow the stink out. "So, Same time three days a week at my place, then the next week your place?" "Sounds like a good deal." the Mommies girinned and shook hands while the babies gurgled and coo'ed. Life was good.
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