#it's been compared to the NOVEL HoHH (aka the only real HoHH besides the 1963 movie IMO)
there is no gut-punch like reading a book that is Shirley Jackson as hell (Just Like Home, by Sarah Gailey)
and then reading on the book jacket "perfect for fans of Netflix's The Haunting of Hill House!!!!"
like no fuck off this is for people who really really needed to know What If Merricat Was Kind Of Normal But Also The Daughter Of A Serial Killer Instead Of A Self-Made Orphan, And Also Mrs. Montague And Arthur Were There, And ALSO Also Mrs. Montague Was Nell Vance's Mother Too
(Vera reminds me of Connie from the Physick World series, as well, but somehow with an even less healthy family dynamic than "we're all witches and because of that our partners die tragic early deaths unless we magically worsen climate change about it")
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