#it's a bitch as an adult because it's assumed you're faking or it's nbd 'cause 'you made it this far'
awkward-teabag · 2 years
I am so beyond tired of this. I can't reasonably work/have a source of income without ADHD meds. I don't have a chance of getting on disability without a diagnosis (leaving out that two doctors would need to confirm it 'cause of course people would fake a disability to get... $1300 a month 🙄).
Except I can't get on meds without a diagnosis because ADHD meds are a controlled substance the same as benzos and opioids.
And I'm over 6 months waiting to see a psych and may need to wait another 18+.
And this assumes the psych will even diagnose me with ADHD because I'm an AFAB abuse victim so I can mask really well and a lot of the ADHD diagnostic criteria is based on 10 year old boys.
And in the meantime, I can't work (well I could but capitalism loves forcing people to work shitty hours and do several jobs at once; also there's the whole pandemic thing that's on-going) and I can't do any "gig" stuff to bring in money there because depression + ADHD means nothing gets done.
So everything is hinging on seeing a psych but who knows when that will be.
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