#it's Pencil x Match | Fanny x Bubble | Flower x Ruby | Lightning x Snowball
konata-the-izumi Β· 2 months
Anyways heres some lightfan (and other) stuff I did in the past several weeks to prove im not dead 😊😊😊
Starting off with a lightfan kis 😊😊😊
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they so joyful ☺️☺️☺️
Then theres these two images that look relatively the same
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Oops I forgot Fannys plug in the second one lol
Then theres this fries drawing I was meant to draw for my friend but forgot to give him this whole time-
(or maybe I already did but just forgot that I did- oh my stupid adhd-)
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These frickahh images (yes I know I showed them more than twice lmfao)
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Ok FINE these may or may not be my favourite drawings I did of my lightning and fanny gijinkas… /silly
This taco bfb gijinka ref sheet sketch im currently working on lmao
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Yes I know it’s unevenly coloured, I accidentally pressed a bit too hard on my sheet with my colouring pencil but the filter I added only made the unevenness even more noticeable πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
And finally, this iance bfb drawing that I’ve been working on for WEEKS
Idk everyone has been drawing iance gijinka lineups lately so I figured why not me lmao
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…And thats all for now lol! Seya soon and I hope to ACTUALLY get at least one of the WIP’s done lmao
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if you take the ppl that I ship together everybody on Iance is gay(no exeptions)
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toffeechad Β· 4 months
A lazy ahh summary of every major Monday Dusk Monolith x Battle For Corrupted Island character ever
(This crossover's pretty much a BFB AU and a FNF AU at the same time)
MDM!Loser: An archangel whose wings are unsymmetrical as well as a pure, golden circular halo. He is worshipped as a savior by many.
MDM!Blocky: He's a survivor who was a former prankster. His goal is to search for his missing friends, MDM!Pen, MDM!Eraser and MDM!Snowball. He also has a scaly wing on his back.
MDM!Woody: He's a survivor full of incomprehensible anxiety. He doesn't use the wings on his legs for flying, though. He's afraid of heights.
MDM!Taco: Her Monolithan self appears to be far more different than how Woody interpreted her in one of his nightmares.
MDM!9-Ball: She's lost an eye because of the fact that a Monolithan impaled her in the left eyeball once.
MDM!Spongy: He's not only a pilot, he's also a heavy weapon specialist and a mechanic!
MDM!Flower: A Monolithan who was once a captured survivor who got infected by MDM!Four along with MDM!Taco and MDM!Firey. SHE BECAME THE THING SHE SWORE SHE FEARED.
MDM!Firey: He's a Monolithan who appears to be MDM!Firey Jr's missing big brother. He is also capable of transforming into his blue flame form whenever there's a harder situation for him to comprehend. One of his arms and legs is covered with obsidian.
MDM!CRT: hell yeah she's back from the dead
MDM!Camera: That's just Camera with a band-aid on the cracked part of their lens, I did not do much on their design.
MDM!Leafy: While she was infected, she was also merged with MDM!Evil Leafy, therefore making her more hostile.
MDM!Balloony: He's MDM!David's caretaker and restrainer. He also acts like a father figure to MDM!Rocky.
MDM!David: He's a victim who's capable of becoming 3x bigger than his usual Monolithan size while being outraged.
MDM!Bubble: She left MDM!Pencil because she had a serious conflict with her. As she's lost all of her sanity, she's already turned to a Monolithan who has 4 tails that are also tentacles. She ate a Yoyleberry to prevent herself from popping too easily.
MDM!Pencil: An alliance leader who regrets her life choices mainly because of causing MDM!Bubble's spiteful betrayal.
MDM!Match: She suggests MDM!Pencil to have a second chance to redeem herself so that she doesn't descend to madness.
MDM!Lollipop: She's an assassin who uses a gun. When she found out that MDM!Dora was drastically changed due to her mutations, she was horrified.
MDM!Ruby: She performs exorcism.... but not in a holy way like usual. She exorcises Monolithans by irritating them with Music, their major weakness. expect her to play two trucks on her radio lol
MDM!Teardrop: A survivor who has her infected features resembling that of a shark. She's an expert at sniping.
MDM!Gelatin: He's a survivor who's searching for MDM!Flower, a missing friend of his. No one really knows what do his infected features resemble, though.
MDM!Fanny: A Monolithan who resembles a Harpy, specifically related to a hawk. Since all her memories are gone, she forgot MDM!Pillow was a friend of hers.
MDM!Tree: A remnant survivor that can transform into a huge treant when he's truly at his breaking point. His treant form is also known as his overgrowth phase. He will revert back to regular size if he's calmed down. OH GOOD GRIEF, HE'S RIPPED-
MDM!Black Hole: Although he's powerful, he doesn't want to participate in the frequent wars that his allies have against the Monolithans.... because the reason is obvious.
MDM!Marker: The same self he's meant to be, but now with "More Anxiety"β„’ /j
MDM!Lightning: Although he's a saved victim, he actually left the "pact" he was once a part of. Therefore, he's also a loner.
MDM!Stapy: MDM!Foldy abandoned him after she found out he befriended MDM!Liy.
MDM!Firey Jr: A former friend of MDM!Bomby. After finding out the reason behind his big brother's disappearance, he was stricken by grief. He draws pictures of him along with his brother as a method to cope with that tragedy.
MDM!Pie: A survivor who claims that she's the best at preventing death. Her weapons are dual knives that can be attached on one another. She's also relied as a hunger source, but she prefers to have less of her insides eaten up or else she'd have a chance to explode.
MDM!Remote: A robot who also wants to be treated as a real person and not just a tool. Unlike her past self, she's way more matured than ever.
MDM!Liy: A survivor who's trying to cope with her murderous past. Whenever she's having a mental breakdown, MDM!Tree restrains her so that she calms down.
MDM!Golf Ball: A team leader who regrets her life choices after arguing with MDM!8-Ball right to the point she forgot MDM!Puffball was painfully transforming into a Monolithan. MDM!Gelatin thinks she had a divorce with MDM!Tennis Ball since he doesn't see them work together often. Ironically, both of them were in a platonic relationship until they broke up. They weren't in a romantic relationship.
MDM!Tennis Ball: He's an inventor who doesn't really work together with his partner that much anymore ever since MDM!Fries' disappearance. Since he's full of mood swings because of the apocalypse, he's not bubbly and clumsy anymore. He's hoping that MDM!Golf Ball would repent for her mistakes.
MDM!8-Ball: He's a survivor who lost his loved ones because of the apocalypse. He's lost his wife, MDM!Basketball because of her being brainwashed by MDM!Puffball's dreadful singing and his adoptive son, MDM!Grassy because of the infection. Those events caused his hatred of the Monolith to grow.
MDM!Pen: He's a remnant Monolithan who began boiling the chaos for the team he was once in. Sickened with MDM!Golf Ball's attitude, he left his team and proceeded to become a remnant out of spite.
MDM!Eraser: He's a remnant Monolithan who was the first to leave his team behind because of MDM!Pen capturing him, then infecting him afterward. Unlike MDM!Pen, he's slightly more naive than him.
MDM!TV: He's very trustworthy to MDM!Golf Ball and MDM!Tennis Ball, but he seems to toy around with his trust towards MDM!Bracelety, MDM!8-Ball and MDM!Roboty. Despite this, he doesn't like it when there's an argument going on in his team. He got his screen cracked because of MDM!Puffball's tantrum.
MDM!Bracelety: She's a survivor who idolizes MDM!Ice Cube. Even though MDM!Fries left the team, she also felt bad for him due to the fact he's been captured and infected even though he dislikes her.
MDM!Roboty: He's a robot who had enough with MDM!TV's "trust". Sickened with MDM!TV's presence, he's mainly happy whenever he's not here. He has a translator strapped on his chest so that he can provide messages, warnings, etc..
MDM!Puffball: She's a Monolithan who was the second to leave her team because of the infectious wound on her head being left untreated. As she fully transformed, she roared, she angrily bashed the hell out of her other team members and she dragged MDM!Fries away from his team members so that MDM!Pen can infect him in return. Other than roaring, she can even express her emotions by howling and growling too. She can't speak, however. If she sings her dreadful song, you might want to cover your ears since she's capable of brainwashing. She still knows how to change her size.
MDM!Fries: He's a remnant Monolithan who was the last to leave his team because of him getting infected via MDM!Pen's tail. He's already lost his hope of being saved by someone, then he accepts his fate. Saddened with MDM!Puffball losing all her memories via the infection, he decided to build up his trust with her Monolithan self to comprehend the trauma he had. Beware, his bite is venomous....
MDM!Dora: After she sacrificed some of her sanity to save MDM!Book's life while she was attacked by MDM!Pen, her appearance seems to have changed a lot. She wears a control mask to restrain herself so that she doesn't even go rampant. Whenever it's time for her daily island consumption, she takes off her control mask temporarily.
MDM!Book: She's a survivor who's good at being a mercenary for teamfights. Whenever there's no war going on, she's MDM!Dora's caretaker and restrainer. She's the one who gave MDM!Dora her own control mask.
MDM!Pillow: She's a delusional and insane scientist who actually did make a cure for her infected teammates, but not the rest of them. MDM!Dora got infected later unlike MDM!Nickel, MDM!Naily, MDM!Lightning Cherry, MDM!Bomby and MDM!Price Tag. MDM!Pillow is also partially a cat and has nine lives as well. There's not much recovery needed if she dies!
MDM!Cake: A guardian angel, whose wings are on his eyelashes and legs as well as having a feathered tail. He really admires MDM!Loser.
MDM!Nickel: He left from the place he once lived in because of the tragic losses of many of his friends that happened here. Overwraught with the losses of his friends, he then psychotically felt like deceiving MDM!Springy by pretending to trust him. After MDM!Springy gets mauled by MDM!Nickel's fallen allies, MDM!Springy dies by getting bitten in half by MDM!Floor, causing his heart to stop beating. Note that in this AU, III 18 and 19 didn't truly happen as this takes place in a far more gruesome future.
MDM!Price Tag: They're a survivor who resembles and tends to behave like a bug. Whenever they're scared, they scream like a cicada. They're secretly envious.
MDM!Bomby: He's a survivor who is best friends with MDM!Naily. He doesn't really like it when MDM!Pillow treats him like a test subject in some experiments.
MDM!Naily: She's a survivor who has her infected features mostly resembling that of a cat. She even has nine lives as well.
MDM!Water Bottle: They're a survivor who is known for being relied as a water supply for their team. They're a friend of MDM! Lightning Cherry.
MDM!Lightning Cherry: They're a survivor who tends to be really hyperactive and playful. They're also slowly developing a bond with MDM!Marker.
MDM!Profily: They're a survivor who's concerned about what's going on in Goiky. They're MDM!Nonexisty's caretaker.
MDM!Clock: He's a priest who doesn't only worship MDM!Loser, but also MDM!Winner at the same time. Despite this, MDM!Winner refuses to reunite with MDM!Loser.
MDM!Winner: They're a fallen angel whose wings are black along with a monochrome halo. They can gaze at their world's flashbacks.
MDM!Yellow Face: He's a victim who's being restrained by his friend, MDM!Clock. He can't only control the urges to resist injuring a teammate of his but also his sentient tail's urges to bite. He mainly dreams about glaggleland when be sleeps.
MDM!Ice Cube: She's a survivor who has ears resembling that of a hare, but her ears also have mouths too. She tends to trim MDM!Rocky's crystal-covered body using her ears' fangs whenever the crystals on him are too long.
MDM!Cloudy: He's a victim who has his infected features resembling that of moth. Unlike his past self, he has mood swings.
MDM!Bottle: She's a survivor who is apparently also a delusional psychopath to MDM!Liy and MDM!Pin. Because of the fact she also causes mayhem, MDM!Black Hole doesn't really like it when she's around.
MDM!Rocky: He's a survivor who suffers from crystals growing all over his body. There was one time he saw MDM!Firey from the distance, thinking that he finally found him... but MDM!Firey isn't really himself right now. He was then rescued by MDM!Tennis Ball, who was concerned about his safety.
MDM!Birthday Cake: They're as gleeful as their past self, BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO SPARE YOU IF YOU'RE A PARTY POOPER.
MDM!Nonexisty: the infection ruined his fricking eyes
MDM!Coiny: He's a survivor who has his infected features partially resembling that of a sheep. There was one time where he got scarred by MDM!Needle instead of getting slapped. His left hand is made of liquid gold that can change shape and its state of matter as a defense mechanism.
MDM!Pin: She's a survivor who specializes at being a strategist. The Monolithan apocalypse going on in Goiky seems to be making her feel traumatized right to the point it reminded her of a zombie apocalypse she was once involved in. She doesn't want to lose MDM!Coiny in an event like this ever again.
MDM!Donut: A team leader who's actually MDM!Gelatin's adoptive older brother. He has a soft spot on MDM!X because they sometimes confess about their struggles to him in the apocalypse that's going on right now.
MDM!Needle: She's a Monolithan who appears to be impaled in the chest. I swear to god, she's still aware that she doesn't like being called "Needy". If you do call her like that, she'll actually scratch you.
MDM!Barf Bag: She's a victim who suffers from dizziness and sanity loss due to the infection. Since she's mentally unstable, MDM!Donut looks after her.
MDM!Saw: A survivor who wears a gas mask most of the time. She's also really concerned about her friends' sanity.
MDM!Gaty: She's a survivor who has a lot of empathy for MDM!Two. Whenever MDM!Two experiences serious injuries, she comes to aid them. That's why MDM!Two has bandages on.
MDM!Rusty Coin: He's a survivor who has a fear of being neglected. He's not really the type of person you would want to ask a hint from, he's not really that good at providing solutions. He usually stays together with his friends.
MDM!Steamy: She's a survivor who often accompanies MDM!Rusty Coin and MDM!Clip. Although she's cheerful, she might act stubborn and never follow orders.
MDM!Clip: He's a survivor who accompanies MDM!Rusty Coin along with MDM!Steamy. MDM!Naily, who is also frequent at making puns, is in good terms with him.
MDM!Basketball: A survivor who was brainwashed while trying to make an escape. After finding out MDM!Grassy was infected, she slowly stood back, before running away. While she was chased by some other Monolithans, she saw MDM!Puffball right in front of her. As MDM!Puffball knew she had a communication headset on, she instead decides to do her alternative brainwashing method no one actually knew about that she can do only once in a week. She brainwashes her by gazing at MDM!Basketball with her hypnotic, colorful and epileptic eyes that shift colors rapidly. As MDM!Grassy grasped MDM!Basketball's robotic arms, she couldn't manage to cover her petrified eyes. MDM!Basketball's eyes were in pain, as she becomes blinded by the inability to control herself.
MDM!Snowball: He's a Monolithan who resembles that of a Yeti. He mainly lurks in cold areas. If he's threatened, he can protrude icicles on his body as if it's his armor to defend himself.
MDM!Grassy: He's a Monolithan who resembles that of a grasshopper. If his "butterfly" friend flies by, that's a sign he's gonna jump to you and rip you apart.
MDM!Eggy: She's a priest who worships MDM!Loser. She strongly believes in god and divine intervention. Whenever she needs help, she asks MDM!Cake.
MDM!Foldy: A Monolithan who resembles a Harpy, specifically related to a falcon. Unhappy with her enemy befriending her best friend, she leaves him behind only to return..... with nothing left of her sanity.
MDM!Robot Flower: A robot who assumes she's a real person. She convinces MDM!Gelatin she's perfectly fine as if she's MDM!Flower way before she was infected, but MDM!Gelatin was confused because he's actually looking for the real one. Before the apocalypse even happened, MDM!Basketball finally downloaded all the data of S4 Flower's personality inside her.
MDM!Bell: Way before she was turned into a Monolithan, She was MDM!Basketball's sworn enemy. MDM!Basketball's brainwashed self eventually captured MDM!Bell to bring her to MDM!Four so that they can agonizingly impale her and infect her. The hand inside her isn't a real hand. It's actually a replicated hand via a mutation from the Monolith.
MDM!Grandfather Clock: Not much information has been retrieved about them. The only thing we know is that they're a Monolithan who had their real eyes blinded.
MDM!Metronome: Not much info about them either. The only thing we know about them is that they're a Monolithan who is apparently a friend of MDM!Grandfather Clock and their tail wags like a real metronome.
MDM!Portable Music Player: he recently had throat surgery? yikes.
MDM!Two: They're the one who rounded up the survivors in Goiky ever since the apocalypse began. They convinced MDM!X to not wander off, but MDM!X didn't want to listen to them.
MDM!X: They're a brainwashed survivor who wants to see MDM!Four again after being isolated. Whenever they want to go see MDM!Four, MDM!Two catches them because they said that MDM!Four isn't themself right now.
MDM!One & MDM!Three: They're conjoined Monolithans that also go by the name "Thirteen" despite not being that since the addition method is involved if two algebraliens fuse. There are rare instances where both of them truly fuse to become a red and blue-colored number 4.
MDM!Four: They're the first Monolithan to show up in Goiky. Their posture is mostly strained, but they didn't realize their back snapped. Instead of their zappies coming out of their hand, their zappies come out from their throat.
MDM!Five: They're the first survivor to introduce MDM!BF & MDM!GF to Goiky at the time both of them arrived here. Their weapon is a bat. Concerned about the apocalyptic state of their world right now, MDM!Five once asked MDM!BF about what a Monolithan's weakness is, then MDM!BF responded with music as a solution. After hearing the answer, MDM!Five tells MDM!Ruby about it, eventually making MDM!Ruby feel like performing an exorcism to the Monolithans that lurk here.
MDM!Six: A survivor who appears to have spikes protruding out of their eye and cheek, as well as two wings on their arm and one wing on their back. They're a frenemy of MDM!Nine.
MDM!Seven: A survivor who really, really dislikes MDM!Fourteen's presence mainly because they ate MDM!Five's skin, MDM!Ten's skin and their own skin as well.
MDM!Eight: They're the pontiff in a church where MDM!Loser, MDM!Winner and MDM!Cake usually reside their presence. Unlike MDM!Ruby, their exorcism method is mainly using a crucifix to banish demons.
MDM!Nine: A survivor who lost their right hand due to MDM!Four's rampage. Since they lost their right hand, they now wear a prosthetic arm. They didn't want anyone else to know that they're also impaled, so they covered the top of their body with a cloak.
MDM!Ten: Comapred to the other Algebralien survivors, they're the one who's gone through the most gruesome pain. Their legs have a lot of scars, their right eye is numb, a part of their body has torn skin as well as their hands tremble due to the skin of their hands being ripped apart by MDM!Fourteen.
MDM!Announcer: He returned to Earth as he saw a huge shockwave caused by the Monolith from a distant view in space. Little did he know, he knew that MDM!Four along with everyone else here would be in shambles. He has a mechanical hand that can blast out pulses.
MDM!Purple Face: He's a church attendant who appears to have a pair of wings on his back and another pair of wings covering his eyes. MDM!Yellow Face is his archenemy. His design is inspired by one of the lies he told in Post-Split BFB.
MDM!Fourteen: A rogue, cannibalistic Monolithan who has an addiction of eating people's skin. Although they're feisty, it's easy to lure them since they're gullible. They were chained by MDM!Fifteen.
MDM!Fifteen: They're a rogue survivor who lives in a shack in the swamp unlike their canon self. Their weapon is a flamethrower. They can sometimes be seen swimming in swamp water. Their method of incapacitating MDM!Fourteen is by burning them alive or by chaining them.
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adhbombus Β· 1 year
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I uhhh drew all of them, and made them all queer. They're all asexual btw. More under the cut
Edit: also most of them are polyamorous now lmao
8-Ball - Aromantic Panagender Any/None
Bracelety - Homoaesthetic Sapphic She/Her
David - Nameself It/David
Dora - Non-Binary Lesbian She/It
Firey Jr. - Transfeminine Lesbian She/Her
Liy - Abromantic She/Her
Match - Transfeminine Polyamorous Lesbian Demigirl She/It/Ze
Pencil - Polyamorous Transmasculine Lesbian She/Co
Roboty - Orchidromantic Gendervoid He/ Ey
Stapy - Heteroflexible Transmasculine He/Him
Have Cots
Balloony - Biromantic He/Him
Bubble - Polyamorous Transneutral Xenic Lesbian She/Voi
Gelatin - Aromantic Lovequeer Slimesilly (coined by me, a combo of sillygender and googeneder) He/Squish
Leafy - Panromantic She/Her
Lollipop - Transfeminine Lovequeer She/They
Ruby - Polyamorous Lesbian She/Her
Teardrop - Cassromantic Lovequeer Quiogirl She/Shem
Barf Bag - Transneutral Lesbian She/Her
Coiny - Polyamorous Biromantic Transmasculine He/Him
Donut - Biromantic He/Him
Gatey - Transfeminine Lesbian She/Her
Needle - Lesbian She/Her
Pin - Polyamorous Transfeminine Biromantic Demigirl She/Her
Saw - Tomboy Lesbian She/Her
The Strongest Team on Earth
Basketball - Transfeminine Aromantic She/Her
Bell - Platoniromantic Lesbian She/Her
Eggy - Panromantic She/Her
Foldy - Homoflexible - She/Her
Grassy - Child He/Grassy
Robot Flower - Moongender Sapphic She/It/Lun
Snowball - Polyamorous Achillean He/Him
Death P.A.C.T. Again
Black Hole - Polyamorous Panromantic Neutrois He/It
Fanny - Transmasculine Polyamorous Agender Lesbian She/Her
Lightning - Transmasculine Ambiamorous Aegoromantic He/They
Marker - Agender Panaesthetic Oriented Aroace - He/She/It
Pie - Polyamorous Cassromantic Cassgender - She/He
Remote - Lovequeer Polyamorous Queerplatonic Abromantic Librafeminine She/He/It
Tree - Demiromantic Polyamorous He/Fall
Have Nots
Blocky - Polyamorous Gay Bear He/Him
Firey - Biromantic Polyamorous He/Him
Flower - Ambiamorous Lesbian She/Her
Loser - Non-Binary Companionate He/She
Spongey - Aromantic Panalterous He/Him
Taco - Transfeminine Lesbian She/Her
Woody - Non-Binary Uranian He/It
Just Not
Bomby - Paramasculine Librafeminine Panromantic She/He
Book - Agender Biromantic Polyamorous She/Her
Cake - Transmasculine Gender Non Conforming Femboy Vincian He/Him
Naily - Sapphic Catgender Paragirl She/Nya
Nickel - Aromantic Genderfluid He/Any
Pillow - Lunarian Lesbian She/Thon
Price Tag - Catgender Non-Binary Trixic They/Nya
The S!
Bottle - Polyamorous Omniromantic She/Her
Clock - Non-Binary Transfeminine Trixic He/Him
Cloudy - Transmasculine Oriented Aroace Magpiehoarder
Ice Cube - Polyamorous Poyromantic She/Her
Rocky - Child He/It
Winner - Agender Neptunic They/Them
Yellow Face - Omniromantic Non-Binary He/It
Are You Okay?
Eraser - Polyamorous Homoromantic He/Him
Fries - Quioromantic Queerplatonic - He/They
Golf Ball - Transfeminine Biromantic She/Her
Pen - Polyamorous Transmasculine Uranic - He/Him
Puffball - Queerplatonic Librafeminine - She/They/It
Tennis Ball - Transneutral Biromantic He/Him
TV - Aromantic Agender He/It
Hosts (and Profiley)
Announcer - Genderless Aromantic Bootian - He/Him
Four - Agender Googender Polyromantic - He/They/It
Profile Picture - Non-Binary Queerplatonic Polyromantic They/Them
Purple Face - Anattractional Specrum Hazardgender Cringecoric He/It
Two - Neurocollector Questioning They/She(?)
X - Non-Binary Autigender Genderfluffy Demiromantic He/They/She
The Bg color for the las one is taken from the last scene we have with the four bfb hosts (x is in the stinger but yk what i mean) the color us the same as the wooden boards on the "next season???" sign
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buddicat Β· 1 year
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bfdi 1: take the plunge bfdi 2: barriers and pitfalls bfdi 3: are you smarter than a snowball? bfdi 4: sweet tooth bfdi 5: bridge crossing bfdi 6: power of three bfdi 7: bfdi 8: cycle of life bfdi 9: bfdi 10: crybaby! bfdi 11: lofty bfdi 12: bfdi 13: don't lose your marbles bfdi 14: half a loaf is better than none bfdi 15: vomitaco bfdi 16: the reveal bfdi 17: reveal novum bfdi 18: recission bfdi 19: bowling, now with explosions! (?) bfdi 20: gardening hero bfdi 21: bfdi 22: bfdi 23: hurtful! bfdi 24: insectophobe's nightmare 2 bfdi 25: return of the hang glider bfdia 1: yeah, who? i wanna know bfdia 2: get digging bfdia 3: zeeky boogy doog bfdia 4: insectophobe's nightmare 3 bfdia 5a: get in the van bfdia 5b (the game) bfdia 5c: no more snow! bfdia 5d: bfdia 5e: the long lost yoyle city idfb 1: welcome back bfb 1: getting teardrop to talk bfb 2: lick your way to freedom bfb 3: don't do this on a swingset bfb 4: today's very special episode bfb 5: fortunate ben bfb 6: four goes too far bfb 7: the liar ball you don't want bfb 8: questions answered bfb 9: this episode is about basketball bfb 10: enter the exit bfb 11: get to the top in 500 steps bfb 12: what do you think of roleplay? bfb 13: return of the rocket ship (the hype surrounding this was real) bfb 14: don't dig straight down (this one too!!!!) bfb 15: the four is lava bfb 16: the escape from four bfb 17: x marks the spot bfb 18: take the tower bfb 19: how loe can you grow? bfb 20: a taste of space bfb 21: bfb 22: who stole donut's diary? bfb 23: fashion for your face! bfb 24: the game has changed bfb 25: bfb 26: bfb 27: uprooting everything bfb 28: bfb = back from beginning bfb 29: sos (save our show) bfb 30: chapter complete tpot 1: you know those buttons don't do anything, right? tpot 2: the worst day of black hole's life tpot 3: getting puffball to think about rollercoasters tpot 4: gardening zero
contestants, i'll do this per team because it's easier for me tor emember LMAOO
8-ball basketball golf ball tennis ball blocky grassy robot flower tv
donut barf bag gelatin naily spongy bomby firey jr bracelety
the losers (i forget abt them alot honestly):
leafy (after bfb 11) firey needle coiny pin loser cake clock eggy
teardrop ice cube book gaty saw lollipop dora taco
pencil match bubble ruby flower snowball fanny lightning
death pact:
black hole liy tree pie bottle pen pillow remote
free food:
eraser bell fries yellow face puffball marker foldy stapy
roboty david leafy (originally) balloony cloudy rocky nickel woody
tpot newbies: winner + price tag
alr hosts.
announcer flower speaker box firey speaker box puffball speaker box four x purple face (i think that's it...)
seasons. quite easy if i say so myself
bfdi bfdia idfb bfb tpot
thank u for reading through this long ass thing! some eps might be there but in different placements (especially with insectophobe's nightmare 3 hfbjhjfg)
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woodrocko Β· 9 months
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damn I like the plot and the characters 😭😭😭
Bfdi 1a: Take the plunge
bfdi 4: Sweet Tooth
bfdi 20: gardening hero
bfdia 3: zoogy boogey doog
bfdia 5a: get in the van
bfdia 5b: (that one game)
idfb 1: Welcome Back
bfb 14: don’t dig straight down
bfb 22: Who stole donut’s diary
bfb 28: back from beginning
bfb 30: back from beginning
tpot 1: you rinow those buttons don’t do anything, right?
tpot 4: gardening zero
tpot 7: the seven wonder of goiky
yellow face
robot flower
tennis ball
ice cube
barf bag
firey Jr.
The squishy cherries
the squashy grapes
death P.A.C.T
team ice cube
the losers
a better name than that
free food
are you okay
just not
the S!
death P.A.C.T
the strongest team on earth
x (for a few eps)
donut (for a few eps)
purple face (co-co-host)
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inanimatez Β· 1 year
8-ball |
announcer |
balloony | rat |
barf bag | opossum |
basketball |
bell |
black hole |
blocky |
bomby |
book |
bottle |
bracelety |
bubble |
cake |
clock |
cloudy | bunny/pegasus hybrid* | cirrus
coiny | cat/dog hybrid (or, kaline)
david |
donut |
dora |
eggy | ???
eraser |
fanny | robot frilled lizard
firey | chimera/phoenix hybrid
firey jr | chimera/phoenix hybrid
flower |
foldy |
four | "fax" cat/ferret/fox hybrid | tesseris
fries |
gaty |
gelatin | cat | jelly
golf ball |
grassy |
ice cube | polar bear | polly
leafy | fox | foli
lightning |
liy | wolf | periwinkle (goes by silver)
lollipop |
loser |
marker |
match |
naily |
needle |
nickel |
pen |
pencil |
pie |
pillow |
pin | unicat | carmine
price tag |
profily |
puffball | unicorn/cat/pegasus hybrid | sprinkles
purple face |
remote | protogen |
robot flower | robot
roboty | protogen
rocky | vole |
ruby | unicat |
saw |
snowball |
stapy |
spongy |
taco |
teardrop |
tennis ball |
tree | deer/fox hybrid |
tv |
winner |
woody |
x |
yellow face |
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ray-the-art-demon Β· 3 months
Here is my updated list of my queer (+pronoun) headcanons for the characters all in tpot team order to make it easier to read.
i’m undercutting it bc it’s way too long
Black hole: omnisexual, asexual, voidegender, transmasc (any pronouns)
Tree: gay, trans man (he/him)
Remote: lesbian, agender, trans fem (she/they/it)
Fanny: lesbian, asexual (she/her)
Marker: aroace, genderfawn (he/they)
Lightning: pansexual, transmasc (he/they)
Pie: demi-romantic, asexual, trans fem, demi-girl (she/they)
Basketball: omnisexual, polyamorous (she/her)
Snowball: bisexual, trans man, polyamorous (he/him)
Grassy: aro-spec, polysexual (he/him)
Robot Flower: lesbian, asexual, transfem (she/they/it)
Eggy: lesbian, trans woman, genderfae (she/they)
Bell: pansexual (she/her)
Foldy: bisexual (she/her)
The S!:
Winner: polysexual, demi-romantic/sexual, nonbinary (they/them)
Bottle: lesbian, aromantic (she/her)
Yellow face: asexual, abrosexual, trans man (he/him)
Ice cube: lesbian, asexual (she/her)
Rocky: pansexual (he/him)
Cloudy: gay, asexual, trans man (he/they)
Clock: bisexual (he/him)
Just not:
Bomby: bisexual, demi-romantic (he/him)
Nickel: pansexual asexual (he/him)
Book: lesbian (she/her)
Pillow: aroace, demi-girl (she/they)
Price tag: aroace, nonbinary (they/them)
Naily: pansexual, trans girl (she/they)
Cake: gay, trans man (he/him)
Are you ok?:
Golf ball: bisexual, asexual, trans woman, ambiamorous (she/her)
Tennis ball: bisexual, trans guy, ambiamorous (he/him)
Puff ball: polysexual, genderlfuid (she/they/he)
TV: aroace, agender (he/they/it)
Fries: aromantic (he/him)
Eraser: gay, trans man, polyamorous (he/him)
Pen: polysexual, transmasc, demi-boy, polyamorous (he/they)
Coiny: bisexual (he/him)
Pin: bisexual, girlflux (she/they)
Gaty: lesbian, trans girl (she/her)
Saw: pansexual (she/her)
Needle: omnisexual (she/her)
Donut: aroace, demi-boy, (he/they)
Barf bag: polysexual (she/her)
Liy: polysexual, asexual (she/her)
Stapy: bisexual (he/him)
Match: lesbian (she/her)
Pencil: lesbian (she/they)
Bracelety: lesbian (she/her)
David: aroace (he/him)
Dora: aroace (she/her)
8-ball: aroace, lesbian (he/him)
Firey Jr.: pansexual, aromantic (he/him)
Roboty: aroace (he/they/it)
Flower: lesbian, asexual, trans girl, ambiamorous (she/her)
Gelatin: bisexual, aroflux, genderfluid (any pronouns)
Lollipop: lesbian, polyamorous (she/her)
Teardrop: orchidromantic, asexual, nonbinary (she/they)
Leafy: aroace, genderfluid (she/he/they)
Firey: pansexual, trans boy (he/him)
Blocky: abrosexual, boyflux, trans guy, polyamorous (he/they)
Woody: omnisexual, asexual, trans boy (he/him)
Bubble: bambi lesbian (she/they)
Ruby: genderfluid lesbian (any pronouns)
Spongy: aroace (he/him)
Taco: bisexual (she/her)
Ballony: gay, demisexual (he/him)
Loser: who the fuck cares (who gives a shit)
Two: aroace, nonbinary (they/them)
Four: gay, asexual, agender (he/they)
X: pansexual, asexual, genderfluid (he/they/she)
Announcer: aroace, agender (he/they/it)
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we-are-team8s Β· 2 years
BFDI/BFB/TPOT Character List
so if you like playing with random generators online to make character quotes or contests or games, I have a plain text list of the characters that you can paste into anything you need.
Four X Two Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
8-Ball Balloony Barf Bag Basketball Bell Black Hole Blocky Bomby Book Bottle Bracelety Bubble Cake Clock Cloudy Coiny David Donut Dora Eggy Eraser Fanny Firey Firey Jr. Flower Foldy Fries Gaty Gelatin Golf Ball Grassy Ice Cube Leafy Lightning Liy Lollipop Loser Marker Match Naily Needle Nickel Pen Pencil Pie Pillow Pin Puffball Remote Robot Flower Roboty Rocky Ruby Saw Snowball Spongy Stapy Taco Teardrop TennisBall Tree TV Woody Yellow Face
Profily Taggy Winner Evil Leafy
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Use this list to make your own PIK STAR INCORRECT QUOTES!
8-Ball Balloony Barf Bag Basketball Bell Black Hole Blocky Bomby Book Bottle Bracelety Bubble Cake Clock Cloudy Coiny David Dedusmuln Donut Dora Eggy Eraser Fanny Firey Firey Jr Flower Foldy Four Fries Gaty Gelatin Gibby Golf Ball Grassy Ice Cube Leafy Lightning Liy Lollipop Loser Marker Match Naily Needle Nickel Odozeir Pen Pencil Pie Pillow Pin Pongorma Price Tag Puffball Remote Robot Flower Roboty Rocky Ruby Saw Smuldunde Snowball Somsnosa Spongy Stapy Taco Teardrop Tennis Ball Tree TV Two Wayne Winner Woody X Yellow Face
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ask-battleforbfdi Β· 4 years
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Hello everyone! This is an ask blog (no duh) where you can ask ANYONE who was part of Battle for BFDI (BFB). Please have fun and ask away! Check my bio for further details about asks! See you soon!
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acheronslave Β· 5 years
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keisumis Β· 6 years
i fucked up the last bit ignore it
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janknabobfdi Β· 2 years
8-Ball = sike supa (pi nanpa luka tuli/pimeja)
9-Ball = sike supa (pi nanpa luka po/jelo)
Anchor = ilo pake (pi tomo tawa telo)
Announcer = ilo toki kalama
Avocado = kili pi ko peta/jelo laso (pi ma Amelika)
Balloony = sike kon selo
Bally = sike
Barf Bag = poki pi jaki moku
Basketball = sike (musi) poki
Battery = poki wawa ilo
Bell = ilo kalama
Birthday Cake = pan suwi pi kama lon
Black Hole = suno pimeja
Blender = ilo pi ko e moku
Blocky = leko
omby = ilo pi pakala seli
Book = lipu sitelin
Boom Mic = ilo kute pi sitelen tawa
Bottle = poki pi lupa lili
Bracelety = len sike luka
Bubble = sike kon telo
Cake = pan suwi
Camera = ilo oko pi sitelen tawa
Cheese Orb = sike ko pi telo mama
Clapboard = ilo pi sama tenpo (clapboards are used for synchronization)
Clip = ilo pini pi awen wan
Clock = ilo tenpo
Cloudy = kon walo sewi
Coiny = sike mani
Conch Shell = kiwen selo (pi poka telo)
CRT = ilo pi sitelen tawa pi nasin linja
david = jan Tepito
Discy = sike (lipu) pi poki sona
Donut = pan sike (suwi)
Dora = jan Tola
Eggy = kili mama waso
Eraser = ko pi sitelen weka (can be shortened to "ko sitelen")
Evil Leafy = kasi ike
Fanny = ilo kon
Firey = seli
Firey Jr = seli lili
Firey Speaker Box = ilo toki kalama seli
Flower = kasi kule
Flower Speaker Box = ilo toki kalama pi kasi kule
Foldy = lipu pini
Four = tu tu/po
Fries = moku pi kili ma
Gaty = lupa pake (literally: gate door)
Gelatin = ko suwi
Golf Ball = sike musi lupa
Grassy = kasi anpa
Ice Cube = kiwen (telo) lete
Income Tax Return Document = sitelen pi mani kama tawa jan lawa (documentation of money going towards the government)
Kitchen Sink = pana telo tan tomo moku
Leafy = lipu kasi
Leek = kasi palisa
Lego Brick = leko Leko
Lightning = suno wawa sewi (powerful sky light)
Liy = ilo lawa anu
Lollipop = suwi lon pasila
Loser = leko pi utala anpa/leko anpa
Marble = sike kiwen pi kule telo
Marker = ilo sitelen kule
Match = palisa seli
Naily = pasila awen (used as a fastener)
Needle = pasila len
Nickel = mani pi 0.5 (don't know how to express in spoken form)
Nonexisty = ijo ala
Onigiri = sike ko pi pan walo
PDA = ilo pi pona e nasin
Pen = ilo sitelin telo
Pencil = ilo sitelin kiwen
Pie = pan kili
Pillow = ko lape
Pin = kipisi lon lawa
Portable Music Player = ilo kalama musi pi ken poki
Price Tag = lipu pi nanpa esun
Profily = sitelin nimi
Puffball = sike ko
Puffball Speaker Box = ilo toki kalama pi sike ko
Purple Face = sinpin lawa pi loje laso
Remote = ilo lawa tan weka
Robot Flower = ilo pi kasi kule
Roboty = jan ilo
Rocky = kiwen ma
Rubber Spatula = ilo supa poki moku ko
Ruby = kiwen loje
Rusty Coin = mani sike pi sin ala
Salt Lamp = ilo suno pi kiwen tan telo
Saw = ilo kipisi pi kiwen kasi
Scissors = ilo kipisi tu
Shampoo = ko pi linja lawa
Shopping Cart = poki tawa esun
Slingshot = ilo pasila pona pi pana tan weka (simple projectile tool)
Snare Drum = supa pi kalama musi
Snowball = sike ko lete
Spongy = ko pi telo ala
Stapy = ilo pi lipu wan
Steamy = kon
Taco = pan lipu pi Mejiko
Tape = lipu taki
Teardrop = telo oko
Tennis Ball = sike musi jasima (In most Tennis games you reflect the ball back to your opponent)
Tree = kasi suli
Tune = kalama musi
TV = ilo pi sitelen tawa
Two = tu
VHSy = lipu linja pi nasin pi sitelen tawa tomo
Waffle = lipu pan ko
Winner = ko pi utala sewi/ko sewi
Woody = kiwen kasi
X = x/eki
Yellow Face = sinpin lawa jelo
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talkingteardrop Β· 2 months
btw guys please dont request anything like the following for art requests
taggy x book, reason?: adoptive siblings hc
ruby x book, reason?: book adopted ruby hc
nickel x coiny: half siblings hc
needle x naily: siblings hc
pen x pencil: gay pen les pencil, also sibling hc
Balloony/blocky/sb/lightning/pen/bh/tree/yellow face x any female characters: hc them all gay
fanny/bubble/ruby/pencil/match/flower/needle/lollipop/taco/bell/remote/liy/pillow/book/gaty/saw/robot flower/basketball/icy/bottle/bracelety x any male characters: hc them all lesbians
gelatin/grassy x anyone: just makes me uncomfy :( plus i hc both as minors, same with rocky and firey jr BUT i ship those two with each other AGED UP
Leafy/tree/woody x each other: incest
Match x firey: incest
Fan (ii) x fanny: incest
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fenneykindlefire Β· 3 years
My BFB Species List
Here are all the animals I see the BFB characters as
Death P.A.C.T:
Black Hole: Beetle Bottle: Dolphin Liy: Rabbit Pen: Penguin Pie: Magpie Pillow: Sloth Tree: Tree Frog Remote: Badger
A Better Name Than That: 8-Ball: Binturong Basketball: Tiger Blocky: Rhino Golf Ball: Quoll Grassy: Hedgehog Robot Flower: Robot Skunk Tennis Ball: Labrador Retriever TV: Cobra
Team Ice Cube: Barf Bag: Raccoon Bomby: Pufferfish Bracelety: Chipmunk Donut: Deer Firey Jr: Phoenix Chick Gelatin: Jellyfish Naily: Snake Spongy: Walrus
Free Food: Yellow Face: Spider Fries: Cardinal Puffball: Poodle Stapy: Kangaroo Foldy: Fox Marker: Rockhopper Penguin Bell: Canary Eraser: Striped Hyena
The Losers: Firey: Phoenix Loser: Frilled Lizard Needle: Porcupine Coiny: Mouse Pin: Woodpecker Eggy: Chicken Clock: Rooster Cake: Siamese Cat
Iance: Flower: Skunk Snowball: Snowshoe Hare Lightning: Peregrine Falcon Pencil: Ferret Match: Mink Bubble: Seal Ruby: Red Squirrel Fanny: Hummingbird
BEEP: Roboty: Robot Chicken Leafy: Leaf Insect David: Monkey Cloudy: Pomeranian Balloony: Horse Nickel: Rat Rocky: Rock Dove Woody: Beaver
Bleh: Book: Cocker Spaniel Ice Cube: Lemming Lollipop: Giraffe Gaty: Echidna Taco: Chihuahua Saw: Saw Shark Teardrop: Otter Dora: Monkey (same as David)
Other: One: Archaeopteryx Two: Sabertooth Cat Three: Triceratops Five: Velociraptor Six: Dodo Seven: Elephant Bird Eight: Dimetrodon Nine: Quokka Ten: Tenrec Infinity: Pterodactyl Profily: Blue Jay Portable Music Player: Ermine CRT: Cricket Speaker Box: Crab X: Xoloitzcuintli Four: Tasmanian Wolf
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