#it's Kano Maria I think but idk
asumemerio · 2 years
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The picture was by @_jolie.princesse_ on Instagram. However, I can't find that account anymore so I guess they either deleted or renamed it.
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panvani · 3 years
Thinkin about 428 anyway I think the bad end where Minorikawa confronts Ai in the café is probably going to be a pretty big hint since I doubt Ai would’ve deliberately placed a listening device on herself of her own volition. If Ai (who we’re led to believe was the absolute least involved in Maria’s kidnapping case) has a listening device, it’s probably pretty safe to assume it was planted on her by the police. If they planted it on her, they probably also planted it on Kenji and Hitomi. If that’s the case, the police probably already have an idea that Kenji is involved in a conspiracy (though idk how much they’d be able to gather from his convos with Tanaka alone). If the listening devices also had tracking capabilities- and we know the police are using trackers in this case, since Kuze will state as much if Kano asks about the possibilities the cases may have been swapped- then it would also explain how the man with the cane keeps finding Achi and Hitomi, and how he would know Achi’s name.
I do think Maria and Hitomi being identical twins is going to be relevant, though I can’t tell you exactly how since I don’t think it’ll turn out Hitomi is actually Maria and Maria is actually Hitomi or whatever. Since Kenji and Tanaka were talking about biometrics being used to safeguard their experimental drugs, I expect it will have something to do with that...? That being said, they specifically talk about fingerprint biometrics, and identical twins don’t actually have identical fingerprints. There’s also the matter of Kenji having brought Maria specifically to a trip to the Middle East, and one of the members of the group holding her hostage having an Arabic name (or, at least, Kuze said he had an Arabic name.) So... is Maria the culprit? It might also explain why the man with the cane wants Hitomi dead, since her biometrics could potentially be used in a malicious manner if Maria did something...
So basically my prediction is the police know something about what Kenji/his company have been up to and are conspiring to kill his daughters about it, possibly because Maria did something fucked up, while Maria’s kidnappers... might actually just be looking for a way to keep Maria? I actually don’t think they want the money at this point, and the high ransom was just to keep the police’s attention. Since the operation so far seems so advanced, I wouldn’t be surprised if they spent more than the 50 million yen just to carry it out. So Maria and Hitomi are more valuable than the money. They’re definitely not on the same side as the police, though. Also the security cameras Achi’s dad set up everywhere are def gonna be relevant though iirc those are owned by private business owners, not the police, so it’ll probably be a separate thing...?
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