#it's 1:30 am and my sleep meds are kicking in excuse this senseless ramble
actual-changeling · 10 months
i'm going insane over the few years in-between seasons we did not get to see, especially crowley and his glasses.
they have a PLACE. he puts them there as soon as he enters, he feels so comfortable in the bookshop by now he doesn't even need to get drunk first or wait a while. just. immediately takes them off. bares his soul to aziraphale. let's him see.
how did we get here??? how many hours did he spend with aziraphale, just growing more and more relaxed around him, trusting him. trusting that he won't abuse his vulnerability, hell, at that point aziraphale probably cherishes it. yellow IS his favorite colour, after all. crowley's yellow, to be precise.
and the statue he places them on - was that aziraphale asking him to put them somewhere safe after crowley accidentally sat on them or dropped them? maybe it started out as a careless 'i'm just throwing them there i dont give a fuck' and then just. happened again. and again. until suddenly it was *his* spot.
aziraphale has gotten so used to seeing his eyes it will kill him when crowley stops taking his glasses off around him, seeing only his own reflection instead mutual affection.
do you think he will forget the exact colour of his eyes in heaven? do you think he will try to remember the shade and be unsure if it's correct, trying to find the right memories but never being confident that this one is right?
six thousand years and suddenly all he wants is to be able to look into crowley's eyes again.
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