#it'll be better by tomorrow though. im certain👍
lixuii · 2 months
genuinely i feel awful about this in a sense because i keep thinking like Am i overreacting. who cares periods are gonna be like this always just get used to it by now. but the pain gets so bad it becomes impossible to move around!! sleep had not lessened the ache and the nausea like i hoped it would. dont wanna keep taking tylenol if it doesn't help long.. it's hard to eat and i get nauseous from thebpain to the point of nearly vomiting and the only thing i've had to eat was breakfast- that was when my uterus didn't feel like it's being twisted like a rag. i've had pains like this before that weren't from my period and i think have experienced it like this during my past periods as well so i wonder why even worry. but when it THIS bad it's extremelh hard to remember any other time when it's gotten to such a point so it makes me wonder if it's in fact getting worse lawl
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