#it should go without saying that kaen in aspect hasn't performed any of these rites (that we know of) in ... some several hundred years...
strywoven · 2 months
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so a little lore for those that asked ( no-one asked ) : kaëltyr was regarded in long-lived mythos as this IMMACULATE LIGHT to humanity ( hence how it has been able to sustain faith for so long , methinks , bc people sought it as a benevolent creature & arbiter of fate , thus immortalized ) .  anyways , a primary facet of its existence is the motif of fire - “the breath of life” , according to some - an element distinguishable for being both a force for ruin as much as for creation ; for kaëltyr , each was true.
it’s well-known that kaëltyr would perform purifying rites by immolation when taking on souls into its realm ( literally , a brutalizing act that would purge away all former darkness & replace it with a cleansed , blessed existence ; in effect , what was left could barely be deemed “human” ) .  and many of their punishments were done with fire ( such as forcing those who broke the commandment “speak with virtue” to choke on their burning lies for the rest of eternity ) .
however , another aspect i find fascinating is the trial kaëltyr forced mankind to endure when coming to supplant it for a blessing.  so do you know ( you probably don’t ) how in dragon prince , the sun elves pretty much basically utilized the essence of the SUN ITSELF to test the virtue of someone ( rather , their “light” ) ?  i wager it was basically the same here.  kaëltyr would rip itself open , forcing a kneeling human to be exposed to the unbearable radiance of ITS OWN SOUL ( much like the sceptre the sun elves used ) .  humans would have to gaze , unblinking and unflinching , into this light for several arduous seconds while kaëltyr scried their soul.  Based upon what it found , it would pass judgment , either finding them worthy or unworthy of blessing and boon.  you can probably assume the rest.  those found to be “pure” were not given the option of leaving , though , they ( well , most ) were immediately taken and inoculated , never to be seen again ( though assumed to be well taken care of ) .
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