#it feels good to fight enemies who aren't immune to almost everything
likeyua · 1 year
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No stodgy researcher, this archaeologist meets his research head-on in the field. Archaeologists sacrifice the bard's inspirational performance for a smattering of rogue talents.
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Watching Star Trek TOS and loving it! Sex pollen!!
The Return of the Archons
Jim Spock shenanigans shenanigans it was ok enough.
Gotta say I'm all for criticism of organized religion
Space Seed
So I met Khan (not the Benedict Cumberbatch whitewashed version)! The episode was good, lots of good dialogue, a solid plot and an uncertain ending (kofkof uncertain for them).
The toxic masculinity vibes were off the charts though:
First, I'm not commenting on McGivers instantly falling for the hyper masculine guy, accepting his abusive behaviour and choosing to stay with him; because if I do, I'll get mad. But you know, it's terrible and I hate it.
Then the admiration for Khan, "the best and most dangerous of the tyrants" expressed by Scotty, Bones and Jim. Sigh. Of course it's all three of them, the only one out being Spock ("Illogical"). We're supposed to take away that it's because he doesn't feel the human/manly appeal of courage, ambition, greatness or whatever. Honestly not even IC? (sorry but I don't want to picture Jim and Bones as real life fans of Napoleon lmao they are the worst)
SPOCK: Gentlemen, this romanticism about a ruthless dictator is KIRK: Mister Spock, we humans have a streak of barbarism in us. Appalling, but there, nevertheless. SCOTT: There were no massacres under his rule. SPOCK: And as little freedom. MCCOY: No wars until he was attacked. SPOCK: Gentlemen.
You tell them Spock!
MCCOY: Well, either choke me or cut my throat. Make up your mind.
Instant classic
MCCOY: Well, there aren't any regulations against romance, Jim.
Duly noted!
Jim thinking he and the bridge crew were dying and recommending commendations in his log? Him being in the decompression chamber being murdered? I was on the verge of tears then
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jsbfjhe i'm sorry i can't take it seriously this shot is so funny
SPOCK: Surprised to see you Captain, though pleased. JIM: I'm a little pleased myself
they're so dumb (lovingly)
SPOCK: It would be interesting, Captain, to return to that world in a hundred years and to learn what crop has sprung from the seed you planted today. KIRK: Yes, Mister Spock, it would indeed.
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A Taste of Armageddon
Wow the plot's heavy but powerful. The whole episode is dark but hopeful ending! (plus pissed off Jim is v sexy)
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Death, destruction, disease, horror. That's what war is all about, Anan. That's what makes it a thing to be avoided. You've made it neat and painless. So neat and painless, you've had no reason to stop it. And you've had it for five hundred years. 
I've given you back the horrors of war. 
Ending a 500-year war is just one of many things Captain Kirk does!
And of course:
SPOCK: Captain, you almost make me believe in luck. KIRK: Why, Mister Spock, you almost make me believe in miracles.
I love them ._.
This Side of Paradise
The perfect mix of fun and tension in this episode! Loved it!
Jim's confusion at Spock is everything. When he says "Spock" - clears his throat - "Mr Spock"
Jim being his dramaqueen self "In effect, I am marooned here."
Jim's immunity is his sense of duty what a goody two-shoes (affectionate)
The idea that anger/strong emotion is necessary ties up nicely to The Enemy within
Then the scene... You know which one... Did I have to pause because Jim was being so mean to Spock it was a bit much to watch? maybe!!
SPOCK: You did that to me deliberately. KIRK: Believe me, Mister Spock, it was painful in more ways than one.
My heart!
SPOCK: Captain. Striking a fellow officer is a court martial offence. KIRK: Well, if we're both in the Brig, who's going to build the subsonic transmitter? SPOCK: That is quite logical, Captain.
Sooo dumb <3
The scene between Layla and Spock was lovely too!
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MCCOY: Well, that's the second time man's been thrown out of paradise. KIRK: No, no, Bones. This time we walked out on our own. Maybe we weren't meant for paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through. Struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way. 
This after the reference to Milton two eps ago! Yes! Yes to all of this!!!
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