#is like meme redraw fanarts and im not trying to sit here on my high horse like 'does this not resonate with you?'
paragonraptors · 1 year
Before I say my thoughts, I want to preface that sharing/reblogging the work of artists you love is one of the best non-monetary ways to support us. That’s really indisputable. Word-of-mouth alone has done wonders for my career. I understand why not getting the reception on your work that you want can be discouraging and upsetting. It’s really hard out here and I don’t want to downplay that. 
That being said, I don’t care if you follow me just to lurk. I don’t care if you just exclusively “like” my art. I don’t care if you reblog without putting any comments in the tags. My output is not correlative to how many notes my posts get. I want you to like/share/comment on my work because you want to, and not because of some perceived social obligation. 
I appreciate anyone who comes across my art and gets something out of it for any reason, and I don’t expect anything in return for that. I see a lot of posts on this topic, and it makes me uncomfortable that people might avoid just liking or lurking because of a perception that I would be mad or upset because they didn’t reblog it. I want my work, as silly and not-groundbreaking as it can be, to resonate earnestly, and I want the expression of that resonation to be earnest as well. 
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