#is easy to get in new england. my mom is horrified by the immigrant-american versions of food she's used to. this is normal and natural.
hypokeimena · 5 months
the thing about culture that's difficult for a lot of people it seems to me is that "culture" is not some ontologically coherent Blob where you can sit at the table and someone will serve it to you and you get to just sit there and Receive it. or, it's not something you can dig up and carefully extract unchanged, if you sit carefully enough at your books, and then put on your mantle to admire. i'm a motherfucker whose career is about digging things up from books so i get the appeal, and yet that's not what Culture is, because culture is what you Do. so you already have one. what food do you eat? where do you live? what rituals do you perform? do you take your shoes off when you go inside?
culture is distinct from religion and ethnicity (though obviously it's interrelated with both), and deeply related to the place you live now and its customs and foodways and norms for politeness and hospitality, and what other populations live around you in the place you live now. trying to connect to the mystical immigrant old-country past of your ancestors is unlikely to get you the results you're looking for - culture is something you do every day and i promise you already have one. and you're already doing it. which means that you can also just as easily change the things you do if you don't like them.
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