#interim is an old good omens fic that i've picked back up
agentsnickers · 6 months
1, 9, and 12 for the AO3 Wrapped meme!
How many words have you written this year?
52,387! Which is a lot of words but also... feels like not that many? But that's just because my last few years have been CRAZY productive.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Now, I've written some of my favorite sprace in a while this year.
HOWEVER. Special mention has to go to my beloved completely invented ship of Les/Hotshot, which has been a bg element in previous fics but actually featured front and center for the first time ever this year and has been a lot of fun to actually do something with.
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
hmmm. fiveish?
I currently have three open; two PJO fics and my Newsies minibang fic, but I have two others that I keep opening and closing that I'm hoping to circle back to eventually.
As a teaser, I offer you the titles of the yet completely unpublished four:
a different kind of prophecy
building momentum
everything is different (everything's the same)
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