tinseltowns · 5 years
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            LIKE  A  RICHTER  SCALE  PREPPING  FOR  THE  NEXT  EARTHQUAKE,  cilla  senses  elliott’s  presence  before  she  even  makes  a  visual  correlation  ;  she’s  so  sensitive  to  the  very  inhale  &  exhale  of  his  lungs  that  she  nearly  goes  off  the  charts   ----  granted,  it’s  all  an  internal  destruction.  she’s   been  trained  since  an  early  age  to  keep  her  cool,  smiling  &  chatting  away  while  sneaking  glances  to  the  familiar  male  always  tucked  in  her  peripherals.  however,  they’ve  made  eye  contact  a  few  too  many  times  to  play  cavalier  at  this  point,  so  with  enough  champagne  buzzing  through  her  system,  the  socialite  navigates  her  way  through  the  sea  of  people  and  demurely  makes  herself  completely  known  to  the  one  that  t r u l y  burrowed  himself  under  her  skin.   “  elliott,  ”  she  murmurs,  his  name  hot  like  coal  on  her  tongue,  yet  still finds  itself  laced  with  involuntary  adoration,   “  y’know,  i  heard  a  rumor  that  the  view  from  the  rooftop  is  impeccable.  ”  her  vivid  blues  flicker  with  suggestion,  meeting  the  amber  warmth  of  his  own  gaze.   “  i’ve  always  wanted  to  see  for  myself.  ”  not  the  most  conventional  way  to  greet  an  ex,  but  when  had  they  ever  done  anything  by  those  standards   ?  @inscuciants
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ardenconway · 3 years
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“hello mr. shafiq,” arden says with a small smile, she was standing outside the department of mysteries, hoping to be able to catch her mother before she went back in but it seemed that she was too late. selena was always a busy woman, and when arden had sent an owl that she needed to drop something off it seemed that she made herself to be more busy, never wanting to interact with arden unless she had to, all things that he didn’t need to know. 
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luxeshq · 5 years
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beforedawnrps · 3 years
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mvlciber · 3 years
she’d arranged a small meeting, ever curious and wanting to make the right connections, she’d invited fahir to her little office for a chat. “you must be fahir, please come in. i’m so pleased to meet you, your husband spoke so highly of you, of course, i’ve been dying to make your acquaintance.” she laid it on thick.
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avgvstvs-rookwood · 3 years
though many things could (and had) been said about augustus, one of the most frequent (and accurate) was that he rarely did anything nice just to do it. so, that morning, as he approached his fellow unspeakable with a cup of coffee in hand and a grin on his face, he didn’t leave any question in the air as he offered up both. “I need to borrow you,” he said, unashamedly, “and your brain, if you don’t mind.”
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beforedawnrps · 3 years
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