ibadyardimdernegi · 1 year
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Acil Yardım Faaliyetlerimiz
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Ziraat Katılım Açıklama kısmına " acil " Yazınız.
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Adıyaman da depremzede kardeşlerimiz için, enkaz kaldıran ekiplerimiz için sıcak çorbamız hazır. Bugünden itibaren her bağışlarınız geldikçe çorba, yemek, su, ekmek, helva, bisküvi, kek, çikolata, kuru gıda, çadır dağıtımlarımız olacak inşaallah.
#deprem #acilyardım
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zaman-dert-getirdi · 2 months
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vntako · 3 months
mixed miscellanea: under 30 minutes
short thoughts on ripples, negaeba, liar liar
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"ripples" is—as its author describes—the beginning of a journey. it's only like, 10-ish minutes long, and it's free
sakevisual: Ripples
i find the story behind this vn helps reinforce its message. the story of a person deciding to make something for their friend to cheer them up is a bit cheesy i think, and an action with so much sincerity behind it. and ripples is very sincere about its message. the protag is a big jerk, but he meets a girl who shows him the sincerity in people. how like, people can be so wholeheartedly and so unashamedly honest in what they believe in.
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i tend to like these kinds of stories where the characters act as mouthpieces for clashing philosophies. it's probably the whole dialogue aspect of it. talking to each other, hearing each other out, discussing, changing. i like to believe i can change the world, but a part of me vehemently denies that. mm. well, whether or not it's true, i don't think it's too hard to see that we make ripples (wao) in each other's lives no matter what we do
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"from the bottom of the heart" (negaeba kitto...) is a short story, shorter than ripples up there, this one is even less than 10 minutes
al|together 2008 "CROSS THE RUBICON" official website (insani.org)
it was translated along with a few other vns in al|together (i believe the first translation for narcissu was released in an earlier al|together, so the project is very dear to my heart). you can find downloads for this one and others in the link above. i don't actually have much to say about this one, it has a nice soundtrack, and i do agree with the author's sentiment in the Read Me.txt
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sometimes a story is just a story, and not anything groundbreaking. this one tackles themes of regret and redemption. i feel a few elements were underused, such as the protagonist and the love interest having the same illness and being admitted at the same time that seems to set up for something more than what we got.
i can appreciate negaeba in that it's a story about weakness, i think. or something adjacent to that, probably? weakness and wanting to make amends, is perhaps a bit more precise. the story ends abruptly, and while i do think it certainly works as an ending to a story, i was left a bit unsatisfied with this one.
ooh, i will say i quite like the music in this one, though.
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"liar liar" is a short game made in 5 days. the author describes it as a test for technical code stuff exploding into smth else
Liar Liar by tokimekiwaku (itch.io)
a compelling plot is understandably not the main goal of this vn. despite that i found it kinda compelling. got the good ending on my first try and i thought the sequence of events was engaging enough. i find the art direction appealing too, it's super cute. went and did the other endings after too.
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i wanted to play this a few years back in high school but never really got around to it for some reason. i had more fun with this than i expected ngl.
i didn't expect it to but you can look at this as a sorta women empowerment kinda story i think. both girls in the story are screwed over by guys in diff ways (cheating, stalking) and they exact their revenge upon them and the system by killing 'em. idk. it's something like that methinks.
vague spoilers for good ending here
the good ending tells us that having a support system is a good thing and knowing you having someone to be there for you helps keep you safe. or smth like that.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 8 months
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hepeksikk · 6 months
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Turuncu bir kalp bırak 🧡
2- 8 Kasım Lösemili Çocuklar Haftası
Hadi hep birlikte 5 tl bile olsa bağış kampanyası başlatıp zincir yapalım..
Bağış yapan bir arkadaşına turuncu kalp gönderip bağış yapmasını rica etsin…
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boxheadpaint · 5 months
how do i start coming up w more interesting character designs like urs. they are sooooo cool and i try to make a character like that but it always comes out stinky
if it stinks thats great
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cosmikirby · 5 months
ii2 15 leak real
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teselli-ikalb · 6 months
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Yâ Râb, bu gecenin yok mu sabâhı? Yardım et ya Muin Ya Kahhar!
#filistin #gazze #strabucksboycot #boykot #palestine #kudüs
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kalpbebu · 3 months
İçimdeki korku o kadar çok ki . Bir yanım bu acımasız dünyaya daha fazla katlanamıyor . Diğer yanım umutlarımı kulağıma fısıldıyor . Dünyada o kadar çok kötülük varki kalbim yüreğim dayanmıyor . İnsanları ya rengine ya ırkına göre yorumluyorlar ya . Yada diniyle . Ben bu acımasızlığı dayanamıyorum . Ben yapamıyorum dini için vatanı için savaşan gazzeliler . Küçücük çocukları 3 haftalık 7 aylık bebekleri terörist diye gören İsrail . Açlıktan ölen Afrikalılar . Obezite sınırını âşan o zengin Avrupa . Rengi beyazdı siyahtı diyen ayırtın yapan . Siyah renkli olan insanları aşağılayan o zengin ülkeler . Ben bu dünyadaki zulme katlanamıyorum olmuyor . Herkes çok zalim . İşveren işçiyi hor görür maaşını el koyar . Ülke yönetenler vatandaşını acımasızca yönetir . İnsanların kıymeti yok Muş gibi davranıyorlar . Adalet yok dengesi bozuk bir terazi bu dünya . Acıması yok insanın insana . İçim yanıyor . Kapatılması imkansız bir yara var içimde . İnsanlıktan ümidimi kesmekten korkuyorum . Oysa herkese yeter bu dünya . Fakiri ezerek zengini tutarak düzelmez bu insanlığın hali . Bu gün benim doğum günüm 18 yaşındayım artık benim bu dünyadan ve insanlardan tek istediğim herkesin mutlu ,huzurlu ,sağlıklı, savaş olmadan çocuklar ölmeden . Kimse kimseyi kandırmasın . Böyle bir yıl diliyorum.
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ibadyardimdernegi · 1 year
Acil Yardım Faaliyetlerimiz İbad İnsani Yardım Derneği +90 5337894223 Whatsapp https://wa.me/905337894223 İbad İnsani Yardım Derneği TR20 0020 9000 0157 9958 0000 01 Ziraat Katılım Açıklama kısmına " acil " Yazınız. #acil #deprem #acilyardim #acilyardım #bagis #bağış #yardım #ibad #insani #yardım #derneği #iyiliğebiradımat #i̇badyardim #i̇badinsaniyardimdernegi #ibad #i̇yiliğebiradımat
Adıyaman da depremzede kardeşlerimiz için, enkaz kaldıran ekiplerimiz için sıcak çorbamız hazır. Bugünden itibaren her bağışlarınız geldikçe çorba, yemek, su, ekmek, helva, bisküvi, kek, çikolata, kuru gıda, çadır dağıtımlarımız olacak inşaallah.
#deprem #acilyardım
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mouseynest · 10 months
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"pachew! pew pew!!!!"
a zilly zcreenzhot from iii, but i would like to talk about zomething a bit more perzonal
Just kind of rant-ish, but I feel like Cabby is REALLY misunderstood. She's one of the few characters in the show id thought people would really connect with/relate to, but most of what I see is slander or hate. I could see why people argue that she is a 'stalker' or 'creepy' but those are the same people who also really like fan. Fan and Cabby have some things in common that most people forget??? They both are deemed, 'smart', both know a lot about the contestants/the show, and were at one point hated by others because of it. Cabby was also in the right by trying to get Fan eliminated (he literally invaded her privacy and some people just ignore that????). Now, her teammates had some reason to vote for her. Expecting people to act just how they're written in file? Thinking you're friends with someone (test tube) when really they either don't like you or see you mutually? *cough* AUTISM *cough cough*.
(This next bit is kinda vent-ish so if you feel uncomfy reading that kind of stuff, you should prob click off now!!!)
Cabby has a problem that I and others face, that being unable to truly understand the closeness of friends. This is really brought up in her relationship with test tube, her looking up to her and really wanting to be her friend/ally, and test tube only seeing her as an enemy, or rarely, just a teammate. In episode ten when Cabby rejoins, She is very surprised at the others on the island cheering for her after winning. She obviously didn't realize they viewed her this way.
It's hard learning that your idol, your 'best friend', your role model only sees you as a friend, an acquaintance, a nobody, or even an enemy. It leaves this void, a hole, and you feel betrayed, stabbed in the back, and you're just mad at yourself that you didn't realize it. Usually, you feel this way until you find 'them' and your whole world revolves around them, and the cycle repeats. The best feeling in it is the little attention, the conversations even with said person.
Not trying to put the blame on anyone, so I'm not gonna say who, but recently I had a conversation with one of my idols, and I really see them as a friend!! I wanna support them as a friend!!! I wanna make gifts, show my admiration, and joke with them!!! but whenever I realize that they have other friends, or that they barely know me, I feel crushed!!! I feel that void, the hole in my chest from before. It aches, realizing that I have/had no chance of being friends with such a cool person!!
(this feels like im getting a fking BOULDER off my back just by saying this)
(it also felt really hard to write this because i was CONSTANTLY rephrasing everything, hoping it never sounded too complicated or obvious. There's also just lines here im just plainly confused with, but whats the point of caring about that now if no one's gonna see this [probably] )
( gh)
(Photo by @mentallystrider on Pinterest!!)
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kittenwatermemes · 4 months
merry christmas
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muptedikul · 5 months
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Tatlı yoğunluk ve yorgunluklar dedikleri. Hizmette yorulurken dinleniyor insan. Zihnim bu noktada bir şeylerle meşgul olurken tıkır tıkır işliyor herşey hiç beklenmedik zamanda beklenmedik şeyler oluyor. Hazırlık aşamaları ve sonuç kısmı. Canım yol arkadaşım eşliğinde hazırlıklar yapmanın lezzeti de bir başka. :)
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b1rokuyucu · 6 months
Tecili danışmağa derdimi demeye kimse lazımdı, yorulmuşam her şeyden her kesden, nefes ala bilmirem. Kömek edinnn, ya psixolog meslehet edinn bilmirem boşluqda hiss edirem. Özümü denizin ortasında bir damla su üçün çırpınan insan kimi hiss edirem. Ətrafımda gerekli her şey var ama axtardığımı tapa bilmirem ne istediyimi bilmirem kimi, çox yorulmuşamm axı mən🙁. Hava olmadan insan nefes ala bilmez. Külekde oksigen axınıdır. Ama külekli havada nefes ala bilmezsiz. Eynen ele hiss edirem her şeyim var ama heç neyim yoxdu. Hiss etdiklerimi başqa nece ifade ede bilerem bilmirem
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erenist · 7 months
Sanki alfabeyi siz icat etmişsiniz gibi okumaya yazmaya gösterdiğiniz bu çaba inanılmaz.
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gecelersenianar · 8 months
Abi tumblrda ne kadar çok flörtüz insan var.
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