#imagine saying 'i stan new jeans' 😭
leejinkie · 2 years
i thought the name of adorngg's debut was new jeans but its their actual name .. What
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senbbonzakura · 1 month
hii!! don't be shy posting anythin, that's cool when new people appear who write south park stuff! 🤍 can i request (f!reader) picnic headcannons with kenny, stanley and kyle? it can be platonic or romantic(sure, aged up), idc
sure!! thank u sm for being my first headcannons req anon !! 🤍 ill try my best with these bc i never was on a picnic so i have to use my imagination on how it works.. also i made this romantic, theyre like 17-18 here
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✩ — STAN !
this guy was so flattered when u asked him to go do a picnic with u
he was so excited he couldnt sleep
brought cookies and dr pepper...
its because he was walking around the store for like 30 minutes in denial of what would you like to eat 😭😭
like.. will u like it? what if youre picky? mostly everyone likes cookies so cookies it is
butttttt he brought money to the picnic too in case you need something
he picks a nice outfit for himself!!
and by that i dont mean a suit or anything like that... its just a tee that you once said you liked and his fav baggy jeans
so nervous before meeting u for the picnic. mostly bc of the food. what if youre not happy with the food he brought☹️
he brought a picnic blanket too tho!!
he tries to settle it himself but its sort of windy and he drops the blanket...
it flies away
but dw luckily he got it!!
he tries to settle it ahain but DONT trust him with that bc its gonna fly away again so help him pls😭
once its all settled he tries to make it romantic somehow?? he doesnt know how to be romantic without it being corny tho😕
so he just passes u everything u ask for!!
totally did not put the picnic basket next to himself on purpose..
with stan its mostly just giggles and stuff. he will hold your hand or hug you there and there but he enjoys just talking with you like he would with a best friend, if you know what i mean??
he kisses your cheek and thanks you for all the effort you put in everything <3
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✩ — KYLE !
he suggests the picnic 🤗
kyle is the most organized one of them all
before the picnic he knows what to bring and what food you like
like what??? how did he know that?? did he put cameras around ur house or smth
or maybe ur parents just like him a lot so they told him stuff..
keeps checking if he has everything
he also brings you a flower!!
hes a gentleman😭
somehow manages to settle the blanket himself??
he also picked the perfect time of the day so it would be sunset
puts sm effort in to show you how much he loves you!! hes so sweet
brought like a backup hoodie for you just in case youre cold😕
he doesn't really like touching you in public, so expect a hug and a kiss from him only after it gets darker after the sunset
or if he thinks no one is watching
ike definitely wanted to go with you two
kyle said no
he wants it to be a moment just for you and him
ike still comes along with sheila "on accident" but for like a few minutes bc kyle begged them to leave you two alone😭
he apologizes to you
its not like hes embarrassed bc of sheila, its just the fact that his MOM came, if u get what i mean
what more can i say?
besides that its all perfect !!
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✩ — KENNY !
you suggest the picnic
he thought abt it before and wanted to ask you too but money... 😕
he immediately said yes and saved money just for that occasion
he knows what food u like
its because usually when you two hang out he randomly asks you stuff like "whats your fav food?" in that case
and he remembers every answer u give him🤗🤗
he brought food and you brought the blanket
he actually made sure to bring enough for the two of you
thats so sweet😕
he doesnt gaf abt public, he will show his love to you everywhere
so he has his arm wrapped around you most of the time
and also kisses your shoulder or cheek sometimes !!
he would do the rizz thing with "hey you have something there" while pointing at ur chest and then he would grab ur chin so u look at him and he kisses u
its just a joke tho😭
thats not a great way to flirt in his opinion
he would also chuckle before kissing u !!
after the picnic he offers to walk you to your home <3
he also holds your hand while walking
when youre about to leave he hugs you and thanks you for everything too🤗
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fill my requests up guys!!
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jayflrt · 2 years
HELP i just copy and paste bc i type way faster on my computer and i normally rmb to delete what i respond to but. not that time ig.
i got accepted into 3/4 i applied to, it's just. choosing. that is v hard for me bc 2 of them are really good schools.
TURN DOWN HARVARD????? the one i got denied from was ivy league equivalent i cant even imagine getting in omg
im so out of shape too dw LMAOOO i used to do like... 8 mile hikes and shit easily but now??? gl getting me to do 1.5 miles 😭😭😭i used to take the bus, yeah, it would be 2 hrs in the morning and 2-3 in the evening. sucked!! do not recommend!! my mom drives me now, and when i go to college im just gonna take the shuttle or walk everywhere
NAUUURRR i hope u get qiqi soon!! i have her c1 on na and c0 on asia, she just. rlly loves me. speaking of my asia acc my luck is absolutely mf INSANE there why do i have c3 lisa and like c2 kaeya... starter chars are so rare HELLAUR???
my yanfei is c6 and i need to fix her artis and crown her, but she hits a good 50k when she crits. my highest on NA is 61k melt from ganyu,, but thats bc none of my dps chars are nukers, yk? like xiao and ganyu r both multihit
my eula hit 135k w a lvl 6 ult on asia but her artifacts are awful, i need to farm for her more. it's so annoying to farm for two accs tho LMAOOOOO
i was helping brooke unlock and run the new domain a couple of times ( we were... very slow) and eula hit at most 45k bc her ratio and talents r so awful LMAOOO albedo carried yes king
i got into 127 first, i think it's just that dream is closer to my age? so their humor matches mine more. and mark/jaehyun were my first biases and i still have soft spots for them so ig i can be considered loyal? like i stan half the group in almost every group i like,, but it doesn't change once i find the Ones.
i kind of hate the beach bc it's... boring? LMAOOOO like when u go frequently it's like 😴😴😴ok seen it im done. we normally go once or twice a year for a week </3 that is so long to do nothing but sit on SAND i hate sand
i want to write on my sideblog bc im trying to regrow a following that's more active and reads longer fics, since my current one is so reaction-centric and i know most of them r from 2 years ago and have deleted tumblr </3
it's working so far, i think? like i get asks sometimes or people at least wanting to be on the taglist which is more than i can say for main 😭😭😭
omg yeah dw abt it, i was just curious <3 i do know im a lil nervous making new mutuals now and i've only been on the very fringes of the plagiarism dramas and everything
HAHAH NONO UR GOOD when i just have my laptop, i copy paste it into notes and then reply and then type and then paste my response into the ask again LOLL it's so complex for what 🤧 
deciding on my college was also rlly difficult for me :'') i took like a good month to weigh in all my acceptances and eventually went to the one i felt the most comfortable at and thought would be the best for me <33 omg yeah my high school was pretty competitive so quite a few people got into ivy leagues, but everyone was surprised that that one boy turned down harvard bc he's always had high ambitions and is a genius 😳 but i think it all came down to finances and he's happier at the college he ended up choosing tbh so i'm glad for him 🥰 plus ivy leagues are corrupt and scary and i don't think i want to go to a university where the student climate is so cutthroat LMFAO 
god yeah my thighs are dying rn <//3 i hiked 16 miles with my friends once and tbh that was the worst HAHAH i was fine for the 7(??) ish miles there but walking back was sooo painful + 2 of those miles was on sand so it was a struggle. i don't think i could walk properly for 3 days after that HAHAH and i cut my ankle mid-hike so 🤕 2-3 hours ??? god i would fall asleep or something i could never 😭 
my luck kinda sucks on both accs 💀 i don't think i've ever hit pity early and i have like c3 mona and c2 jean LMFAO but omg yeah starter cons are sooo good 😭 my friend manx mained kaeya for a while and kept getting lisa cons instead of kaeya HAHAH and i always get amber cons even tho i never use her 😳 cat got a kaeya con the other day and i freaked out LMAOAO where's my kaeya constellation 😩 
i want c6 yanfei soooo bad i have her at c4 rn but her build is kinda good so im itching to get two more constellations 🙏 i feel like i barely use my NA acc anymore HAHAH i just spend so much time on my asia one and don't have time to work on both 🤧 but maybe i'll start working on my NA acc again so that i can build diluc !! 💖 i still need to play the new archon quest i've been doing a bunch of world quests but im proud bc i usually never get those done and push it off to the end <//3 
ooh yeah i get that !! i adore 127 and wayv and watch content for them but dream is like the group i always go back to to watch content 💗 lately i've been ditching them to watch svt content tho sorry dream <//3 
yeah where i am people go to the beach like every week so it gets tiring after a while. i hate sand in my shoes and how cold the ocean is and how scary the waves are so !! im out. my roommates actually invited me out to the beach with them today and i was like nooooo so i hid out to write/do homework :'] but yeah same i hate sand when it gets wet and sticks to you but i like it when you don't get wet and just can like ,, lay on the warm sand :') 
ooh yeah that makes sense :o i just make sideblogs bc i'm so nitpicky with the organization HAHAH when i made this blog i didn't tell anyone i was hyuckworld/tyonfs for a month or two because i wanted to build my own rep 🌸 
omg yeah im traumatized from my wattpad days because i would stumble upon clout chasers who only wanted to be my friend to either get me to read their fics or become friends with my friends 😣 i was so wary about reading rec’d fics for a while HAHAH but now i’ve just started finding my own fics to read and it’s fun discovering more <33 i have a list for ao3 too 🥰 
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i try to handle all plagiarism issues privately bc i hate bringing discourse onto my blog but the ask someone sent me sort of made it impossible for me to not post it publicly 😞 plus it was clear that person was just blatantly copy pasting a bunch of writers fics sooo <//3 i rlly hope this all ends soon gosh 
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