#im going to scream to the top of my roof!!!!! AHHHHHHHH
fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Remember how I sad I had an Christmas idea since June….well now that I’m finally acting on it. Lol this was just a fun little fic…
All the Rays huddled around the Christmas tree, the twins eyeing brightly wrapped gifts. The two six year olds excited to see what lay beneath the layer of wrapping paper.
“Thanks for inviting us over Chuck”
“Thank you Chuck”
“Yeah whatever”
“At midnight Sweetheart”
They all watched the snowfall, Chucky sipped on some hot cocoa, that may or may not have been spiked.
“Snows pouring down huh?”
“Yeah, we might have a snow in”
“It appears so”
“Huh yeah”
“What does that mean?”
“Lots of snow”
They all huddled together watching classic Christmas movies, till something was amiss. The air was growing thick, and full of frost l. The wind howling with an eerie glee attempting to force its way in. And too top it off the power went out, leaving all of them in the blanket of darkness.
“Well shit”
“I’ll go flip on the generator”
“You sure? It’s freezing out there”
“Yeah I’ll be fine”
“Better you freeze your ass than me”
“Wow thanks Chucky”
Billy grabbed his coat, and made is way out in to the bone chilling atmosphere. The went to the power box and tried to find some way to turn the power back on. However his attention was grabbed by something moving in the corner of his eye.
“How fucking long is Billy gonna take?”
“Don’t know”
“……..was that Billy”
“…..it sounded like him”
“Oh shit”
“Daddy? What’s going on?”
“I—I don’t know….uh why don’t you go with your ma and Glen and grab some flash lights….ok?”
“Ok what the fuck happened to Billy”
“I’m not going out there…Jig you go”
The second youngest ventured out into the snow. Searching for young Billy. To find nothing, only the remains of his bright bow tie, and his foot prints in the white snow.
“Did you find him?”
Jig just shook his head.
“What’s going on?”
“Well you’re uncle Billy’s kinda well….he got lost”
“We’ll find him”
They all fell dead silent the the loud thumbing at the top of the roof. And faint animal like growls, echoing through the chimney.
“What the hell”
“Oh dear…..”
“Kids stay behind me”
“Stay here”
The three brothers ventured into separate rooms of the house.
They bolted in the direction of the screams only to find nothing.
“And he’s gone”
The twins heard the frantic screams and shouting growing frightened by minute.
“Mum I’m scared”
“Me too”
“It’s gonna be ok….”
“Ok we’re getting fucking picked off one by one”
“I can see that Charles!”
The growling returned filling the house and this time followed by sinister laughter filling the home.
“I’ll head outside and scout the area, you stay here with your family”
“Fine you go, I’ll stay here. But if your ass gets jacked it ain’t on me”
“I’ll be fine”
Jig ventured out searching the white area. Finding nothing.
Chucky’s yell towards his brother was cut short when a long rustic chain, trailed down the chimney.
“Oh shit”
Chucky looked at his kids and wife with a concerned look in his crystal eyes. However his face dropped, feeling the metal chain coil around his leg.
The redhead was yanked up, hearing his screams fade away.
Before his family could scream the door was flung open, nearly knocking it off its old rickety hinges. Revealing an animal like creature, to the long horns curling inwards to the skull, to its goat like feet. The sharp blood filled fangs, with pieces of a navy black suit.
The creature approached bending down getting in their faces. Letting out an eerie cackles.
“Sorry! It was your dads idea”
“Haha My apologies”
“They really had you going huh?”
“Well you said you two were bored of waiting for the gifts”
“Well Billy did the voices”
“I did the chains”
“And I helped make the noises and move this big ass suit”
“And what do ya know? It’s midnight”
“Yes you can open your presents”
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