#im cool with all of them but I really want a Cleo win
zvmz · 7 months
Writing down my thoughts while watching monster high for the first time Pt. 2
alright y’all now we’re watching why do ghouls fall in love let’s go
oh oh new and improved intro
the one long shot as the intro is so cool
ohh shoot we 3D now
actually might like it better than the 2D
wait r they saying Valentine’s Day was literally made for Draculara?
im confused 😁
can I get a sugar daddy like clawd
um this is awkward
so guys it was all in our heads apparently 😊
clawdeen is kinda slaying this new animation style
oh this song goes so hard
the bats flying out of clawds wallet is so real
come again how old is draculara
why is she still in school
was she held back a few hundred years
and I thought my grades were bad
the cat people make me uncomfortable. stranger danger
damn these cats are menaces
arent they always
not the driving lessons book
just pass it the first time fr 🙄
vampire daring charming???
“misunderstanding with the locals”?? 😭 what did girlie do??? 😭😭
is ghoulias back okay like fr
the collection of broken hearts is so extra
kinda metal idk I almost cant be mad
imagine eah characters trying to navigate the catacombs
girls would not last a minute
actually can someone make a fic I would totally read that
why am I just now realizing ghoulia can’t talk
like idk I just thought she was a bit quirky this whole time
oh my god Draculara HIT HIM
she missed her chance :( vampire Elvis lives
The shot of them running towards each in slow motion just to maintain a 3 feet distance was so unnecessary
why is dueces animation specifically so rough
he kind of reminds me of sparrow
i kinda like him
yes Draculara break it off
oh- um
wait a minute I recognize Frankie’s voice. Is that Barbie?
why does some random cow go to their school
yeah Cupid shoot her
pow pow pow 💥🔫💥🔫💥🔫
okay now what the hell
get it together cupid
why does Cupid keep accidentally getting love enchanted? First clawd then Dexter lolll
the dog whistle?? 😭
clawds like. I guess you can say I got… W rizz...
”what u want” ABBY 😭😭 BEST CHARACTER ONG
this party looks kinda fire ngl
not sure how I feel about the food being served next to the body odor pit
okayyy frankieee kinda slaying her party look
cleo barely changing after being love enchanted to herself
Could this be considered a school shooting? like legally
um anyway Kitty Cheshire supremacy
rizz lord clawd
hell yea body odor pit for the win ✊🏻
why was the kiss sound so um squishy
abby is such an icon
okay it’s over
I liked this one a lot better than the last movie. I hope we see Cupid again or else I’ll rage
the pacing was like SO much better than the last movie.
my only complaints are that toralai and vampire Elvis's motivations either weren’t really explained or made no sense to me. Also the animation still isn’t great but what do you expect lol
oh wait one more complaint. where is Frankie’s personality. I do not see it
hopefully we get a good frankie episode to get to know her a bit more
also it keeps telling us clawdeen and draculara are best friends but not really showing it??
In conclusion clawd is the rizzard and Abby solos
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single-malt-scotch · 6 months
ok so i am home from my vacation and i have only had time to watch bdubs' SL pov and hlf of cleo's rn. regardless wanted to ramble my thoughts on this session and fair warning it isnt gonna be super positive (the short: didnt really like it) so yeah.
reminder though i absolutely Love these people. i love how they play and theyre great and im watching first and foremost bc i like seeing them have fun. my issues lie in the series' mechanics, how it plays, the technical function, management etc.
the thing about watching one pov is i feel like it can also spell out other issues but i will get to that later
obviously the big thing. the "infection" task. listen.... the concept of a boogeyman infection by itself is cool! i like that! but.... not here?????? out of all series.
there is no regen, and this fact is conflicting to me because i feel like the boogey should be struggling against those theyre trying to infect, and minecraft's regen would be that struggle, like it has been for every past boogey chasing their targets.
you have to kill everyone not red? not red???? so like 90% of the server? insane.
this was an EASY TASK........... this pisses me more on what this season's rules have been implied to be. suddenly, they arent really making sense. i will go into this deeper.
this just doesnt seem like the right place to plant this task. it is hugely impactful and feels like it is happening for no reason. if they were going on like 10+ episodes and grian was formally like "well, secret keeper wants this wrapped up so lets see what task hes gonna give all of us!" and then boom, this is it. then cool. make up a proper excuse like wrapping up the season.
it was too much of a shocker, unprepared for, and with how intense it is by needing to kill everyone left it feeling very unfair to the people i was watching. Bdubs had just died previously and now lost all his hearts in one session because of the force of another task. as did many others. if there was to even be any slight alteration to more "fairness" it could have been "the one you killed is now boogey. hand them the book and make them kill someone by themself. you are no longer infected. you cannot kill the person who killed you." or something idk. every part of the server going after one person is way too much.
regarding rules and whatnot, i was already kind of annoyed by this previous session too. there are two tasks now that have me going "how tf is this "easy"?" Bdubs' task of chicken causing damage-- an amount that had to go as high as anyone could stand it-- seems way too harsh as an easy task. there were a few tasks where health could be lost, but none of it was deliberate "lose as much as possible". losing the same amount of health as another player (like grian and joel) is not the same as telling the player they basically need to lose as much as possible compared to someone else in order to win the challenge. grian and etho's hard tasks took a lot of damage (to others mostly lol) but it was a destructive hard task. bdubs' with the dragon was as well.
but gem's task especially... i mean, holy crap. that is a red life's task, or a hard task at most! even if i liked the whole thing i think id still be on the page of saying that is not an "easy" task. a red life getting this task would have been interesting too because it would put a ton of risk on them to survive and get it done. and sure, theyd get some allies in the infected but theyd still be a target in the fights. that would have been tense for them!
cancelling out all of the others' tasks when they were infected made sense but it totally changed the direction of people's videos. it forced them to be different to everyone. suddenly the first quarter or half of the video is just void and pointless. when the tasks basically direct their entire motive and how they act towards everyone, forcing them into big choices they cannot change, i think its bad. social tasks that pass off as kind normal are funny (etho's weeping angel, get scar to talk abt star wars, compliment ppl when they take damage etc), or outward and confusing but not character controlling ones (kill the dragon, connect your base to others, etc). ones that direct a player so strongly shouldnt ruin their interactions with everyone else either (playing tag-- took up a lot of time but players were "neutral" to everyone and carried on as normal).
some people were saying this task could be to speed up the series. im not really sure abt that. regardless i am sure they thought this would just be an interesting thing to do and thats why they did it. (i have seen martyn on here sometimes talking vaguely abt tasks being random and whatnot and no offense to him but it doesnt sound like at all he does have all the information to knowing this. i mean, why would he? hes a player. the admins are doing things he has no clue about. hes not even firmly stating anything. hes just saying what he knows, which i dont think is at all everything the admins are doing in front of them). i have seen this series play with many balance issues through its lifetime and i think this season esp shows a lot of that again. grian stated around one season how theres no play testing really. the admins might run some stuff i guess but theyre not testing much. and thats very obvious when limlife had that issue of deaths not showing in chat (and hey look, it happened again!) or boogey kills in LL and LimLife (along with normal kills in Lim) not being detected by means that were not direct (mechanically this just happens, you cant fix it. but they did not prepare to deal with this at all and it was chaotic to watch in Limlife and caused a lot of confusion on who got time).
i have repeating some of these things about SL already so i dont want to drone on again. i have been kinda neutral to SL because many eps were fine, i didnt love every task (personally didnt like etho getting so many "out of character" ones, like please give this man a break he is so socially awkward its hard to watch). but this session and last session have me not enjoying the task concept.
from the start i just wished this season was about not being able to regen hearts and thats it. i need something simple, dude. its getting convoluted. and its obvious with the amount of hall monitoring and the amount of talk the cc have in these videos telling hall monitors to stop, to explain successes or failures, etc etc. they should have to do that. limlife already had some ppl getting picky about who got time or not but this is even more subjective and confusing!! im sure theyre still having fun and i like seeing them having fun here but as a viewer im just seeing a concept that has too much going on, stuff that doesnt have a simple yes or no answer sometimes and i dont think thats good for a series like this, one that started out so incredibly simple and straight forward.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
hey, i have a jj maybank request! fem!reader, possible angst!
so basically, y/n is a pogue and gets along with the other pogues (john b, pope, sarah, kiara & cleo) except for jj. y/n is always bright, a total sweetheart and bubbly and jj…hates it.
john b recently opens up a surf board shop on that stranded island that they’re on?? and he leaves y/n and jj alone to polish some boards hoping that they’d get along. jj complains about every little thing y/n does and starts calling her names. she gets really upset and storms out the shop to clear her head. she goes by the water for a swim but a dangerous tide picks her up and jj notices and saves her?? hopefully this makes sense!
the deep end ☆
jj maybank x fem!reader.
warnings: mentions of drowning, jj being an asshole, swearing.
words: 1,674.
summary: jj somehow finds everything you do annoying to the point he criticizes everything you do. john b thinks of a plan that will ensure his two friends will befriend each other. it was working at first, until it wasn’t.
request? yes!
a/n: y’all have such good ideas what the?! thank you for the request! if you enjoyed please like and comment. this is angst with fluff at the end. <3 BTW i am from missouri and have never surfed so i hope i got the polishing of the surfboards correct. :)
my masterlist
john b always had a plan, well usually he did. if two of his friends were fighting, he would always find a way to get them to get along. he knew that stranding kiara and sarah on a boat together in the middle of nowhere would force them to fix their friendship. so, with that knowledge, he knew that he could do the same thing with jj and you.
you were always nice to jj, he just seemed to get annoyed with you all the time. you didn’t know what you had done, if you had even done something. he just always felt the need to critique you. it became harder and harder everyday to ignore him.
since washing up on the abandoned island, john b was ecstatic for his brand new start. unsurprisingly to anyone, his first idea for creating a new civilization would be a surf shack. he started building it right away. you would occasionally help, but he was determined to do it on his own so he would always send you away.
“okay! john b what would you like my help with? i can do anything you need. just let me know.” you smile brightly at john b, while he stared at you. “listen, i love you. but, i don’t need your help at the moment. you should talk to everyone else.” you frown at his words, “fine. but you better get me the minute you need assistance.” he nodded. “will do.” and with that, you left joining the others.
jj was talking to cleo before silencing upon your arrival. “hey everyone!” you smile at the group in front of you. “hey! how’s john b?” kiara asked. “i think he is good, he’s actually pretty much done.” you play with the bracelet on your wrist. kiara nods, “that’s great.” pope smiles, “statistically speaking, we can’t ensure that his shack will be entirely safe as he built it all on his own.” you stare at pope. “true… we’ll let’s hope it doesn’t collapse on him.” pope smiled at you, glad you listened to his random fact.
jj groaned. “awe, how sweet pope!! you found a girl who wasn’t disgusted by your weird and useless knowledge.” you gasp in shock, “jj! shut up you are so rude.” jj laughs, “it’s just a joke, why do you always have to be so offended?” you glare at jj. “jj it’s not funny, you’re just a dick.” pope sighs. “it’s okay, don’t worry.” you frown in popes direction. you quietly pull away from the group. you walk to an area of sand, plopping yourself down. that’s when john b approached you.
“hey, remember when i told you i would come get you when i needed help?” john b smiled at you. “yes! do you need my help?” you tilt your head to the side, waiting. he nods. “i need you to wax up some of the boards i made.” you nod. “okay! sure.” he walked you to his shack, helping you set up. you began waxing the board, paying attention to the direction and the amount of wax you were applying. john b waits a minute watching you, before he decides to leave.
after a minute, you see jj approaching the shack with john b who held a smug smile on his lips. you shake your head, confused. “friends.” he looked between you and jj. jj held an unamused look on his face. “as my close friends, you will wax these boards for me. you can’t stop until you guys fix whatever feud is going on between the two of you.” john b stands his ground. jj scoffs, “we don’t have a feud.” you nod your head in agreement. “jj is right, his hatred is definitely one sided... it is not a feud.” you laugh softly seeing jj send a glare your way. “yeah okay. whatever guys. just fix it, and if you even try and leave, i’ll send cleo after both of you.” your eyebrows lift in shock. you mutter a quick okay, returning your attention to the board.
jj stares at you, watching you apply the wax. he couldn’t help but get upset. everything you did just made him annoyed. he grabbed the wax, working on the board right by yours. silence falls over the two of you. it’s not awkward or weird, it actually feels quite normal. until jj interrupted it so he could judge you.
“youre doing it wrong. i mean come on.” you stare at jj, “jj please just focus on your own board.” you shake your head, continuing to polish the surfboard. he glares at you. “whatever. just keep doing what you are doing, and then john b or i will fix it after you.” his attention turned back to his board. you rolled your eyes. “i will, thank you.” he breathes in, inhaling the waxy scent. “you are so annoying you know that?” you ignore jj’s words, focusing on the board. he continues, “i mean everything you do. everything you say, it pisses me off.” you nod slightly. “you done?”
“no, actually i’m not.” you bite your lip, fixating on the wax that is spreading along the smooth surface. jj stops waxing the surfboard. you look up to see he is already staring at you. “you know, you act like you are better than us, i mean why do you hang out with us anyway?” jj waits but continues when he realizes you won’t reply. “you are fake, you are so upbeat and bubbly that it’s annoying. you are a double sided two faced bitch who says anything to get in good graces.” you inhale, looking up at him.
“listen jj. we are stranded on this fucking island. TOGETHER. so either drop it and move on, or just shut the fuck up and stay away from me.” you place your hands on your hips, breathing slightly staggered from anger. “everyone speaks so highly of you saying how great you are; but the only jj i’ve met is a total douche. if you hate me so much then just stay the fuck away from me. if you continue you’ll just be wasting your breath and energy anyway.” jj holds back a laugh at your sudden outburst.
“you really think if i had the choice, i would want to be here? especially with you?” jj asked, you already knowing the answer. you stay silent. “exactly. no one can deal with you for that long anyway.” you roll your eyes.
“whatever jj. you win.” you toss the wax to the side, frowning. you don’t turn back to him, you just ignore him. you start to walk towards the beaches seashore. it was getting slightly hot, so you decided to take a dip into the water.
you were salvaging the few moments of freedom you had, before you got john b’s and cleo’s wrath from leaving the scene before mending the friendship with jj. it was practically impossible. what did jj have against you? you tip toed into the water, getting deeper and deeper. you floated at the top of the water; the coolness feeling great on top of your hot skin.
jj truly had the biggest nerve, your mind was overwhelmingly clogged. you felt seaweed scratch against the bottom of your foot, this caused you to jump, your adrenaline levels rising since you thought it was a fish. you try to remain afloat, but the high tide caused the waves to crash right over you repeatedly, being faster and higher than ever. you went above water trying to shout for help, but your mouth was filled, causing no sound to come out. you thrash against the water, kicking to stay afloat. your throat was burning, your legs tired from kicking, and your lungs filled with liquid.
a pair of hands wrap around your stomach, dragging you out the water. you were placed on the warm sand. “shit.” jj stared at you. your head felt light. jj’s hand began pumping your chest, curses falling from his mouth. “come on, just breathe. please.” you cough, the salt water exiting your lungs, and dropping onto your neck. you gasp for air, opening your eyes to be met with jj’s face. you breathe heavily for a minute.
“jj… thank you.” you sit up, pulling him into a tight hug. your hands wrap around his neck, one of them grabbing his hair. his arms held tightly around your waist. his chest was heaving heavily, shaking slightly. “i hate to be so cliché j, but you genuinely saved my life.” he frowns at you. “i almost lost you.”
jj’s confession confused you. “what?” you say softly, your hand combed through his hair. “look. the reason i’m so mean to you, is because i knew that if i was nice to you, my already intense feelings for you would only amplify.” you frown at him. “you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?” jj nodded. you went to talk, but your friends interrupted the moment.
john b rushed to your side, kiara and pope swiftly behind him. “what happened!! we were watching from over there.” john b pointed in a direction farther away. “one minute you were swimming… the next you we’re gone!?” you wipe your neck, trying to dry it off. “jj saved my life. i almost drowned.” you frown, the group in front of you nodded. “im so glad you are okay.” kiara bent down pulling you into a hug. “i’m glad you are safe now too.” pope joined in on the hug; as well as everyone else.
sarah, kiara, and cleo bend down, reaching for your hands. they help you up, dragging you to your feet. they walk you away from the crowd, bombarding you with questions. “so when you were drowning what did it feel like??” you turn around watching jj, you smile slightly before turning to them. “oh get ready for the amount of details i’m going to give you guys.”
possibly a part two…??? not sure yet :) <3 also!! i’m proofreading this tomorrow since i’m not entirely sure if it has errors or not! ily!!
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petrichormeraki · 3 years
i saw senpai @shadeswift99 do this so now im inspired:
Hermits Ranked On How Much I Could Fight Them And Win:
Welsknight: this bitch doesn’t even need to touch me. he would obliterate me just by rap roasting me so hard i would instantly disintegrate. 0/10 i would have no chance 
Grian: if i didn’t know any better i would take him. unfortunately i do know better and i know he’s stronger than all the other hermits that met irl at a convention and he absolutely destroyed a strength arcade game. 4/10 only because he has hollow bones but he would just evade me until i got tired and then punch my lights out
TFC: tfc would take me the fuck out with his one arm and leg, but i really feel like he just wouldnt bother. -10/10 bc i would never lay a fucking finger on my minecraft grandpa, he’s been through too much already. even if i did square up he is probably jacked as shit from mining for miles on end. no way 
Bdubs: bdubs would absolutely beat me on sheer strength, but he suffers from Little Guy Syndrome just like i do so id be able to take him out by insulting his height and distracting him since i know from experience that is what tics little guys off the most. however he also completely feral and is barely keeping a lid on it so he would stab me without any prompting. 3/10
Scar: nope. man is fucking giant and he’s too sweet to even consider a fight. i dont like using that cop out but i mean it in this instance. plus jellie would absolutely tear me apart if i even came near her boy with malicious intent and thats not how i want to die. 1/10 because i would win but at what cost.
Cub: man looks old as shit and is a government enforcer. i would not hesitate to fight him. 6/10 only because he has vex friends that would destroy me if i touched him
Cleo: she would break my legs and i wouldnt even be mad. i mentally could never throw a punch at her because zombies scare the living fuck out of me. i would instantly lose 0/10
False: i would die. -100/10
Stress: she was a drum player which means she has a lot of pent up aggression in there somewhere and i cannot compete with that. she also carries around flowers and that would take me out via allergy attack if i even got close. 4/10 because i think i could do it on principal but i also know i wouldnt be able to realistically
xB: mans has literally murdered in cold blood in season six, i fear him. he seems docile but thats all a facade and i know it. 2/10 only because fear would make me stronger but not strong enough
Tango: he would physically be very tough because of wrangling ravagers but he is also an idiot. thats not much advantage to me because so am i. 5/10 i think it would be an even split on who would win
Zedaph: in straight hand to hand i would obliterate him. however he unironically makes deadly traps just for people that visit his base so uh. 7/10 because i would drop him but he’s also too much of a violent introvert to even let me get close
Mumbo: he’s tall and buff but he’s too self conscious to use his physical attributes to his full potential. all i need to do is aim for the middle and he’d fall like a timbered tree. 8/10 only because i cant reach his face (and even if i could i wouldnt go for it bc of the beautiful mustache) 
Hypno: i know nothing about him and that scares me. ???/10
Keralis: he’s very sweet but he’s also rich. sorry keralis. 10/10 
Xisuma: i would give it my best shot but honestly i wouldnt even be able to touch him. he’s the fucking doomguy!!! what am i supposed to do!! 0/10
Iskall: he’s an assassin and built like a brick shit house. he’s also too friendly, i would unconsciously pull my punches because i don’t feel right about fighting such a nice guy. 0/10 he would actually take my life
Impulse: also a drummer. he is unsure if he’s actually human or not and that fact alone means he would be able to take me the fuck out. 2/10 he’s also a government enforcer and i want to fight him but i wouldnt last long 
Doc: he fought a god and only lost an arm. -10/10
Jevin: i could probably take him but the fact that he consists entirely of the substance that makes my bones want to escape my body means i would not fucking touch him if you paid me. 0/10 
Beef: he seems like a genuinely cool and fun guy but he wears a blood covered apron all the time so god knows what he’d do to me. he’s also smart enough to make advancements in technology that the human race has only dreamed of achieving. 0/10 because he looks like my dad and i would never fight him
Etho: he terrifies me. he canadian so that’d make me let my guard down slightly but then he’d sic an army of endermites on me. he’s an OG and i would not survive. 0/10  
Ren: he’s puppy. i would never dream of punching a dog in the face. even if i did, ren is so casually horny that i would whiff every shot out of sheer embarrassment. 5/10 because we would stalemate. 
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duckmumbo · 2 years
i'm glad your enjoying answer all the asks, because i'm enjoying reading them all lol- do you think you could do joe and cleo for the ask game?
Frequently bought together please do not separate thank you <3
First impression - very qualified dog catcher im a big fan of Jurassic Bark cannot believe he was running against Daffy Duck but honestly I respect him for winning it was very close
Impression now - listen. I follow theminecraftbee. My impression of Joe is essentially that man sure knows a lot of words and he uses them both correctly and incorrectly. He’s not afraid to yell at his chat which I fully respect. Joepacity.
Favorite moment - don’t watch him much so I don’t have a specific moment but it was really funny seeing what he would pay for stuff with in season 7 when he didn’t use diamonds
Idea for a story - more Joe and dog content please. Joe putting on Shakespeare plays with his dogs. Joe just walking around hermitcraft with 25 dogs on leashes in a circle around him. Joe with dogs. Has he even looked at a dog since season 7.
Random opinion - I miss the neon green hair. Joe bring back the neon green hair challenge please I can give you $20 and three (3) pictures of my dog
Favorite relationship - legally I have to say Cleo. They’re just too iconic ok
Favorite headcanon - one time I read a fic and it had a scene where joe was giving Xisuma and mumbo tea and he gave them sweet iced tea and they both reacted with disgust so now I like to think he tries his best to give sweet tea to all the tea drinkers in the server without them realizing their definitions of tea are very different things
First impression - armor stands. How the heck. Why is there a short child. Why are the blocks small. Why are they sideways. Help how do you do this. Cool skin.
Impression now - Cleo my beloved. Giant snake head in episode 5 how do you do it. She raided a woodland mansion in episode one. She would absolutely roast me if she saw me but it’s ok I’d deserve it. I want her to teach me armor stands. Cool skin.
Favorite moment - I sadly watch Cleo even less than I watch joe so I do not know many moments. However, I really enjoyed what I saw of her in the soup squad’s episode ones lol
Idea for a story - maybe some kinda backstory as to her drastic skin change. Why she became snake lady. I don’t have many thoughts right now.
Random opinion - you know how joe just up and decided to run for dog catcher in s7. I think Cleo should just up and declare herself president of armor stands. I don’t know what it means, but I think she should do it
Favorite relationship - again, legally I have to say Joe.
Favorite headcanon - Cleo knows how to sew and embroider, and she does it really well. This could be because angsty reasons but honestly it’s probably just because she realized if she learned how to embroider she could stab something over and over and nobody would look at her weirdly :)
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montpelierhqs · 6 years
Tumblr media
halloween event full transcript
set in a beautiful, gothic turret adjoined to montpelier academy, the halloween masquarade ball was supposed to be magical. whimsical. for many, the best night of their lives. however, a bowl of spiked punch, a secret or two, and a vengeful ex-student had a little so say about that...
Salem | Rhiannon/HarleyLast Friday at 12:04
Rhiannon felt slightly uncomfortable. All of this was so nice and fancy, she had never been somewhere or even in a place like this. She adjusted the deep green of her lace mask and looked at the poofy gown she rented. It reminded her of poison ivy  the beautiful flowers embroidered in it made her smile.
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Friday at 12:06
Andrea was still high as fuck, but she was feeling good. She smiles when she spotted Rhiannon, heading over. “You look fucking great” @Salem | Rhiannon/Harley
Salem | Rhiannon/HarleyLast Friday at 12:07
Rhiannon looked at Andrea and looked down at herself  "Thank you, you look good too!" Rhiannon felt happier here than anywhere else, even if she weren't as cool as everyone else or as fancy. @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:07
Mason had just finished his drink and he has had so many at this point he lost count. He walked to the dance floor and started to do the chicken dance.
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:13
The music was blaring loudly enough that Ash could definitely tell that it wasn't playing the chicken dance song. They opened their mouth to point this out before the realization struck that the chicken dance required less up and down than what everyone else was doing. So they joined their roommate in doing the chicken dance in an offbeat manner. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:14
@cam // ash mason smiled at his roommate and kept dancing. “Ash yes! Someone else understands that awesomeness of the chicken dance.”
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Friday at 12:21
[montpelierhqs main] @everyone welcome to the halloween event ! we're very excited to have you. this is a reminder to everyone to post your costumes to your character blogs, taggged 'montpeliertask002', as tomorrow an additional task only involving those that completed their costumes will be included. this task will include an in-character reward for the winner, so if you would like to take part, ensure that you have created your costume and have posted it before 8pm est tomorrow. best of luck, and enjoy the dance ! ( but beware the punch... )
paige || catalina&kennedy
pinned a message to this channel.
See all the pins.
Last Friday at 12:22
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:23
Kenya already feeling a little drunk saw Mason dancing and had to join. "A dancer here we stan!" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:27
Mason laughed and shook his head at Kenya. “Come join!” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Pau (Claire & Nic)Last Friday at 12:27
Nic had only a few days to prepare for this masquerade event since arriving at school, and because he didn't really know what else to do, he just grabbed a Peter Pan hat and dressed in boring colors to play the part, looking more like some staff than a student as he stood drinking punch and watching—more like judging—those dancing, amused. "They're actually dancing the chicken dance?" He asked whoever stood beside him.
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:28
Noah shook his head and laughed. “I’m baffled that such kids know the chicken dance. Thought they only knew the highest class of dances.” He joked, laughing at the sight of the students dancing. @Pau (Claire & Nic)
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:32
She smile back at him, Kenya doesn't usually dance but she was drunk so what new. "I'm coming, this dress is ready to go." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:32
Cleo was out in her element, drunk and on the dance floor. To say her dance moves weren’t pg-13 would be an understatement but then again, her sense of boundaries no longer existed and she was feeling the music. She didn’t know who was next to her but she didn’t care and she just kept on dancing.@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) Mason smiled and laughed, welcoming the girl into the dance party. “Yes! Let’s go!”
Pau (Claire & Nic)Last Friday at 12:34
Nic just stared at the people engaging in the dance and shrugged, not really one to speak out his mind right away but finding everything too amusing, a light curve shaping his lips at the other's remarks. "It would be better if one of them had come as a chicken." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:35
Noah laughed and laughed hard at the boys comment. “That would the icing on top of the cake. That would make this night ten times better.” @Pau (Claire & Nic)
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:35
Ash threw their head back in laughter, drowned  out by the music even as they did so. "It is a beautiful dance but it certainly doesn't beat the macarena!" To emphasize their point the started dancing to the macarena, complete with the dramatic hip shaking at the end of the sequence. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:36
Mason laughed and shook his head. “Yes! I love the Macarena, but the chicken dance is way better.” @cam // ash
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:39
After moving her body side to side, Kenya was laughing every time she try to do something extra with her dress. "Yo, bad guy! Own the dance floor." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:41
Mason couldn’t remember the last time he let himself be this free and relaxed. The alcohol was a very nice helper to him tonight. “Killing it with the moves.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:43
"I'm telling you now, the punch really kicking in." She said grabing his arm spinning herself.  Today really bring out a loose side of her really. "How much did you drink?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah(edited)
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:44
“Me too.” He said and laughed. “I have no idea. I lost count.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:44
"No way! The Macarena is the best dance aside from the cha cha slide." They exclaimed, hands still doing the dance even as they argued. "Although the chicken dance does have the wings. A fusion would be perfect." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 12:44
After their conversation with Ash, Harper had found their way back to the punch wanting to get so drunk that they didnt remember anything from this night besides the fact that tomorrow the two of them would be discussing the rules to their fake relationship. @everyone(edited)
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:46
"Harper, you do know that you gotta so many drink here right?" She said giving a cup of punch while she was giving some out @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:46
“You are delusional my friend!” Mason exclaimed and continued to dance. He stopped when Ash suggested a combination of the two dances. “That’s ingenious! We gotta do it!” @cam // ash
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:47
"Same, Cam really did put alot." She said  trying to copy his moves. "I seen you came here with Claire." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 12:48
"I need all the fucking punch I can get." Harper replied, their words slurred as they took the cup. "Stupid fucking Ash with their curly dumb hair and rather attractive face." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:48
“He did but it’s awesome!” He said and laughed. “I did. Isn’t she the best? She’s a great person.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:51
"Well then, here some more." she smile hearing what Harper said. She didn't know Harper like Ash or that they were dating. "Ash is a keeper. EVERYONE HARPER IS CUFF NOW, ALL YALL DIRTY BOYS AND GIRLS BACK OFF!" @lattie || Harper and Cam
bee // wyatt & emma-janeLast Friday at 12:51
As concerned as Emma-Jane had initially been with wanting to win the costume contest, her competitive nature getting the better of her at times, she’d all but forgotten about it by the time the dance actually started. A majority of the school had turned up for the event with all sorts of outfits, varying in style and complexity. The upside at the very least was that she had a good time with Holden picking out their Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl  duo. It has taken a fair amount of encouragement and a little bit of pleading, but Emma had persuade him on to the dance floor. Something she instantly regretted upon witnessing what Holden considered dancing. “You’re worse than I thought you’d be!” Emma laughed, practically having to shout to be heard over the noise. “What is that?” She mimicked him, putting her fist in the air and jumping up and down. (@maaria ✨  libby / holden )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 12:52
"She is and she hot too. Good catch my friend." She took her phone out trying ti record Mason. "Mason dance for the camera." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
cam // ashLast Friday at 12:52
"It is, isn't it? So do we do both of them just like switching or like one move then another," they pondered, still yelling to be heard over the music. Demoing a little version of the sequence dance, they looked over to punch table and shrugged. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 12:53
Smiling, they downed the glass before taking the second from her. "What? No... Im the catch in the relationship." They replied before shaking their head. "Fuck... relationship. Thats so weird to say." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 12:54
“Good catch? What do you mean?” He asked her, slightly confused. He smiled and danced for the camera like she said. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )“I don’t know. We can just combine them? I’m too drunk for this kind of thinking.” He said and laughed. @cam // ash
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:00
"Exactly that's why I'm single right now." She laugh making a cup for herself. "Cheer to fuck relationships." @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Friday at 13:01
"What? Its not a fuck relationship. We are like proper dating." Harper mumbled looking out in the crowd to try to spot Ash. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:02
"You got a good girl. You're seriously didn't know that?" She gave him a confuse face before hyping him up.  @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 13:03
“I don’t got a good girl. We’re... we’re just friends.” He said and chuckled. “Did you think we were together?” Because boy, did he wish they were. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )(edited)
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:04
"Ahhh Shhh," She said putting her finger to keep quiet. She wasn't uses to getting drunk often really. "I'm drunk so my words tend to get a little crazy." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Zakiyah was sitting at the table eating her cake while trying to keep herself awake. She look to the side seeing someone sitting next to her. She gave an awkward smile before going back to her cake.
Dex || SawyerLast Friday at 13:11
"So," Sawyer started, sliding next to Zakiyah, dressed as Dr Facilier with a cup of punch in his hand "Since you're the first person I saw, I have a few questions for you. One, I'd like you could rank your top five Halloween costumes at this party and two, what flavor is this punch?" He asked, tapping his finger on the brim of his cup @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
maaria ✨ libby / holdenLast Friday at 13:13
Holden was an absolutely atrocious dancer. It was a shame, seeing as his mother had spent the majority of her life as a trained ballerina. She'd always joked that Holden had inherited his fathers two left feet, and her own charming looks. He was fairly sure that she was completely correct in this assumption and it was validated any instance he found himself on a dancefloor. Without even realizing, he dancing ridiculously as Emma-Jean, his kind of sort of date and friend, was gawking at him. Too proud to blush, he just grinned stupidly down at her and shrugged, carrying on with his hopelessly fist-pump action. "Oh, don't be such a critique! I don't see you dancing, Ems," he pointed out, reaching out for her hand to twirl her. "What're your moves, huh? The sprinkler? The macarena?" ( @bee // wyatt & emma-jane )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Friday at 13:16
She chuckled seeing that the punch is having an effect. "The punch is strawberry but my brother spike it so you'll get drunk." She look at his costume and around to see which was the best. "My favs are, Cassidy & Andrea outfit from clueless. You of course because Dr.Facilir gave me the creeps in the movie. I saw someone dress up as Jessica Rabbit and Blue a power ranger so that all I can think of right now." @Dex || Sawyer
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Friday at 13:17
Mason shook his head and laughed. “Trust me, if we were together, I’d probably be telling the world.” He said and laughed. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Salem | Rhiannon/HarleyLast Friday at 13:21
Rhiannon held the cup her hand, weaving through the people at the ball. She was having fun for once and it was kind of a release to be out and away from the dorms. "That is a very nice top hat " she was trying to place the character. She knew it was Sawyer from the yearbook, but was unsure what he was dressed as. "Who are you dressed up as? A magician?" @Dex || Sawyer
bee // wyatt & emma-janeLast Friday at 13:38
The extent of Emma’s hand-eye coordination was being able to raise her hand the fastest in class. When it came to actual physical activity, saying she was clumsy was being generous. She had a habit of not only tripping over flat surfaces, but bumping into things or people as if they hadn’t been directly in her line of sight. Leave it to Holden to call her bluff about not actually being able to dance. “That is so rude!” She gave a very unconvincing scoff, sticking her arms out in front of her and rotating them in a circular motion. In a very poor attempt at doing the twist, she added her hips into the motion. “You don’t know anything about this.” Bright and full of mirth, Emma-Jane went into a rendition of the Charlie Brown dance that was even more poorly executed than her first one. “I’ve got rhythm for days.” ( @maaria ✨  libby / holden )
Dex || SawyerLast Friday at 13:44
Sawyer's eyebrow quirked up as he glanced into his cup. So that was why it tasted weird. He should be surprised but he knew this school too well, "Well, I should be glad this is my first cup then. I'd rather not puke all over my  nice new shoes. And, I'll keep your choices in mind. It's for science reasons, of course and I'm glad you like the outfit. Maroon, wide-shoulder suits aren't the easiest to come across."  He turned to look at the new comer, taking a hesitant sip of his cup now that he knew what was in it, "I'm Dr. Facilier. You know the guy who goes," Sawyer jumped into an exaggerated Dr. Facilier voice, "the cards, the cards will tell! That guy. So while you're wrong, I do you give points for being close. Have you never the movie the princess and the frog?" @Salem | Rhiannon/Harley  @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )(edited)
maaria ✨ libby / holdenLast Friday at 13:58
Holden was well aware of Emma's clumsiness, in fact, he had witnessed it with his own eyes many times. It wasn't like this behavior of hers was a secret, it simply was who she was. Holden found her stumbling and staggering endearing, the traits provided balance for her clean, and pristine personality. It gently reminded him that despite her collection of fun facts and tidy clothes, she was still a human being. As he watched her attempt to dance, he couldn't help but laugh. Not to tease her, but simply because he could not hold it back, the mere sight of it just being too much. The dance was completely uncoordinated and messy, however, it was apparent she was trying her very best. It was adorable, really. "Rhythm for days, huh? You do know you're supposed to like, match your movements to the song, right?" he quipped, wrinkling his nose at her and getting closer to her height to better read her expression. "You're like that one vine. The freestyle dance instructor one." ( @bee // wyatt & emma-jane  )
27 October 2018
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Saturday at 08:59
Blue could be considered a king of bad decisions. He'd made enough of them  so he should know better, but here he was in a power rangers outfit, his lipped affixed to a flask he'd hidden in his 'utility belt', everyone keeping a healthy distance from the lad. Where Blue was independent, no one was there to stop him from doing the things that usually your subconscious tells you not to do. But in that moment - Blue was simply too inebriated to care. He wandered over to the stage where a local band was playing music, before scrambling onto the stage like a spider fighting a hairdryer. Some students looked up at Blue, others were lost in their merriment. Blue looked to the band and whispered into one of their ears, before floating towards the microphone. The band began playing a track behind him. "Now.... I'll tell ya what I want what I really really want..."
lily / char&theo&vivLast Saturday at 10:10
charlotte made her way to the dance floor, twisting a strand of her brown wig around her finger. she’d had a few cups of punch and lost her friends somewhere during the night. “spice girls! my jam,” she laughed, busting out her most ridiculous moves.vivienne stood on the edge of the dance floor, nervously playing with the hem of her dress. “you know, two days before the biggest party of the year is probably the worst time to start a new school,” she said to no one in particular.
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Saturday at 10:14
Noah was a few cups of punch deep and was having a time. He was on the dance floor and was kind of dancing if you could call it that. “This song is always a classic!”
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Saturday at 10:21
Blue watched a sea of people form as he drunkenly began his best spice girls rendition. No one had seemingly stopped him, not even the band, so he continued to sing. And even to Blue's surprise, he was actually quite... good at it. Not great by any space of the word, but good enough to warrant a room-wide evacuation. He let the song continue, surprisingly still standing upright. Blue looked into the crowd, looking further out to try and make out any faces. "Come on, sing along with me!" He beckoned to someone, he hoped. Nathaniel was reluctantly amidst the festivities. He had forced the ball for one reason only - should any pictures be taken for the yearbook, he was in them. It looked good at prospective colleges to be part of school life. So, sullen with hit plights, Nate had resorted to reading on his phone. He could feel Vivienne in his peripheral vision, and in that moment he regretted his decision to come at all. Nate ran a hand through his hair, not meeting her gaze. "Well, it's not much of a party really. But then again... I'm not a huge party person, so...." he awkwardly trailed off. @lily / char&theo&viv
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Saturday at 10:27
Cleo was having a great time at the dance but was feeling like she needed to do something wild. “We need to do something crazy! Something wild!” She said to whoever was next to her.
28 October 2018
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 07:02
Zakiyah was sick of it already, someone threw up on her. After punching someomne in the face she had to change. Thank god for drama teacher having any costumes legt from previous plays She was able to change. "My night is shit, I'll be honest though. I look good in blue."
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 07:31
Blue’s solo had finished, and he found himself swaying as he left the stage. Some people clapped, some people laughed, but most people ignored him. Still heavily inebriated, he scampered to the drink table to grab something when his eyes fell on the person beside him. “You look good in me? Wait, you mean the colour...” It was very clear Blue was drunk. “Weren’t you a cheerleader before ? What happened ?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 07:37
"Well the punch amd food doesn't match for some people so they threw up. I gotta find out what my brother put in the punch." She sigh as she was wearing a prirate costume on. Seeing everyone one having a good time she was upset, she still kept a good mood throughout the whooe dance. "I was a hot cheerleader, now i look like a girl verson of captain hook." @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 07:44
“Bloody lightweights ruining it for everyone.” Blue probably wasn’t far off that stage in all honesty, but he was too numb to care. “Also let your bro know he’s a hero!” Blue thought to himself that Zakiyah was still able to smile. Said a lot about her. “I think the costume’s great,” Blue giggled. “But the colour is better.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 07:50
She smile at his remarks on the color since it is his name. "You like it because it your color. " She yelled eyeing him on the stage. "My brother is an ass but he knows how to make a party more fun. I want to fight someone, you'll down?" @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 07:56
viv turned in surprise hearing nate’s voice. “me either,” she agreed with him quietly. “i mean, i’d honestly just rather be curled up with tea and books,” she spoke slightly embarrassed. “but i have to meet everyone, you know?” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 08:21
“Maybe I like it because it’s a good colour. Maybe the fact my name is the same is only a coincidence.” This conversation was like rocket science to Blue - with his intoxicated state, he was finding it difficult to pay attention. “F-fight ? Why would you wanna fight somebody ? That’s not very nice...” he drunkenly drawled. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) The fact that Viv was here was still so lost on Nate. It was like the child inside him had been beckoned, and years worth of nostalgia struggled between them. Nate, for once, had no idea how to proceed. “Thank you, finally, someone who gets it.” Nate couldn’t help but look at his feet, the awkwardness tenuously pulling the pair together. “I mean... I’d offer to introduce you to people. I only really know people on debate or decathalon though...” Nate had no idea how to tell Vivienne, the girl he had admired for so long as a kid, he grew up to be surly and mostly disliked by his peers. The sinking feeling in his stomach wouldn’t go away, and he wondered if maybe tonight was the night that he had a drink. “Can I get you something from the beverage table? You must be, uh, parched.” @lily / char&theo&viv
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 09:11
after her little adventure with Nate, Kennedy had decided to head back to the dance and socialize a bit. It was fun, sure, but when she spotted Nate again later, she decided to go over to him. “There you are,” she smiles, stepping up and taking a sip of her drink. “I lost you when we got back” She paused. “Who’s your friend?” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 09:15
"Well I'm nice when I need to be sweetheart." She took a sip what was in they cup and hand it back. "I want to get rid of some anger plus I want to use the braids as weapon." @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 09:38
Noah was getting a bit bored with the dance and was seated at a table. “I don’t think the punch could make this dance not boring.” He said and sighed.
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 09:41
“don’t you remember when we used to do that? drink hot cocoa and read the harry potter books?” viv teased nate. “i guess nothing’s changed for us,” she added, knowing nearly everything had. “i’m okay, thanks. not sure i want to end up doing... whatever that is,” she shrugged, gesturing to the boy drunkenly singing spice girls with a sly smile. “i’m vivienne,” she smiled warmly at the girl who had approached them. “i’m nate’s-“ she paused, not exactly knowing how to describe what they were anymore. “uh, nate and i knew each other when we were younger. we were like, best friends.” she explained. “are you one of nate’s friends?” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @paige || catalina&kennedy
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 09:46
Blue had gone from drinking his alcohol to chewing the cup. He wasn't sure why, it was all his mind was capable of at this point. "B-but... punching people isn't very nice." He looked at the girl seriously, and felt bad that someone had thrown up on her. But he was also somewhat terrified of her imposing physical dominance, and Blue was a football player. "Why can't... you just hug people. It feels great." Blue looked to his left and saw someone kitted out in a costume he didn't quite understand, and Blue beckoned him over ( not wanting anyone to be on their own ). "Aw, dances are fun ! Don't be harsh," he looked at Noah seriously, as he started to refill his cup. "You know, I know how to fix BOTH your problems.... the dance floor." @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )  @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah Nate wanted a piano to fall out of the sky and squash him. He watched as Kennedy and Vivienne looked at each other. Sure, it was civil, but a strange feeling swirled around in his chest as he saw them interacting. He didn't understand why he cared, or why he felt so damn awkward. But he couldn't help it. "Kennedy Pritzker, daughter of the headmistress and quite the intellectual, meet an old friend of mine, Vivienne Hugo. Also an intellectual." Nate wanted to punch himself in the face. He desperately scrambled to change the subject, because the last thing he needed was these two girls discussing him. "Uh, so the dance.... Viv, you enjoying it ? Prtizker, are you... also having fun ?" @lily / char&theo&viv @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 09:49
Noah rolled his eyes before moving closer to the boy and girl. “No, no, no! I will not be going to the dance floor. Are you kidding? That’s the worst thing at this dance.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 09:49
Kennedy could feel the thickness in the air when she approached, and with Nate’s formalities and vivienne’s uncertainty, she felt like she was interrupting something. she felt awkward, and she wanted to dip out and never come back, but she didn’t care. she was too drunk to. “Uh, nice yo meet you,” she said, nodding her head. “What’s with the full name, Nathaniel?” she asked, tilting her head. @lily / char&theo&viv @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )(edited)
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 09:59
“nice to meet you too,” vivienne spoke with genuine enthusiasm. even so, she couldn’t help the growing feeling of dread in her stomach looking at this girl with nate. “so you’re on the debate team? do you two argue against each other?” she questioned.
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 10:04
Blue furrowed his brow. "The worst thing at the dance... is a dance. I'm confused." It's not like Blue was keen to get on the dancefloor either ( especially given everything ), but he wanted others to have fun. He felt guilty that there seemed to be a radius of sullen individuals surrounding him. "Okay, why did you come tonight ? I promise we'll find something you enjoy... it's my mission." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah "Arguing. Against each other. Well, it's something we have certainly done !" Nathaniel tried to laugh, but it only made the situation more tense. There was a lot to unpack in this situation, given everything. Nathaniel wasn't always as arrogant and self-absorbed as people believed him to be. In fact, there once was a time he was considered kind and somewhat jubilant. That's the Nate that Viv remembers, and that's the one he wanted her to remember. But then there was Kennedy, a girl that... well, Nate couldn't describe their relationship in any capacity. But the very foundation of their relationship was the fact that Nate was kind of an asshole. They both knew Nate as different people, and Nate... it was complicated, but to say that his feelings for both were mixed would be an understatement. He had found himself in a live mind-field, with no reverse button to save him. "So, uh, Viv, you're new. Um, let's talk about that! Let's just, talk about you. And Kennedy, we can talk about you too. And just get to know each other... I mean, we all know me ! So who cares ! Let's talk about you guys." @paige || catalina&kennedy @lily / char&theo&viv
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 10:05
“I came because I figured it was better than sitting in my room.” Noah said and shrugged. “I’m just not big in the whole, everyone dance to this weird music.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )(edited)
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 10:09
Kennedy tilted her head, still completely and utterly confused. She wasn’t sure why he was acting like this, and it made her uncomfortable. “Yeah, we do debate together,” she said“So you’re new. That’s cool. I’ll probably give you a tour at some point, that’s my job, according to my mom” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @lily / char&theo&viv
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 10:11
“classic nate ramble, right?” viv teased the boy, remembering the times when they were younger and nate would get so excited about a topic that he’d trip over his words. “i mean, me being new isn’t exactly that interesting,” she shrugged. “but that sounds good. i’m glad i met you now - i’ve been getting so lost every time i try to go to class.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 10:20
“Uh... right...” Kennedy couldn’t say the same, knowing nate that way, but she had a feeling that she was... interrupting something. She bit her lip, looking between the two of them. “So you know each other from childhood?” @lily / char&theo&viv @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 11:16
“yeah, we grew up in la together,” vivienne explained. “i moved from paris and nate was my first friend. he was the only one who didn’t tease me about my english,” she spoke with a small smile. @paige || catalina&kennedy @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )theo stood next to the punch table, taking a sip of his drink to steady his head. “i feel really sick,” he spoke to no one in particular. “i think i’m gonna go get some air.”
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 11:19
Cleo was standing next to the boy when he said he didn’t feel well. She followed him outside with a bottle of water and pretzels. “Hey, Theo you okay?” @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 11:20
"Yeah I on Noah on that," She said while getting another cup and drinkimg it. "Fucm people, they never do shit. They might as well stab me in the back." @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 11:22
“Right....” Kennedy said, looking up at Nate. “You know i think i’m just gonna... go. Leave you two alone. it was nice to meet you, vivienne.” She looked at Nate again,  hurt look in her eyes, and turned to leave. @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @lily / char&theo&viv
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 11:23
“yeah.. i just... i don’t know,” the boy spoke, sitting down on the ground. “i feel dizzy.” @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 11:24
“Ok I think she has had enough to drink. You’re getting to the stage of aggressive drunkenness.” Noah said and laughed. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )“Okay, here I grabbed a bottle of water and pretzels.” She said and sat next to him, holding out the two. “How much did you drink?” @lily / char&theo&viv(edited)
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 11:40
Blue took another long sip of his drink. “Noah, your bedroom can’t be fun. I’m sure your room doesn’t have skeleton,” he giggled, wiggling a decorative skeleton that dangles before them. Blue then turned toZakiyah, his face a little more solemn. “Sounds like you’re hanging with the wrong people. You really need to hang around some party masters. Like me!!” He declared, downing the rest of his drink. “Come on guys, let’s get smashed.” @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) Literally beads of sweat were forming on Nate’s head. He had long since removed his snorkel mask, but soon enough he may need it again. But the thought of Kennedy leaving made Nate’s chest hurt. “Kennedy, wait,” he rushed out, looking at the two. “Please don’t... please don’t leave. Hey, I’m sure Viv has lots of questions only you can answer. And I don’t... we don’t want you to leave. It’s early. Plus we gotta see if we can get Viv to join debate with us.” @paige || catalina&kennedy @lily / char&theo&viv
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 11:57
vivienne was nothing if not observant, and she saw the hurt look in the other girls eyes. not wanting to cause trouble, she chimed in with nate’s protests. “no, nate’s right, you should definitely stay,” she spoke, nodding her head eagerly. “i’m sure i can come up with a question or two for you. and i’ve been meaning to ask someone about debate,” she tried, offering a kind smile to the other girl. @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 11:58
Noah groaned and shook his head. “Why can’t we just sit here and hate everything? It would be nice. Better than dancing.” @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! ) @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:00
theo shook his head. “i don’t. i don’t know,” he slurred out, stumbling to his feet. “i’m gonna take a walk,” he decided, heading off in the direction of the woods and disappearing into the dark trees.
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:02
Before Cleo could stop and run after him, it was like he disappeared. She was scared that he’d get hurt and ran back inside to get someone to help. “Uhh can someone help, Theo just ran off into the forest and I will be no help in these heels. He’s very drunk too.” She said out loud hoping someone would hear her.
lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )Last Sunday at 12:05
[ montpelierhqs admin ] the power flickers. the light dims. the music stops. the faculty of montpelier look around in confusion as students remain blissfully unaware of what had just occured. suddenly, everyone’s phones start to beep. an alert from the gossip blog. panic sets in. rain starts to pour. @everyone
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:12
"WHAT THE FUCK, MY HAIR." Zakiyah yelled as she push people out the way trying not to be wet. "Sorry not sorry,"
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:12
vivienne glanced out the window at the dark sky. "uh, is this like a normal thing here?" she spoke nervously, the truth glaring out at her from every phone screen in the room. "i mean, he's okay, right? this is a joke, right?"
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:13
Cleo was shocked by what she read on the phone, letting it drop as she ran for a trash can, feeling like she was gonna be sick at the thought of what Troy or Hallie was doing to Theo.
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:14
charlotte noticed her friend making a break across the room and went to her. "oh my god, cleo, are you okay? what happened?" she asked her, hand on her shoulder. "was it the punch?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah(edited)
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 12:14
Kennedy went to protest when the lights flickered, and she looked around confused. “Uh, no, it’s not a normal thing,” Kennedy said to Vivienne, looking to Nate with big eyes. @lily / char&theo&viv @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:15
"V this is Montpelier, nothing never normal here." She look at her with a angry face. She wants to know what happen to Theo.  @lily / char&theo&viv
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:15
Cleo looked up at Charlotte and shook her head. “I was the last one to see him. I just let him run out to the forest.” She said and shook her head. “He didn’t look good so I followed him, but..” She said and ran a hand through her hair. @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:16
"Noah I feel you on hating everything." She said while laying down on a chair feeling a little sick @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:16
Noah looked at the girl concerned. “Are you okay? Do you need water?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:30
"I might need some." She close her eyes trying to gain conscious. She wasn't having a good time at the dance the only thing she doing is drinking really. "Blue I hang with you but I'm still crazy as thier is." She said falling on the chair bumping her head. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:33
Noah was just about to turn to go and grab water for the girl but stopped. He ran to her side, looking at her concerned. “Zakiyah are you okay? Blue, you need to go get some water please?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @lilac ( blue & nathaniel ! )
bee // wyatt & emma-janeLast Sunday at 12:34
Earning a genuine laugh from Holden is enough to make Emma-Jane not care that she’s making a complete fool out of herself. That isn’t to say that he takes himself too seriously or has given her the impression that his usual amusement is dishonest in anyway, but there’s something about this laughter that entirely changes his face. His smile appears brighter and there’s a sense of enjoyment between the two of them. “Yeah! You heard me!” She wrinkles her nose back, fighting the urge to stick out her tongue. Childish, yes. Emma is so rarely allowed to be so carefree though, this whole night feels elating. Again she scoffs, only stopping her dance at the flicker of the lights. Her initial thought is that someone must be playing a prank. It is a Halloween dance after all, and what better way to enjoy it than scaring a few people? With the music gone, a ripple follows through the crowd, until everyone has stopped dancing. There’s a momentary stir of confusion, until the buzzes and the pings starts. In the darkness of the ballroom, everyone’s phones start going off. Almost instantly, she goes rummaging through her purse. “It’s Troy,” she says flatly, expecting the latest blast from the gossip blog as she reads. “That’s so not funny.” Her laugh is slightly shrill, as she shoves her phone in Holden’s direction for him to see. ( @maaria ✨  libby / holden )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:38
"If a big headache and a bump counts as fine..... then yeah." She smiling as she laugh it off. She put her hand on her head when she feels her bump. She sees Noah near her side, raising her hand up to get help. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:43
Noah picked her up, not wanting her to get up. “Come on, let’s get some ice and water for you.” He said and started to walk toward the table with drinks. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lily / char&theo&vivLast Sunday at 12:47
“oh my god.” charlotte spoke, her mouth open in shock. of course cleo was upset, everyone knew her and theo were friends. “cleo you have to know it’s not your fault. don’t blame yourself,” she said softly. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:49
Cleo could feel tears starting to brim at her eyes. “But what if I could’ve done something? I shouldn’t have let him run off. God, what if he never comes back Charlotte? What if he’s just gone?” She rambled and sank to the ground. “I feel like punching someone but also emptying everything from my stomach.” @lily / char&theo&viv
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:49
Walking with Noah, she sat in a chair and lay her head. Today wasn't her day she just wanted to get this over with and she haven't seen her brother any where. "Thanks, I literally hate this and the damn blog made some shit worst." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 12:51
Noah grabbed water for her and make an ice pack with ice from a cooler. “Seriously. How this person is getting away with this is nuts. Keep your head up and put this in the bump.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 12:57
"I don't know but she is and bitch bring revenge." She grab the ice pack from Noah and slowly put it on her head. She got the water too and drank some of it then left it on the table. "I honestly don't know what people going to do at this point. Pretty sure those tasks are real hell is coming." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:00
“Well she needs to kindly fuck off.” Noah said and sighed. “Well hopefully they find her before anything bad happens.”@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:09
"Let pray nothing bad happens or else it be like the purge." She gave a small chuckle and drank some water. "I feel like hell." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:11
“I swear, nothing like this happens in North Carolina.” He said and sighed. “Maybe you should see a nurse?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:14
"No I can't because my my intoxicated level is through the roof I think." She shake her head a hard no, she rubbed her eyes trying to fight through the headache. "North Carolina sounds peaceful,  New York is lowkey hell." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:22
“Yeah and I’m sure all the teachers here are as well. It’s more about you being healthy. You could have a concussion.” He said and sighed. “It was.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:32
She could care less about the teacher knowing about her getting drunk. The only reason why she caring because her name wasn't going to be drunk bitch. "Health never normal, it's called life beating your ass." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Pau (Claire & Nic)Last Sunday at 13:32
Nic had enough that night between coming face to face with his past and his present—neither of which he was all too excited to see at Montpelier. Everyone else seemed to be having a far worse time than he, though, the moment all phones went ringing. He was so confused, and to be fair, he wasn't even sure which one was Theo in the first place. At least he recognized the name.  And Troy. He found it ridiculous but  it was, apparently, a thing. But the other name... "Who's Hallie?"
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:33
Noah sighed and shook his head. “Fine but no falling asleep okay? That isn’t a good thing to do after hitting your head.”@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:43
"I can't promise you that. The headache is hell, my feet hurts, I'm cold and I just really wanna get out of here. I can't because I can't leave without Cam." She vent trying to stay up after walking all night. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:49
“What if I walk you back to your dorm and then come back for Cam? That way you’re both taken care of.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 13:57
"That would be nice but I'm staying at my house during weekend." She said putting a fake smile on her face. "Cam has the key to the house. Your my hero right now thanks." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 13:58
“Oh well you don’t have a spare at your house?” Noah asked, ignoring the hero part. He was just concerned for the girls well being, especially after the blog post.  @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:14
"I did but I lost it. I really don't remember what happen to it." Zakiyah mind had been a blur throughout the whole night and the rest of her life apparently. "I'm mess right now huh?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:15
“Ok well, then lest find Cam.” He said and smiled. “You’ve just had a rough night is all.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:19
"Please do, I really looked for him all night and he not texting me back." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:23
“Maybe he’s with a girl?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:25
"I don't know where or care whoms he with. I really don't want to feel drunk and alone." She pouted resting her head on her purse on the table. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:25
“Hey hey, no laying your head down.” He said and helped her head stay up.@Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:27
"But it hurts," she said keeping her eyes close while Noah trying to keep her head up. "What can a laying down do to me anyway?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:28
“I know it does but if you fall asleep and you have a concussion, you could accidentally slip into a coma. Now we don’t want that right?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:31
"No we don't." She said shaking her head agreeing with him. "Can we get away? My head hurts with all the yelling." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:32
Noah smiled and nodded. “Yeah, here grab your water and ice. We can go sit outside.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:35
Cam was well within his high at this point, the edibles and molly keeping him in a great mindset as he searched out Cleo. "Hey... hi.. hey." He commented softly before smirking. "You still warm?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:37
"That all I want really." She smile slowy getting up and get her water and ice pack to head outside. "I will probably freeze my ass off with the skirt." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:38
Cleo looked up from the floor and smiled at him. “Yeah, still warm thank you again.” She said and stood up. “I’m just a little freaked out right now is all.” @lattie || Harper and Cam“Don’t worry, I have a jacket you can use as a blanket. Plus the cold will wake you up a bit.” He said and started to walk towards the doors. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:39
Cam nodded slowly before wrapping his arms around her again. "I was serious when I said Id kill them with they hurt you." He stated softly before nuzzling her neck. "You want to go somewhere else?"
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:43
Cleo welcomes his hug and hugged him back, nuzzling herself into him. “I know.” She said and squeezed him. “Yes please. I need to clear my head.” @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:43
She walk towards to the door and took off her heels during the process. "New york weather will kill you. My head feels like a bitch." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:45
Noah took his jacket off, thankful for the long sleeves under it. “Yeah well, it’ll probably hurt for a few days.” He said and handed her his jacket. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:47
She gratefully took his jacket and put it around her. "I don't even remember how I fell. Pretty sure I slip." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:48
“I’m not sure, my back was turned when it happened.” He said and shrugged. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:48
Pulling away, he took her hand and moved for the door. "Im great at helping people clear their minds." He reasoned before looking at her. "It will be okay." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:49
Cleo followed him and sighed. She didn’t know how much she needed fresh air till it hit her. “Will it though? Theo got taken by Hallie. If it even is her.” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:50
Stopping as they got outside, Cam bit his bottom lip. "Things always work out how they are suppose to." His voice soft before he leaned in and kissed her. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 14:50
Andrea was outside, getting some fresh air when she saw them—Cleo and Cam. Her heart broke, seeing him with someone else, especially after telling her they’d have tonight. @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:52
Cleo at first was caught off guard by the kiss but then all the worry and negative thoughts slipped away and she kissed him back. She snaked her arms around his neck and played with the hair at the nape of his neck. Se hey notice that they weren’t alone. @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 14:56
Wrapping his arms around her to pull her in close, he smiled softly as she kissed him back. Pulling away from a moment, he smirked. "You feeling better?" He went to say something else before he noticed Andrea. "Shit." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @paige || catalina&kennedy
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:57
She smiled as he pulled away and nodded. “Much.” She said but then looked at what he saw and looked back at him confused. “What?” @paige || catalina&kennedy @lattie || Harper and Cam
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 14:58
Andrea had tears in her eyes—it was stupid, she knew they were broken up, but it still stung. Wiping her tears, she walked past them, purposely bumping into the two of them hard. She wasn’t normally like this—not the jealous type—but the weed and alcohol in her system was making her do it. “Sorry,” she mumbled, not sincere. @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 14:58
"Me either," She said right walking with Noah before heading outside seeing her brother. "Oh shit." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 14:59
Noah stopped and looked at who she was looking at. “Why do I feel like we just walked into drama?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:00
Cam closed his eyes tightly before watching Andrea. "Drea.... im sorry. I..." He knew no apologies would help fix this as he looked back at Cleo. "Sorry." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @paige || catalina&kennedy
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:00
She turn to Noah then back at Cam. "Shit, every drama has a damn love triangles." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:01
“Don’t call me that” she snapped instantly, still looking like she wanted to cry. “You broke up with me, remember? you don’t owe me anything” she said, walkingoff  @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah(edited)
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:01
Cleo stumbles a bit as the girl bumped into her and Cam. She instantly felt awful, not wanting to be that girl. “Seriously Cam?” She said and shook her head, more mad at herself than anything. “Go talk to her.” She said before storming back inside. @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy“So I’m guess this is Cam?” Noah asked and looked at the scene that was unfolding. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:02
Flinching as she snapped, Cam nodded slowly. "Yeah.. yeah, we are broken up." He mumbled before shaking his head. Hearing Cleo, he moved to walk after Andrea. "I didnt want... I dont know what I wanted." @paige || catalina&kennedy @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:03
Andrea saw Zakiyah and headed over towards her and Noah, sniffling “I guess i did this to myself?” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:04
Cleo walked back inside and slammed herself down at a table. Holding her head in her hands, she let herself start to sob for all the messed up stuff that happened tonight.
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:05
"That my brother," she said looking at him with a guilty smile. She saw Andrea coming towards her with tears in her eyes. She gave her a hug trying to get to the bottom of this. "Cam what the hell happening?" She ask walking towards him. She forgot she was wearing no shoes other then socks. It was right before she step on something making her fall. "Fuck sakes." @paige || catalina&kennedy @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:06
Noah looked at the girl and back at Cam. “Seriously? What the hell dude? You made one girl cry, I’m pretty sure that other girl just went in there to cry.” He said and walked over towards him but stopped to see what happened to Zakiyah. “What’s wrong?” @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:07
Cam watched his ex and his sister before shaking his head. "I dont.... I dont know." His voice small before he huffed, trying to ignore the other boy. "Shut the fuck up Noah." Turning to Andrea, he bit his bottom lip. "Im sorry Andrea. I really am." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @paige || catalina&kennedy @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:08
Andrea flinched when Cam snapped, arms wrapping around her middle. “No you’re not” she mumbled, looking down. @lattie || Harper and Cam @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:10
"All of yall shut the fuck up." She yelled right before turning to Noah trying to get up. "My foot is in pain." She sees Cam and tries to get up but her ankle couldn't cooperate. @lattie || Harper and Cam @paige || catalina&kennedy @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:11
“Look dude, I’m not the one making people cry!” He snapped at Can and shook his head. He looked back at Zakiyah and nodded. “Ok you sit here, don’t try to get up. Let me look at it. Is it ok if I take your sock off?”  @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya ) @paige || catalina&kennedy @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:12
Cam looked away from her for a moment. "Can we just like go somewhere to talk or..." He didnt want to be around his sister and Noah right now. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:12
Andrea shrugged, looking down. “I guess,” andrea mumbled, looking up at him through long eyelashes @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:14
"Yeah sure." She said sitting down moving her leg towards him. "What a shitty night, Im supposed to turn 17 in a few days and today hell. Sorry for dragging you down with me. " @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:14
He took off her sock carefully but looked up at her. “Hey don’t worry about it. We all have bad nights sometimes.” He said and smiled. @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:15
Cam moved to take her hand, wanting to go somewhere away from everyone to clear his mind and figure out what he is doing. As they walked away, Cam looked at Andrea. "Look... I am sorry and I know that doesnt mean much... not right now and im sorry for that too." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:16
Andrea pulled her hand away instantly, still following him. “You just don’t care” she’d say “About me. you act like you do but god—cam i fucking love you and you’re making out with other girls” @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:19
"Yeah it does," She gave a small smile before realizing a tear about to come out. She wipe it away before Noah could see it. "What wrong my foot? It is bad that I can't feel it." @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:20
As she pulled away, he let his hand drop, instead moving to wrap his arms around himself wishing he had his jacket back now. "I dont fucking care. Its just hard.. I can't explain it.." He didnt want to explain it. "There is a lot going on up here and I dont know." He mumbled, tapping his head. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:20
“Then talk to me” she’d snap at him “god, i’ve dumped so much shit on you, you can do that with me cam. don’t you get it?” she was crying now, yelling at him @lattie || Harper and Cam
Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/NoahLast Sunday at 15:21
Noah looked down at her foot and noticed it was bleeding. “I think you just stepped in some glass. Shouldn’t be too bad.” @Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:22
"I cant." Cam replied quickly, looking up at her. Fear present in his eyes for a moment before he looked away. "I can't talk to anyone. I cant let it all out because then it fucks everything up and I cant deal with that." Letting out a shaky breath, he sighed. "I didnt mind... I dont mind carrying that stuff for you." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:23
“it doesn’t fuck everything up” she’d snap “do you not understand how much i love you, cameron?” @lattie || Harper and Cam
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Last Sunday at 15:23
Zakiyah nodded after hearing what Noah said. Thank god it wasn't broken, or else she be in crutches for a few days. "Thanks, why was there glass here anyways?" @Maddie ~ Mason/Cleo/Noah
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:26
"It will though." Cam replied before shaking his head. "I know. I understand how much you love me, Drea. Love me enough to know I can't talk about whats going on with me." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:26
“But do you lvoe me?” she snapped “No, you don’t. and that’s the problem” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:27
"I do... Fuck, Ive never been sure of anything else." Cams voice raw as he looked back up at her. "Im sorry." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:27
“fuck you” she snapped at him, clearly crying, turning to walk away @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:29
"Fuck me because I wont tell you things I cant tell you?" Cam snapped grabbing her wrist. "Thats real fucked up Andrea. You wouldnt love me if you knew. You wouldnt.... no one can know." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:30
“of course i would lvoe you!” she’d shout “but fuck you for telling me we have tonight and making out with cleo” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:32
"You wouldnt." He replied after a moment before letting her wrist go. "I am sorry. You dont deserve that." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 15:35
“don’t make decisions for me!” shes shouter at him @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 15:38
Cam looked at her. "Im sorry." Was all he could say at this point @paige || catalina&kennedy
Jaimie (Wil)Last Sunday at 15:44
Wil was in a panic now. The shitty things that had happened throughout the night, the message from the gossip blog, the chaos of the crowd, and whatever the hell was in that punch were all combining into something bigger than Wil could bear. His breathing became heavier. Tears stung his eyes, but didn't escape. He felt like he was going to explode, or implode, or collapse. He pushed through the crowd, not caring who he rudely shoved aside. He just wanted to get out. He pushed open the doors and breathed in the cool air from outside. He paced frantically in the dark, trying desperately to collect himself and his thoughts. The tears were running now, and he didn't really even know why.
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:50
“you’re sorry?!” Andrea shouted at him, voice cracking @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 16:55
"For everything." Cam admitted softly looking away from her. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:55
“God Cam,” Andrea breathed out, full on crying at this point. “Why can’t you just lvoe me like i love you?”
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 16:56
"I dont know. I love you. I do." He mumbled trying to hide the hurt in his voice. "Just not enough, I guess."
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:57
Hearing him so hurt, Andrea hated herself. She was too drunk to be responsible, taking his hand and tugging him towards her @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 16:58
Looking up at her, he let out a soft sob. "I dont think I know how to love something like that, Drea. I dont think I know how to love you like that." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 16:58
“Oh Cam,” she breathed out, cupping his face in her hands and wiping his tears with her thumbs @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:00
"Im sorry. I really am." He mumbled trying to blink back the tears that dared to come.
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:02
“sh sh,” she whispered, shaking her head as tears fell down her cheeks “it’s ok” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:02
Cam wrapped his arms around her, letting out another sob. "Its not okay. You deserve better." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:03
“I don’t want anyone else” she whispered, holding him close “don’t you get it cameron?” @lattie || Harper and Cam
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:11
Cam looked at Andrea before rubbing his eyes quickly, trying to wipe away the tears. "I dont get it. I dont get why you want me but I want you too." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:12
“Then be with me,” she practically begged him, pulling him close. “If you want me, be with me. we can figure the rest out later” @lattie || Harper and Cam(edited)
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:14
Cam watched her for a moment before nodding. "Oh-okay." He trusted her, only hoping his secret didnt ruin everything when it came out. "We will figure it out." @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:15
“Okay?” she whispered, a hopeful look in her eyes as she nodded. “Yeah, we’ll figure it out” @paige || catalina&kennedy
lattie || Harper and CamLast Sunday at 17:16
Cam gave a small smile before nodding again. "Yeah, okay." Wrapping his arms around her tighter, he rested his head on her shoulder. @paige || catalina&kennedy
paige || catalina&kennedyLast Sunday at 17:17
Andrea let out a soft sigh, wrapping her arms around his neck and running her fingers through his hair “everything is going to be ok” she whispered, kissing his head @lattie || Harper and Cam
29 October 2018
Ncmi ( Zakiyah / Kenya )Yesterday at 07:52
Zakiyah was mad she couldn't control her anger. She was walking around school with glass in her foot, she could careless about it but her adrenaline came through the roof. "WHERE THE FUCK IS WYATT?"
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