#ignoring the issue or justifying it with some bullshit isn't going to suddenly make it okay
alastors-wife · 1 year
Some of you really need to remember that people on the internet are complete strangers. Like some of the behaviors I see are just so deeply concerning.
Also not everyone is going to like you, and you're not going to like everyone. That's a fact of life.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I hope you dont mins me asking
But how would you suggest the best way to not be so anxious in fandoms these days.
It just seems like im going to be bullied out of fandom for even wanting to be in fandom. Regardless of the kind of content i like or how i like it. Its just seems like people who are in fandom dont want to themselves and not really about older or newer fans not wanting more new fans... Just.. They dont want fandom to exist at all anymore. If thta makes sense
Ive been in fandom for years but only recently bacame an adukt and now i really wanna start getting more involved.. I recently started a series oneshot fic thats gonna take alot of time.. But i havent even posted an actual chaoter yet and i am so afraid of gettijg a bunch of shit for it.
Its not meant to be anything explicit infact i made it very sfw bexause thats what i wanted.
But what of someone decides hey fuck you this sucks and now im going to make up reasons that your fic is (ableist, racist, homophobic stuff like that). And i just... I want to write.
Years ago i was in a much older fandom(transformers g1 if you can believe it) and it was so nice there. Maybe its because i was young but theres wasnt nearly so much anti bullshit that there is now especially in newer fandoms.
I know theres like block and ignore and delete comments but... I dont want to deal with it. And i probably know there isnt realky anytjing i can actually do about it
Its just so bad. I want to participate in fandom, but fandom is so terrible these days. Ive seen so many of my favorite artists fucking dissapear over being bullied for something they said years ago thats now considered "worthy of being tortured alive" for saying.
I just want it all to stop. I thought fandom would get better as it became more popular. Artists would have more freedom and stuff.
Instead im afraid im going to get bullied for a fucking teen rated gen fic with zero shipping, zero dark theme, and zero sex on the off chance someone thinks its not good enough. Suddenly its not appropriate for teenagers for some dumb reason
When i fucking was one two years ago. (like mate i was reading robot porn at ELEVEN)
Im so tired. I think the only good thing about the fandom im in is the fact the creators of the media are actually super chill and even supportive about fans selling fanworks and comms of characters and stuff
This was supoosed to be a simple question but ig im just so sick of how fandom is that i ended up ranting about it.
Getting more popular makes things much worse, not better.
But overall, anxiety is about you and your internal emotional state.
There was always danger of being attacked. It looks different now, but fear isn't more or less justified in the present day. The actual level of danger isn't the issue here.
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12d3trvshcktt · 2 years
Even if people see Travis as a horrible person. Let's face it, he deserves better... Like, the majority of people that shit on him and not Laura is honestly fucked up. Laura straight up changes her mind when faced with Silas. And when Travis tries to take the gun away to finish it himself, she just shoots him. Bullshit. While Laura did have every right to be mad at him, she is not as normally complex as Travis. And kinda comes off as "selfishly complex" if that makes sense. (also i just seen the fucking anon ignore them, they are a coward)
Well, their personalities are a reason why I personally don't ship them.
I see Laura as a stubborn person, even when presented with new information, it takes her a little to wind down and get used to the new situation.
Depending on how you play the game you can be super cruel to Travis, but from her perspective it's quite justified.
I think the writers suddenly had to wrap things up in regards to all of their personalities at some point. But I do think it's quite telling how mad she can get at Max for even the smallest things, yeah he did hide some info from her but seeing as he knew what he response was going to be, I'd say I really get why he hid it.
Laura is a very emotional person and she's a badass seeing how she stitched her own damn face up that time. Now that in itself isn't a bad character trait, like being emotional I mean.
She had deadset her tracks on Chris being the issue, so her stubborn nature makes it hard for her to maybe think of any other option. Especially since she left Travis in the jail cell so their time was limited to begin with. But she also seemed to forget that under that werewolf rage, there's actual people and a family that will be devastated by the death of said individual.
When she changed into one, she might have realised that in the end. So maybe that explains her sudden willingness to go after the actual source.
I really admire her devotion to Max because it would just be very human to give up when all the odds are stacked against you. And she's strong in that department.
Has she done terrible things? Probably yeah, she's not any less ruthless than Travis and would have likely done the exact same things if she had been in his shoes. I think the point of the story was that even though all the main characters of the story had the best intentions in mind, they still fucked up royally and did terrible things.
As for a perfect person for Travis, it would have to be someone more patient. More willing to listen, not afraid to call out bullshit but also giving him the space to talk or express himself.
He hates himself and wouldn't believe any kind of verbal compliments. He needs someone soft but able to deal with stress. And I think Laura is slightly too rough to offer him that. She can be soft towards Max, but towards Travis it seems more like patience.
Travis needs someone who can lay out different options, someone who can see the situation or conflict from afar and offer advice. Seeing his body launguage around his mom, makes me think he's had enough of dealing with one-track minds. He clings to Laura because she Might be able to offer a new perspective. In the end she doesn't but that might just be because the story needs to go somewhere.
Travis sees himself as an object, so he needs someone who can slowly make him feel like himself again. Get him to practice hobbies and mindfulness.
And yeah lol anons like that will just have to fuck off
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