#ignore dirty mirror it’s my parents
fallenstarcat · 2 years
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new shirt + piercing !!
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synthshenanigans · 10 months
I don't like posting myself a bit but i got the miracle musical shirt and it looks cool
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Might also post cosplay eventually so wanna get used to me being on here :}
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laerwenmith · 6 months
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It's not without mistakes but I finally made my dracula shirt
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slu7formen · 22 days
MDNI. luke x fem!reader
you and Luke end up stuck in the same motel room on a mission, but as he tries his best to stay as far away from you as possible, he ends up with you sitting on his lap and moaning his name.
warnings: enemies to lovers (?, reader’s godly parent is not mentioned, CLASSIC share-the-same-bed prompt, cussing, clothed s3x, pet names, teasing, kinda virgin!luke, dom!luke for a sec, luke sees reader in her underwear
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
The groan of the rusty –stolen– car door echoed in the woods like a death knell. You slammed it shut with a wince, the throbbing ache in your shoulder protesting the movement as you placed your bag on it. The vehicle now lay crumpled against a giant redwood, a testament to the gigantic beast you'd just barely managed to outrun before Percy took take of it with Anaklusmos.
And him, ever the optimist, managed a weak attempt at sarcasm. "Well, that went great, don´t you think?" he muttered to you, his voice laced with exhaustion. A fresh cut adorned his cheek, a reminder of his near-death experience, from their recent encounter.
Luke, face dirty and torso sweaty, slammed the trunk shut with a finality that mirrored the exhaustion etched on his face. Dirt smudged his usually perfect features, and sweat plastered his black hair to his forehead, a sight that would have sent shivers down the spine of any other girl at camp. On you, however, it just fueled the simmering fire inside you that made you want to punch his face.
He slung his worn backpack over one shoulder, the weight of responsibility and fatigue pulling him down.
"Remind me not to let you drive again. Ever." he said to you, his voice laced with a mocking lilt.
You rolled your eyes, the familiar irritation sparking within you. "Oh, give me a break" you spat back, hands on your hips. "I'm the only one with a license here, genius."
"Is your license useful when it comes to a stolen car, genius?" he replied, voice lowering to match his mockery and a punchable smirk playing on his lips. He really knew how to push your buttons, even when you were both staring down the barrel of another night on the run, another night without a decent meal or a good night's sleep.
"At least I can drive" you countered, ignoring the prickle of annoyance that ran down your spine. "Besides, who else would have gotten us this far? You?" You gestured towards the flickering neon sign of a ramshackle motel in the distance, a beacon of hope in the gathering darkness.
"Enough" Annabeth said, her voice firm despite the tiredness in her tone. "You two can fight later, but right now, we need to find somewhere to stay. I am not spending another night sleeping on a tree"
With a determined stomp, she marched towards the side of the road. You and Luke both took a step forward at the same time, then stopped, locked in a silent battle of who would yield. You mockingly straightened your arm towards Annabeth's path. "Ladies first" you said to him.
He squinted his eyes playfully as he walked past you. “Very mature” he muttered.
The flickering neon sign cut through the twilight like a neon lifeline as you walked. ‘The Sun n' Sands Motel’ proclaimed in faded glory, the letters crooked and the sun sporting a single, sad-looking ray. It wasn't the exactly luxury, but after days on the run, a crumpled car, and a near-death encounter with a creature straight out of your worst nightmares, this place looked like a five-star resort.
"Finally" you sighed, relief washing over you in waves. You could practically smell the promise of clean sheets and a bed that didn't groan ominously with every movement. And a shower. Gods, you craved that.
Pushing open the glass door, you were greeted with a musty scent that hung in the air like a forgotten memory. The lobby was small and poorly decorated, the faded floral wallpaper clashing horrendously with the worn brown carpeting. Behind a chipped counter sat a woman whose age defied easy categorization. Her hair, the color of tarnished silver, was pulled back in a tight bun, emphasizing the deep lines etched around her eyes. She sat engrossed in a beauty magazine, oblivious to the four weary demigods who had just entered.
With a sigh that condensed the exhaustion of your entire journey, you approached the counter. Slamming a wad of crumpled bills onto the counter, you declared, "Rooms for four, please."
Percy shuffled behind you, his eyes flitting around the room with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Annabeth scanned the lobby for any signs of potential danger, her hand instinctively resting on the hilt of her dagger.
The woman finally looked up, her gaze lingering on you for too long before flickering to the rest of your group. A slow smile played on her lips, a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "One room, two beds?" she drawled, her voice thick with a southern twang that seemed to grate on your already frayed nerves.
"Two rooms" you corrected, forcing a smile that felt more like a grimace. Sharing a room with Luke Castellan, a roof, again, even in this desolate outpost, was an idea so abhorrent you couldn't entertain it for a second.
As if sensing your objection, the woman tapped away at a dusty computer terminal. A smirk played on her lips. "Couple's getaway, huh?" she asked, her eyes darting from Luke, back to you.
Percy and Annabeth exchanged a surprised and disgusted look. "What?" you demanded, your irritation bubbling over.
But before you could react, you felt Luke´s heavy arm slunging casually around your shoulder, his voice dripping with mock sincerity. "Looks like we're gonna have to get a little bit cozy, don't you think, baby?" he drawled playfully.
You gritted your teeth, biting down on the inside of your cheek to keep from exploding. You knew perfectly well he was just trying to get under your skin, and the worst part was, it was working. The thought of sharing a room with him was bad enough, but the idea of him calling you "baby" sent shivers down your spine – not of pleasure, but of pure, unadulterated annoyance.
Faking a sickly sweet smile, you leaned in and delivered a sharp elbow jab directly to his stomach. He doubled over with a groan, clutching his center for a moment. "Call me 'baby' again," you hissed, your voice low and dangerous, "and I'll punch way lower than that."
“Got it, muscles” he wheezed.
The receptionist, clearly enjoying the spectacle, leaned back in her chair and tapped away at the computer again. "Right now, we have one room with a double bed, and another one with two single beds" she explained.
You glanced back at Annabeth, a silent question hanging in the air. She nodded in understanding. Two single beds might not be ideal, but it was infinitely preferable to sharing a room with Luke.
"We'll take them" you declared.
The woman expertly counted the money, her lips pursed in concentration. "Rooms thirteen and fifteen." she announced, handing you two keys. "No smoking inside, and do not break anything, or you'll be charged double" the lady continued, her voice laced with a warning that was clearly aimed at you and Luke.
As you all four walked towards the stairs, you tossed the key to room fifteen at Luke. He snatched it reflexively in the air, a hint of confussion in his face. “Boys, you´ll share a room” you declare.
Luke scoffed behind your back. "What are we? Eleven?" he asked.
"It was a nightmare to drive a car with you in it" you retorted, "can't imagine what it would be like to share a room."
Later, after some questionable inspectioning around the room and re-organizing your bag for when you leave tomorrow morning, you finally had a little time to yourself.
The cool water splashed against your face, washing away the grime and exhaustion of the day. You glanced over at Annabeth, who was meticulously placing her most important things on the floor to clean and organize her bag; her dagger, her cap, a rope, a squished water bottle, and a few maps. Despite the cramped confines of the motel room, a sense of peace settled over you. Even with Luke's irritating presence hanging over your head, it was a welcome change from the constant fear and adrenaline that had fueled your journey.
A sharp rapping on the door snapped you out of your reverie. "Coming!" Annabeth called out. She opened the door just a crack as you peeked your head out of the tiny bathroom door. You were greeted by the sight of a very smug-looking Percy. His cheeks were puffed out, and he was clutching a brown paper bag that seemed precariously close to bursting.
"Uh, hey" he mumbled, his voice muffled through a mouthful of something chocolatey. "I raided the vending machine downstairs” he simply explained.
Annabeth turned towards you. “Dinner?” she asked.
The offer of a snack, however meager, was enough to send your stomach grumbling in protest. The idea of a proper meal sounded heavinly, the food from camp, the meat, the mashed potatoes. Gods, you really wanted to be back. But right now, even the greasiest bag of chips could be enough for you.
Percy shoved his way past Annabeth and into the room. He disgorged his loot onto the small bedside table that sat between your beds. Annabeth, with her usual organizational skills, started to create a semblance of order from the chaotic pile of snacks.
Across the room, you noticed Luke still leaning against the doorway. He had shed his usual polished exterior for a pair of worn sweatpants and a plain t-shirt, a sight that momentarily threw you off balance. He took you in with a lazy glance, his eyes lingering on your tired face and messy hair. "Looking good" he called, a smirk playing on his lips.
One of your eyes twitched in irritation. Grabbing the wet towel you'd been using, you flung it at him with a growl. He managed to snag it out of the air just before it connected with his face.
"Hilarious" he remarked.
Annabeth jumped in before the playful hostility could escalate further. "How about a movie?" she suggested, her voice laced with a hint of forced cheer.
The idea wasn't exactly appealing, but the prospect of some semblance of downtime outweighed the absurdity of watching television in a dingy motel room. You and Luke exchanged a glance, a silent agreement passing between you. You didn't know how much peace you could get in the middle of a mission, or for how long, but the idea of just sitting down and eating calmly while watching a movie was undeniably tempting. Even with the dubious snacks and the cramped quarters, it felt like a small oasis in the storm of your current situation.
The movie selection on the ancient TV was limited, to say the least. After a series of disgruntled grumbles and channel surfing, they settled on a cheesy romance movie with a plot that could have been predicted by a hyperactive squirrel. The acting was atrocious, the dialogue predictable, and the special effects looked like they were created by a bored teenager with basic editing software. Yet, despite the movie's inherent ridiculousness, a strange sense of camaraderie filled the room. Laughter, albeit tinged with exhaustion, erupted at the predictable plot twists and overly dramatic dialogue.
As the minutes ticked by, Percy and Annabeth succumbed to the fatigue of the day. Annabeth curled up by your side on her bed, but her eyelids eventually fluttered shut and her head lolled back against your shoulder. Percy managed to stay up for a little longer with Luke, but his snorting could easily be heard just ten minutes after.
Silence stretched between you and Luke, punctuated only by the rhythmic snores of Percy and the occasional sigh from Annabeth in her sleep. You glanced over at your friend, her head resting peacefully against your shoulder. Despite the discomfort of the shared bed and the dubious snacks, a sliver of normalcy felt oddly comforting.
Across from you, Luke mirrored your posture, leaning back against the headboard with his arms crossed. His gaze was fixed on the flickering television screen, but you knew his attention wasn't on the atrocious movie. He was lost in thought, a furrow etched between his brows.
There was tension in the air, a constant undercurrent simmering between you two. You didn't like each other, that much was certain. He was arrogant, self-serving, and his loyalty always seemed to have a price tag attached. Yet, a grudging respect had grown between you over the years. You both understood the weight of your responsibilities, the burden of protecting those younger, more innocent.
He cleared his throat, the sound sharp in the quiet room. "Hey, Per—" he began, his voice a low murmur.
“Hey” you called. Luke´s head snapped towards your direction. "He's been out for more than half an hour" you interjected softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "Don't wake him up."
Luke's head tilted to the side. Confusion flickered across his brown eyes before settling on a scowl. "What?" he hissed, barely louder than a whisper.
"Think about it" you countered, your voice a low murmur that wouldn't disturb the sleeping teens. "Percy's been snoring like a miniature thunderstorm for at least ten minutes. Annabeth wouldn't wake up even if a centaur stepped next to her right now. Waking them up would just cause a monster of a different kind."
You knew Luke understood. You weren't just talking about Percy's physical exhaustion. You were both keenly aware of the burden these young demigods carried. They craved normalcy as much as anyone, and these stolen moments of peaceful sleep, however fleeting, were a precious commodity. Watching them, so vulnerable and carefree in their slumber, filled you with a fierce protectiveness. The last thing you wanted to do was disrupt that.
Luke didn't reply, but his gaze mirrored your sentiments. A flicker of something akin to respect softened the harsh lines of his face. You weren't friends, not by any stretch of the imagination. He mean. Yet, you shared a common enemy and a common purpose – to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.
The silence stretched for a momento before he cleared his throat again, the sound sharp in the cramped room. "So," he drawled, his voice laced with a hint of resignation, "what do we do then?"
You sighed, frustration creeping into your voice. "Guess we're stuck sharing a room after all" you muttered, throwing your hands up in defeat. The idea was far from appealing.
Luke's face contorted in horror. He let out a theatrical whine that would rival any crying toddler. "Oh come on" he whined, stretching the word into several syllables. "Sharing a room with you? Talk about cruelty and punishment."
“Oh, just shut up” you whispered-yelled at him. “Trust me, I don´t wanna sleep next to you either. I´ll build up a wall of pillows before you can even start snoring”
There was a certain absurdity to the situation, being forced to share a room with your least favorite person. But beneath the surface, you both acknowledged the unspoken truth – the safety and well-being of Percy and Annabeth took precedence over any personal discomfort.
You both rose from your beds, a tense air crackling around you. Picking up your backpack, you hoisted it over your shoulder with a sigh. "Alright" you declared, marching towards the door. "Let's get this over with."
Luke followed, his movements mirroring yours. The walk down the cramped hallway was filled with an tension. Neither of you dared to speak. Reaching his door, Luke fumbled for the key, his irritation evident in his clumsiness. Finally, with a click, the door swung open, revealing a room identical to yours – basic, cramped, and thoroughly unappealing.
Stepping inside, you couldn't help but let out a groan. A single, double bed dominated the room, leaving absolutely no room for separate sleeping arrangements. God, why did Percy have to fall asleep? Why didn´t you and Annabeth pick this room earlier? Everything was going the wrong way for you. You exchanged a look with Luke, the message clear in your burning eyes.
"Snort or drool" Luke began, his voice a low growl as he pointed a finger at you "and I swear I'll throw you out the window"
"Hm, how charming" you replied sarcastically, stepping past him and into the room.
The bed loomed before you, a battleground for an uncomfortable night's sleep. With a sigh, you dropped your backpack onto the nearest chair. Luke began building a formidable fortress of pillows in the center of the bed. You rolled your eyes at the sight. This was so ridiculous.
A glance at your watch confirmed your suspicions. It was not too late to hop on quick shower. Percy and Luke walked down to the vending machine so quickly earlier that you didn´t even have time to wash yourself before they came to your room with the so called dinner. Your clothes clung to you uncomfortably, the grime of the day begging to be washed away. You looked for a clean shirt you were sure you packed before leaving camp days ago. The possibilites of a shower were low in missions like these, but you never knew.
Leaving your backpack open on the chair, you made your way to the bathroom door, silently pushing it open. Luke watched your movements for a fleeting moment, but quickly went back to his pillow fortification once your figure disappeared inside the small bathroom. He didn't think much of it at first. You were just getting ready for the night, whatever your methods.
Inside the bathroom, you began stripping off your clothes, the cool air a welcome sensation against your heated skin. In your state of exhaustion, you neglected to fully close the bathroom door. A foolish mistake, perhaps, but in your defense, the room was tiny and the it wouldn't be winning any awards for spaciousness. Right now, all you craved was a chance to scrub away the road dust and find a clean shirt for the —uncomfortable— night ahead.
A few seconds later, a muffled curse broke the silence on Luke´s side. Luke, realizing he'd left his toothbrush in the bathroom, stopped himself from the pillows task and approached the bathroom door. He was expecting it to be shut. A polite knock, a request for his forgotten toothbrush – that was the plan. But as he drew closer, his steps faltered. The door wasn't shut.
There you stood, completely devoid of clothes except for your underwear, taking off your camp´s necklace and your earrings. The warm glow from the bathroom light accentuated the smooth lines of your shoulders and the curve of your back. Time seemed to freeze for a beat. Luke's breath hitched in his throat.
You whirled around, startled. A small laugh escaped your lips as you saw Luke's flustered expression. His cheeks were flushed a deep crimson, and his brown eyes darted around the room as if searching for an escape route.
"Didn't think you'd be so shy, Luke" It was a playful jab, a way to lighten the sudden tension that had filled the small space.
Luke sputtered, his voice barely even a regular tone. "Shy? I'm not-, I mean-…” he kept cutting himself off. “This-, don´t you know what privacy is!?"
His indignation was adorable, you couldn't help but think to yourself. You'd never seen him so flustered, so utterly out of sorts. A mischievous glint sparked in your eyes.
"Oh, come on" you countered, a playful smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Don't tell me you've never seen a girl in this state before."
The question just didn´t have an asnwer. Luke's mouth clamped shut. His eyes widened for a moment, then darted back down to the floor, avoiding your gaze. There was a flicker of something in his eyes – a memory, perhaps, or a realization – but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.
The silence stretched, thick and awkward. You realized you had hit a nerve, a part of Luke you hadn't expected to expose, not in front of you. A pang of unexpected curiosity pricked at your insides. Just what kind of experiences had this arrogant, self-assured perfect golden boy had?
You opened your mouth to speak, to maybe apologize for your teasing, but Luke beat you to it.
"Just shower and get dressed, okay?" he mumbled, his voice tight with suppressed frustration. "I want to sleep."
He didn't wait for a reply, simply turning on his heel and retreating back to his pillow fort. You watched him go, a smile playing on your lips. The encounter had been unexpected, to say the least, but it had definitely shaken things up.
A low chuckle escaped your lips. "You'll wait for me?" you called out playfully, knowing full well he wouldn't answer.
"Shut up!" came his muffled reply from behind the pillows.
The silence in the cramped room was thick enough to spread. You emerged from the bathroom, a clean shirt clinging to your damp form and a towel wrapped around your head like a makeshift turban. You caught sight of Luke burrowed deep beneath the barricade of pillows, a picture of forced nonchalance. His eyes were resolutely fixed on the ceiling, but you could practically feel the heat radiating off him.
A mischievous glint flickered in your eyes. He might have gotten away with a verbal escape route earlier, but you weren't done yet. "Well, aren't you going to say something?" you queried, amusement dancing in your voice. "Speechless, Castellan? That's a first."
Luke remained stubbornly silent, his jaw clenched tight. He could feel the blush creeping back up his neck, a burning reminder of his moment of weakness. How was he supposed to act normal after seeing...well, after seeing more of you than he ever bargained for? The image of your smooth skin and the graceful curve of your back was burned into his memory, a stark contrast to the sarcastic warrior he knew.
You flopped down onto the bed, the makeshift wall of pillows separating you from Luke. You turned off the bedside lamp in silence before removing the towel off your hair, gently brushing it. The silence stretched on, broken only by the soft rustle of your brush. Just as you thought Luke had successfully retreated into a silent sulk, his voice broke through the tension.
"Look" he muttered, whispering "it was an accident. Just forget it, alright?"
You couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, come on" you teased, leaning back against the pillows. "Didn’t expect that seeing a little skin was such a big deal for someone like you."
Luke shot you a glare, but it lacked its usual bite. Someone like him? What the hell did you mean by that? Maybe it was the unexpectedness of it all, or maybe it was the way the dim light had cast your figure in a different light, one he hadn't noticed before. Whatever it was, it had thrown him completely off balance.
A sudden, and quite unwelcome, thought struck him. Just what kind of experiences had you had? He knew you weren't naive, or dumb. But the thought of you with someone else… the possessiveness that flared up within him surprised him. It wasn't jealousy, not exactly, but a strange sense he couldn't quite explain.
He pushed the thought aside, focusing on calming his racing heart. He needed sleep, not a philosophical debate about his feelings for his least favorite demigod. Just as he was about to drift off, your voice sliced through the silence, sharper than any blade.
"Are you a virgin, Luke?"
The question hung in the air, a verbal bombshell that shattered the fragile peace. Luke's eyes snapped open, wide with disbelief. Gods, you were bold. He stared at you in the dark, lifiting his head up just enough to peak from the pillows in between your boides, his mind struggling to process your words.
"What?" he finally managed, his voice husky with disbelief.
A faint blush crept up your cheeks, a stark contrast to the playful glint in your eyes. "You heard me" you countered.
Luke felt a surge of annoyance mixed with a strange vulnerability. He wasn't used to being caught off guard, especially not by you. He opened his mouth to retort, to deflect the question with his usual sarcastic wit, but the words wouldn't come.
His gaze drifted towards the wall, a silent battle raging within him. Should he answer your question honestly? The thought of revealing such a personal detail to you, his nemesis, was unappealing. But then again, a small part of him, the part he kept hidden away, craved a different kind of connection with you.
He took a deep breath, the decision made. "Does it matter?" he finally replied, his voice a low murmur.
You turned on your side, facing him across the wall of pillows, getting rid of some of them, dropping them to the carpeted floor. The moonlight filtering through the window cast an ethereal glow on your face, making your eyes seem to sparkle with mischief.
"Maybe it does" you said, your voice soft and laced with an undercurrent of something else - intrigue? Even in the darkness, you could see the way your words affected him, the way his dark eyes seemed to flicker with a mixture of emotions.
Luke opened his mouth to respond, but before he could get a word out, you cut him off with a laugh that seemed tinged with nervousness.
"Forget it" you said, shaking your head slightly. "Just... hormonal thoughts." The explanation felt flimsy, even to your own ears. This wasn't just idle curiosity; it was something deeper, something you couldn't quite explain yet.
Luke remained silent for a moment, your sudden change in direction throwing him off. Part of him was relieved you weren't pressing the issue, but another part, the part he usually kept suppressed, felt a flicker of disappointment. He wouldn't admit it, not even to himself, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't found your boldness, your honesty, even your sudden vulnerability, strangely appealing.
"Hormonal thoughts, huh?" he finally echoed, his voice husky. "Does that mean you wanna have sex with me?" He dared to voice the possibility that you might be attracted to him. He must´ve been out of his mind.
The thought was simply impossible. Yet, the way your eyes sparkled in the moonlight, the way you'd turned towards him, discarding some of the pillows as if to bridge the gap…
"No!" you blurted out, as if reading his mind. The defensiveness in your voice surprised you both. "It's not that at all. It's just... I don't know." Frustration laced your words. This whole conversation was turning into a confusing mess. “Just… how far have you reached with a girl?”
Luke stared at you, dumbfounded. This night had taken a turn he hadn't anticipated. Why were you even talking about this? Why were you asking these questions? Why, despite the initial irritation, was he finding himself answering?
Heaving a sigh, he sat up against the headboard, exhaustion finally catching up to him. "Not too far, actually" he mumbled, the words laced with a weariness that surprised him. The words felt strange coming out of his mouth, a confession he wouldn't have made to anyone else. He hadn't meant to dwell on past experiences, especially not with you. He hadn't realized how much he'd carried on his shoulders, the weight of overlooked desires he never truly got to satisfy. Suddenly, the frustration in your voice clicked into place. Was that why you'd asked? Was it because you felt the same way, burdened by an unfulfilled yearning?
But as you shifted in your bed, suddenly sitting up on your knees, he couldn't help but notice the way your silhouette was illuminated by the moonlight. And then he saw it — the lack of shorts beneath your t-shirt, a detail he'd managed to conveniently overlook in the heat of the moment, which didn´t make sense at all.
"What are you—?" he began, the question dying on his lips as you moved closer. With surprising ease, you began to dismantle the remaining wall of pillows, clearing the way between you.
His heart hammered against his ribs as you sat down on his lap, one leg on each side of him. You were close, closer than you'd ever been before. A mix of confusion and arousal that left him speechless. You stared at him, your eyes reflecting the soft moonlight, as your hands reached for his.
"Have you ever done this?" you asked, your voice gentle, devoid of the usual sarcasm you wielded like a weapon. You weren't mocking him, weren't trying to pry. This was a genuine question, a moment of surprising intimacy that neither of you could have predicted.
Luke stared at you, his mind reeling. His hands, usually quick and confident, felt heavy and clumsy under your touch. You guided them to hold steady of your thighs, even though you were not moving, not yet.
Luke had never been more confused in his life. His mind raced, searching for a coherent response, an appropriate action. Was this a trap? A test? 'What the hell?' his mind raced.
But as he looked into your eyes, searching for an explanation, all he saw was a reflection of his own thunderstorm. You were just as confused as he was, caught in a moment of unexpected intimacy.
Neither of you knew what to say, what to do next. This wasn't part of the plan. You were supposed to be enemies, rivals forced to share a cramped motel room.
You know, the classic shit.
But this wasn’t it. This was something strange that even though he hated to admit it, he didn’t want it to end yet.
So he trailed his hands higher. Higher, higher, higher. Then placed his hands on your hips. He was breathless, and a sudden feeling of dumbness filled his insides as he stared at you, reading you like a book; you were waiting. And he had no idea what to do.
But you surely did. A slight sway of your hips was all he needed to breath out the amount of air his chest was holding. Then another one, and another; each movement pressed deliciously against his cock, already hardened.
He let out a deep groan, teeth tightening and head falling back slightly.
You placed your hands around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you, almost chest to chest. Your hips kept rolling over him. If this felt good to him, it must’ve feel like heaven to you, due to your lack of lower clothes.
“You’re big, Luke” you whispered, a tiny smirk smudged along your lips. There it was. You again.
He thanked the darkness for hiding his red cheeks, but his state was not going to make him vulnerable again. He gripped your hips tighter, pulling at the top of your ass towards him over and over. “Fuck, just shut up for five minutes” he breathed out.
You didn’t answer. Your mouth hang open over his own. Your lips were dangerously close to touching, to kissing. But it was not gonna happen. As your hips rolled at a fast pace his breath tangled with yours, his moans, his groans, everything was swallowed by your own sounds.
He should feel embarrassed of behaving like this, not only because it is you but because he’s supposed to be in the middle of a mission. But come on, he knew this would happen soon or later.
All those years in which he secretly saved his feeling for himself. He had to hide the fact that whenever he touched your skin, whenever he felt your warm body against his hands, even the slightest and most teasing touch, a bolt of lighting went from the tip of his toes to his head.
He felt drunk in you in just a second and what, because he accidentally saw you almost naked?
He had to thank the gods for his luck.
“Oh, Luke” you moaned, head tilting back as you squeezed your eyes shut. Oh, he liked that.
He audibly chucked, laughed at you. “Who would’ve known?” he asked. “Who would’ve known you’d be so dirty, baby?”
Your eyes sparkled with fire, piercing Luke’s insides as the scar on his face twitched like every time he smiled. Despite the look on your face, your hips kept rolling over his; you couldn’t stop. It felt too good, too hot, too wet, even under Luke’s sweatpants.
“Don’t call me baby” you managed to blurt out, but the sound coming out of your mouth just made the whole sentence something pornographic. Luke didn’t complain.
You removed your hands from his neck. He was convinced you were gonna climb off of him and he would have to apologize repeatedly so he could finally get to cum with you on top of him; but instead, your hands travelled down his torso, and hid under his white shirt, pressing your palms onto his abs, pushing your own body harder against his.
“What should I call you then?” he whispered against your mouth, hands gripping impossibly tighter, finally gripping to your asscheeks. He had to hide a groan from the very back of his throat. “Bunny? ‘Cause you can’t deny you wanna hop on my cock?”
Now that was new.
If you were shocked, your face wouldn’t show it, but your body surely did. Your movements became sloppy, tired, and your chest moved up and down faster than ever. Luke rolled his own hips into yours, moaning uncontrollably at the feeling of his cock being constantly rubbed under your clothes pussy, and at the sight of the small wet patch you had on your underwear.
“Luke. I wanna cum” you moaned out. He liked that you didn’t warn you were going to, but you wanted to. As if you were asking for his permission.
“You won’t get off me until I cum, get it?”
He was a possessed man all of a sudden. His groans, growing deeper with every movement, his hands holding onto you for dear life and his breath twirling with yours as if you were the oxygen he needed to stay alive.
The tight feeling on your belly snapped as fast as you started to feel it. Yet you were obedient, so you kept moving.
The overstimulation was too much already, but when was gonna be the last time you would get to almost fuck Luke Castellan? Probably this time, you wouldn’t want to screw it up.
In fact, you wanted to do so much more. To suck his dick, to gag on it. To let him play with your body as much as he pleased and craved for. To let him take you anywhere and anytime he liked.
It didn’t take Luke long enough to hit his climax too, thankfully. His hips twitched against yours repeatedly as he placed his forehead on your chest. His breath was heavy as if he had run a million miles, his forehead sweaty.
Your hand reached his curls, smoothly running them down the back of his neck as if you were comforting him from the worst experience he had ever had. Little did you know this was his best so far.
“Do we-,” he cut himself off to swallow thickly. He didn’t realize how dry his throat was until he tried to speak. “Do we get to share rooms again?”
“What do you think?”
part two <3
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whorekneecentral · 4 months
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Carlos Sainz Jr x Fem!Reader
Warnings: loose version of spanish new years traditions (might not be accurate, I googled lol), carlos has wandering hands, red underwear means good luck, dirty texts, carlos sr is over his son and his nonsense, you and carlos are on grape prep, kitchen sex, oral (f!receiving and m!receiving), penetrative sex (p in v), hair pulling, 'whore' used in a sexual context, cumplay sorta, ana is over you two as well, midnight kisses.
Word Count: 1,839
Author's Note: sorry for the late upload, it's been a hectic day!
merry smutmas series
Coming back from Christmas with your family, the two of you return to Spain to celebrate new years with his family and all their traditions. 
The holidays were a big thing for the Sainz family, both Christmas and New Year's warranted a big party.
It's 8pm on New Year's Eve and you were getting ready for the party that would be starting in an hour. You're in your boyfriend, Carlos's bedroom, sitting at the vanity doing your makeup when he got out of the shower.
You can see Carlos's reflection in the mirror, the white, fluffy towel hanging off of his waist to the beads of water still dripping down his bare chest. "I can feel you staring." He says, walking over to you.
Rolling your eyes, you speak. "Admiring, not staring. I have manners, unlike someone." You teased, watching as his arms snake around you, hands pulling on the bow that kept your robe shut.
"Behave," you scolded him, swatting his hands away. Carlos ignored you. "You look beautiful, mi amor." He whispers in your ear, your cheeks now red and the same colour as your bra that was peeking out.
Seems Carlos noticed the same thing, undoing your robe to confirm what he saw.
"What's this?" He asks, admiring the red lace you were wrapped up in. He seemed a bit confused to see you in the red set, knowing that it was something that you kept solely for when he got good race results.
Your brows furrow, "do you not know? Your sisters say that red underwear brings good luck."
"You don't really believe that," he chuckled, walking off to get dressed. You roll your eyes, "as if you don't. Your mom told me about your Ferrari contract and the red boxers that you keep for special occasions."
Carlos peeks out from his closet, "she told you that ?"
"Of course, do you think we sit in silence when we have lunch?" You laughed, taking the curlers out of your hair.
At some point after that, you two ventured down to the party.
Things were well underway, Carlos's parents entertaining, his sisters with their husbands dancing around with a few friends.
Carlos had separated from you to talk about his racing season with a few of his cousins who had arrived to the party late while you were pulled into a conversation with his father and his colleagues. Your father in law liked to show you off, his arm over your shoulder as he tells all his friends that you were like another daughter to him.
Your phone buzzed in your hand, glancing at it to see who had texted you.
It was your boyfriend, the same man who had been making heart eyes at you all night long.
From Carlos: meet me in my room.
You rolled your eyes, knowing what he wanted but you shot him a quick reply anyways.
To Carlos: what for? can you not see that I'm busy ?
From Carlos: a quickie, what else? I can't take my eyes off of you.
You snorted a laugh, he was ridiculous; he acted like a horny teenager around you, despite the fact that he was 30.
Carlos Sr seemed to notice your little laugh, glancing over at you. "Que pasa cariño?" (what happened dear?)
You decided to give Carlos a mini heart attack, knowing he's looking at you right now. You show your phone to his father, his dad rolling his eyes at his son's behaviour, giving him a disapproving look from across the room.
Carlos Sr takes your phone from you, texting something you don't see until he passes the phone back to you.
To Carlos: ella está ocupada ahora mismo. (she's busy right now.)
Your lips pressed together, biting back a laugh as your father in law led you to the dance floor, his hand in yours as he spun you around. You indulged the man, dancing with him for a bit before passing him over to Blanca for the rest of the song.
Reyes finds you shortly after, her hand in yours as she drags you to Carlos, also grabbing her son by the wrist. The two of you exchanged a glance, a bit confused as to what was going on and unsure if you were in trouble for something. The woman takes you two into the kitchen, there are little bowls lined up on trays as well as 4 massive basins of grapes.
"I forgot to ask the catering staff to put these together, they've left for the evening. Can you two do it?"
Carlos nods, "of course, no problem."
They had a tradition, 12 grapes at midnight was a symbol of the upcoming 12 months and would bring you good luck.
You and Carlos were left to sort out the grapes, putting twelve of them into each bowl; you started lining up the bowls while Carlos was washing the grapes off in the sink.
The two of you split it up, as he dried them and put them back into the basin, you sorted and dropped the 12 grapes into the small bowls.
You were on the last set, Carlos was moving the ones that were done to the table by the door so it'd be easier for the guests to grab.
The man comes up behind you, arms around your waist, lips on your neck. His stubble poking at your skin, kissing it softly. You rolled your eyes.
"What do you want?"
"I can't give my girlfriend a kiss?"
"No," you scoffed, "a kiss is never a kiss with you."
Case in point; Carlos's hands wandered down from your waist to your hips.
"Carlos," you mumble, feeling his fingers meet your bare skin, the hem of your dress moving higher and higher with each passing second. "Don't," you warn him, the man ignoring you.
The grapes long forgotten, your hands gripping at the counter as you feel your boyfriend drop down onto his knees behind you, a trail of sloppy kisses on the back of your thighs.
“Carlos,” you call, “we shouldn't.”
“Don’t you want to?” He asks, fingers dancing along your skin. You let out a breath when you feel his lips on your thigh, soft kisses being peppered across the surface. “Of course I do.” You whispered.
“Then shut up,” he smiles, his head disappearing under the dress.
Your head falls forward against your arms when you feel his tongue on you, he’s yet to move your panties and you're already a mess.
He finally does, smiling to himself when he notices that it’s also red; matching the bra he saw peeking out the top of your robe earlier. “Fuck-” you breathe, fingers still gripping at the marble counters.
He looked up, fixed on you; your hair tossed in every direction and your head tipped back. He can see the necklace you have on, the 55 pendant hanging from it, the same pendant and necklace he gifted you all those years ago for your first Christmas together.
The man gets up, kissing you when he does. You can taste yourself on his lips, Carlos turns you to face him properly and pushes you back against the counter once again, your hand slipping between the two of you as you undo his pants. He pulls your leg to hitch on his hip, your panties already pulled to the side and your dress rolled up at your hips.
Please don’t let there be wrinkles you think, the thought being cut off when Carlos pushes into you. His lips find yours, muffling your moans as he fucks you. Your nails dig into his bicep, his shirt sleeve definitely wrinkled.
“Hold on,” he tells you, pulling out and you whimper at the loss of the fullness. Carlos turns you around and you get what he’s doing, letting you feel a bit more comfortable.
Soon enough, you’re bent over the counter, the last row of grapes discarded off to the side.
His hand is placed on your hip, holding you in place as he pushes into you, picking up the pace again. Your head drops down onto your arms and he didn’t like that. He pulls you up by your hair, your back arches and his arm wrapped around your middle, holding you up.
“You don’t want everyone to hear what a whore you are, do you?” He asks you, his lips against your ear.
You shook your head, knowing if you speak, you’d just be rambling incoherently. “Gonna cum for me, aren't you ? You’re my good girl.” He says.
He feels you clench around him and his hand reaches between the two of you, his fingers finding your clit once again. “Oh my god,” your hips bucked, Carlos' fingers matching the pace of his hips, your body rocking back and forth to get the most out of him.  
“C’mon amor, want you to cum for me.” He says, knowing it won't be long more. 
He watches as your eyes flutter shut and he reaches you with his other hand, holding your jaw and pulling you up a little, your elbows holding up the weight of your body. A few more sloppy thrusts and between that and his fingers, you’re over the edge. 
He kisses you, muffling the noise you were making. 
Without warning, Carlos pulls out of you and pulls you off the counter. You were confused as to what was happening, still in a post orgasm daze. 
The man has you on your knees, looking up at him. 
The dots connect the moment his cock’s pressed to your tongue and he watches as you circle your tongue around the tip. 
“Fuck,” he leans back against the counter, pushing your head down to take all of him in your mouth. His eyes are fixed on you, hand tangled in your hair as you take all of him in your mouth. 
The sight alone was enough to get him to cum and it did. 
You look up at him through your lashes as swallow. 
His hand finds your chin, leaning down to kiss you. “Good girl,” he mumbles against your lips. 
It takes you two a moment to re-situate yourselves, fixing your clothes and hair. You had Carlos wipe the counters down while you washed your hands rather thoroughly before finishing up on the grapes.
There's a knock on the wall, Ana peeking into the kitchen. "Mama wanted to know if you two got lost in here." She joked.
Carlos shook his head, "we were just talking."
Ana eyes your smudged lipstick and her brother's messy hair. "Hm, okay. Help me bring out the grapes?" She asks and you push past Carlos, ignoring his smirk as you helped her carry out the trays and pass out the grapes.
Shortly after, you find Carlos in a corner. You passed him a bowl of grapes and kept the other for yourself as you sat on his lap. One by one, you ate them until all 12 were gone.
The clock struck 12, the fireworks popping outside. "Happy new years, mi amor." Carlos whispered to you, kissing you softly.
Your thumb brushed over his cheek, "happy new years Carlos."
taglist:  @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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miss-floral-thief · 2 years
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shame these don’t fit better they surprisingly go well with my top
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beefboyandbabygirl · 10 months
Titty-Shirt! (18+)
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pairing: pervert!rollercoaster operator!jeonghan x bigtiddie!fem!reader
genre: theme park au??? lmao, coworkers to lovers, kinda enemies to lovers, smut, fluff, lil crack, lil angst
description: you start your new job and your mentor, jeonghan, is the biggest piece of shit you've ever met. you swear you hate him. you swear. he's just also the most gorgeous man you've ever seen.
warnings: whew this requires a lot of warning, first of all a lot of DUBCON BEHAVIOR FROM JEONGHAN INITIALLY (we know she enjoys it to some extent, but he doesnt know), hes a sleazy perverted fuck, tiddie playing, tiddie sucking, tiddie fucking, fingering (f. receiving), dry humping, mirror sex, praise (f. receiving), dirty talk, FINGER SUCKING HNG, a lil degradation (f. receiving), meanie condescending jeonghan turning all soft for ur tiddies :(, V TIDDIE-CENTRIC IF U COULDNT TELL, belinda loves jeonghan, WEED LOTTA WEED, explicit depictions of smoking weed, high sex, this fic sounds rough but it actually has some really soft cute moments, im pretty sure thats it lmk if i forgot smth
quotes from babygirl (@joshibambi): "shove ur cock down my throat treat me like the whore i am", "FUCKING STEP ON ME", "omg hes so disgusting..... im so attracted to him"
wordcount: 13.2k
a/n: the way i raced 2 finish this before im actually moving out... ALSO thinking ab making this a series? like one for each member, the theme being "unusual jobs". like not stuff youd immediately think of like coffee shop or lawyer or ceo or whatever. like. strange jobs. would u guys b on board?
“We’re so excited to have you working with us.” 
She had a mole on her nose that was hard to ignore. It was big and exceptionally round - your thoughts flitted back to your dearest Discovery Channel, and how amazing it was that nature could create such perfect spheres. The thought of your couch and your blanket and your most cherished nature docs brought upon a wave of uncertainty. You could just be lying at home, you thought. 
“Happy to be here,” you smiled tightly. She was your new manager and she was short and stout and had gray hair and a lovely smile and a round mole on her nose. You tried not to make it obvious you were staring at it. 
You were standing in your city’s local theme park under a long path with flower archways. People, kids and parents and ninth graders, swarmed around like bees, standing at booths and in lines to old, janky, rusted roller coasters. It was summer and you were wearing the branded shirt they’d given you, slightly too small, and the matching cap. Insects buzzed past your stray hairs and you looked up at the bright blue sky. 
You needed a job, you had known, and your mom had certainly known it too, so you could only lounge around after graduating for a short while, before you opted to apply. This had been your last choice. You’d tried to become some sort of lobby-worker, tried makeup stores and even regular stores. You used to make fun of the people who worked here. But now that person was you, and standing under the archways in the summer sun slathered in sunscreen, you figured you would make the best of it until the busy season was over. 
“So,” your manager, Belinda, began after a brief pause of polite nods, “new employees such as yourself are required to be trained and surveyed by an existing worker for a two-week period, but after that you get to run the rides all by yourself.” 
She said it like it was something to look forward to. You tried to believe that it was.
“Of course,” you said, and once again the space between you was filled with polite and exaggerated nodding. “Need to learn first before you get to be the master.”
“Exactly!” she said. Her lipstick was barbie-pink and a little overlined on the right side. She smelled faintly of gasoline. “So we’re handing you off to one of our star-employees!”
You hummed and noticed her taking a step backwards, indicating you to follow. She began walking, trudging over the cobbled paths and shuffling awkwardly in between walls of people. You followed behind. “He’s been working here for the past two years, so he knows the place in and out.”
As you walked, passing twisting, gnarly tracks with screams emanating from them and stands with oversized, China-made plushies hanging from them, you tried to imagine what a star-employee at Caratland Theme Park looked like. 
It was probably someone that loved roller coasters, maybe someone like yourself, who strived for approval and perfection, maybe someone that found a certain joy in being a good service experience for guests. Someone who was good with kids? 
“So you’ll be training with him for a bit before we leave you alone with the coasters, of course, but it should be no trouble, he’s a fun guy!” 
You passed by a haunted house, where a group of kids psyched each other up in the queue. Dodging a tree, you finally came up on a certain blue ride where Belinda stopped and put her hands on her hips, power posing in front of the creaky, old machinery. 
The Pirate Swing. That’s what it was called, and it was a big ship attached to a huge, metal pole on each side, and it was currently swooshing up and down with a large, grating sound. You cringed at it. Belinda noticed and frowned, fingers fiddling with the edge of her shirt. “Maybe we should oil that one.” 
Kids and parents were lined up at the stairway leading up to it in a parade of artificial polyester colors, and on the edge of the platform where the ship was shoveling through the air, a little booth was sat. Peeking through the frankly grimy windows, you could see him. He was slumped back in a wooden chair, wearing the same shirt as you and Belinda, and wearing big, blocky, black sunglasses. 
“Jeonghan!” she called, and you saw the figure jolt. He looked briefly dazed, before he snapped his head up to peer through the glass, smiling and waving. The kids in line turned to glare at you. He scrambled up from his seat clumsily and with sporadic movement, and you both watched how he hunched over the door, shaking it in its frame before it finally let open. He took one long step out the door and was finally outside, looking down at you from the platform and leaning on the railing. 
“Belinda! Nice to see you,” he breathed, smiling in a way that seemed to indicate he did not find the prior sequence of events embarrassing. In fact, he seemed to think he had the upper hand - the confidence rolled off of him in waves. You grimaced. 
You could see him much better now that he was outside, not broken up by the greasy glass, and whatever you had envisioned the star-employee to look like, this was not it. He was young, maybe just a little older than you, and he was thin, with long black hair that just kissed his shoulders. About half of his face was hidden away behind the frankly humongous sunglasses on his face, but he had pale pink lips and a pronounced cupid's bow, and even though you were a little skeptical of him, the cockiness in his smile was well-received. 
“This is Y/n!” Belinda said (yelling to overpower the severely loud child glee), gesturing to you, and you almost felt self-conscious when he looked over at you and smiled. “She’s a new employee and you’ll be her mentor during her training period.” 
“Sure thing!” he said simply. Again with the polite nods, you thought, before you felt Belinda’s hand on your shoulder. You glanced over and she squeezed. 
“Good luck, Y/n! You’re in great hands!” Now that you weren’t so sure about. Had the two of you not seen the same thing? 
You mumbled a thanks and she padded away, once more dodging and weaving through huge chains of people, and you squinted after her, before you turned back to Jeonghan. He was already looking at you, a lazy smile on his lips. 
“Welcome to The Pirate Swing, matey! Get up here and let me show you the ropes,” he padded back to the booth, now visibly more relaxed, as his back returned in a hunch. “I should probably stop the ride,” he mumbled to himself, pressing a button on a long controlpanel with a grid of eight buttons. 
You climbed up the stairs unsurely, hand smoothing over the railing as you went. At the top you squeezed in beside Jeonghan. It was a fairly small space, just big enough for the two of you to stand next to each other. Jeonghan smiled a straight smile at you, before brushing past you to let out the dizzy guests. 
“Was it a good ride?!” You heard him ask distantly, while you studied the interior of the booth. 
It was reeking with a sweet herbal stench, and for a moment you might’ve chalked it up to sweat and cologne, but when your gaze danced over the grid, you became aware of a small, open ziploc of weed on the countertop, crumbs of it dotted by the opening. An energy drink, most certainly warm from the sun flowing in, was perched next to it, and you saw more cans by the foot of the wooden chair (it seemed like a chair that had been dragged in from somewhere else - it was almost reminiscent of the one from your grandma’s house).  
You grimaced, looking over to where Jeonghan was waving kids off and shuffling over to let in people from the queue, a big sign for checking heights in his hand. The sunglasses, of course, you thought and frowned at the room. Luckily it seemed pretty straight forward, so maybe you could escape this Jeonghan character earlier than two weeks. 
“Right,” Jeonghan clapped his hands together, pushing past you again. “This is how you turn it on,” he said and pressed one long, skinny finger to a black button that read ‘dispatch’. 
Sure enough, the huge metal set to work again, screeching as it lifted a boat-full of nuclear families through the air. 
“You turn it off with this other one. Usually rides just stop by themselves when they reach the end, but since we got a little shitty one today it’s manual.” 
“Okay,” you said, nodding along and watching when his hand danced and pointed to the set of buttons.
“That’s pretty much it!” he said, collapsing in his chair again, sunglasses sliding halfway down his nose and revealing his bloodshot eyes. 
“What about the other buttons?” you ask pointedly, arms crossed.
“Don’t worry about them, sweet cheeks,” he waved you off. “They don’t do much.”
The empty cans by his chair clattered when he reached down a hand for one, toppling over and hitting the metal flooring. You scrunched your nose in disgust. 
“I like your shirt,” he mumbled, nimble fingers picking up a particular empty can. It was bent on one side, little holes pricked in it - it was a makeshift bong. You scoffed at him. This was the star-employee?
“We have the same shirt,” you deadpanned. 
“Yeah, but I like yours better,” he grinned lazily, can now in hand, when he leaned forward to fetch the ziploc of weed. “Nice and tight.” 
“You’re gross,” you spat, brows furrowed. “This is a kid’s establishment, you know that, right?” 
“Ninth graders fuck here all the time,” he shrugged. You gasped, not only because it was an extremely gross fact, but also because that was not what you were suggesting. “I’m referring to the fucking weed in your hand, jackass!” 
“Woah, calm down!” He shushed you, and you might’ve genuinely scared him, because he looked around each window of the booth, light cascading down his tan skin. He was wearing a pair of shorts, and you saw his knee bounce. When he’d secured the area, he turned to you with a hiss: “That’s a secret, woman! You can’t just throw words like that around.” 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t smoke here!” You snapped, but Jeonghan was doing exactly the opposite. Ducking down so it wasn’t totally visible from the windows, he’d placed a little nugget of weed on the grate, and was now setting it alight with Transformers-print lighter.
“This is your first day, right? Trust, you’re gonna end up being high on the job too,” he ended his sentence by placing his lips around the mouth of the can, sucking in smoke.
“That’s such a safety hazard,” you murmured, looking down at him from where you stood. He pulled away, smoke still in his mouth and you saw a twinkle in his eyes from above his falling sunglasses. Then he lunged forward and blew it into your face, a concentrated stream of weed smoke bouncing off your shiny cheeks. “Hey!”
You sputtered and spat, shoulders tense and straining against the fabric of your shirt. Jeonghan settled back down in his chair, legs spread.
“The kids love me! With or without weed!” he said, voice a little groggy from the smoke. You coughed, discontent. 
“Maybe they love you because you get them contact-high,” you mumbled under your breath. Jeonghan grinned at that. 
Suddenly he leaned back in his chair to study you, one hand on the can, the other taking off his sunglasses. He stared up at you with fire-red eyes and soft, long hair and a bemused grin on his lips. Seeing his full face, you gulped under his intense gaze. He was really pretty. Annoying. More annoying than pretty. But still. 
Distantly, kids screamed and a constant buzz of countless conversations overlapped in each inch of the park. Jeonghan reached out a finger and poked your jean-clad hip once. 
“You’re funny,” was all he said, something resembling curiosity in his eyes. “Yeah. Funny girl with the tight shirt.” 
You were going to retaliate (they truly had run out of your size and had opted for this as a temporary option, it wasn’t your fault!), but Jeonghan coughed suddenly, eyebrows furrowing as he sat back up in his seat. 
“Oh shit, should probably stop the ride now.”  _____________________________
You thought about quitting. 
You could honestly say that Jeonghan made you think about quitting, and maybe you would even have brought the plan into action, had it not been for the fact that you had been rejected from just about every other job that you’d applied to. It seemed you were stuck. 
You showed up the next day in your shirt and it felt even tighter than the day prior, and the cap tightened around your scalp like you were a toy in a claw machine. 
Fortunately for you, the park seemed much less crowded today. It was a Wednesday, parents were still working and apparently no one sought out the thrill of scary, old, decaying rides on such afternoons. You admired how much lovelier it was when it was still, as you walked up to The Pirate Swing. 
“Hey, titty-shirt!” 
The loveliness was ruined. 
Jeongan was standing on the railing with someone else you didn’t recognize, long, black hair swaying out from the rim of his cap. He waved enthusiastically, watching your form slump at his words. 
“Hey, Jeonghan,” you muttered, approaching the steps. The boy beside him looked mildly uncomfortable at the interaction. 
“It’s a good thing you’re here, N/n - can I call you N/n?” he didn’t let you answer, simply continued talking like a telemarketer. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re here. Me and my buddy, Junhui, from the Beetle Bug ride were just discussing something that I think is extremely valuable to learn about this place!” 
“Are you gonna teach me about the rest of the buttons?” you drawled, eyes half closed in feigned boredom (as much as you disliked him, it certainly wasn’t boring). 
“No!” Jeonghan snapped his fingers at you. You noticed he had this way of smiling, that irked you. It was void of sincerity and was instead wolfish and teasing, something genuinely animalistic and mean-spirited. It was distasteful.
“On days like these-” he hovers and outstretched hand to gesture to the mostly bare land of the theme park, “- you can steal food from the restaurants.” 
After just one eight hour shift with Jeonghan, you find yourself not even remotely surprised at this. You cross your arms over your chest (Jeonghan’s eyes briefly flick down to them, and you think you might actually hate him): “I have a packed lunch.” 
“Packed lunches are for geeks and nerds,” he said, unbothered. “You can come along if you want to get some delicious, warm pizza, or you can stay here like a loser and explain to every kid that comes by, that you’re not allowed to give them a ride on the coaster and watch them cry until you get fired. Your choice, babe.” 
“Don’t call me that,” you snarled. Jeonghan shrugged with puckered lips and the Beatle Bug guy - Junhui - scrunched his face in disgust at the two of you. 
“Not gonna lie, I’m gonna go find Seungkwan,” he said, not even attempting to hide his dismay for your dynamic. He brushed past you on the stairs, hands buried in his pockets. “If you guys fuck, do it in the bathroom Chan uses!” he yelled, trudging past the pillars that held up the haunted house. 
“Sure thing, Jun!” Jeonghan smiled, and you could punch him. Again that animalistic, joyful, laughing-at-you-not-laughing-with-you smile.
“What if I snitch on you?” you asked, hoping it would knock some sort of sense into him, but he only shrugged.
“Belinda loves me. Whenever she works on Valentine’s day, she cries in her office and I let her rant about her shitty boyfriends,” the visual was somehow not hard to imagine. Belinda in her office chair (you’d seen it once, and all you could say was the interior looked like something from a log cabin) and Jeonghan, 19, feeding into everything she said. “You can say what you want, but she’ll just fire you for making up rumors.” 
Your brows furrowed. “That’s so concerning.” 
“Nothing about this place works right,” he admitted and it was maybe the only time you’d sensed an ounce of truth in his words. “So, are you coming?” 
You hesitated. You really were working up a real distaste for Jeonghan, but talking to spoiled, crying kids seemed worse than anything else at the moment. You decided you could live through Jeonghan’s lewd comments and maybe make friends with some other park workers. 
“I knew you loved me,” he teased, and then grabbed your wrist from the top of the steps, bouncing down and pulling you along with him. “Hey!” you yelped, but Jeonghan was, as always, unbothered. 
He pulled you by a narrow walkway into the toilets, passing by a single, confused family, as you stumbled behind him. There was a fountain with a hen figurine on top, which he steered around, your arm jerking limply, as he went down a flower-walkway. 
“You do this often?” you remarked, out of breath from jogging to match his strides. 
“Oh yeah. Mingyu works there and he’s like 16, he lets me do anything,” Jeonghan giggled evilly, glancing over his shoulder once, and you gulped, and hated the way his eyes were so big and pretty, and the way his hair blowed softly along carvings of his cheeks. 
“It’s great that you have so many people here to enable your bad habits,” you said. Whatever sarcasm you portrayed in your tone, Jeonghan ignored it, still smiling when he said: “Right?” 
When you stopped you were standing on the backside of a blocky building - one of the many offers of food you provided, prices marked up to drain the suburbs of their cash. You felt something underfoot, and looked down on the gravelly, rustic pavement, only to see circa 20 cigarettes jammed in between the rocks. You scrunched your nose. 
“What? You don’t like cigs?” you looked up at Jeonghan’s voice, to see him grinning cheekily at you. His eyes sparkled and for maybe just a second it was kind of attractive. 
“I don’t..” you broke off eye contact. “I don’t mind, it’s just.. Is everyone here like you?” 
“Sweetheart,” he tutted, and you nearly flinched at the feeling of his long fingers tapping your cheek, cool on the warming skin. You looked back up at him and he had tilted his head to the side. Why was he being attractive? Why were you finding him attractive? “There’s no one like me.” 
Before you could respond, Jeonghan pushed open the backdoor, the heat of the kitchen simmering out in one brief wind, before it slammed shut behind him, and you were left, alone and dumbfounded on the stones in a mountain of cigs. 
Then you scoffed.
You stood for a moment, letting the fresh air cool the inevitable warmth on your cheeks, huffing (because you were annoyed, you told yourself, not because he had just done something terribly, horribly attractive!) and puffing with your arms crossed over your too-tight-shirt. 
Then you pushed open the door and stepped inside the tiled kitchen. 
The room was filled with steam and it smelled like canned marinara sauce and fake cheese and most of all it was unbearably hot - so hot and humid, you felt the particles of water sitting on the fabric of your shirt. There was a decidedly oversize pot simmering with sauce on a stovetop, and on a hotplate three untouched pizzas sat; one with potato-topping, one pepperoni and one margarita. 
A very tall boy was running frantically around the kitchen, three different kitchen utensils in his clenched fist like claws. Sweat was dripping down the side of his frowning face and red speckled his shiny cheeks. Jeonghan draped himself against the counter lazily.
“It’s just me today,” the boy, Mingyu, cried, “Thomas sent home the other two because there’s no one in the park, but I can’t do this alone!” 
“Seems real stressful, Gyu,” Jeonghan mumbled, leaning on his hand. 
“Yeah, so if you aren’t too busy, maybe you could stir the marinar-” 
“That’s really great, man. You’re doing God’s work. But hey, we’re just gonna-” While Mingyu’s back was turned, the tall boy hunched over the sauce, Jeonghan limply pushed the pepperoni pizza to the edge of the hotplate with a pair of tongs. He winked at you, scooping the pizza into his open palm. “We’re just gonna head out now.” 
“Jeonghan, please help me out and don’t-” 
Mingyu turned around and his tortured expression dropped into one of shock, his tense limbs falling limp at his sides. Jeonghan stood, hand in the cookie jar and pizza in his palm, frozen in front of him with a sort of cartoonish ‘oopsie’-face. Steam clouded the room while you watched from the doorway.
Mingyu’s eyes narrowed and when he spoke again, his voice was lowered in warning: “Jeonghan. We’ve talked about this. Put. The pizza. Down.” 
There was a moment of indifferent silence. Jeonghan contemplated.
Then he nodded, lips pursed and eyes cast down to the pizza.
“You know… I would.. But. Y/N, OPEN THE DOOR OR KNOCK HIM OUT!”
You did. Apparently Mingyu hadn’t seen you, because he jumped at your voice behind him, body twisting to see you just in time for you to open the door and Jeonghan came scrambling out of it like a rat. You cannot believe you just aided this man’s crimes, you think, Mingyu’s expression of horror forever imprinted in your retina, before you followed suit. 
However bad Mingyu’s puppy expression made you feel, the rush of adrenaline as you bolted down the pavement under row after row of flowers and sunbeams brought forth something sinister and mean that had you giggling at your evil-doing. Jeonghan was laughing as well, and his genuine laugh was bright and bubbly and very unlike him. 
Mingyu sprung open the door behind you, yelling over your shoulders: “HOODLUMS! THIEVES! YOU’RE LUCKY I CAN’T LEAVE THIS SAUCE.” 
This made the both of you laugh even harder, disappearing behind another building, leading up to the chicken-fountain. You caught up to him, still holding the pizza in his open palms, now sweating and panting in between bright, heart-thrumming giggles. 
“I thought-” you panted, bending at your knees and warding away the image of the betrayed Mingyu. “I thought you said he let you do whatever he wanted.” 
“Yeah,” Jeonghan heaved, cheeks rosy and shiny, as he gently padded over to a bench with the pizza out like the plate in the hand of Oliver Twist. “That’s my bad. I forget he was 16 two years ago and has since then lost all respect for me.” 
This made you laugh. This had your eyes squinting closed and a deep, ringing laugh bouncing up your ribcage and your throat and exploding into the summertime. Eyes closed, you missed the way Jeonghan’s face lit up at that.
“That made you laugh? Self-deprecation?” he asked incredulously, but somehow amazed. 
“Oh,” you cried, opening your eyes and willing your laughter to calm. “I think it’s just the first time you haven’t been baselessly confident and cocky.” 
“Baseless?” Jeonghan echoed, face screwed in poorly-concealed glee.
“Yeah,” you nodded, face also screwed in poorly-concealed glee.
“What? Am I supposed to collect, like, fuckin’ data?” 
“Yeah, evidence.” 
You and Jeonghan went back to The Pirate Swing, splitting the pizza in the booth and every 45 minutes or so, letting guests on when they came by. He was still annoying and in all fairness he’d dragged you into his crimes against humanity. But. He was also a little funny and sweet. 
And the pizza did taste better than your packed lunch. _____________________________
Two days of normal work followed. 
There were too many people to really fuck around, so you and Jeonghan stayed in the booth, and you even managed to pressure him into telling you about the rest of the buttons, as well as the mechanics of the bigger machines. 
Everytime Jeonghan saw you he greeted you with “Hey titty-shirt!”, equally enthusiastic each time. Everytime the clock hands read 8 PM he pulled out his weed and began smoking. Everytime he began smoking he snaked a hand on the back of your leg where you stood (still no chair!) beside him, rubbing the flesh under his palm. You shooed him away half-heartedly, then felt guilty for not meaning it. Jeonghan was a sleazy piece of shit, but his hand was warm and felt nice on your thigh. You liked to tell yourself you were just lonely or something. 
That Saturday you came walking into work, still wearing your shirt and your cap, and was immediately alerted to the fact that something was off; Jeonghan was ecstatic. 
He always had this front of joy and constant bemusement, but you’d learned to read how he yearned for his shift to end - you saw it sometimes when he gazed out of the windows of the booth, thinking you were surveying the kids. That day, he was happy. Genuinely. 
“TITTY-SHIRT!” he called again, causing a family of blonde children to turn their heads in dismay. He paid them no mind, rushing down the stairs with loud, trampling steps, to meet you at the foot of the platform, before you could even settle down in the booth. He grabbed your forearms in his hands and grinned at you childishly. You couldn’t help the small, bemused smile that parted your lips.
“Great fuckin’ news,” he said, “Belinda is fucking gone. M.I.A.”
“Okay?” you grimaced, unsure of what he was getting at. 
“Okay?! Do you know what this means?” 
“No, not particularly,” you mumbled. 
“This whole fuckin’ area,” he let go of your arms to motion vigorously to your part of the park. "Unsupervised. Unaccounted for.” 
“Okay?! This means we’re gonna go shoot the shit at the arcade, come on!” He threw a hand over his shoulder to gesture to the arcade area. You frowned and crossed your arms challengingly. 
“Shouldn’t we go take care of our coaster?” 
“Are you kidding me? If no one is working it, people just assume it’s shut down for maintenance. Come on, this only happens, like, twice a year!” He whined, stomping his worn-down Nike sneakers into the pavement and pouting at you. You hated to admit it made your facade melt like an overpriced ice-cream in the hand of a child. 
“Alright, but-” 
Without further nonsense, Jeonghan grabbed your hand in his, and began to once more drag you through the park. As you ran behind him, you looked at your interlocked hands and thought, briefly, that it wasn’t too bad to look at. And it felt kind of good. 
“What happened to Belinda?” 
“God knows, I think it was something with her kids.” 
“She has kids?!” 
You and Jeonghan messed around at the arcade - Jeonghan miraculously had been granted the keys to the arcade by Belinda (something about her trusting him?), and unlocked the machines and you played games with already-used coins. 
First was Whack-A-Mole, then the boxing game, then those motorcycle races, and then you played the basketball game.
“I’m gonna beat you!” you squealed, throwing a miniature basketball through the hoop with a small jump. You grinned in triumph when it landed right, punching the air like a dork and turning to him with victoriously glean. 
Jeonghan wasn’t even played, you realized. You’d been so caught up in actually landing the ball in the hoop that you’d managed to forgo the way Jeonghan leaned against his lane, eyes half lidded and shadowed under his cap. You turned to him, now much more aware that you’d been acting like a dork. 
“Uh, aren’t you gonna play?” you asked sheepishly, blushing. You wished you’d missed how Jeonghan’s lips quirked upwards at the sight. 
“No,” he sang, “I think I’m just gonna stay here and watch you play.” 
You narrowed your eyes, suspiciously, and that was all Jeonghan needed before he sighed and shrugged in defeat, like a criminal caught for his crimes.
“Sorry, I just like watching your tits bounce when you get all excited,” he deadpanned. Your mouth gaped open and crossed your arm over your chest.
“You’re so gross, Jeonghan!” you said, now thoroughly uninterested in playing anymore. Jeonghan only scoffed though, to which you snapped your head back to him with an outraged expression. He smiled at you in that cheeky son-of-a-bitch way. 
“Oh, don’t act like that,” he said cockily.
“Like what?”
He laughed, rolling his eyes, letting a small pause linger in the space between you. You hoped he couldn’t see the way your eyes twinkled with excitement every time he said something like this. As hot as he was, Jeonghan was a cocky, sleazy piece of shit and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. 
“Like you’re scandalized,” he said simply. You wanted to respond, wanted to defend your honor, but Jeonghan saw right through you, and he took one step forward to speak again: “Like you hate the way I talk to you. You act all innocent and nice and so uptight, but you know what?” 
He took daring steps forward, one after another, until you were half-sat on the basketball machine and he stood, looming over you, surprisingly menacing despite the get-up. The air seemed to suddenly thicken and warm, tasting foul in your mouth. Then he leaned in, eyes glimmering brilliantly with amusement and that evil smile on his lips, breath hitting yours. 
“I think you love being treated like a slut.” 
He was so close to you, body heat rolling into you. You knew he saw the mechanisms of your brain turning behind your eyes, saw the fear when you realized he had seen right through you, and he smiled, and he might as well have had fucking horns.
He tilted his head, and, fuck, if every angle of his face wasn’t perfect. It was unfair. It was so unfair. 
“I-I don’t-” your voice was a meek, half-hearted protest, cut off before you could even begin.
“Yeah,” he laughed. “I think you do. You don’t just let any man massage your thigh, hm?” 
At those words, his hand dropped onto your thigh, finger digging into soft flesh. You mewled at the feeling, causing his grin to spread wider. 
“Oh, poor baby,” he pouted in fake-sympathy. “Am I making you wet?” 
Thank God for Kwon Soonyoung with the impeccable timing. 
Soonyoung was “the pool boy” - he did not work at the pools, but he was the victim of a dunking-machine that was set up in the summertime. Kids and adults alike paid to throw balls at a big, red button that would lower a trapdoor and dunk Soonyoung in ice-cold water. You’d seen it in action and it was pretty hilarious. 
At his voice, you and Jeonghan scrambled apart, his hand flying off your thigh and body twisting to back away from you, and you dropping off the machine and landing flat on your feet, blushing wildly and somewhat out of breath. 
Soonyoung, the poor boy, was sprinting through the park, stopping awkwardly where you and Jeonghan had been standing. He was out of breath and had a wild look in his eyes, like he was being chased by some supernatural monster. 
“Belinda is back! Get back to your coasters!” If he’d noticed your philandering he certainly didn’t mention it, breaking into a sprint again the second the words had left his lips. 
“Shit, thank you, Soonyoung!” Jeonghan yelled, receiving only a limp thumbs-up from the trackstar in response. Jeonghan grabbed your hand and the two of you ran back to The Pirate Swing as fast as your legs could take you. 
Your heart fluttered at your interlocked hands again, and you stared at them, focused on them, as the world became a blurred mess around you. His warmth streamed into you.
You couldn’t even look at him the rest of the shift. Something about his confrontation stirred a mimicking phenomenon in you. Did you want to fuck Jeonghan? You did, you realized, and thus you were unable to raise your gaze from the floor, pressing yourself against the wall to be far enough away from him, that he couldn’t touch your thigh again. He didn’t. He just let your cheeks blaze and pressed buttons and talked to kids, and he even waved at Belinda when she walked by, and she smiled wide and waved back. 
You went home at 9 PM, shirt too tight around your chest, and chest too tight around your heart. You simply couldn’t believe it, because not only did you want to fuck Jeonghan;
You had a fucking crush on him. _____________________________
Having a crush on Yoon Jeonghan was maybe the worst revelation you’d had in your life.
You’d kept all the things you admired about him hidden under the veil of your shirt; he was sleazy and gross and he smoked weed at work and had a certain disregard for child safety. But, and there was always a but, you realized, he was also witty and easy to talk to, and it was cute when he was happy or he got excited about something, and he was so damn charismatic, and you realized you would do anything to see him with that childlike joy again. 
The worst part was that Jeonghan did not like you back. In fact, you couldn’t even imagine him liking anyone. He thought you were hot and wanted to fuck and that was the end of it. All the ways you cared about him were unreciprocated. He did not care to see you happy. He did not care for the twinkle in your eyes when you were excited. He liked your tits in your shirt and was working his fingers up, day by day, to touch you. Yoon Jeonghan did not like you back. 
Three days of work passed, three days of being muted and awkward around him. Jeonghan’s shine was not dulled by your lack though. The kids loved him, Belinda loved him, and he didn’t love anyone back - just let himself be showered in admiration. He was greedy like that. He took all the love and gave none out.
On this particular day, all you did was lay in your bed before work, willing time to stop so you wouldn’t have to go. Legs flopped on top of your bedsheets, work shirt on and cap on your bedside. You waited.
You waited with a metal ball in your stomach, rolling around and causing a ruckus. It rested heavy there, rolling to and fro and grazing your heart from time to time, and it hurt. 
Maybe the reason it felt this bad was because you did it to yourself. Of course, Jeonghan wouldn’t like you back. He was Jeonghan. And yet, you’d had your guard down and his effortless charms had worked their way into your brain. You wondered how many girls had been in the same exact position as you; being graced with Jeonghan’s presence, being smitten by it, and now lying in bed, realizing the admiration would never be bounced back to them. 
You went to work. 
In the damn shirt, you walked in through the staff-door and journeyed towards The Pirate Swing. 
There were so many people that day, you could hardly believe your eyes. The queues were mile-long stretches, and every pathway was spotted with body after body, walls of families, crowds swarming like insects. It was enough to induce a slight panic. 
“It’s good that you’re here, Titty-shirt,” Jeonghan said, when you walked into the booth beside him. He had a bit of a wild look in his eye and he was chewing on a banana. You stood by the door of the booth, looking out at the queue - a genuine queue? To The Pirate Swing? - as the boat swung catastrophically behind you. “We’re fucking busy.” 
You hummed, then turned your head to him. He had sat down, seemingly exhausted and pouting a little. 
“You brought a packed lunch?” you asked, nodding towards the banana in his hand and he looked up at you. His cheeky smile made you want to die. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, I stole this from Seungkwan,” he said and you laughed, and you hated that he made you laugh. The walls of the booth muffled the loud, indistinct buzz and shielded you from the chaos. The flimsy, windowed walls had never felt as intimate. 
“It’s gonna be a shitty day,” you declared ceremoniously. He grunted something in agreement, voice strangled by the now finished banana. Forever himself, he discarded the peel on the corner of the control panel, among his ziploc of weed and empty cans. 
It was a shitty day.
The constant swarming of people, crying children, the non-stop screech of rusted roller coaster tracks; everything brewed together into a pounding headache, as you and Jeonghan hunched together in the booth. Beads of sweat collected on your skin, where the unforgiving sun streamed through the windows. 
Around 8 PM you’d had just about enough. Your head was pounding, you were hungry, and most terribly you were sad. You were sad, sitting next to Jeonghan on the dirty, hard floor of the booth, and you could cry every time he said something snarky and lewd to you. He would never like you and you were a fool for ever letting yourself get attached. 
The day was constant work, constant talking to kids and putting on an energetic front. Finally the crowd seemed to thin out. Slowly but surely, the suburban families returned home and only a few people remained, and the night time glowed soft and warm. 
“Dude,” Jeonghan said, neck craned to look at his phone. With most of the guests gone, he’d finally gotten a chance to waste away on his phone, putting his mouth to his makeshift bong and smoking pot. You kept the booth-door open to let the smoke out. “Wanna go see a crowd of teenagers dunk Soonyoung? Junhui just texted me.” 
You were so tired. Every inch of your body yearned to relax where you sat, cross legged on the metal floor. With dark, sunken eyes and no courtesy left, you simply shook your head. 
“You sure?” he asked, eyebrows raised. You were just tired enough to miss the small frown on his lips. 
“I’m tired, you just go.” 
Jeonghan shrugged then and stood up. He left the bong on the floor and stepped over you to exit. 
“I’ll be back ASAP!” he yelled out, and you didn’t even try to look at him, to call something witty back. You just sat. 
And as if it weren’t the last thing you needed today, just thirty minutes before closing, a woman and her son strolled up The Pirate Swing. You saw them, eyes glazing with worry as you flickered your head to Jeonghan’s empty chair.
“We want a ride!” cawed the woman, holding her son by the hand. You scrambled to your feet, stuttering as you dusted off your pants. 
“Uh, I-” hopeful, you looked around, hoping to see Jeonghan and his long, poodle-y hair somewhere near. The pathways were deserted. “I-I actually can’t-” 
Not waiting for an explanation, the woman clucked once more: “You’re still open, aren’t ya?” 
You nodded, tiredness painted thick and greasy on your face. “Yes, we are, um, open, but I-” 
“Well, then give us a ride?!” 
This woman was going to be the death of you. Why were they even here now right before closing? You closed your eyes, collecting yourself and mustering each ounce of patience you had left. 
“I’m not allowed to because I’m new-” 
“Well, where is the operator? Why are you here if you don’t know how it works!” 
“He’s, uh,” your face fell, “He’s using the bathroom right no-” 
You’re not even sure why you lied. 
“Alright,” she huffed, strained and impatient. “Well, you just ruined me and my son’s night!” 
She tugged her blonde kid by the hand and began to turn around, grumbling with a red face. 
“I’m so sorry, but- it’s a matter of safety-” 
“Next time just say you don’t know how to do your job!” she yelled over her shoulder, mean glare coming out over her shapely glasses. Then she was jiggling away with a pouting child. 
Your mouth fell open in shock. A part of you wanted to be angry - a part of you was angry - but you found yourself weighed down and sliding down the wall of the booth with a much heavier feeling; you were exhausted. 
This was the last straw for tonight, you decided, resolve melting like a dropped ice cream. Booth door half-creaked open and weed vapor in the air, you buried your head in your hands and began to cry. It was small. It was not loud and sorrowful, it was small and petty. Nothing grand about crying on the dirty floor at your workplace. Sniffles and single, wet tears and a quivering lip, all dying out in the soft glow of the fairy light decorating the park.
“Shit,” you lifted your head from your hands, wiping hard on your reddened cheeks. Jeonghan was standing in the open door, looking down at you on the floor.
“Sorry, uh-” 
“Why are you crying?” 
You paused, hands fiddling with the collar of your shirt and effectively covering your breasts. Your breath was shaky and snotty, eyelashes coated in tears. Red patches your skin around your puffy eyes, and your lips pressed into a thin line. 
Jeonghan did not look like himself when you looked up at him. It must have been a completely different person, you decided, because his features had  tightened and screwed into an expression you had never even seen a hint of before: concern. 
It looked so utterly foreign on his face - there was always a lightness to his expression, a joking, teasing look, but now he was frowning and his brows were furrowed and his eyes were big and red and round. It made  you feel small and frail. You didn’t like seeing him like that; unwell. But it seemed that feeling was mutual. 
“Um,” you began, voice hoarse and shuddering like a frail old fence-gate, that’s been slammed shut. “I’ve just had a shitty fucking day and- this woman came and wanted to ride and she was just so fucking mean when I told her I couldn’t..” 
Telling it all again made you feel so pathetic, it wracked another sob from you, hurdling past your lips. You caught it in your hand, pressing it to your mouth and squeezing your eyes shut up. 
God, you were pathetic. 
But your heavy, heavy eyelashes blinked open and you looked up to see Jeonghan’s expression softened into something else entirely;
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately. 
“No, it’s fine-”
He dropped to his knees in front of you, now at your level and up close, so you could see every tensed muscle and every strain on his beautiful face. 
“I’m sorry I left you alone,” he said solemnly and for the first time since you’d met him, Jeonghan was merely expressing his regret, not bartering for some sort of gain. His words were dripping with sincerity and it was so strange, you had to laugh.
“What?” he asked, a small grin growing on his face. That was more familiar. 
“I just- I’ve never seen you so serious, it’s okay, Jeonghan, I forgive you-” 
He broke into a laugh as well, rhythmic clucks dancing through the air from the booth, and it immediately cheered you up: he was beautiful and practically glowing, a small rim of light encapsulating him. 
“I’m very serious, I think,” he said. You rolled your puffy, old eyes. 
There was a significant pause. 
Your head lolled over and your gaze landed once more on the makeshift bong by the chair, now abandoned. It reminded you of how different you were. You tried too hard because you liked when people liked you, you were a hard worker, your shirt was too tight. Your shirt was too tight and that’s what had landed you in this situation. 
“Can I…” you trailed off, daring to look at him again. “Can I smoke some of your weed?” 
Jeonghan’s face was practically split in half the way he was smiling. There was something akin to triumph in his eyes, but it was almost fatally overpowered by sheer, bubbling, striking adoration. It made you blush. 
“Of course, babe, I thought you’d never ask,” he breathed, still smiling when he scrambled forward for the bong and stretched out his arm to finger at the control panel, finally feeling the soft plastic and snatching it down to the floor with you. 
“Just put your mouth to the can, baby, I’ll light it for you,” he giggled giddily, scrambling for the lighter in his pocket. 
“I know how it works,” you tried to sound stern, but you were smiling and your eyes were twinkling. 
Jeonghan messily pinched off a nugget of weed and placed it on the gridded holes in the can (which he had pricked with his work badge; “Hi, my name is Jeonghan!”), and you placed it to your mouth, while he held the lighter to it. 
“You’re so hardcore,” he said sarcastically, face close to yours as he flicked the lighter, sending a warm flame onto the can, so the nugget lit ablaze. 
“Shut up,” you said, and then you inhaled and the flame went out and turned into a glow, and warm, crisp smoke traveled down your throat, leaving it sore and burned. It felt great. 
You held it in for a moment, then exhaled, and Jeonghan watched eagerly as your chest rose and fell under the restricting fabric of your shirt. 
You and Jeonghan sat side by side for the last half hour, smoking together, eyes turning red and breaths turning sour and casting laughs into the night air. There was a warm buzz in your chest, a low drum, and you basked in the proximity to him, in how the heat of his body met yours in a fierce battle, at how he caught your eye when he joked, and how he smiled when you laughed. Your responsibilities melted away; your shirt felt looser. 
“We’re closing now,” you hummed after a while, somehow lighter and heavier at the same time. Your eyelids felt heavy and your cheeks were warm from giggling. Jeonghan placed his hand on your wrist, squeezing and tearing your eyes to his. 
“I have such a good idea right now,” he grinned lazily and you couldn't help but echo it. His eyes were red and half-lidded, and his voice was groggy from the smoke. He had run his hand through his hair one too many times and now it was puffier, poodlier than normal. He looked so handsome, you thought, studying the tan from many days in the sun. You figured he didn’t use sunscreen. 
“What is it?” you breathed.
“Come on, come with me!” 
Then the two of you were sneaking from building to building and giggling indiscreetly, two hunched silhouettes becoming one with the backs of buildings. Jeonghan insisted the two of you go to the toddler playground (Sunshine Dance Club, as it were called), because, in his words: “those dumb prick security guards never bother to actually check it”. He pulled you into the pastel green, red, blue, and yellow dreamscape, pulling you up a wooden tower, where you would be shielded by the railing. 
The two of you sat against the railing and waited while a security guard checked the place before closing. 
The mischief had made the two of you even more giggly, scratchy throats producing choppy snickering, as you leaned into each other on the wood, breathing in each other’s air. You liked being so close to him, you thought, and you were almost high enough to just spit it out. The distant stream of light overhead revealed his pores, but you liked those too. 
“Shut up, shut up,” Jeonghan whispered at one point. “I think he might be coming!”
“You’ve said that three times-” 
His hand clasped over your mouth and he fought not to laugh at the surprise in your eyes. Sure enough, this time he was right, as you heard booted footsteps in the distance, and the beam of a flashlight danced across the sloping and bouncing playground. 
You held your breath, not only because you feared, for the first time that night, getting caught, but also because Jeonghan had leaned so close to you, that you could see every stirred acrylic in his eye, every color of brown, swirly sundae. 
Both of you stopped laughing and stared at each other. 
His hand dropped from your lips. 
“I have cotton mouth,” he whispered, footsteps fading away. You couldn’t tell if it was the weed or what, but the air seemed thicker and you felt heavier, like imaginary hands were tugging you down. Jeonghan was no better - you couldn’t quite place the emotion on his glowing face. He almost seemed vulnerable.
“Me too,” you whispered, breathless. 
A pause.
His eyes flickered down to your lips, pink and plush.
“Can I kiss you?” 
You were almost bristling for a moment in pure surprise, before you recollected yourself and nodded eagerly.
You thought his lips would smash into yours; you thought he would conquer you, because that would simply be the most Jeonghan-thing he could, to take what was his, to be cheeky and horny and sleazy.
To your utmost surprise, his hand was shaking when he lifted it, brushing so softly, so gently across the skin of your neck, resting on the back of it, cold from the icy, night breeze. His hand kissed the tips of your hair, and he gently slid it up, breath shaking, as he stared at your lips. Then he leaned in. 
His lips were soft like the bouncy castle on the edge of the playground, so impossibly gentle and flowing and warm. He breathed out shakily against your skin, eyes squeezed shut. Had you seen it, you would’ve almost believed that the kiss pained him, with the furrowed brows, but you didn’t, and it wasn’t painful at all, it was just that his heart was exploding and so was yours. Tender and slow, that was what it was, and you had never thought you’d use words like that to describe him.
A moment of entangled lips, slow making out and warm air covering your skin, his hand in your hair. The Sunshine Dance Club was filled with the sound of spit.
Then he pulled away, breath still shaking, but now, less vulnerable. His lips curled into a smile, spreading that childlike joy on his face. It made you smile as well. 
“That was-” he shook his head at himself, cringing. Then he restarted: “Can I show you something?” 
You chuckled, cheeks heavily flushed and eyes twinkling. “What is it?” 
The cheekiness returned to his eyes, as he scrambled to his feet: “A surprise.” 
And once again the two of you were giggling through the park, this time hand in hand, looking over your shoulders for the security guard that by this time had definitely gone home. The halted steps over the cobbled paths echoed in the dead, empty park. 
It would’ve been a strange feeling - seeing everything closed and dark and empty, every inch usually crammed with people strangely void - had you not been entirely consumed by Jeonghan’s presence. His hand in yours, his laugh, his starry eyes, his face softening when he looked at you.
Jeonghan led you into Belinda’s office (he had a key because he was her favorite, he said), allowing you to sit on the edge of her desk, while he sauntered off into an attached room. You sat there, overhead light dull and buzzing, and basked in the log cabin aesthetics. Your chest was warm.
Then, from beyond the other room, sounding much further away and thereby being much bigger than you had initially imagined the attached room to be, you heard the mechanical sound of several switches. They sounded heavy and important, having a sort of resonance that continued into your room, where Belinda’s desk chair was spun halfway. 
“Jeonghan?” you called, a twinge of worry in your voice. “What did you do?” 
He came jogging back into the office, all wide grinned and puffy-eyed. 
“You’ll see.” 
Once again he grabbed onto your hand, pulling you off the desk and barging out of the doorway.
The night air enveloped you completely, stealing you away from the warmth of the office, kissing your warm skin, as you stood on the cobble. The feeling was so great, you almost missed what Jeonghan had done.
It was beautiful. 
The switches had turned on the lights everywhere. In every color imaginable, illuminating dramatically sloping tracks in the distance, fairy lights on the pathways, signs re-lit, and the whole park before your eyes seemed to have become a disco-ball, sending faint streaks into the star-spotted sky like aurora borealis. 
You, now red and green and yellow and blue, let out a disbelieving laugh, smiling wide. You squeezed his hand, unable to communicate further. There was something about it that left you entirely speechless. It was an inability to overcome and conquer the lights before you - your eyes feasted on them much too eagerly. 
“What do you think?” 
Jeonghan was looking at you. 
“It’s-” you sucked in a breath, trying to compose a sudden sincerity you felt. You looked over at him. “It’s so pretty, Jeonghan. It’s really beautiful.” 
“I knew you would like it,” he murmured happily, body turned to yours. You turned to him as well. 
There was a moment of silence. The two of you basked in the light and in the gentle glow and the cool night, and in each other. 
“Thank you for cheering me up,” you said and pursed your lips. He smiled in a gentle way. It looked nice on him. 
“It’s nothing,” he said, “we were having fun.” 
The conversation lulled again, and while you turned your head back to the light show, the flickering lights and the ombre, Jeonghan continued looking at you. 
You felt his eyes on you, and you turned to him, shyly: “You should look at the beautiful lights.”
He shook his head, lips twisting upwards: “No.. Not right now…” And that was all he said.
The words left a bit of a void in you, like a black hole sunk in your stomach and you turned to him curiously. Jeonghan sensed your confusion, because he licked his lips and gave you a knowing smile, and then explained. 
“I wanna kiss you again, love.”
And his voice was so angelic, such a grave contrast to the boy you’d come to know, but he’d been so strange tonight. Your first kiss had been so tender, now he was looking at you and his pupils were dilated and a smirk spread across his face, and you needed to know something; just one thing, before you threw yourself at him, and gave to him, something you would not be able to take back. 
“Do you just wanna fuck me?” your voice echoed off the walls of the empty park, resounding accusingly. He laughed.
“Of course, I wanna fuck you, baby,” he laughed a little, shaking his head in disbelief. You stayed staring at him, bristling. “You’re hot as shit.” 
“No, I mean,” you paused, because suddenly your heart was climbing into your throat and it seemed like everything you’d worried about was true, that you were just another girl that was hexed by his charms. “Do you just wanna fuck me?” 
His smirk dropped. There was a moment where all you could hear was wind and the electrical whirring of the many, many lights, draining energy from the earth by the second. 
“Do you honestly think I’d do this for just any girl I wanted to fuck?” 
“I thought you were smarter than that, N/n,” his lips spread once more in a smile, but this one seemed more fitting on his face - condescending and confident. Whatever vulnerability had hung in the air was replaced by warmer, thicker danger. Was it the weed making you feel this way? On edge or excited?
“I just-” you stammered, feeling bashful suddenly. Did that mean he liked you? Yes, that meant he liked you. You had truly not even considered the possibility, not really thought it through the way you had the negative outcome, so now you were standing and you didn’t know how to respond. A stuttering, blubbering mess of red cheeks and avoidant eyes. “I just- I thought you just- because you talk so much about my boobs-” 
“Shhhh,” he shushed you. The cocky motherfucker actually shushed you, staring you down in a way that made you feel like prey and taking two steps forward, and closing the gap between you. He was so, so close to you, chest inches away from yours and leaning his face down to tilt his head at you. 
“You’re so cute, baby,” he cooed, eyes dancing around your face. 
You and him watched it, as one lean hand lifted itself to your chest, tightly wrapped in polyester-fabric. You sucked in a breath. His fingers lightly grazed it, trailing over the soft plushness of it. Then he cupped it, experimentally, like feeling the weight of it in his hand. You whimpered pathetically. 
“Hm,” he hummed, ripping his gaze from your tits very briefly at the noise, “you sound so pretty.”
In an effort to steal more noises from your pretty lips, his delicate thumb rubbed over your nipple, watching it harden under the fabric with a bemused smirk. Your breathing became heavy and shaky. 
“Can we– please?” you whined, but he only tutted, watching the fat crook under his finger.
“Hang on, sweetheart, I’m having my fun,” he said, nonchalantly, another hand snaking up to your other tit. “Been waiting for this since the first time I saw you.”
You couldn’t help but whimper quietly, his caresses and his intense gaze sending electricity straight to your core. You fingers wrapped around his forearms where they flexed, as he kneaded your chest eagerly. 
“That’s right,” he whispered and leaned into you, eyes half lidded and lips wet from spit. “Be a good girl and let me play with your pretty titties.” 
Then he kissed you again, groaning into your mouth at the weight of your tits in his hands. His groping became more rough and hurried, as he bit your lip and slipped his tongue in your mouth. 
“Fuck, baby, need to get your shirt off, it’s so tight,” he groaned, licking into your mouth. You whined, back arching into his hand. “Poor baby, shirt so tight it’s strangling your pretty tits.” 
“Jeonghan, please!” You cried, putting one hand on his chest to push him away from you. He pulled away, lips red and swollen and cheeks delightfully flushed. 
“Okay, baby,” he whispered, comfortingly. “Okay, okay, I’ll take care of you, sweetheart.” 
You could cry. The way he was touching you so intimately, but refusing to snake his hand down to your burning core, where you could feel yourself fucking dripping. Your body was on fire and your voice was hoarse from the weed that still coursed through your body. 
“Please, please,” you mumbled, and it was desperate enough that Jeonghan pulled his hands from your chest (which took more willpower than he was willing to admit), sliding them over your back and pulling you into him. You nosed into the crook of his neck, sighing happily. 
“Alright, baby,” He breathed, hand in your hair. You felt his neck crane, looking around. 
“Come with me, baby, I know just where to go.” 
You didn’t even have time to whine that you didn’t want to go anywhere, you wanted him to touch you. Jeonghan grabbed your hand and crossed the pathway, and you saw the yellow, lit-up sign for the funhouse before you disappeared into the entrance. 
The first room had a large circular hallway, and when you stepped onto the red plastic, it rolled a little. You and Jeonghan both stumbled rockily, and you nosedived into his chest. He laughed, steadying you with warm fingers on your waist. “Silly girl,” his voice cooed in your ear. 
“Jeonghan, please touch me-” 
“We’re almost there, baby,” he said, and he was being a little annoying, because he’d just played with your boobs and made you so fucking wet that your panties were sticking to your folds, and now he was trudging you through the hallways of a funhouse. You both skiddered out of the circular hallway with much trouble. 
The next room was slanted, and in your intoxicated mind, this was more than a challenge. The whole room was blue and your knuckles became celeste, as you gripped the slanted railing. 
“Jeonghan, I can’t-” 
Not another word out of your lips, before Jeonghan was scooping you up in his arms, walking with seemingly no problem through the room. “Shit!” you yelped when he did so, but he only smiled at you, a mixture of adoration and teasing. He ran with you, his bride, through a black and white doorway. 
The next room was the mirror maze, and Jeonghan’s face lit up at the sight of it. 
“We’re here!” he panted giddily, gently lowering you. You found your footing and looked around, a little speechless at how quickly he’d constructed this plan. There were at least 20 different angles of you, and you cringed at your own disheveled appearance and how your tiny shirt dug into your skin. A hall of reflection, the roof and flooring was pitch black and only you and him existed in the void, copycats at every corner.
You saw Jeonghan in the mirror, walking up behind you. He was smirking, planting his head on your shoulder and peering up at you, as his hands caressed your waist, riding up your shirt and exposing your stomach 20 times over. You hated to say it, but seeing his veiny, big hands on you made your breath hitch. 
“Was it not worth it, hmm?” he sang innocently, blinking at you with a bunched up cheek on your shoulder. His sleazy hands worked the fabric upwards, just under the impressive bump of your chest. 
His eyes flicked over to the most nearby mirror. Breath becoming shaky, his hands lifted the shirt, finally, over your chest, exposing your simple, black bra and the soft skin of your tits. You could breathe easier, without the fabric digging into your chest. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, soft hands immediately dipping inwards to touch over the skin. “Shit, you’re so perfect,” his voice was strangled, all composure gone as he looked at your chest with something akin to wonder. 
You moaned, feeling his dick, fully fucking hard from just playing with your soft mounds, grinding into your ass. Like a horny teenage boy, he moaned shakily, big hands covering your boobs and squeezing, and rutting into you from behind. As much as you wanted him to touch you, you couldn’t help but enjoy the sight of Jeonghan so utterly fucked out, using your body to pleasure himself. It was so erotic, the way his pretty face twisted in place and his fingers dug into the fat of your chest, panting into your neck. Then the sight untangled itself from your body.
“Sorry, sorry,” he was out of breath, removing his hips from your ass. “I got too caught up.” 
“It’s okay-”
He spun you around, pushing your body against the mirror. You stood back to back with your reflection. 
“No, it’s not,” he breathed, working your shirt the rest of the way off hastily. You lifted your arms to help the fabric off. 
You very barely registered Jeonghan snaking your pants off, and then his own clothes. You leaned your head on the mirror and you could finally breathe without the tight shirt, and you somehow felt stronger, not vulnerable like you would have expected. And when your eyes flicked to another mirror and you saw Jeonghan shirtless too, you realized the two of you were much more similar now. 
Jeonghan was standing in his boxers now, and you in your panties. 
“You know, I always thought you’d be more composed during sex,” you mused, returning your focus to him and smiling teasingly, because even now he was transfixed on your bare chest, heaving for air. Jeonghan scoffed, seemingly genuinely offended by this. 
“It’s not my fault your fat fucking rack has been staring at me through that tiny fucking shirt every day,” he spat, and in a sort of retaliation he cupped your pussy through your panties. 
Finally, he touched your cunt, and God, was it worth the wait, because it shot straight through your stomach, even the slightest touch on the cold, wet fabric. Jeonghan grinned cockily at the state of your underwear. 
“You’re one to talk,” he teased. “Your pussy is fucking weeping for me.” 
You moaned and your back twisted against the cold surface of the mirror, as Jeonghan slipped his finger upwards to circle your clit slowly. 
“N-ngh, fuck..” 
“There you go,” he said in fake sympathy, pouting, and even with his hand on your clit, you could almost believe it, because he just looked that angelic and pure. “Finally your greedy cunt has my hand, hm? Bet you’ve been thinking about this since we met.” 
He couldn’t help himself. He trailed his free up to your chest again. It just looked so delectable, unblemished skin, jiggling at every twitch and shake from you, and nipples hardened to pebbles. “I’ve been thinking about you since we met,” he sighed happily, pinching the nipples between his fingers and relishing in your strangled whine. 
Jeonghan slipped his hand in your panties, scoffing to himself at just how fucking wet you were, leaking from your hole like a slut, when his finger prodded at it. 
“P-Please, Jeonghan, please, fuck-” 
Your plea was cut off by Jeonghan’s hand gripping your throat. He smirked at your tortured expression, one hand circling your hole and the other wrapped around your neck, thumb climbing up your chin to rest on your lip.
“What do you want?” he tilted his head challengingly. You gulped, face flushed and baby hairs sticking to your sweat-gleamy face. 
“I-I want you to finger me,” you mustered, building up all the courage you could to hold eye contact with him and his lopsided grin. He raised his eyebrows, feigning surprise. 
“Really?” he sang, “you want gross, sleazy, perverted Jeonghan’s fingers up your tight, pink pussy?” 
You squeezed your eyes shut. Of course, all those moments of shaming him for thirsting over you. Now you were basically fucking naked, tits perked up from your arched back and writhing under him for just a single finger in your glistening hole. 
“Jeonghan, I’m sorry-” 
His thumb on your lip tugged downwards, effectively muffling your words and shushing you. He watched your pretty lip bend to the will of his thumb, humming. 
“Then say it,” he shrugged.
“Wha?” your speech was slurred by his heavy thumb.
“Say you want gross, sleazy, perverted Jeonghan’s fingers up your tight, pink pussy,” he repeated, acting exasperated, like it was your fault for not being able to keep up. Legs spread and utterly naked, you flushed and felt dumb, and you felt even dumber when you began to speak, and his thumb stayed where it was, weighing down your lip.
“I-I wan’ gross, sleazy, perverted Jeonghan’s fingers up my tight, pink pussy,” you slurred. Somehow the embarrassment translated into a wave of slick exciting your hole and landing on Jeonghan’s hand. He grinned at your obedience, hand pushing up so his thumb entered your mouth, pressing down on your tongue and the rest of his hand cradled your face. 
“Good girl,” he purred, head craned down to look at you, suckling his thumb with wide eyes. He finally heeded your request, two fingers pushing into your sopping heat. “Now suck on my thumb like the good, big-titted girl you fucking are while I make you cum.” 
He was immediately bullying his fingers in and out of you, curling them. Drool escaped where your lips wrapped around his thumb, as you moaned on it, feeling him poke and prod at your tongue with an evil smirk on his pretty face. You saw his dick print straining against his boxers in the corner of your vision.
“Been waiting for this pussy to be mine,” hummed Jeonghan, long eyelashes coming over his eyes when he looked down at you. “You know, if you’d been a little more cooperative I could’ve had my cock in you everyday for the past week.” 
You sobbed around his thumb, panting for air through your nose. His fingers felt so good, pistoning into you and so thin you could feel the bulge of each crooking knuckle churning in and out. His thumb sneaked back up to rub your clit again, and you clawed at his shoulders, trying to stabilize your suddenly shaking legs. 
Jeonghan let out the most erotic, guttural moan you’d ever heard, when he watched drool slip from your swollen, red lips and languidly ooze on your trembling chest. His face twisted in pleasure at the sight of them, becoming all shiny and slicked up from your own spit. 
“Fuck, you’re so pathetic. Can’t believe you’re fucking drooling all over your tits,” he spat, cheeks flushed as he leaned back to look at them, all pretty and slick and glowing under the maze’s fluorescent tubes. He slipped his thumb from your mouth to begin smearing the spit all over your skin. 
Your cunt pulsed around his fingers, clenching and unclenching as something in your belly tightened. You heaved for air, moaning loudly into the maze and practically crying. 
“F-Fuck, Hannie, f-feels s’ good!” you whined, chest thrashing under his needy hands. He lifted his gaze to smile at you, where he was crooked over to look closely at your spit-slick boobs. 
“I know, baby, I know. Cum on my fingers, now, m’kay?” He smiled cheekily, pressing especially hard on your clit. You saw white, orgasm so potent, you almost didn’t even register how Jeonghan dived into your chest, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples 
The wet, smacking of his lips and his pleased humming into the soft skin only spurred on your orgasm, as your cum coated Jeonghan’s fingers. His nose, buried in the flesh of your tit, breathed out a dam of warm air into it. 
His fingers stilled within you, slowly pulling out, while he continued to lap at your chest, warm tongue on your areola. You tried to catch your breath, but it was hard with how he moaned around your fucking tit, sucking and smacking his lips, while holding you to him. You cried out softly when he nibbled at it, to which he finally pulled away, smiling teasingly. 
There was something about the way he was so shameless about it, that almost made you feel even more ashamed, especially when you saw your form in the mirror, and how wet and red your boob was from his insistent sucking. You blushed deeply. 
“You gettin’ shy on me now?” he tapped your cheek, eyes twinkling. 
“Not used to seeing myself,” you mumbled sheepishly. Jeonghan’s ever lust-filled gaze was overtaken with a very deep, fundamental adoration. His smile became genuine - not teasing nor in feigned sympathy. Despite being the sexiest person he’d ever met, Jeonghan found you so severely cute in that moment, all heaved breaths and glossy lips and rosy cheeks.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, tapping your nose. The action would’ve been annoying were not entirely too fond of him at this moment. His eyes wandered, trailing down your collarbones and back to your cleavage. Then returned the lust: “Beautiful, pretty, gorgeous girl with big, bouncing fuckin’ tits.” 
His fascination with them was genuinely insane, but you thought he was pretty and sweet, so you let him marvel.
As if he could never get enough, he reached out one hand and cupped your tit again. 
“Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fuck your pretty tits?” Jeonghan asked, experimentally pressing the mounds together and licking his lips at the sight. He had to swallow (and he would never admit this) because the idea actually had him salivating. 
“Yes, Hannie,” you said sweetly, because although you really wanted his dick inside you, he had that twinkle in his eye that made your heart burst, and, indeed, you would do anything to keep the starlight blazing in his pupils. Jeonghan looked up with raised brows - this time, the surprise was not feigned. Swiftly, he grabbed your head and kissed you, deeply and appreciatively licking into your mouth. 
“Good girl,” he murmured, rowing the two of you away from the mirror-wall with his tongue down your throat. “Good fucking girl.” 
He pulled away from you, frantically looking around, and you simply waited for his command. He began to crawl onto the floor, lying down on the hard, sleek black flooring, resting on his elbows. 
“C’mere,” was all he said, and you sat down on top of him, confused. He wantonly pushed you by your shoulder so you rested further down, while he lifted his hip to free his cock. 
It was long and right by your fucking face. 
Impossibly pretty and pink near the tip, it oozed sticky, white liquid, dripping down the veiny side, and now you were salivating, because you almost wanted to take it in your mouth and suck his soul out. 
“Shit,” he groaned, studying your face next to his hard, heavy dick with a tortured expression on his face. It seemed his thoughts had traveled the same road as yours, because when he spoke, he said: “There’s so much I wanna do to you, doll. Give me another couple shifts, I’ll have your cum all over the fucking park.” 
Without another word, he leaned forward and grabbed each of your tits, hovering just below where his dick extended out, proud and tall like a gothic church. You helped by crawling further over his tan body, lying down on your stomach with your chest raised up. 
Jeonghan enclosed your tits around his dick, breath shaking and eyes blinking shut. The sounds he released were angelic, wetting and rewetting his fiery lips, and he struggled to keep his eyes open from the pleasure. He didn’t want to close them though, because the sight of you was insane. 
You were so pretty, smiling in adoration where you laid between his legs. Prettiest girl in the world, he thought, just letting him bounce your fat tits up and down his shaft like a good, obedient girl. Your rack was like a fucking cloud around him, jerking him off and spurting pre-cum on the already slick skin. 
“S-Shit, you’re so fucking- pretty-” he stuttered, breath trembling and face flushed. From every angle he saw you, perfect, pretty, cute and sweet you. Every version of you in the mirror was perfect, he realized, every copycat a perfect picture. 
“You’re pretty,” you mused, wrapping your hand around the lower part of his shaft where your tits didn’t quite reach and squeezing it. Jeonghan moaned, stammering the breathy noise. He gulped then. 
“I-I’m gonna cum, shit-” he sucked in a harsh breath. He could not believe how lovely you were, how witty and funny and sweet and how big your fucking tits were bouncing up and down around his cock. “C-Can I cum on them, baby?” 
“Of course, Hannie,” you obeyed sweetly, watching how he desperately bucked his hips upwards. Squeezing your hand around the base of his cock, you let out a final admission to help him cum: “Want you to cum on my tits, Hannie, want it so bad.”
Sure enough, it was that easy, because without warning long ropes of thick, white cum spurted into the valley of your breasts and climbed up to your collarbones and neck. Jeonghan cried out when he came, eyes finally squeezing totally shut and hips stuttering into your chest. He sounded angelic, even with his voice hoarse from the weed and grunting. 
You let him calm down, waited until his pants turned into soft, regular breaths, and released his now flaccid cock from your cleavage. 
“Oh shit, baby,” he sighed happily. “Come up here.” 
You crawled up to his chest, curling into his open arms and feeling him under your cheek. Your legs entangled on the funhouse floor, mirrors a little foggy from the sweat and the sex. It was perfect, lying in his chest, having him, knowing he wanted you and liked you. Perfectly timeless, you draped over each other limply. 
Or almost perfect. 
You wiggled your hips away from his body, hoping then he wouldn’t notice how you were still leaking from your poor, puffy hole. Jeonghan frowned when you did so, though, both hands grabbing your waist and tilting his head down to look at you. 
“What is it, baby?” he asked.
You looked away bashfully, shaking your head, but Jeonghan gripped your face in one hand, just as condescending as his thumb had been earlier: “You’re covered in my cum, baby. You’re not getting shy on me now. Tell Hannie what’s troubling you.” 
His voice was stern. You tightened your lips the best you could with his hand squeezing your cheeks together.
“I just..” you were embarrassed again, with how your words became muffled and slurred by his flexed hand. He paid it no mind though, looking at you intently to continue. 
You squeezed your eyes shut. From beyond the dark void, you heard Jeonghan laughing. You opened your eyes and he removed his hand from your face, instead brushing it through your hair lovingly. 
You were gonna get whiplash with how lovingly he looked at you, how sweetly and with so much wonder and adoration; and how it stood in such a stark contrast to the words that left his mouth: 
“Baby, you just get up and bounce your fat tiddies around a little bit, I promise you, I’ll get hard in the next five fucking minutes. Then you can get my cock in your cute, greedy pussy. How’s that sound?”
Really fucking good.
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Behavioral Lessons - King Ben x Reader
Summary: You push Ben's buttons too far
Words: 5.3K
Inspired by a section from my Dating Ben Would Include. Ben didn't lose his beard or fangs in this guys. He just didnt. So with that, he might just have some other… beast like qualities. (im so sorry i went rouge)
Link to photo of the dress, but if you hate it, just ignore when the dress is described and picture whatever you want to be wearing!
Warnings: Smut, uhhhh, thigh riding, a bit of edging, choking bro im not well at ALL for doing this to poor mitchell, not proofed
Edit: oh god. yall this is so dirty. i didnt mean to make ben a degrader but here we are... I’m sorry if I ruin this franchise for you rip i ruined it for myself
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You had to take matters into your own hands. You hadn't seen Ben in weeks. And when you had, it wasn't for more than a few minutes when you passed each other in the corridors of the castle. He hadn't even been returning to your shared room at night, sleeping in his office instead. You were growing restless without your fiancé.
Since you were both twenty-one, your wedding was coming up. With the nearing celebrations on top of his usual king duties, Ben had been more stressed than usual, which is why you hadn't seen him recently.
So naturally, you just had to take matters into your own hands. You knew the way to help your fiancé was to help him relieve his stress, and you knew just how to push him to get there.
Every Friday night, you sat down with Ben and his parents for dinner. But this Friday was special. Not only were his parents going to be there, but so were your friends. It was the final Friday before your wedding and it would be the most you've seen of him in weeks so you were looking forward to it. And what was to come afterward.
You kept the dress hidden for months. It was strapless and fell mid-thigh. The body of the dress was a pale yellow, the outer layer was a sparkly floral pink fabric, and the bodice had tiny bows up the front. Evie had designed it for you and was standing in front of you now.
"Oh. My. God. I don't think I've ever made anything better. You look incredible. Ben is gonna go craaaa-zyyyyy." She was gushing over you, shoving a pair of gold shoes into your hands. "Now put these on, and then let's get to that dinner.
You looked at yourself in the mirror absolutely mesmerized at your reflection. Your legs looked incredibly long with the length of the dress paired with the heels. Dizzy had so graciously styled your hair, a simple updo, but with your small tiara on your head, it was perfect. You smiled at yourself, bringing your hand to your neck where a small, gold, necklace with the letter "B" sat.
You were giddy with anticipation, ready to see Ben, ready for him to see you. You entered the large dining hall, filled with your friends from the Isle and Auradon. Belle was at your side immediately, looking beautiful as always.
"Y/N! Sweetie! You look lovely!" The small woman hugged you. "I am so looking forward to you and Ben's wedding next week. It is going to be beautiful!" You smiled at her.
"Thank you! I'm excited about it too. Ben is a wonderful man. I’m very lucky to be marrying him." Then, Lumiere announced that dinner had been served and as you turned to go to your seat, Ben was behind you.
"Hi." He was giving you the smile that made your stomach flutter with butterflies. His hands were on your waist almost instantly, bringing your body closer to his. He looked perfect, would you expect anything different? The blue suit with the golden crown was a look you'd never get tired of.
"Hello." You smiled back at him as he kissed you for the first time in weeks. You broke it first, knowing that people were most definitely watching you and that you needed to leave him wanting more.
As you walked to your places at the table, Ben whispered in your ear...
"You look incredible, Y/n." You flushed at the compliment and at the way his voice sounded when he said your name.
You sit next to him, the chairs closer together than normal with the new amount of people. The plan was in full motion now.
The feast was grand, as it usually was, but before it began, Ben rose to give a toast.
"Thank you all for joining Y/N and me," He gestured for you to stand and join him. His arm wrapped around you instantly. "In our final feast before our wedding." He turned to you, his beautiful smile returning again. "I can't speak for my beautiful fiancé, but I am so happy that our closest friends and family were able to join us tonight." You spoke before he could go on.
"I am also very happy you are here!" The hall erupted in a chorus of laughs and Ben squeezed your side.
"I'm so honored to be marrying such a wonderful person. I cannot wait to share the rest of my life with you.” You smiled at him as he bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips. He whispers, "I love you." and then he pulls away to continue. “Alright, I’m sure you all want to eat, so I won't bore you with my love speech any longer."
As everyone else ate, you counted the minutes until you could begin your plan. You didn't want to start it too early or too late. You had to wait for the right time. Ben was such an attentive fiancé that he had noticed your behavior.
"Honey?" You were startled at his voice in your ear again. "Are you feeling ok?" You turned to him, noticing that he was looking down at your chest, blushing when he looked back up. You shifted at the sight of his tongue running over the tips of his fangs.
Now. It was time for your plan.
You set your hand on his upper thigh, leaning over to whisper into his ear.
"I guess I'm just hungry for something else..." You ran your hand up further before you were stopped by him. You looked down at his hand grasping your wrist, right above the seam of his pants.
"Y/N." His usually sweet voice was stern. You set your face with a smirk but innocent eyes, looking up at him. His jaw was clenched but you could tell you were getting somewhere. His skin was dusted pink and his pupils had dilated. "What are you doing?" You reached your fingers to brush against the fabric of his pants and he snarled, his grip on your wrist tightening.
"Ben!" His father interrupted and he swallowed, squeezing your wrist once more.
“Stop if you know what’s good for you.” His words were low and then he turned to his father who was across the table. You took this moment to shake yourself from him, turning to the former king, before placing your hand back onto his pants.
Ben jerked, trying to keep his composure in front of his parents and friends, but how could he when you were teasing him like this? In order to not draw attention to himself, he kept both hands on the table.
"Son, are you ok?" Ben eyed you, giving you a glare that only spurred you on further. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I'm fine." He continued his conversation with his father, talking about God knows what, as you continued to tease him. You were half listening to Ben and Adam and the other half of your brain was only thinking of making Ben as flustered as possible, so you ran your hand over the growing tent in his suit pants. You could tell he was struggling to maintain his composure, his breathing had gone uneven, his face was red, and he kept glancing at the big grandfather clock behind his father's chair.
You smiled, gave his clothed member a squeeze, and withdrew your hand, reaching for a large piece of chocolate cake. You looked over at Ben, his eyes narrowed on you as you brought a bite to your mouth. His slip in composure was glorious and you winked at him as you brought a bite of cake to your lips.
You almost choked on the cake as his hand slid onto your thigh, just past your dress, fingers skimming the soft lace of your underwear, already wet from your actions and your thoughts of the night to come.
"So needy that you've resulted to disobeying your King? How pathetic." His lips grazed over the skin under your ear before he leaned back to look at you.
Your thighs squeezed against his hand involuntarily and it was his turn to smirk. He regained his composure, returning to “normal” Ben, now free from your teasing.
You, however could barely eat your dessert with his hand pressed between your legs.
“Regretting our actions are we?” He whispered to you as his engagement ring slid over your core. You covered the gasp with a cough. “That’s what I thought.”
The second dinner had ended, Ben's arm was around your waist. As the two of you neared the doors of the large hall, his name was called.
His dad and Lumiere were behind you.
"Your Majesty, your father and I have been talking and there are a few things we wanted to go over for palace security during the ceremony. If you come with us, it won't take very long." Ben's face was completely normal as he gave Lumiere a nod before turning to face you.
He plastered on his King Ben smile, brushing his hand against your cheek, bringing your lips to his, but he didn't kiss you.
"I hope you know, I'm not going to be nice tonight." His lips were on yours for mere seconds before he stepped back, running his tongue over his fangs once again. Then, he turned back to Adam and Lumiere, leaving you in the dining hall, thoughts running wild about what was to happen to you that night.
You called Evie as soon as you got back to your and Ben's bedroom.
"Do I keep the dress on? Or do I wear something else?" You were frantic, walking around the closet, not knowing what to do.
"Girl! Calm down!" You had told her what had happened and she was so excited she practically screamed. "If I were you, I would put on one of his dress shirts. He won't be expecting it when he comes in to punish-"
"Oh my GOD, EVIE!" The laughter on the phone was enough to make you roll your eyes. "Thanks for your help." You grumbled.
"Let me know how it goes!" Before you could reply, she hung up. You set your phone down and grabbed one of Ben's white dress shirts along with a simple, white lace lingerie set from a drawer.
Slipping the dress off, you carefully put it on a hanger and set it in your closet. You slid the shirt on, buttoning it up, leaving it open just enough to see the bra you had just put on. You began to take out your hair, setting the crown down on your vanity counter, and removing the pins holding the updo in place. Finally, you applied a bit of lipgloss and a spritz or two of Ben's favorite perfume before climbing onto your shared king-sized bed.
Thirteen minutes later, not that you had counted, the bedroom door burst open, and in walked your fiancé. His eyes locked on your body as he removed his suit jacket. You knew he was waiting for you to look at him, so you obliged, looking up from the random book you had picked up, you really weren't reading it anyway. He was glaring at you as his hand loosened his tie and removed it. You tried your best to look at him with the most innocent eyes you could and he chuckled.
You watched as he unbuttoned the first two buttons of the white shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his forearms. When you looked back into his eyes, they were almost black.
"Did you have a good time at the dinner, my dear? Did you enjoy yourself?" His hands were placed on the bed so he was leaning down. His tone was condescending, which sent shivers down your spine. He was always so sincere. This new side to Ben was intoxicating.
“Answer your King when he speaks to you.”
If he noticed your eyes widening in shock, he didn’t acknowledge it. He was unmoving, his eyes challenging you, taunting you.
“I’m not going to ask again.” You didn’t know how to respond, so you nodded.
Ben chuckled again, his fangs on display. Any sight of them made your heart race and he knew it.
“No, honey. Use your words.” His voice lowered. “Or do you want to disobey me again?”
“Yes, I enjoyed dinner.” Your voice was small but you held your ground, not breaking eye contact. You challenged him back. “Did you enjoy dinner, Ben?” A dark look crossed his face.
“Why don’t you try saying that again, using my correct title?” You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, but you had to admit, you liked this side of him.
“Did you enjoy yourself tonight…” You sat up from the headboard, leaning towards him, and bowed your head. Then, looking up at him through your lashes added, “…my King?”
His eyes narrowed again and his hands wrapped around your ankles, tugging you to the end of the bed. He settled his knee between your legs, brushing your clothed core on purpose, but not acknowledging it. His hands settled by your head and he hovered over you.
“No.” He dug his knee into you harder and you threw your head back, exposing your neck to him as you moaned. “No, I didn’t.” You felt his finger slide down the column of your throat before hooking itself around your necklace laced with his initial. He leaned down, mouth hovering over the pulse point in your neck. “My bratty fiancé couldn’t keep her hands to herself.”
His teeth ran down your neck and goosebumps erupted at the sharpness of the canines. “You haven’t touched your bratty fiancé in weeks.” He tugged on your necklace and your eyes found his again.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
Now that was a surprise.
Though he got stressed fairly often, he never used vulgar language. You had heard him say “damnit” once after losing a Tourney game in high school, but that was it.
Suddenly, you felt your body flush at his outburst. You didn’t reply, too shocked to say anything.
Ben smiled, but it wasn’t his good King Benjamin smile.
This smile was positively wicked.
“I believe I asked you a question, Y/N.” The fingers hooked on the chain around your neck now rested softly on your throat.
Holy shit.
“Yes.” The words were almost inaudible.
“M’sorry… what was that?”
“Yes.” You spoke clearly now.
He snickered.
“That’s now how you properly answer a question, now is it? Let me ask again.” His fingers tightened slightly. “Do you want your King to fuck you?” The word rolled off of his tongue like honey and your hips rolled into his knee.
“Yes, I want you to…” His eyebrow went up. “…fuck me.” His fingers withdrew from your throat.
“Hmm.” Suddenly he was standing up, leaving you on the bed, catching your breath. “I don’t think you’ve earned it.”
You watched with wide eyes as he sat down at your vainity in the corner of the room. He looked so casually regal. His crown, the unbuttoned shirt, his crisp blue slacks. But there was some other air about him that was making you crumble in his hands. The way he was man spreading, his long legs awaiting as your own throne. His beard and sharp fangs you were aching to feel between your thighs. Your toes curled at the thought.
“You’re thinking about it now, aren’t you honey?” The mean tone from before had returned. “You’re thinking about me fucking you?” Your face flushed so much you were sure it went down your whole body. You quickly realized he’d asked you another question.
“Y-Yes. I am thinking about that.” Your snarkiness from before was long-gone. He gave you another wicked smile. His picked up your crown, which was much smaller than his since your coronation would happen after the wedding.
“Well, are you going to sit there all night or are you going to come finish what you started at dinner?” You got up from the bed immediately crossing to where he sat. His fingers wrapped around your necklace again, tugging you to his level. Your knees hit the floor, hands on his thighs while he brushes your hair from your face. He tilts your chin up to meet your eyes.
His hand retracts while he takes you in. On your knees in front of him, wearing one of his shirts and dear God, the white lace of your bra peeking out at him was making his head spin.
No longer having self-restraint, Ben’s lips lock on yours. You moan into his mouth as his hands wrap around your torso, pulling you to sit in his lap. He growls into the kiss as you grind your hips into his.
Finally. You thought to yourself. Ben’s control over his respectful manner had cracked a little but your goal was to break through it completely. And you knew by his bruising grip on your hips that you were on the right track.
Then suddenly, Ben wasn’t touching you anymore. Your body was left heaving on top of his while he leaned back in the chair, resting his elbows on the armrests.
“Go on.” You stated wide-eyed at him. “I’m not going to do all the work here, honey.” Your face flushed as you looked to his crotch, the tented fabric strained. “You did this…” His hand grabbed yours, setting it back onto his pants. “…so do something about it.”
Slowly, you began to move your fingers and Ben’s eyes narrowed.
“You and I both know you can do better than that.” His hand found it’s way back up to your throat. “Don’t you want to please your King?”
Dear GOD where had this side of him come from? He shifted the slightest bit so his pants ran against you.
“Ben!” Your eyes squeezed shut, brain foggy with him.
“Are you really making me wait?” You shook your head, avoiding his gaze as yours shifted to where your shaking hands were now trying to undo his belt buckle.
As you worked to free him from his pants, Ben’s hands found their way back to your hips, slowly pushing up the fabric of his dress shirt so he could see what was lying underneath.
His mouth almost watered as the white lace was brought into view. He licked his lips at what the fabric was trying in vain at hiding.
Ben had to remind himself that you were not being rewarded now. That you’d disobeyed him at dinner and now was not the time to be relishing in how lovely you were.
He was brought out of his thoughts as your hand slid into his boxers.
He threw his head back and muttered a barely audible,
As your fingers wrapped around him, timidly moving up and down.
He looked at you, so focused on what you were doing, so desperate to make him feel good, needing to hear his words of praise. Ben guided you to straddle one leg as he began to rock his hips into your hand.
You were so trained on pleasing your fiancé, that you hadn’t even noticed that you’d begun grinding on his thigh.
Ben had noticed. He watched as your breathing became more rapid and how your strokes became less careful. You looked up, meeting his gaze, sucking in a breath at the primal look in his eyes.
His eyes flashed with pleasure as your thumb ran over the tip of his cock. His fingers stopped your hips and he said,
“Stop.” Right as you were about to come. You did as you were told but you couldn’t help the whine that escaped at the lack of sensation.
Ben rolled his eyes, the hands on your hips forcing you to grind into his leg once again. You moan, tossing your head back to avoid looking at him. The fucker was edging you.
“So Goddamn needy.” His hot touch on your skin was gone and you had to steady your breathing before looking at him again.
Ben had begun to unbutton the rest of your shirt, pushing it off of your shoulders once it was fully undone. He shamelessly raked his eyes over your body, grinning that evil grin as he did so.
Then, his hands were under your bottom, picking you up before setting you down on the bed.
“Are you going to behave now?” The dampening of your underwear at his words is embarrassing. Ben’s thumbs skim over your abdomen, right on the waistband of your underwear. Ben doesn’t break eye contact with you, smiling once again. He looks hot as hell, his fangs and the beard along with his crown.
Was he going to fuck you while wearing his crown? God you hoped so.
“Honey?” Ben lowered to his knees, fingers now on the sides of the lace fabric. You instinctively close your legs but Ben’s strong hands are there instantly, forcing them back open.
Embarrassment floods your system as you watch him look down, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face before his eyes return to yours.
“Keep them open.” His fingers dance dangerously close to the damp lace. “Answer my question, please.”
He’s so close that you can feel his breath fanning your core.
“Yes, Ben. Fuck! I’ll behave.” He kisses your inner thighs which are now practically shaking in his grasp. His mouth moves to your hips, right where your waistband is.
“Do you want to know a secret?”
“What?” You sound breathless.
He looks directly into your eyes.
“I’ve been able to smell you this entire time.”
You’re too late to react as Ben rips through the white lace with his teeth. His hands are keeping your thighs to the side and he looks at you for a moment: A shaking little mess before him, your cunt dripping and clenching around nothing. You watch as he smiles again, bracing yourself for the contact of his tongue, lips, and teeth.
His tongue licks your glistening cunt from the bottom up twice and your hand clamps over your mouth when his lips wrap around your aching clit.
And then.
Oh, fuck.
You’d forgotten about his facial hair.
The delicious roughness contrasting with his sweet mouth made the pleasure skyrocket.
Ben loved the taste of you. He was never able to get enough. So anytime he went down on you, he took all he could get. He moaned at the taste of you, the vibrations going straight through you.
Your hips lifted off of the bed as one of his hands moved off of your thigh and a thumb pressed hard against your swollen clit. At the same time, Ben bit into the soft skin of your thighs, marking his territory. He repeated his actions on the other side, now rolling your clit between his fingers.
If you weren’t covering your mouth, you were sure the whole castle would be able to hear you.
Ben’s mouth returned and you let out a scream as his teeth bit your clit gently. He let his tongue swirl around it as his thumb ran down your slit, parting your folds, exposing more of you to the cool air. He moved the slightest bit and the roughness of his mustache brushed against your clit, sending you into your awaiting orgasm.
Ben continued devouring you through it, eating you out like a beast, already wanting to get another one out of you like this. He looked up at you, realizing he hadn’t been able to hear you, eyes narrowing once again at the hand over your mouth. Your hips rocked again as he slid his middle finger into you easily but then he stopped all of his actions.
Your grown was muffled but one look from Ben and your hand fell to the side.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of being too loud…” his finger curled inside you and you let out a loud moan, a blush settling over your cheeks instantly. “…because I don’t care if anyone hears. They’ll know how good the king is fucking you, right?” His mouth was on yours again, finger pushing in and out of you slowly. Your hips jerk up and you moan into his mouth, making him smile into yours.
Ben pulls away, making you groan in frustration. As you sit up on your elbows, you watch as Ben steps away from the bed to undress and you know he's doing it slowly on purpose.
“Shut up. You brought this on yourself, honey.”
Once again, your cheeks heat. His harsh glare makes your heart pound.
His eyes tear away from yours as he finishes undressing. Yours close, waiting for what's next half in anxiousness, half in eagerness. His warm hand on your knee snaps you out of your thoughts.
His tongue runs over his bottom lip before he brings it between his teeth. He pulls your body down and steps between your legs. Ben's hand settles on your neck again, smirking at the feeling of your racing pulse.
"Don't tell me you're nervous, sweetheart." You take a deep breath before looking into his eyes with a smirk of your own.
"Why would I be nervous if this is what I wanted?" His jaw sets as the smirk disappears.
And then under his breath,
"Such a fucking brat." Before his hand fully wraps around your throat as he brings his lips to yours.
Your hands reach up to wrap around his shoulders pulling him down on top of you.
You pull away when Ben bites your lip, tasting blood.
His smirk is back.
"Oh, so you're using my full name now. I thought this is what you wanted." You glare at him as you run your tongue along the bite. His head dips as he kisses you again, sucking on your bottom lip. You are so enthralled with the feeling of his mouth on yours, you don't register what else he is doing until you feel the head of his cock pushing into you.
You act on instinct, pushing your hips into him but he pulls away.
"Don't be impatient. That stunt you played at dinner was cute and all but-"
"You thought it was cute?" You pout. "I thought you were going to punish me for it, my King."
With that, Ben pushes into you the rest of the way, wrapping his hand around your throat again, silencing any moan trying to escape.
"You were saying?" Your pelvic muscles clench around him which spurs him on further. "What's the matter, my love?" He pulls out of you and puts the slightest bit of pressure on your throat. "You want me to punish you?" He leans in to kiss you again but stops centimeters from your lips. "You asked for it."
Ben kisses you once again, hands now on your hip bones as his hips roll into yours at a brutal pace. Your hands wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you as he does the dirty work.
Your nails dig into his skin as you near your orgasm, pulling away from his lips as you struggle to catch your breath. Then suddenly, Ben stills inside of you and laughs as you whine.
"Would you like me to keep going?" You nod, although you know he will continue to fuck with you. "Really?" His lips find your neck again, kissing the spot beneath your ear. He grins against your skin at your whine. "Alright."
Ben begins to move ever-so-slowly. Annoyed, you begin to roll your hips into his but he is quick to stop you. His hands press your hips deep into the bed, forcing your movements to stop.
"Ben..." You trail off, eyes closing as Ben continues. He leans back, his beautiful smile gracing his face.
He gradually picks up speed, every movement into you brings you closer to the brink but Ben knows your body well. He's memorized your body and the ways it reacts to his. He knows that when you throw your head backward and try to cover your mouth to subdue the noises you're making that you're close. That's when he knows to stop.
"Fuck, Ben, please." He leans over you again, his beautiful smile still plastered on his beautiful face.
"Please what?" He has the audacity to rub soothing circles on your skin.
"Damnnit Ben." Your eyes are squeezed shut, unable to look him in the eyes. Ben leans over more, his lips brushing against yours.
"Please what, honey?" Your eyes open and narrow at him.
"I already asked Ben..." He chuckles.
"And I'm asking again." He raises his eyebrows. "Now unless you'd like me to," his hips roll again, "continue with your punishment, I suggest you use your words and answer my question."
"Benjamin," You pause briefly, waiting to see if he will stop you and make you use his title, but he doesn't. "Please, please, fuck me."
Ben smirks, making him impossibly more attractive.
"That's all you had to say." His hands grab your thighs, wrapping them around his waist before turning his smirk into a grin.
He moves again and it is glorious. Ben does all the work, which is fine for you because you're too enthralled with the pleasure to do anything about it. His hands tighten on your legs and pull you to him, bringing your bodies impossibly closer. His pace is brutal, fingers most definitely leaving bruises in their wake.
Instead of covering your mouth, your hands wander up his arms and pull him down to you again before resting on his broad shoulders. His crown glints in the light and your eyes roll at the sight. His hand leaves your thigh and reaches between your bodies to pinch your clit. To cover your moan, you pull his lips to yours, releasing it into his mouth. Ben smiles in return, rolling your clit between his fingers.
You break the kiss, gasping for air as your head is thrown back, He takes the opportunity to attack your neck again, his teeth gently biting at the soft skin.
His hips slam into yours once again and it pushes you over the edge. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, your body going limp in his arms.
Ben follows not far behind, groaning into your neck.
After the two of you calm down, he pushes himself back, looking down at you.
"I'm sorry if I went a little overboard. I just-"
"No seriously I-" You cut him off.
"Benjamin shut up." His eyes widen. You look up at him, a small smile on your lips. He watches with wide eyes as you push yourself up to sit under him. His smirk returns as you wince at the soreness he left you.
"Did you just tell me to-" You cut him off with a kiss, hands pulling his face to yours.
You break away from him and his eyes are wide.
"Ben, if you had gone overboard I would have told you." You kiss him again. "Besides, it's what I wanted." His eyes narrow.
"What?" You giggle, squishing his cheeks together before his hands wrap around your wrists, pulling your hands down. "Y/N, what did you just say?" You fall back onto the bed, laughing.
"I had this whole thing planned out, Bennie Boo." His eyes roll at his ex-girlfriend's nickname for him. "You were stressed and we hadn't..."
"Fucked?" He finishes for you.
"...in weeks, so I put this plan together to help you relieve your stress and so we could..." It's Ben's turn to grin.
"Say it."
"Make me."
His smile drops.
"Oh, you're asking for it now, sweetie." His lips were on yours before you could even think of a clever response.
bro ive literally been working on this for like 3 months.
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viaoverthemoon · 11 months
Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: Your parents come to visit you and your boyfriend Leon and don't realize the sexual tension in the room <3
Tw: implied future sexy times, suggestive touching, suggestive talking, painfully oblivious behavior
18+!! Not really, but it'd help my sanity. MDNI!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
Enjoy! <3
The counter digs harshly into your back as Leon presses you against it. His hands grip onto your hips, flushing them against his as he grinds into you.
Your moans are swallowed by Leon's mouth as he kisses you, his tongue tasting every inch of you. You place your hands on his chest, gently pushing him away as you catch your breath. "Leon... we can't,"
He leans down to your neck, breathing in your scent before placing sloppy kisses on the skin.
You groan, trying to push him off of you. "Lee, we don't have time-"
He grunts and you gasp when he dives his hips into yours roughly.
"We will if we hurry-"
He doesn't even get to fully finish his sentence before the doorbell rings, startling the both of you.
You gasp loudly, pushing Leon to the side. You ignore the way he stumbles as you run to the mirror that rests on the wall of your living room. "Fuck! I told you they would come early!" You fix your hair and scan over your appearance. Lucky enough, Leon hadn't left any hickeys that you would have to hide.
You turn around rushing for the front door when the doorbell rings again. "Coming!" You yell, glancing at Leon and giving him a look that says, 'get your shit together!'.
You reach the front door and take a deep breath before opening it.
"Hi mom! Hi dad!" You reach out for a hug, which they both happily return.
"Oh, (Y/n)! We've been so excited to come and see you! Gosh knows we've been trying to come here forever! But inflation of course- and these high as hell gas prices! Universe knows ain't no body paying 40 dollars for a full tank-"
You listen to your mother ramble on and on, smiling nervously as you lead them to the kitchen. By now, Leon has himself together. He takes the food out of the oven and smiles at your parents.
"Ma'am. Sir. Pleasure to see you again."
Your moms runs to him after he puts the hot pan on the counter, throwing her arms around his neck.
"There's my future son-in-law! Now how many times have we told you to call us by our names!" Your dad walks away while laughing, heading to the living room as Leon pats your mom's back softly while making eye contact with you. His gaze is nothing short of mischievous.
"Sorry ma'am. I'm rather formal."
Tonight's gonna be a long one.
The entire night, your parents somehow don't catch the knowing glances and sly touches that happen between you and Leon.
Leon looked at you multiple times when he would make a dirty joke that just managed to pass as another one of his horrible quips. He brushed against you at random times. Not sexually, just to feel you. And it drove you wild. When it was time to eat dinner, Leon kept his hand on your leg, sometimes moving it up a little too high just to see your reaction.
You're surprised your parents never noticed your jumps or when you felt your face heat up and your legs clench. Yet, they never showed any knowledge, continuing to talk and ask the two of you invasive questions until it was time to leave.
They'd left tired and satisfied, giving the both of you a hug and giving last minute advice before heading out.
It isn't until you're washing the dishes when you suddenly feel a presence behind you. His hands land on your waist, his lips finding their way to your ear.
"Now, where were we?"
This is definitely... something. I have no idea where this idea came from. ANYWAYS, I wrote this while listening to one of those 'pov: you're hot' playlists. :)
Hope you enjoyed!
Requests are open! <3
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lowkeychenle · 2 months
HELLO MY DEAR I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A REQUEST PLEASE 🌹 thought abt this classic scenario w chenle and immediately thought of ur writing hehe so like.... a fic where y'all go to your parents' house to visit and you stay the night and chenle's been eyeing you all day and now ofc he's horny as hell and the cliche of fucking when ur parents are right next door and trying not to be heard commences 😈 bonus points when ur jokingly trying to put up a front of "noooo its so wrong" but chenle knowsss you'll fold eventually and melt bc of his kisses and be putty in his hands.... also when his dirty talk is all like "i knew u wanted this" and how ur so dirty for seducing him and doing this when ur parents are right in the next room and can hear u and he has to put his hand over ur mouth to cover the noise (when its literally his fault like 🤨) anyways i know you'll come out w something amazing as always so thank you in advance my love 💓
- mari
oh my god hello this took me thirty freaking years I'm SOOOO sorry but I'm here and I tried to write this so plzzzz let me know if this is awful :D (plz I wrote this in like an hour last night i haven't written chenle smut in so long i was going through withdrawals)
Description: You and Chenle visit your family, and things get frisky idk y'all lol this was a request :D
Genre: Smut *MDNI*
Word Count: 2,165
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader
Content Warnings: Chenle says pretty girl, slut, mentions of the possibility of being caught by parents, orgasm denial, a mirror is involved, teasing, yk the drill LOL it's all here yay
Juliet's Masterlist | thoughts are appreciated loll
smut below the cut!
All you wanted to do was have a seamless visit with your parents. You and Chenle were going to stay there for the weekend since you hadn’t seen your family in a while, so you figured your boyfriend would be on his best behavior. Oh, how wrong you were.
It started off simple—quick smacks on your ass, resting his warm hand on your thigh while his thumb rubs your skin. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing his attempts to turn you on are working, so you opt to ignore him completely.
It doesn’t work. He pushes and pushes your limits until you have to swat him away from you. Your last straw was when his touch trailed over to your inner thigh, up, up, up until his fingertips brushed your clothed core. You jolted so hard, you startled your parents at the dinner table. Chenle, of course, thought it was hilarious. He’d been wanting you bad all day, and it wasn’t his fault you wore a skirt.
What’s worse, is that when he was preparing to finger you under the table, he held a steady and respectful conversation with your dad. As much as you hate to admit it, the two sides of Chenle on display for you drove you crazy.
Your father leaves the table to answer an important call, and your mom chooses then to get up and grab the desert.
“C’mon, babe,” Chenle murmurs, tapping your leg. “Let me make you feel good.”
“Are you crazy? We’re with my parents, Chenle.”
He hums, dropping his head on your shoulder to easily press his lips to your neck. “I know you. You want me.”
“(Y/N), can you help me?” your mom calls from the kitchen.
“Coming!” you yell, quickly pulling yourself from Chenle and glaring at him the whole way out of the room.
You hate how right he is—how damp your panties are at the thought of him taking you here when your parents might hear. It should repulse you, but instead, you feel your entire body heat up at the thought.
Desert drags, and Chenle rubs the top of your leg where it meets your hip, back and forth while you squirm at the contact. If your parents notice how erratic you’ve become, they don’t mention it.
“Mom, did you, um, did you need any help cleaning up?”
“Oh, honey, that’s okay.” Your mother waves you off. “It’s getting late. You two have been traveling all day, we’ll get this and you get some rest.”
Chenle doesn’t even hide the smug look on his face when he intertwines your fingers together. “Thanks, I am exhausted.”
Bullshit. He wants to get you alone as soon as possible.
Next thing you know, you’re leading him upstairs to get him undressed. Although, you didn’t expect for it to lead you to your current predicament.
Chenle’s slender fingers slide into you easily with how wet you are. After teasing you all day, he’s got you dripping down onto the sheets. He moves slowly, staring at you smugly with his other hand covering your mouth. Your eyes roll back, and you fist the sheets as if that’ll stop the overwhelming need.
The walls of your childhood bedroom close in on you like yours close in around Chenle’s fingers, and everything starts to spin. He reaches deep inside, curling to find your spot. With his palm firm on your lips, your moan doesn’t make it past his skin. He chuckles, leaning close to your ear without messing with his pace.
“See, pretty girl? I knew you wanted it. Can’t stay off my cock even with your parents down the hall, huh?”
You mutter incoherently in your best attempt to spur him forward, to get him to fuck you as soon as possible, but it seems his evening of teasing is far from over. He places his thumb on your mouth instead, and you instinctively open up and swirl your tongue around it.
“Little fucking slut,” he tsks. “Can you stay quiet for me while I make you feel good?”
You nod fervently, lifting your hips to match his pace. Desperate to reach your end, you clench the bedspread harder to ground yourself. If you make a sound, you know he won’t continue.
He uses the wetness of your saliva to trail down from your mouth to your collarbone down to your breasts, watching you in a mix of wonder and awe as your nipples harden further beneath his touch. You let out a shaky sigh, but luckily for you, he doesn’t count that against you.
Despite his distraction, his fingers still brush against your spot with every steady thrust, and your mind reels from the pleasure, your orgasm just out of reach. He knows your body like the back of his hand at this point, so he’s well aware of what you need.
As he continues his venture down, the cold air sends chills all over you. He stops at your lower abdomen, rubbing his thumb against your skin.
“Remember,” he whispers. “Keep it down, alright?”
You don’t have time to reassure him before he nudges your clit. Inhaling sharply, you slap your own hand over your mouth.
“No.” He grabs your wrist and pulls your arm away. “Just fucking be good, you brat. Make a noise and you don’t get to cum.”
And he continues his work, rubbing your clit in steady, perfect circles while he pumps his fingers in and out of you. His self-control surprises even you, with the way he hasn’t fucked you yet. The bulge in his boxers strain, and you can practically taste the precum dripping from his tip already. You crave it so fucking badly, you almost forget you’re supposed to be quiet.
When you let out a low curse, the determined look on Chenle’s face turns to stone, and he stops his circles to land a smack on your sensitive bud instead. “Shut the fuck up, slut.”
Your body jerks, tears forming in your eyes, but you nod, so close to the brink it’s like you’re already there. The knot ties in your stomach almost as soon as his thumb is back on your clit, and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip hard.
You’re so close, the warning signs of your orgasm becoming far too real to ignore. Lifting your hips, you’re desperate to match his pace, desperate to cum over and over again solely from his touch.
But just before the band of pleasure snaps, he abruptly removes his touch from you, leaving you to clench around nothing. You want to whine, to cry out for his attention, but you don’t dare when he warned you already.
“Get on the floor,” he tells you.
“The floor?” you ask breathlessly.
“Ass in the air, gonna show you how sluts get fucked when they don’t fucking listen.” He grips your thigh. “Hurry up, we don’t have all night.”
You leap up from your bed, eager to please the man who holds the key to your euphoria. The carpet digs uncomfortably into your knees as you arch your back, putting yourself on display for him. Your bed is much too creaky for anything other than missionary, and sometimes, even that’s enough to cause it to squeak if Chenle has anything to say about it.
His hands squeeze your ass, massaging you while he studies you. A quick smack has you shuddering again. His shuffle to take off the last of the clothing covering him is music to your ears, and you wiggle back against him to try to entice him further.
He grabs a pillow and tosses it to you, and you already know what it’s for. You take it gratefully, but you bite down on it in preparation of what’s to come. The thought of getting caught has wetness leaking down your thighs, and as he rubs his hard cock along your entrance to collect it, you’re already shaking. Being denied an orgasm already has every inch of you craving release. His tip brushes your clit, and you push back with a muffled whine.
“What if I just leave you like this?” he asks, dragging his nails along your back.
You shake your head and repeat over and over, “Please. Please.”
“How disappointed would your parents be if they saw you like this, huh? Just down the hall begging to be fucked like a whore…” He slides his tip in, his breath catching at the sensation.
Your chorus of pleas are muffled by the pillow, but you push yourself back, making him slide another inch inside you. Legs wobbling already, you ignore the burn of the carpet against your knees.
Finally, he gives you some reprieve. As slowly as he can manage, he opens you up with his cock. You whimper, eyes watering as you bury your head in the plush fabric below you, already slick with your saliva.
“You sure you’re ready, baby?” he asks breathlessly, nails digging into your hips. “One sound and we stop, got it?”
You can’t manage a response, not with the way he fills you so completely. Whatever he’s gonna give you, you need it.
The choice to move to the floor makes more sense as he gives you one reassuring squeeze to your waist. He thrusts slowly twice, groaning quietly at the feeling.
And then he really starts. His hips slam into yours, the sound of his skin slapping against yours is obvious and impossible to mask. You can barely breathe while he fucks you, your body jolting and the carpet rubbing against your knees. The pillow is drenched with your spit, and you’re biting down so hard your jaw starts to hurt. He pants behind you, his tip reaching your cervix with every rough thrust.
His cock pulses inside you, like he’s ready to burst at any given second. It’s so overwhelmingly good, tears stream down your face. Next thing you know, he’s wrapping his fingers around your neck and pulling you up until your back is against his chest. He squeezes tight enough to make sure no noises will escape you, but your brain clears long enough to see his motive.
The mirror stands in front of you, displaying your body as Chenle slides in and out of you at a steady pace. He leans forward, tightening his grip on your neck.
“See the mess you made?” He licks the shell of your ear. “You’re taking me so fucking easy right now, slut. Don’t think you’ve earned the right to cum.”
Whatever escapes your lips is muffled gibberish.
“I guess I’ll be nice.” His condescending tone sends a chill down your spine as his hand dips between your legs. All it takes is the slight brush of his fingertips to send you reeling over the edge, your body jerking as your orgasm takes you full-force. He doesn’t stop there, though, applying pressure to your clit and rubbing fast. Your vision blurs as a burst of wetness soaks your thighs.
“Holy fuck,” he groans, breaking his rough facade for the briefest moment while he processes what just happened.
He pulls out of you, much to your protest, and turns you on your back. Propping your legs up on his shoulders, he slides back inside with ease, his own eyes fluttering shut. He leans down and takes your mouth with his, the stretch in your legs almost as delicious as he tastes.
“Need to see that pretty face when I cum.” He nips your ear lobe, rocking his hips hard against yours.
Mind hazy from your orgasm, you stare at him in awe as his face contorts with pleasure with every thrust. When his pace becomes erratic, you know he’s close.
He moans lowly in your ear, pushing himself as deep as possible before he spills his load. Panting, he wastes no time in kissing you sweetly, gently as he releases your legs from their uncomfortable position. He rubs your thigh, humming into your mouth.
“You did so well,” he whispers. “You feeling okay? Was it too much?”
You still can’t speak, so with a smile, you shake your head and place a hand flat on his chest.
He pulls out slowly, a shaky breath escaping his lips as he does. A sheen of sweat covers him, the gentle starlight from the windows illuminating him just enough for you to see. He stands, puts his boxers on, and walks over to grab your towel.
You’re oversensitive, and as he spreads your legs again to clean you up, the rough fabric against your clit makes you jolt.
“I love you.” He kisses your forehead in an attempt to distract you from the mess he made. “You’re so perfect, you know that?”
You weakly smack his shoulder. “You did all of this at my parents’ house?”
He grins, scooping you up to help you onto your bed. “Don’t complain. The wet spot on the ground says you liked it.”
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
My haven could be you - Part 2
Joel Miller x f!reader (18+) - Part 1 , Part 3
Summary: Joel doesn´t really know how to approach you but an opportunity presents itself in the form of a very unwelcome man
Word count: 8.250
Warnings: angst, creep, phisical fight, injuries, flirting, pining, feelings, hidden desire, dirty talk, PinV intercourse, rough, cursing, MINORS DNI!!!
Authors note: Here it is :) The highly requested Part 2. It´s gettin´ steamy my loves. Hold onto your panties! Not proveread yet
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Giddily you stood in front of your mirror in the corner of your living room, admiring the beautiful pale green dress that Lauren fitted for you. The material was flowing around your legs, your waist comfortably embedded in various strings of golden and green stripes of fabric. Your chest was accentuated in a way you hadn’t seen in years and it made you feel incredible. You couldn’t remember the last time you tried to look good or even sexy. Naked had been your usual sexy if you wanted it. And it always worked. But that wasn’t an option for today of course.
Maria wanted a celebration and asked everyone to just let go for one evening and to dress up as best as they could. You turned again and grinned wildly as you captured your reflection in the mirror. You felt giddy and excited. Tonight was the night you wanted to not think about anything more than just having a good time. If that involved Joel or better yet, his hands and mouth, then you´d gladly fall into it. Hopefully he´d be there, though you had a feeling that either Tommy or Ellie would drag him to the barn by the ears if he tried to stay home.
Your hair was shiny and perfectly framed your face the last time you took a look in the mirror. Smiling to yourself you threw on your jacket and hurried down the steps. The sun was just setting but the air was still slightly warm with the first powerful rays of sunshine. Many other people were on the way to the barn and a bubbly, light atmosphere lay itself over Jackson like a comfortable blanket. The air smelled of bonfires, flowers and meat that was grilling in the barn´s kitchen.
As you entered the venue a trembling breath of awe escaped you. Fairy lights and colourful lightbulbs illuminated the wooden walls. A delicious smell hung in the warm, thick air as you walked further inside, greeting people left and right, kissing Lauren on the cheek when you passed her. Her eyes were round and she squealed in delight as she looked you up and down. She patted your cheek affectionately. “My dear, you look fabulous. It´s exactly as I´d hoped it would look on you. Oh, sweet child. I hope you have the time of your life tonight. God knows we could all use an evening like this.” You smiled at her. “Thank you so much, Lauren. I´m absolutely in love with it. You outdid yourself. Please, enjoy the evening.”
Rock music was coming from the old Jukebox as you conversed with Michael and Jenna behind the bar. The young couple was your age and close to being first time parents. You really liked them. “Oh, no. ___, don’t look up but Levi is coming over” Michael said and rolled his eyes. Your stomach sank. Levi came to Jackson about six months after you did and for some reason would just not get the hint that you weren’t interested. There were not many singles in Jackson, especially around the same age but Levi…Levi was much younger than you and that was just something you couldn’t ignore. Mostly because of the fact that he acted his age but…more aggressive and a little condescending. He just couldn’t comprehend the fact that he wasn’t this prime piece that every woman licked theirs fingers for.
“___” he drawled lazily as he leaned onto the counter right next to you. A cocky grin on his lips. “Levi” you said with a thin smile and quickly raised your shot glass in greeting. You really hoped your body language would do the trick this time but no such luck. Of course. “How ´bout you dance with me, little mama?” A disgusted shiver ran down your spine at that. Little Mama? What the hell? His hand was already at the small of your back when your head whipped around and you snarled at him. “How many times do I have to say it, Levi? Hmm? I am not interested in you. Please, for the love of god, get it through your thick head. You won´t take no for an answer and that tells me everything I need to know.” You raised your chin when you saw that yet again, the message wouldn’t go through. There was no emotion in his eyes as he continued with a twitch of his lips.
“There really is no point in playing hard to get,___. I already like you enough. Tell me” he licked his lips and his eyes dipped to your cleavage. You felt your blood boiling. Who did that idiot think he was? “When was the last time you had some good old fashioned fun, huh? Come on, baby just imagine it. Your body rocking on top of me-“ “Knock that shit off, Levi. Right now!” Michael boomed just as your hand shot out to slap Levi across the face. He was quick though and gripped your wrist painfully hard. A dangerous and primal glint in his eyes. “There you are, little feisty bird. I like that.” In your periphery you could see Michael hurrying around the bar. Jenna was shouting. “Levi! Let her go or-“ “Or WHAT?” Levi snarled.
“Or I´ll break Every. Single. Bone. in your scrawny body, asshole!”
The next moment you heard the sickening sound of bone crashing against bone. The hand that had held your wrist let go and Levi went flying several feet backwards and onto the ground. A wide back stepped halfway in front of you. Clad in a black dress shirt and his signature jeans on, Joel was breathing heavily. His fists were balled at his sides. He watched as Levi stumbled to his feet, grasping onto the bar. “What the fuck, man!” he grunted and held his bleeding nose.
“Go on, boy. Run your mouth some more. Your nose was just the first bone I´m gonna wreck!” Joels voice was cold, menacing and absolutely terrifying.
Finally you saw some sort of regret in Levi´s eyes as he glared at Joel and you. “All right. All right. That little prude better watch where she´s going!” Something snapped in Joel´s neck and like a bull he charged forward. At that moment both Michael and Tommy were by his side holding him back while he shouted at Levi. “You dare come close to her and I swear I will tear you limb from limb!”
“Joel! Quit it!” Tommy huffed while holding his brother back. “He´s not worth it, come on, man! Levi!” Tommy glared at him. “Get the fuck out and be glad that I´m not turning him lose!” Levi stumbled and moved quickly towards the doors. At that point several people were paying attention to the scene. Your whole body was shaking with nerves and rage. Your eyes were trained on Joel´s back as he shook Tommy and Michael off. He was still breathing heavily. Tommy looked at you apologetically. “You alright,___?” he asked. You nodded your head. “Yeah, I´m fine. Nothing happened.” Joel turned to you. Your eyes met and your heart stuttered in your chest. His eyes were warm when they met yours. He hung his head a little and looked at you ever so softly. A little worried. You smiled at him and the corner of his mouth twitched.
Maria hurried over to you. “___, is everything okey?” You smiled at her. “Yes, all good. I´m sorry Levi made such a scene.” Maria shook her head immediately. “Don’t apologize. Levi was way out of line. Something worse could have happened.” She turned to Joel. “Thank you for stepping in, Joel. Really.” Joel nodded his head. “There´s ice in the back. ___, how about you take Joel and make sure his hand is cooled down?” Did she just wink at you? Nervously you swallowed as heat crept up your neck.
You looked at Joel again and waved him over. He followed you immediately as you made your way to the back where the kitchen was. Fabiola was the main chef and still buzzling around the various pots and pans. “___, my love, what are you doing back here? You should celebrate.” She gave Joel a slightly weary look. “We need some ice, Fabiola. Joel…he…um…” Joel lifted his hand sheepishly and Fabiola´s eyes went wide as plates. “Oh, dio mio!! Sí, certo…ice. Over here.” She came back with some ice wrapped in a dish towel and handed it to you. “I´ll leave you two alone for a moment.”
“Here, sit.” You gestured to a wooden box in the corner where he sat down. You pulled a small stool towards you to sit down across from him. You had to smile slightly as you remembered how sweet little Fabiola needed that stool to basically reach anything.
You took the dish towel and reached out for Joel´s hand. It was angry red and his knuckles were split a little. “Looks painful” you said as you carefully pressed the ice to his hand. He didn’t even flinch, only exhaled a long breath. “´S nothin´. I´ve had worse.” Your eyes met yet again. He was smiling. The corner of his eyes crinkling so enticingly you had a hard time not to reach out and caressing the side of his face. “I wanted to thank you. For standing up for me” you said sincerely. He raised his brow in question. “No need to thank me. That little bastard had it coming as soon as he lay a hand on you. If not me, you probably would´ve kicked his lights out within the minute. I saw your face when he grabbed you.” Joel sounded almost proud when you chuckled and paid attention to his hand again.
“Although I would have liked to see you give him hell…I….I couldn’t stop myself.” Your hand that was holding his moved a little. Almost caressing his palm. “Like I said” you said with a smile. “I don’t mind at all. In this day and age, it´s quite nice when someone stands up for you. Looks out for you…protects you.” You ended your sentence with a small unsure voice and forced yourself to look at him again. When you did, his eyes held nothing but soft determination. He nodded to let you know that´s exactly what his motives were. “You know” you said with a chuckle. “This is the longest conversation we´ve had so far.” Joels eyes dulled a little. “Yeah” he said and sighed. “That´s…that´s pretty much my fault. I…I´m not exactly a very social person anymore.” You nodded slowly.
“I get it. I mean, the circumstances and all…You just don’t know who to trust anymore.” You shrugged. Joel studied your face carefully. “I´m sorry” he said in a small voice. Your head whipped up. “What for?” you asked, genuinely confused. “I must come across like some asocial asshole. Not talking much.” He looked genuinely upset. Again your fingers lightly brushed the inside of his palm to try and reassure him. “Not talking much doesn’t make you an asshole, Joel” you lightly giggled. “I can only share my own experience but,” you grabbed his hand a little tighter. “When I first came to Jackson I didn’t know how to let go either. I was on edge all the time. Couldn’t sleep or eat properly. I always waited for that one blow.” Joel´s eyes went a little wide and he blinked several times. “Jackson is a safe place, Joel. For you, for Tommy, Maria, me, everyone, really…and of course Ellie.” You smiled up at him. “Not to sound bratty but,” you smirked at him as you saw a blush creep up his neck. “You could really do with a good night’s sleep and some relaxation. You´re tense.”
Joel hung his head and huffed out a good natured laugh. Your pulse picked up again. “Yeah, I know.” He raised his eyes to yours again, a thankful look in them. “I know I could relax here. Ellie doesn’t have any problems. It´s just…” You grasped onto his hand carefully. Your touch strong enough this time to make it clear that it wasn’t fleeting or a touch by chance. “There is nothing here in Jackson that could rob you of a good sleep, Joel. You´re safe.”
Joel´s face visibly relaxed as he heard those words. He knew they were true but hearing them was another thing. He leaned forward slightly. “Have a drink with me” he whispered with conviction as his slightly injured palm closed around your hand. You grinned immediately and nodded your head. “I´d love to.”
His lips twitched and he got up from the crate, pulling you from the little stool with him gently. Something shifted in the air slightly. Joel´s fingertips still brushed against the sensitive skin of your wrist. He must´ve felt your pulse hammering like a hummingbird´s heart. Not being able to look at you his eyes were trained on his hand holding yours. A thickness lay itself over the two of you as you studied his features again. Strong eyebrows were slightly pinched. He looked like he was concentrating hard on something. The moment his pink tongue darted out to wet his lips slightly, you could see clearly that he´d felt the shiver that shook your body momentarily. There was no time or space however for any kind of embarrassment. Why hide anything now. If you wanted something you might as well let him know what it was. All he could do was reject you. And that would at least finally set you free.
A strained sigh escaped him and slowly he made eye contact again. You knew you were breathing heavily at this point. The two of you standing way closer than you needed to at this point. His scent crept up your nose and little fireworks of pure desire started dancing in your brain. He smelled of minty soap, crisp spring winds and something earthy and strong that could only be his own scent. It made you dizzy in combination with his curious chocolate brown eyes, holding you captive in this loaded moment.
As if he wasn´t able to stop it, Joel´s other hand lifted slowly. Still holding your gaze you felt his fingertips light as a feather touching the skin of your cheek. By this time you knew you were sweating. A tickling sensation running down your back as you marvelled in the slight touch of his breath on the tip of your nose. Joel´s thumb carefully stroked over your cheekbone. “Let me get to know you. I want to know you.” His voice was quiet and so sincere, you knew immediately that this man would be worth waiting for. Your desire for him grew into something softer, more determined. Into something driven to make him happy, make him feel safe, wanted and cherished. You closed your eyes for a moment and slightly leaned your head into his still lingering touch. When you opened your eyes again, the look in his eyes was a mixture of disbelieve, relieve and simmering affection.
You nodded your head gently. “Then stay close” you said with a little smile. “Don’t hide from me.” Joel hummed when he stepped back slightly and let go of your face and hand. You could still feel the burn of his skin on yours. “I won´t. You´ll see that I can be quite…determined.” His tone was almost playful in the end and you loved every second of it. Your lips split into a grin as you moved towards the door back into the barn. The close proximity in which you passed him, the little smile you gave him while doing so and the accentuated swing of your hips did exactly what you´d hoped. A little strangled sound came from the man behind you before you heard hurried footsteps and then a big, warm hand at the small of your back as he lead you through the door with a smitten smile.
It was almost like a switch had been flipped inside Joel. He smiled more, although still only shortly it was always sincere. He was outside more often, actively reaching out to different people. He didn’t go on patrol every single day anymore but instead helped around any construction site there was in the city. He helped build new stables for the horses as it was now foaling season and had his meals more often with Tommy and Ellie in the barn. He still wasn’t very much relaxed but you knew he made an effort. How did you know? You knew in the way he opened every single door for you whenever you were together. You knew in the way he began to cock out his hip or his knee whenever he stood next to you, trying to stand more comfortably. You also knew by the way you sometimes caught him looking at you with a butter soft look that made your heart jump into your throat. You´d spent several minutes a day just talking and walking to wherever you needed to go but it was always him that soughed you out. He´d stand next to you suddenly and just start talking. Not that you minded in the slightest.  
Just as in this moment. His elbows leaned against the door of the stable as he observed you with interest. You were checking up on your favourite mare that was about to give birth. Checking how lose the muscles in her behind were, you raised your eyebrows at her. “Not long now, huh?” you smiled and walked around her to stroke her head affectionately. “Don´t rush it though, ok? I´d like to sleep in tomorrow if you don’t mind.” The animal pushed it´s head more into your hand as you chuckled. You turned around and saw Joel smiling at you. Again you could feel what his presence and wide frame did to you.
“Have dinner with me” he said softly, a slight nervous undertone in his baritone voice. You blinked a bit bewildered. “Ellie already asked me if I wanted to join you tonight. You two need to communicate better” you winked at him playfully. Joel rubbed his neck and suddenly looked everywhere except for you. Something was a bit off. “Jesus” he muttered under his breath. With a throb of your heart you saw how his neck and cheeks suddenly turned bright red. “What I meant was…dinner with me” he lifted his head and there they were again. Those damn puppy eyes. “Just me.” Again you blinked at him while your brain was desperately trying to catch up. “Oh” you said lamely before the adrenalin in your blood made sure he wouldn’t take it as a rejection. Quickly you added “Yes!” Ok, that was way too loud. Reign it in! “Yes” you cleared your throat and answered a little less breathless. “I can do that. Dinner, yes. Totally.” It was so blatantly obvious that you hadn´t been asked out to dinner in literal decades, your stomach turned at the cringeworthy tone of your voice. Thankfully even Joel seemed to be like a fish out of water himself. He stared at you for a second before your answer really penetrated his consciousness. “Great” he said and drummed a short rhythm against the wood of the stable door with his palms. “Great. Dinner, my place. Pick you up at seven?” You nodded your already swimming head. “Sounds perfect.”
He nodded again as a smile appeared on his face making his eyes crinkle so enticingly. “See you at seven,___” he said your name so softly that it made your toes curl. “Yeah. I´ll be ready” you breathed. Again he grinned as he turned around and walked away with a distinct pep in his step.
“Dakota!!” you yelled as you stormed into the bakery looking for your friend. “Ducky!”
“What, what?? Who died?” You saw her head pop around the corner as always smudged with flour.
“I need your help” you panted as you leaned against the counter, grinning like a mad man.
“Ah, so no one died. Great” Dakota chuckled and walked over to you. “Now what´s got you so excited?” You looked at your slightly younger but surely closest female friend you´ve made in the last year. “Joel” you whispered giddily.
“Fair” Dakota said with a chuckle. “I know you religiously ruin your panties over that man but what exactly has he done now? Breathed next to you? Uh, did he defend your honour again? I swear the way you two looked at each other that evening, I would have thought you´d both already be boning like rabbits.” She ended with a laugh as she saw your wide eyes. “Ducky, this isn’t funny. He asked me on a date. A date!” She raised an eyebrow in question. “Seriously? Mr. Deathglare´s asked for a date?” You nodded your head wildly. “Well, would you look at that” Dakota actually sounded impressed. “Knew you´d be a good influence on him. Good for you!” She hugged you. “You did say yes, didn’t you?”
You snorted. “Very much like a freshmen in High School but yes, I did.” Dakota looked at you amused. “And now you need….?”
“I need to go through your stash. Just to be safe” you said quickly. Dakotas eyes went wide. “Ohhhhhh, you little minx. Of course, of course. We need to be safe. Come on, let´s go.” With a little giggle you followed your best friend who was dragging you to the back of the bakery where her flat was.
Your nerves were raging through your body. Why were you so incredibly nervous. You knew Joel liked you enough to ask you out, he liked you enough to get between you and potential danger, he liked you enough to touch you so delicately. The fact that you seriously had a chance…that was it. It was surreal because it actually happened. Not just in your vivid imagination but in real life. Seven was only two minutes away when a knock to your door made you jump. You hurried over to your front door and…fuck. Fuck, you were done for! Joel stood in front of you with a little bouquet of wilflowers. He was wearing a dark blue V-Neck T-shirt that nearly made you salivate. A darker pair of jeans than he usually wore hugged his hips as well as a leather belt with a prominent belt buckle. In true southern fashion he slightly inclined his head while holding eye contact and extended the bouquet towards you. Only now you realised that his usual curls were somewhat tamed and gently fell over his ears.
“You look beautiful” he said gently as you took the flowers with a slight tremble of your hand. A bright smile adorned your face as you replied. “Thank you, Joel. You clean up very well I have to say.” Joel´s ears went slightly pink as he chuckled deep in his chest. “One moment” you said as you turned around and reached for a small vase standing on the little table in your entryway. You put the flowers in some water and put them on your coffee table. Hurrying back to Joel who was patiently waiting you closed and locked your door before looking up at him. He had a fond expression on his face as he offered you his arm. You just knew he saw the pulse hammering in your neck. “What a gentleman” you giggled as he lead you down the stairs and towards his house at the end of the street. Joel gave you a boyish grin that made your heart stutter in your chest.
“I was raised in Texas, darlin´” Ohhhhh, that southern drawl. He was laying on thick and you gobbled it right up. “My nan would haunt me if I lost my manners in front of a lady.” You blew a dismissing raspberry into the air and his head whipped down to you. “What?” he asked a bit confused. “´M hardly a lady, Joel. That was a long time ago.”
He regarded you with a bit of a confused and curious look before he lightly shook his head. “I´m sorry but I beg to differ” he grinned again. “When I got ready just now I suddenly felt like I haven´t felt in decades. Like it was a normal night. Just…simply date night. It still feels like it although everything is so different.” You nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. “I didn’t date much before the breakout” he confessed a bit sheepishly. “But I recognise a lady when I see one.” You giggled and shook your head a little.
You arrived at his house only a few moments later. He let go of your arm only to unlock the door and guide you into his home. A delicious smell came from the kitchen and invaded the living and dining room. Joel took your little bag and lay it on the counter of his kitchen. You followed him and saw that he must have prepared some kind of “Chilli?” you asked fascinated. Joel smiled proudly. “Yes. I used to make this all the time. Probably because it´s the only thing I don’t completely ruin when it comes to cooking. Do you…do you like Chilli?” You nodded your head immediately. He smirked a little. “Come here” he said in a bit of a raspy voice and waved you over, the sentence vibrating in your guts.
You went over to him and stood right next to him when he opened the lid of the pot. Joel gave you a spoon and nodded encouragingly towards the chilli. Dunking it in and blowing on it gently, your eyes nearly rolled inside your head as an appreciative sigh bubbled up your throat. “Good lord, Joel. This is fantastic!” Joel´s eyes blitzed with happiness. He took a small step towards you, completely stepping into your space and you welcomed him there without hesitation. He gently took the spoon from your fingers and lay it on the counter without breaking eye contact. You swallowed hard when you saw that his eyes took on a bit of a hungry look. “You really look quite beautiful tonight” he said lowly. “I thought you were the first time I saw you. And at Maria´s Birthday…the only word that came to mind when I saw you was angelic.”
Your knees nearly gave out. Was this it? You couldn’t say anything. Didn’t know how to express what he made you feel. “I apologise if I seemed uninterested or rude. I couldn’t let go of my worries. Needed to think about Ellie but believe me, you were…are on my mind constantly.” You knew your eyes were wide as plates at this point. “I can´t say that dating has been a priority for me. Of course it hasn’t  but…it´s funny how safety and consistency can change ones priorities. I don’t want to run around anymore. This place has everything Ellie and I need.” Your heart swelled when you heard him talking about the young girl with so much fondness.
When his hands landed on your waist, your breath hitched but you didn’t move even an inch. “Please tell me if I interpret this wrong but I kinda hoped, you know…” He was failing to maintain the eye contact longer and just looked at your neck instead. Still tongue tied you tried to reassure him as best you could. Your hands lifted themselves and gently you lay them on his firm chest. With a disbelieving chuckle you felt how his own heart was going ballistic underneath your palm. “Joel” you whispered heavily. “I´m glad you get to relax finally. I´m glad you want to stay here. I´m glad…you´re not interpreting this wrong. I…I´m hopelessly attracted to you.” He genuinely seemed surprised for a moment. His hands on your waist flexed before gripping onto you a little tighter. His head dipped towards you until his nose brushed yours ever so gently. “You are?” he whispered almost in awe. You nodded against his nose and laughed lightly. “Yes” you said with a much stronger voice. “And if you don´t kiss me already I´m gon—hmmm!” He took your invitation without question and pressed his lips to yours in a bit of a clumsy but electrifying manner. Your skin immediately started to burn, especially the moment one of his hands landed on the side of your neck and his thumb began to circle your pulse point. It took everything in you not to whimper.
The kiss wasn’t very long or passionate. It was more of a finding of rhythm, what pressure the other liked most, finding an understanding of what was happening. His beard tickled your skin so deliciously while his warm hands nearly scourged your skin. When you separated however, the look you gave one another was clear as day. Pure longing and excitement. Joel reached out blindly and fumbled for the stove, turning it off. He checked for any sign of protest from you but only saw a light smirk on your face.
The next moment was like some kind of floodgates opened. His arm wound around your waist completely as he turned you and pressed you to his fridge, the other hand still on your neck. This time a little whimper did escape you and gave him all the permission he needed. Surging down he enveloped your upper lip with his in a swirl of passion. Your arms went around his neck as you quickly kissed him back in kind. It was open mouthed kisses and grabbing hands. From your neck over your arm down to your ribcage he used the momentum he had on you to fully grab onto your thigh and guide it roughly up to his hip.
A moan came from both of you when he made himself at home against your other thigh. Gently you tucked at the curls in his neck and he answered with a little lick to your lower lip, testing the waters. Your insides were on fire in an instant. How would you ever survive a night with this man if simple making out almost made you lose your fucking mind?
Slowly Joel introduced his tongue into the kiss more and more. And with every new troke against your own you clung to him more. He seemed to thoroughly enjoy this. An long groan came from him and without thinking about it he started to grind his groin against your leg. Breathing heavily against his mouth you panted. “Fuck, Joel. You sure you haven´t done this in a while?” He grinned and lightly tucked at your lip with his teeth. Kissing a line over your cheek and down to your neck he answered. “I didn’t date. No good reason to do that out there. But I´m just a man. There was one or the other woman, I can´t lie. But yes, it´s been a while. God, you are delicious.” His tongue licked a  stripe from your neck up to your ear. When he bit your earlobe your whole body twitched in anticipation.
The hand on your thigh pressing it to his hip moved slowly upwards pushing your skirt up in the process. Joels fingers stroked your soft skin with a soft hum on his lips. “Tell me, pretty girl” he rasped into your ear. “Would you allow an old man to take you to bed?” You nodded quickly and bit your lip as you gave him more access to your neck. “No, no, darlin´. I need to hear it. Indulge me in that sweet voice of yours.” You tried to pull yourself together enough to answer him. “Yes. J-Joel. Take me to bed, please.”
Hearing your pleading tone he growled against your throat and his grip on you became bruising. Connecting your lips again he this time almost kissed you silly. His scent in your nose, his obvious desire for you and the noises he made, made it impossible to think about anything else than wanting to please this man into oblivion. He disconnected from you with an impatient grunt but smiled down at you when he saw your already billed out expression. He let your leg go and slowly made sure you could stand somewhat stable. Stroking your face again affectionately he gave your nose a tiny peck before speaking.
“I want you to be sure about this,___. I would hate for you to regret it afterwards. I can wait or stop right now if you want me to. I just…god, I´ve thought about this so many times. I want to do this right.” You stood on your toes and gave him a slow, loving kiss. “Take me to bed, Joel. I´m sure. I want you” you smiled. He closed his eyes in relieve and took a deep breath. When he opened them again to look at you a shiver ran down your spine. His gaze was determined, filled with lust and want. “Yes, ma´am” he simply rasped and took your hand, heading towards his bedroom upstairs.  
You stumbled into his room, kissing and already undressing. Joel was pulling your pullover over your head and groaned long in his throat when you saw your bra. You tucked at his shirt impatiently and he willingly pulled it over his head. Too far gone by the perfect swell of your breasts to worry about his physical appearance. He didn’t need to worry anyway. Your hand moved over his chest, shoulders and down his torso until be was a panting mess before you. Basically holding onto your hips just to ground himself. When your gentle fingers reached the soft pouch of his tummy, tickling the soft hairs of his treasure trail he was almost about to lose it.
Joel started walking towards his bed pulling you with him. He sat down and without hesitation you pulled down your skirt, kicked it away and moved to straddle his lap. A hiss came from you when he grabbed fistfuls of your ass and squeezed hard. “Sorry” he panted and smoothed his palms over your behind. “You´re just too…You´re so much more perfect than I imagined.” You could feel your confidence spike tenfold at that and you started nibbling on his neck. “You imagined this?” you asked cockily. He hummed and pulled your lips to his again. “Every fucking day, baby” he said against them. “Fuck, so did I.” Your hips began to rotate your hips on his lap. His cock pressing insistently against your pussy.
Joel was still wearing his Jeans. That had to be uncomfortable. Licking his lips enticingly you ground your hips down harder and watched as his eyes nearly fluttered shut. “Ok, Ok, you little siren, I get it. Up” he said with a strained chuckle. A sharp slap to your ass made you yelp before you scrambled off his lap, if very reluctantly. The price you were about to receive though made it worth it. Joel stood quickly and fumbled with his belt before pushing the offensive pair of Jeans down his strong thighs and off. The clanking of the buckle made you shiver uncontrollably and as soon as Joel was only in his boxers your impatience peaked. Pushing him down on the bed you crawled on top of him and looked down at his quite surprised face.
“Let me make you feel good, Joel. Relax for me, yeah?” You kissed his collar bone and felt him take a deep, rumbling breath. “This is more than I ever imagined. Baby. You can do whatever you´d like. Just stay right there.” His tone was almost whiny as his hands moved over your thighs slowly. “Whatever I like?” you asked with a cheeky smile against his pectorals. He groaned. “Yes. Fuck, yes. Anything you want.”
You moved your head next to his ear again and whispered in the lowest, most seductive voice you could muster “What if I want you inside of me?” Joel almost choked on his own spit. His hands grabbing onto your ass possessively. “Don’t talk like that, little one. Don’t…oh fuck. Good lord.” You could feel his cock throbbing against your underwear. A little droplet of sweat ran down the valley of your spine before you gathered your wits again.
Knowing that this was it, this was happening, you quickly stood up from the bed. Joels head whipped up in protest. “The hell do you think you´re goin´, beautiful?” You gave him a grin over your shoulder and bent down to get your skirt right in front of him. He fell back onto the bed and pushed his hand down his face dramatically. “Move your sweet ass back over here, for the love of god” he growled.
“Patience, Mr. Miller” you said as you sauntered over to him again. The condom secure in your hand. He saw the foiled packaging and nodded in understanding. “I was almost too far gone to think about that” he muttered. “Good thing you have me then” you said as you straddled him again. He looked up at you. His eyes held something appreciative, thankful and absolutely fascinated in them. A warm and calloused hand reached out for your cheek and held it gently. You clasped his hand with yours. “Touch me, Joel” you whispered and guided his hand down over your collarbone and over your breasts. His fingers twitched when they made contact with your bra.
Letting go of his hand you reached behind you and unclasped it. When the straps fell down your shoulders his hand tucked lightly and pulled it off of you. “Sweet Jesus” he breathed and sat up in one fluid motion. Looking at your chest with lust blown eyes, he peppered it with light kisses, both his hands now brushing over your sides. A warm, wet tongue darted out and licked over your already pebbled nipple. “Shit” you cursed as you felt your pussy throbbing immediately.
“Knew it” he groaned and suckled the hardened bud a little more forcefully. “Knew you´d be so sensitive.” You nodded blindly, pushing your chest closer to his face. “Feels so good” you breathed. “Bet you could cum just like this, couldn’t you, hm? Just with me paying attention to your incredible tits.” His voice vibrated over your skin making you oh so desperate. “Joel, please” you muttered as you buried your face in his hair. “I know, sweetheart, I know” he panted and lifted his hips up into you. His cock hard and hot against the ever growing wet spot between your legs. With a light yank of his hair he stared up at you before you attacked his lips with all the desperation you felt at that moment. “Take them off” you said insistently and moved your hands to the waistband of his boxers.
Nodding against your lips he lay back down while you straightened up on your knees and watched as he pushed his boxers down and shook them off his legs. Joels cock was already angry red and jumping against his little belly. You licked your lips unconsciously before slowly lowering your hips down again. “You´re a literal goddess, you know that?” Joel asked. You smiled at him. “Do you want me to get rid of these too?” you asked and snapped the hem of your panties against your skin. Joel nodded quickly.
It wasn’t exactly very gracious the way you pulled them down your legs but it was quick and efficient. Joel had already unwrapped the condom and was just rolling it down his shaft. You grabbed his hands and intertwined your fingers as you angled your hips, rubbing your wetness over his shaft. “Fucking hell” he grunted. “Baby, that all for me?” His dark eyes were trained on the spot where the head of his cock gently bumped your clit again and again. “Yes” you whimpered. “All because of you.”
“Come on, sweetheart. Wanna feel you so bad. Wanna make you cum so bad, please. Hurry up and put it in.” Joel hissed when you grabbed his heavy cock and angled it to your entrance.
With a long and beautiful moan you slowly worked it inside of you. The feeling of him inside of you was something you´d never experienced. Not because he was big but because of the absolute joy you felt when you saw what it did to him. His eyes where shut, head thrown back onto the pillow and droplets of sweat adorned his greying temples. He looked truly blissed out and it spurred you on like nothing else. To get his attention you squeezed around him the moment he bottomed out. “Ohhh, hell. Yes, sweet girl. Yes!” His eyes snapped open again. “Baby” his voice had a warning tone. “Baby, you need to move. I can´t…´s too much. Feel so incredible. Please move, ´m sorry. Can´t” he whined.
Your whole lower body seized at his admission and without thinking you started to move your hips back and forth. The sensation was instant and powerful. You didn’t know how he did it. If it was the angle, his size of the pure desperation that surged through your body but only a few swivels of your hips in you felt an intense pulsing and the tell-tale knot forming in your lower belly.
“What the fuuuuck” you moaned and moved a little more aggressively. “Joel…fuck, that’s it! Oh, god. Ahhh. What´re you doing?” Joel groaned when he felt you squeezing him yet again. “___” he breathed. “Fuck it´s perfect. You´re perfect. Good fuckin´ girl, come on! Ridin´ me so fucking good, hmmhpf.” Getting up on your kneed a bit you really started to ride his cock in earnest and were immediately rewarded by a shout of pleasure and slightly higher pitched whimpers. “Yes, yes, yes” he panted with every fall of your hips onto his length.
“You´ve no idea how much I want you. So gorgeous. Cum for me baby, please. Cum for me, cum for me.” You whined when his words penetrated your fuzzy mind and twisted the knot in your belly that much more. “So good. Can feel you clenching around me, darlin´. Come on. Just a bit more. ´M so close. Wanna come for you, baby.”
The sound of skin slapping against skin, moans and whimpers filled the room and it couldn’t be more perfect. Your hands were on his chest to balance yourself and his were on your hips, helping you bounce on his cock. “Shit! Oh god.” Suddenly Joel´s fingers gripped your hips tighter, digging into your flesh as he planted his feet onto the mattress. “Sweetheart, I´m so close. Tell me you´re close, please” he pleadingly looked up at you, almost panicked. You just nodded your head. You couldn’t even form a normal sentence the way his cock pushed inside of you and making your mind foggy with every drag.
“Thank fuck” he growled and began lifting his hips upwards. A scream erupted from your throat when you felt the true strength of his thrusts. He was overwhelming. Moaning you collapsed onto his chest, panting against his pectorals as his arms wound themselves around your sweaty back and pressed you closer to him.
“Joel, fuck. I´m close. Please, please hurry” you almost whaled while hiccupping and damn near salivating onto his sun kissed skin.
“Thaaaat´s it! That´s it, come on, honey, take it! Take all of it. Doin´ so good for me. Fuck! Fuck! Yes, hhhmmmm.” Not even a minute later and you felt the knot unravel. You wanted to warn him.
“Joel!” you cried out but couldn’t manage more than that before you violently started shivering and convulsing. Overwhelming pleasure surged white and hot through you while the rushing in your ears was so loud, you almost didn’t hear your own scream or even Joels words.
“Oh, shit!! Perfect, fucking perfect, baby. Taking it so good. Fuck! I´m coming, coming with you baby. Right now, keep going, keep going! Fuck! Ahhhhh,___! HHMMMNGG!” Arching his back to press himself as deep as he could reach he released all the pent up desire he had for you into the condom. “Shit! Shit!” he panted, gradually becoming quieter as he held onto your still twitching body on top of his. His hand loosened a little around you and he brushed his palms soothingly over your back to try and bring you back down from your high. Even though his own hadn’t subsided yet in the slightest. He still couldn’t really feel his legs by the time you groggily lifted your head and a pair of eyes filled with disbelieve and wonder looked at him.
A slow smile spread on your face as you leaned up and began peppering his face with kisses. He laughed lightly, still trying to catch his breath as you lovingly traced the laugh lines around his eyes. “Hello, there” you giggled. Joel groaned and covered his eyes with his palm, giggling. “Really?” he asked. “I just rocked your world and you come at me with a Star Wars reference?” You gently nipped on his collarbone. “How about I tell everyone you rocked my whole galaxy? Am I allowed Star Wars references then?” His chest swelled at your words and he carefully brushed his knuckles over your cheek and shook his head. “You´ve got me wrapped around every beautiful finger you possess, darlin´. You can make all the Star Wars references you want.” A dreamy smile appeared on your lips and you leaned in to kiss him.
Joel slowly moved you to his side, slipping from your warm cavern with a slight hiss. He removed the condom, tied and discarded it. He wrapped you in his arms and moved your head into the crook of his neck where you contently breathed in his musky scent. Suddenly your stomach began to gurgle comically. Joel broke out into a full belly laugh. A sound you so thoroughly enjoyed, your whole body began to buzz. Joel nuzzled your nose and kissed it. “How ´bout I go downstairs and get you a bowl of Chilli, hm? We could eat it in bed. I do need the fuel for next time.” With his last words he began suckling on the skin of your neck while you already felt those sweet, sweet shivers again.
“Next time?” you asked hopefully. He raised an eyebrow at you. “Don´t think I´ll let you out this bed until Ellie comes back tomorrow. You stay right where you are.” With a last squeeze of your waist he turned around and stood from the bed. He walked over to his boxers and with every step he took your mouth watered.
When he pulled up his boxers and exited the room you fell over onto the mattress with a girlish squeak. Then, after musing about what you wanted to do to him next time, you heard a door fall shut downstair and Joel shouting. “Jesus, fuck!”
“Joel!” you yelled and jumped off the bed. Quickly you looked around and saw a big bath towel on his dresser. Quickly wrapping yourself in it you went downstairs to see what´d happened. Joel was standing at the foot of the stairs, attention on the front door where you heard a voice….Oh, crap!
“What are you doing here, Ellie? I asked you to stay out tonight” you saw Joel pinch the bridge of his nose. Ellie stood at the front door when you slowly came into view. “I forgot something and…I really understand that you need some alone time with your date, Joel. But I live here too, you know. Why are you in your boxers?” she asked and wrinkled her nose. Then her attention snapped to you, clad in only a towel on the stairs. “Ellie-“ Joel began exasperated but it was already too late.
“No fucking way, dude!” Ellie pointed at the both of you. “You sly old horndog, you already boned, didn’t you? It´s not even that late!” She doubled over laughing while Joel gave you an apologetic look. “Did you even get to eat anything before he jumped your bones?” she asked, addressing you directly. You grinned at the teenager and descended the stairs until you were one step above Joel. Reaching out and wrapping your arms around his shoulder, your chin on his head you winked at her.
“Not yet, we were just fuelling up for round two. You better get what you forgot and skedaddle if you don’t want to hear him-“ “Oh hell, no!” Ellie covered her ears and made a beeline to her own room across the dining room. Joel turned in your arms and looked up at you lovingly. “Move in” he said earnestly. You laughed and kissed him. “She´s a teenage girl, Joel. You need to fight fire with fire.”
Ellie came out of her room, gave you another disgusted look and opened the front door. Before leaving though she turned around one more time. “You two better be decent when I get back tomorrow. And for the love of god, use protection.” With a very light smirk on her lips she turned and closed the door. You gave Joel another peck on the cheek. “So, how about that Chilli?” He grinned at you and nodded. “Get your sexy ass upstairs and into my bed. I´ll be there in a second.” Another kiss that left you dizzy, wet and yearning for more, he slapped your ass lightly and shushed you up the stairs, grinning after you with a light and happy feeling filling his chest
Thank you very much for reading. Please let me know what you think through a comment or reblog. Likes of course always make my day <3
Love you all and please be safe <3
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gf!tara x gf!fem!reader
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a.n.: this is my first ever fic, so please make sure to share your thoughts about it...
warnings: blood, mentions of past trauma, slight schizophrenia, murder, mentions of hot scenes, harsh language
English isn't my first language, but I did my best!
word count: 5.1k
Some people say it’s a miracle you are alive. Some say you are cursed, and a threat to the community. Some say that some unworldly power helped you get through your life until now. You agreed with the last one. Nobody in the world knew how you survived your childhood. Except for you.
When you were three years old, you were involved in a car crash, in which both of you parents were inpaled on a tree and died. After that, at the age of five, your godfather, was shot down by the police, because they thought he is going to shoot them first. Of course, you were in the back seat when this happened, and you only survived, because you ducked away from behind your new guard. The orphanage you’ve been put in, burnt down around you, when you were eight.
The „Voice”, you called it. The second part of you, which nobody knew of. The part of you, that you hid from everything and everyone. It was the saviour of you. It was the one, who told you to put your back against you fathers’ seat, before the car crashed, so you would survive the tree that pierced through the front window. It was the one, who told you to duck, just before the gun was fired. It was the one, who told you to hug the ground and crawl to the back door of the building, so you wouldn’t suffocate from the smoke, and so you wouldn’t be trapped inside the building, once the support beam that held the ceiling crashed down. It forced you out of situations, without letting you warn others of the danger. It felt like there was a psychopath on you, who was ready for mayhem and destruction.
And it was the one, who tried to influence all your actions. It spoke to you; it tempted you and it bothered you. Only when in danger, did you listen to it. It was full of envy and hatred. It didn’t want you to make friends or go to activities. It tried to manipulate you and cut you away from those, who you loved and or cared about you. Whenever you tried to talk to it, it was like it didn’t hear you, or just didn’t bother to answer neither your questions nor your accusations.
Other then it being a pain in the ass when it came to the public, it was actually very tolerable when you were home at your aunt’s place. It stayed silent, mostly ever talking when you were trying to choose a movie or a book to read. You’ve had similar tastes and quickly found that the favourite movie series for you both, were the Stab movies. The only place where you could speak to it was in front of the mirror. You’ve rarely done it because it felt weird to speak to your reflection, that didn’t even mimic you. Anyone who would come in would see nothing, except for you talking to your own reflection. After you’ve made this discovery, it was there EVERYWHERE. Any time you would go to the toilet, there it was looking back at you from the mirror with a horrific grin on your mouth. Every time you looked onto the water’s surface it was there, mocking you. You were terrified of it and thus, yourself.
Then, at the end of primary school, when you went home, you’ve had enough. From it. It has teased you with murder before, but now it was meaning it.
“Kill the bitch! Run your knife through her and see what her insides look like! I guess that would be a sight worth seeing!”
You ignored its words. You knew it wouldn’t hear you until you were face to face with it. You barged in the bathroom and unleashed your fury at it on the dirty mirror.
“Shut up!” you screamed.
“If she won’t be ours, she won’t be anybody’s!” it lashed out.
“You want to kill her because she said no to me?!” you asked in disbelief, shame running through you as you remembered back at what happened.
“Of course! Turn the canal’s water red with her blood!”
“I don’t want to hurt her! I won’t hurt anyone!”
“It would be so liberating!” your reflection was feral. The grin on your mouth was mixed with the terrifying sight of absolute madness in your eyes. You needed to convince yourself, that you weren’t seeing your own face. You were feeling the effect it had on you. You were losing control of yourself.
“Get out of my head!”
“I won’t go anywhere! I will help you slice that bitch up and then get on with everybody else, who has hurt you. Think of the kids that bullied you in the orphanage. Now picture their bodies…”
“SHUT UP!” you were yelling at this point. You didn’t care if the neighbours heard you. You wanted it out. It was getting to you. The images that it said, were flashing through your mind, and to say they weren’t nice would’ve been a lie. You gripped the corner of the sink so hard, your fingers hurt and turned white.
“It would fill the hole in your soul. Let go! It would make you whole!”
Your vision went black. You couldn’t see anything but it, with a huge grin on your own mouth. You couldn’t think straight. You wouldn’t give up either though. In a last, desperate attempt, you crashed the mirror with your bare hands as you screamed your lungs out. It hurt like hell. Blood was dripping down your hand. But at that moment, you felt victorious and at peace. When you looked at your reflection through the cracks, you saw yourself. A laugh escaped your lips, as you smiled at yourself. You touched your face, like it’s the first time you saw it. The blood you left on it was now running down your cheeks, but you didn’t mind. It was nowhere to be found. You finally got rid of it.
High school was calm and peaceful. From the moment you set foot in there, you were famous. Almost everybody knew your name, knew what shit you've been through. Most of the people left you alone, or tried to keep distance for the first half semester, like you were rotten meat. Except for a small group of people, whom you quickly became friends with.
After the school got used to your presence, the bullies started to present themselves. Not afraid of you anymore, they started picking on you, for even the smallest detail. To say that they made your time there miserable would be an understatement. You still finished your first year on a good note. Your aunt and you have become close and you finally had some friends with whom you would meet with during the summer.
The next year started off, as the last closed. At the first day the others already left because they got less hours than you. This was when the bullies showed up. Your impulsiveness led you to a fight with them. Two of their group ended up in the infirmary with bruises and stiches, and you in the principal's office, with a warning. When your aunt picked you up, she was angry but the moment you were in the car, her face lightened up and asked you all about the fight. At first you were confused, but then started to talk about what happened with more and more enthusiasm. She listened to every last detail you told her, with pride on her face.
"Next time, maybe don't hold back." She said with a wide grin.
"There won't be a next time, for a long time if I assume right." You answered.
At night, you all gathered at Tara's place. When they saw your black eye, and the stich on your cheek, their jaws dropped. Then, you were hit with a wave of questions on your well being, the state of the "other guy" and whom the fight happened with. You told the story all over again, with a bit more detail than you actually remembered. As you were talking Chad encouragingly patted your shoulders, and commented on your technique, like he was some kind of professional. Tara's face lit up when you got to the part where you got your scars. You didn't take it as something important until after the party, in your bed thinking about her. Realization hit you, that you like her. The way she moved around, the way she made everyone laugh and that she always was nice. Oh, you liked her very much.
That night, in your dream, it came back. You were standing in front of each other. It spoke to you, but you didn't listen. Even if you tried to take in what it was saying, you couldn't understand it. Then it took out Ghostfaces' mask from behind it's back, and placed it on its head. As it approached you, you froze down. Couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't talk. When it reached you, it tilted its head, and you woke up. You tried to calm down, as your thoughts were racing. It was back. Was it back? 'Please. Somebody save me' you thought.
The next weeks were normal. You haven't heard its voice, or felt its influence. As the days were passing, you shook it of like it was a nightmare, even though you were most certain, that it wasn't one.
Just as you thought, the bullies didn't come back for a long time. During the 'Time of Peace', as you called it you managed to get to know your friends more, especially Tara. It was like having a new family. You guys would always go to one's house to hold small get-togethers and parties. Everybody was nice and smooth, but your eyes were always set on her.
You two got together really well. You both liked horror movies, and would go on to watch them all together. Like yours, her favourite movie series was Stab too. One time around the end of the year, you managed to prank call her, and she quickly got into the game. You left your voice changer at home, so you tried your best at hiding your own voice, failing miserably. You sneaked in through the back door and got into her house. As she was heading into the kitchen, you jumped her. She did definitely not expect you to be in her house.
She gripped you tightly as she calmed down quickly. Her touch made you have goosebumps. You never saw her scared, and were proud of yourself. She looked cute.
"Fuck!" she breathed out finally. "Y/N!"
"At your service."
"What are you doing here?!"
"Well, the plan was to sneak in, scare your gorgeous ass. Then maybe, just maybe, watch something together" you admitted. "First half worked out pretty well if I dare say so myself."
"Okay than Mrs. jumpscare. Take your shoes off. I just finished cleaning. After that, we may discuss having movie night." She looked at you through her smile. After a second, she watched you curiously and raised an elbow. That’s when it hit you how close you were. She was still in your arms so you quickly let go and did as you were told. You were trying your best to hide your blush but the way she looked at you made it pretty clear, that it didn't work.
You settled down on her couch, patiently waiting for her to make the popcorn. When she got to the living room, you slowly pulled out an ancient dvd holder of your bag. You shot her a grin as you saw her mouth drop.
"No fuckin' way where did you get this?!" she shouted in excitement. She took the holder out of your hand and started analysing it. It was the original Stab movie's director's cut.
"Did a little digging in the attic." You shrugged.
"You're kidding me."
"Indeed I am. I needed to pay off the guy in the dvd renter so that he lets me to the backside of his place. I found this piece of art there."
She bit her lips in excitement as she looked at you, her beautiful eyes full of wonder. You nodded to her, so she would open it and place the dvd in the player. As it started playing, she sat beside you. Too close, for your body not to act up. You could only hope that the couch didn't vibrate from your heartbeat.
Even though you have already seen the scenes that were cut from the film on the internet, you eagerly waited for every one of them. When one would come up, you sat straighter. Yet, you couldn't pay attention to them because every time you sat up, Tara grabbed your hand, like she was afraid you would go away.
This made it impossible for you to look at the television. Your vision was filled with her, the way the lights reflected back from her beautiful eyes, the way her smile could melt any matter on the world and the way she looked up at you time to time. This was one of those moments. Your eyes met and you felt like you could gaze into hers for the rest of your life. Her eyes went to your lips, then back again. You did the same, whilst leaning just a tiny bit closer to her. She was the one to close the distance. You felt in heaven as your lips crashed together, the salty taste filling your every sense. Your eyes shut close as you pulled her into you. She was addicting, and would be the death of you. Somehow that idea just made her even more appealing. She separated herself from you, to take in a quick breath, then she was back onto you, her jaws biting your bottom lip ferociously.
She pulled away again, worry in her eyes from her own action. You already missed her presence on your lips. You chased after her kissing her the same way she did you. You sank onto her, grabbing her thighs as you pushed her down to the couch. You can't tell how much time you spent there, just making out. The only thing that stopped you was a sudden scream. You quickly looked up not really understanding where it came from. Her giggles made you realize, that it came from the movie. It was as if the outer world completely disappeared to you. The film was about to end, and the real stabbing began in it.
"Do you know how long you've kept me waiting for this?" you asked her, when your senses became clear again. You still couldn't believe what just happened.
"I actually do." she said with a smirk. "You aren't really good at hiding your feelings dear."
"Yes. I get that a lot."
She smiled at you, somehow being even more gorgeous than before, than snuggled up to your side, to finish the movie. You put a hand around her and played with her hair, as you finally calmed down. After the film, the two of you would have a long night ahead of you.
From that point, you two were always found together. She didn't want to hide you, which made you even more confident. Days, weeks and months passed but nothing made you feel as complete as her. Well, almost complete. You still didn't feel quite right, but you couldn't put your finger around it.
As your third year began, you both found some new activities for yourselves. You signed up for drum classes, and she to a new art group. You knew she loved to draw, and this only made her already good style into something that you could only describe as "high art". One day, you went to her place only to find it empty. As you killed time, you found one of her old sketchbooks. Your eyes widened, when you realized more than half of them were you. Wait, were you really that beautiful in her eyes? When she got home, you couldn't stop teasing her with it, as you also complimented her work.
"Stop it!"
"Only if you draw me right now, so that I can see how well my gorgeous can draw!" you said with a wide grin.
She blushed at the comment. With a bit more of your nagging, she finally gave in. As she drew you, she started speaking about her peers at the art group. She kept mentioning a boy named Kent, whom she really got close with. A hint of jealousy hit your stomach as you listened to her.
"He helped me improve my line work." She was always rambling about something when she was focusing. It's one of the things you loved about her. Whenever she was cooking, which she was also a goddess at, she would always talk about her day, or something that was on her mind. "He is also the best student of his class."
"Well, he sounds like a nerd."
Tara's hand stopped and her mouth dropped open a little. "Is someone jealous?"
"No…" you huffed out immediately.
"Riiiiiight." she teased and returned to drawing.
In minutes, you already hated this Kent. Tara rented about him for a few more minutes, only because she loved your reaction. You hated every minute of it. Anger coiling in you, eating you up from the inside. A really familiar feeling, but you couldn't quite remember when you've felt like this. Then it hit you. Just a moment later, it, also hit you.
"You know what to do…"
You froze down in shock. Terror showed on your face, and Tara immediately stopped, watching you worriedly. 'No, no, no, no… It can't… Why…' you felt like your mind stopped working. Everything felt cold and hot at the same time, your clothes too tight, you couldn't breathe. Tara stepped to you, saying something, but you couldn't hear it. Then she gripped your shoulders and shook you up a bit.
"Look at me!" she spoke, her words finally hitting your ear. "Y/N!" you obliged. "What's the matter? It was just a joke. Nothing serious…" she hugged you softly.
"N- No it wasn't that…"
"Then what was it?"
You couldn't tell her. You wanted to run away, to curl up in a corner and hide the world from yourself. Her eyes wouldn't let you. So you did the second best thing that came to your mind. You lied.
"La- lately I have started having panic attacks. They are tied to what happened with me in my childhood." 'Idiot!' you thought.
"Mhm, how can I help?"
"This does…" you said eyeing her closeness. She held you even tighter now, calming you down.
You don't know how long you've been standing in her arms, but after a while you slowly pulled away to kiss her. "How's the drawing going?"
She smiled at you. "Ready for you to judge babe." she said, taking her sketchbook from the couch, showing you the newly drawn masterpiece. You were truly amazed by it.
"I can't decide why it looks so good. Because it is about me, or because you were the one to draw it." you teased.
The next days were torture. It came back indefinitely. It overtook your image in your reflections once again. It spoke to you in the most inconvenient of times. It tried to influence you again. And it fuelled your hatred of Kent.
You always saw him around Tara, either you were, or weren't with her. He was like a little puppy, eagerly following her around. He definitely had a crush on her. This made you mad and insecure. It was like there was a knife, twisting in your stomach. The Voice only made it worse. Somehow it succeeded at making you not think of Kent as a human, but as a threat. As a predator, who was circling around something, that was yours. This made your nights restless and your days infuriating.
"We need to keep her safe." it spoke to you, as you were drying your hair.
"I need to keep her safe, yes. Stop using the royal we please."
"There is not one, without the other. I am a part of you and you can't even fuckin' deny it."
"I can, and I do. Can I dry my hair now?"
"I see your dreams as well as you do. I know you've been dreaming about it. Let us cut him up!"
You didn't answer him.
"Oh, it would be a site to see. The bloodied mess of his open stomach. I bet his screams would be just as beautiful as your dreams show. What sweet nightmare we can bring to life if we pay him a visit! Picture Tara! See as he touches her, as he holds her!" you couldn't cut the pictures out of your head. You were furious, full of hatred and jealousy. It took your thoughts over. No. You took your own thoughts over. "Now picture him dead."
That night you put on the mask. You didn't need to go far for it, as it was tucked away in your closet. The robes and the knife too. Originally you only wanted to buy a fake knife, but to your aunt's advice, you bought a real one. What a great decision that was.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your reflection didn't behave differently from you. You pulled the mask down, and smiled at yourself. It was you all along.
You started the engine of your aunts' car. She was away on a business trip, and left the car for your use at home. You couldn't be more thankful for her, that she thought you how to drive at summer. Kent was living at the other half of Woodsboro, and you didn't want unwilling eyes to see you.
You stopped two blocks away from his house. You put your mask on, and taped the voice changer to your neck. You got out of the car and quickly made your way to the backyard of his house. Light shined out of the building. Only one shutter wasn't pulled down, and it was on the second floor of the house. 'Fuckin' prick too. Oh this really will be fun!'
You pulled your phone out and rang the number of the houses' line phone. While still at home, you searched it out of the phone book, your aunt was still keeping at home. It rang for a while, before someone finally picked it up.
"Hello?" you heard his voice from the line, uncertain.
"Hello there Kent." you said, voice changer turned on.
"Who am I speaking to?"
You chuckled. "Soon, you'll discover. Tell me! Would you like to play a game?"
He didn't answer right away, as if he was talking to someone. Were his parents not out of town? "Well, I'm kind of in the middle of one, so I would say no…"
You looked in through a small gap at one of the shutters. "I think this game is more fun than Monopoly…" you said with a grin under your mask.
"How do you know what we're playing?"
"Don't you know not to ask this question?" oh, he was clueless. Sweet sweet ignorance.
Now, a familiar voice came to the phone. "Hello sweet prank caller! Could you please let my friend go now? He needs to step in my hotel!"
You recognized her. What was Tara doing here? Your mind went through the possible causes, then you remembered. She invited you too for game night, but you backed out of the offer. 'Fuck. Well, can't back off now can I?'
"No I cannot Tara Carpenter. I have some unfinished business with the gentleman."
You saw the shock that settled on her face through the gap. It didn't please you even in the least amount. Then she looked up at Kent and cut the line. Both of them are going to start searching for you know. The others already left. Mindy and Chad left with Liv, because she needed her private time with Chad, and Mindy didn't have a car of her own. Wes had a tight deadline to head home because of her mother. Amber called sick for the week. The only ones staying the longest were always you and Tara. You didn't know about Kents' friends, but you didn't see more people than two.
You climbed up at the eaves of the house to the window, where your only entrance lied. You opened it with your knife, and climbed in without a sound. You called again.
"So, I bet you are dying to hang on the line now!"
"You talked about a game… If I play, you leave us alone… Right?"
Obviously Tara wasn't near him. She would have given him such a smack, that his screams would've echoed up the stairs. Oh what wouldn't you give to hear that sound.
"Precisely! Now you are getting it. I ask, you answer. A wrong answer means five more stabs! Do I have your undivided attention?"
You heard his gulp through the phone. "Yes."
"What's your favourite scary movie?"
"There is no good answer to this!"
"Wrong… You are living in Woodsboro. There can only be one good answer. Stab. But since this would be an unfair game, I will give you some fair questions, so you have a chance." You played with your knife in hand, waiting for his response.
"Tell me Kent. What were you and Tara talking about when you took her hand, and drag her to class?"
"I think at this point you really should know better than to ask back boy."
Little pause. "We were talking about her girlfriend. I was saying she was too possessive of her and she started a fight with me.
"Very good! Two more questions to go." you said as you sneaked down the stairs. "I'm going to make this harder for you. Who is the man behind the mask in the original Stab?"
"Lemme think!"
"Tick tack Kent!" you said after ten seconds. "If you don't answer, Tara might be in trouble. And you wouldn't dare risk her pretty shirt getting all bloody would you now?
"If you dare touch her!"
"I would be more interested in your wellbeing at the moment, if I were you. Answer!"
"I- I don't know!"
"Wroooong again… You disappoint me young man. I know for a fact Tara has told you about this, since she tells everyone about them.  The right answer is Billy Loomis and Stu Macher." you were in the living room now, sanding not far and behind him. "Last question, and this better be right! Do you think, I could have made it into your house, through the window that was wide open on your second floor?"
His head shot back, fear in his eyes. It was more beautiful then you ever imagined. You theatrically hung up the phone, then waved at him with the knife.
"TARA RUN!" He yelled out, as he too, started to run towards the front door. You took your time chasing him. Before you called first, you barricaded the front door. Nobody could leave that way.
He was banging on the door terror in his eyes as you walked slowly closer. "What's your answer Kenty boy?"
"Fuck you!"
"I'm afraid that I can't take that as the right answer…" you said tsking, then you started running at him hand and knife raised. He tried to duck away, but you predicted it and ran your blade through his side. It felt so good! The warmth of his blood that soaked your hand, the scream of pain he let out. It was liberating. "One!" you shivered out, euphoria taking over your body.
You pulled the knife out of his stomach, then kicked him to the ground. He desperately tried to defend himself, failing miserably in it. As you climbed him, he hit your ribs, and tried to pull of your mask. Each attempt he made, you rewarded it with a stab. His blood spilled on your mask, bloodying it. You couldn't contain the laugh that escaped your mouth. You counted the stabs, making sure to reach the target. Blood spilled from his mouth as he writhed under you. Your own blood was pumping in your ear, making you numb. You almost didn't hear the scream that echoed through the house. Your head snapped back up, searching for its source. Even though you didn't want to believe it, you would have recognized that voice from anywhere. Tara was in trouble.
You stood up, kicking his now lifeless body in the process. Then marched your way to where you heard her. As you entered the kitchen, you froze down from confusion. Tara was on the ground, sticking a kitchen knife in someone's neck, whom you saw with Kent two times before. 'So there was a third wheel…' You watched as she took the life of the boy, only looking up at you after she was done, smile on her face. That bloodied smile made you melt. This was a completely new side of her, that you never saw before. The insanity in her eyes was burning, her perfect white teeth shown to you.
"What took you so long?" she asked still smiling, getting closer to you.
"What do you mean?" you asked back. Your voice changer didn't work anymore. Kent probably ruined it.
When she reached you, she took your mask of and kissed you immediately, all softness gone from her. She bit your tongue and pulled you into her smaller body. You were so turned on from her, and you knew she felt it.
"You mean, you wanted me to get to him?" you asked, as you pulled away for a moment.
"We both wanted you to get to him. Our first night together, remember? The Voice in you, overtook you, and made me feel better than ever." she said, as she started undressing you, pulling you upstairs. "Afterwards, we talked freely. You told me everything about your past, so I told you everything too. I told you, how I feel my anger build up until I can't control it. I told you about my first victim, and you devoured me for it! So in return, I decided to help free yourself." she took half a step back looking at you with wild, heart eyes. "I love you."
"I love you too." you said instantly. As her lips crashed on yours, you could only think about you being finally complete. Complete with her, complete with yourself. You picked her up, and carried her upstairs. You dropped her onto the bed, and climbed after her. You were finally free. She liberated you, and you would dedicate your whole life to showing her how grateful you were for that.
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Dirty Hot Pogue Pt. 4
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Warnings: public unprotected sex, cheating, fingering, insecurity, jealousy
Three days.
Three long agonizing days go by. I hide out at my parents beach house, unable to stop my pathetic tears or eating my feelings. He doesn’t have my number so he cant text me but I did manage to get his number. Every time I think I want to text him, I remember how he dismissed me to deal with Kiarra.
What did he tell her? Would she stay quiet? Did he see how she looked at him?
On top of everything else, my stupid boyfriend is blowing my phone up about Midsummers. He’s worried about his suit matching my dress. I have to get the right shade or it’ll clash. I’d rather show up in something totally opposite just to piss him and our parents off. I didn’t give a shit about coordinating outfits and pictures for the paper. Not anymore.
I needed to get JJ Maybank out of my head and out of my body. I wished I’d listened to him after the first time and called it off. Letting it just be a one time thing like he said. Now, we were in too deep. I missed him. I craved him. He was stand offish most of the time but he was sweet and charming. He genuinely cared even if it was too much. Even if it would fuck him over in the end.
I hated how torn up I was over a dirty hot Pogue.
My phone rings for the 13th time today and it’s not even two in the afternoon. I groan, answering it without even having to look at the caller ID.
“What, Bryce?” I bite out.
“Good morning to you, too.” Bryce snaps, the irritation clear in his tone.
“It’s two in the afternoon.” I retort, downing the rest of my coffee.
“Whatever. Have you picked up your dress yet?” Bryce asks, like I didn’t read and ignore his 37 texts messages.
“I figured. I made an appointment for you to pick it up at four today. So get ready and make yourself decent. You’ll need to get your nails done too.” I ground my teeth until I swore they’d shatter.
“I don’t need you to—.”
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re up to lately and I don’t care. This is Midsummers. We get through this and people will leave us alone until we go back to school. Just get your shit taken care of.” Bryce hangs up before I can comment. I slam my phone down on the island, fighting back angry tears.
Might as well get this shit done and over with. It’ll take me two hours to get ready anyway.
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I don’t stop the roll of my eyes when the shop owner brings out a pastel pink, high neck, floor length dress. No fucking way.
“You don’t like it? It’s the one Mr. Riley picked out for you.”
“No, I don’t like it. Please bring me anything you have that’s strapless and knee length, as far from that color as possible.” The shop owners eyes nearly bug out at my request but I don’t care. I snatch up a pair of six inch heels and find the dressing rooms at the back of the store. I strip, slipping on the heels in nothing but my thong when there’s a knock on the door.
“Just hang them up and I’ll get them.” I scoff. I wait a moment before opening the door and reaching for the hangers. I furrow my brows when I’m met with nothing and suddenly the door is pulled from my grasp and someone shoves their way inside, locking the door behind him.
“What are you doing?” I gasp, falling back on my ass on the bench. JJ’s eyes narrow, taking in my nearly naked appearance and heels. Whatever he was going to say seems to leave him as he starts to breathe harder, his eyes darkening with desire. I could feel the tension between us. My entire body reacted to his intense gaze. I loved more than anything knowing he couldn’t take his eyes off me no matter where we were.
“You cannot be here.” I hiss, carefully standing and concealing my chest by crossing my arms. His eyes narrow into slits, his jaw clenched like he’s angry.
“Big date?” JJ asks as his eyes lock on my ass in the mirror behind me. He bites his bottom lip as he brushes his hair out of his eyes, looking like he wants to take a bite.
“Midsummers.” I scowl, feeling the heat wash over my limbs. JJ doesn’t comment, just continues to stare at my body with hooded eyes so I push more.
“How’s Kiarra?” My jealousy reared it’s ugly head and my face burned bright red. I didn’t realize how pissed off I was until I had to face him again.
“Don’t worry about Kie.” His calm, dismissive tone only pisses me off further. He doesn’t even look me in the eye when he says it because he’s too busy looking at my pussy. My temper boils over.
“Get out. Get the fuck out. I never wa—.” My angry words are cut off by him wrapping his hand around my throat and yanking me against him, kissing me hard. I shove at his chest, ready to fight when he fists my hair, pinning me against the wall as his tongue dives in my mouth. I kiss him back just as hard and feverishly, biting at his lips while pushing at his firm chest. I knew as soon as he got his hands on me, I’d turn to putty.
He hikes my leg up on the bench, his fingers tugging the strap of my thong to the side and spreading my lips.
“Stop. Not here.” I whimper, terrified of getting caught with him here. My life would be over but my vagina didn’t care as he expertly strokes my clit, smearing my arousal.
“Then you better cum fast.” JJ growls against my lips, his fingers entering me hard. I gasp, fisting his shirt as pleasure erupts all over my body. He presses his lips to mine to silence my moan, just as there’s a knock at the door letting me know my dresses are ready. My body arches off the wall as he curls his fingers.
“Please.” I don’t know what I’m begging for. For more? For him to stop?
“You ghosted me for three days.” JJ growls, adding a third finger and stretching my pussy painfully wide.
“You have no right to be jealous of Kiarra when you’re shopping for Midsummers to go with your fucking boyfriend.” He strokes my G-spot, my legs threatening to give out as my entire body trembles.
“M-my boyfriend doesn’t look at me the way Kiarra looks at you.” I bite out. His brows furrow, eyes narrowing as he jerks his hand harder. I cum with a sob, dripping from his hand and down my thighs as it wrecks me completely.
“Did you ever stop to think about how I look at you?” JJ whispers, his expression softening just a little as he removes his hands. His eyes become hooded and there’s a pink hue to his cheeks as he pants. My heart swells as I stare back at him, sliding my hands up to grab the back of his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. My insecurity and jealousy seems to melt away as he devours my lips with more intensity. I suck his tongue into my mouth and he snarls, grabbing my ass and grinding his cock against my belly.
“There’s only you.” JJ murmurs, setting off more butterflies inside me.
I wanted him now more than anything. I needed him inside me like I needed my next breath. I quickly slide my hands down, tearing at the button on his shorts and he smiles.
“Fuck me, please. Fuck me hard.” I pant, shoving his shorts and boxers down his thighs then wrapping my hand around his length.
“You wouldn’t be able to be quiet with how hard I want to fuck you. You drive me fucking crazy.” He spins me, pressing my front to the wall and turning my head to watch us in the mirror. I watched as he guided his bare cock to my entrance, bending his knees just slightly before thrusting upwards inside me. I bite back a moan, my eyes fluttering closed from the delicious full feeling.
“Don’t ever leave my body.” JJ growls, thrusting inside me slow and hard. His hand finds my throat and I completely relax against him, panting against the wall as I watch the pleasure wash over his face.
“I thought you didn’t want this.” I rasp, reaching backwards and clinging to his thigh. I wanted all of him against me. I wanted to feel him sweat. I’d scream and beg except I’d almost forgotten where we were.
“I changed my mind.” His lips find my neck and I clench around him, as it drove me crazy to watch him fuck me in the mirror. To see the way he responded to me. I did that. I drove him crazy. I made him hot and wild and feral with need. Kiarra didn’t do that. I did that.
“Do you want me to pull out?” He whispers into my ear, giving me chills and making me moan softly.
“No.” I murmur, my body on the brink of another explosive orgasm. JJ grunts into my hair, his hand tightening around my throat as we reach our peaks.
“God, I love these heels on you.” His hips snap forward harder and harder until I can’t breathe as the wave takes me under and he’s moaning into my ear as he paints my insides. Our bodies tremble against each other as my pussy milks him dry. We stay like that for what feels like hours although it’s probably only minutes.
His kisses turn sweeter, his hands caressing every part of my skin he can. I’m almost ready to go again when there’s another knock on the door.
“Y/N? Are you in there?” I gasp, pushing away from JJ at the sound of Bryce on the other side of the door.
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
Be My Little Darling - Chapter 11
Chapter 10 Chapter 12
Pairing: Loki x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. ANGST. Dirty talk, mentions of grief and violence. Soft Loki, Jealous Loki
Summary: Loki is the exclusive owner of the hottest club in New Asgard. Dubbed the Nine Realms, each of the nine rooms represent a different realm. You are his second in command, working the floors and ensuring everyone is having fun. It has been a week since the dust up with Loki and you are not sure how much more you can take.
Word Count: 3,939k
A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long! My family are my opps. I will try to update this a little quicker, I'm excited to see where these two go. A little something something before we get into the nitty gritty. Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I block ageless blogs!
Taglist: @cantstayawaycani @braverthanthenewworld @monaeesstuff @chaos-4baby @dayjlovesromance @soft-persephone @mybonafidefeelings @nerdieforpedro @browngirldominion @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide@foxherder @itzgabz22
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“I hate it when Mom and Dad fight,” Sweetie muttered, just loud enough for your benefit. You ignored her just as you ignored the rest of the staff all week. They weren’t stupid, they could pick up on the tension between you and Loki. 
You weren’t ignoring him, not completely. He’d throw too big of a temper tantrum. But he was also unwilling to talk about what happened when you saw Thor. You just wanted him to budge, even a little.
He had forced you to confront things you hadn’t been ready to. Forced to draw out those deep grooves in your heart and put them up to a mirror in all its ugly glory. You cried in front of him. Bared your soul and body to him in a way you never had before. And what did he do? Completely shut you out.
You couldn’t survive in half a relationship. So sue you. You weren’t a half measure type of person. You loved and hated in absolutes. You didn’t know how to give up. It was why you were still looking for your family five years later with all evidence pointing to the inevitable truth: Thanos snapped them away.
Your heart cracked thinking of such a thing. That they were just…gone. There was no body to bury, no tomb to mourn. You couldn’t accept it yet. You couldn’t look your siblings in the eyes and tell them that there was no hope left to give.
So no. You weren’t giving up on Loki and you didn’t care how old he was, how powerful, or how much he considered himself a god. He would have to use his big boy words. 
“Sweetie, I’m expecting a visitor today. Please make sure to notify me,” you said. It wasn’t her job, but you smiled at her so that she got the message. 
“Do we need to Parent Trap them?” Honey asked, not bothering to be subtle. She sat with her usual suspects hunched over cups of coffee, bottles of water or juice, and random pastries. 
You grabbed your coffee, unable to fight the smile at the reference. Movies were something you all enjoyed once coming to Earth. As far as being stranded, it wasn’t that bad of a place to be. You all have torn through plenty of movies so far, Parent Trap being among the favorites. You were still shocked that the little girl wasn’t a real life twin. 
You walked over to the table while the group looked at you expectantly. Some leaned forward as if you were going to share something juicy. Others looked almost genuinely worried for you. You hated the pity. You didn’t owe them an explanation. 
“The saboteur has been too quiet lately, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled. This person likes to watch the chaos from the front seat,” you said. You smiled when they groaned and leaned back. 
“Princesa, please! We cannot live like this!” Honey said, her face scrunching up comically into a heartbroken frown. 
“You make it sound like we’re in Hel,” you said and chuckled. 
“He’s miserable without you,” Sugar said. 
You took a sip of coffee to stop yourself from going on a rant. You were their boss, not their friend. Though, some dark pleasure rippled through you at the thought of him suffering. You hoped your scent still lingered in his bed. The gods knew that you tossed and turned in your bed thinking of him between your legs.
And…that was enough of that thinking. You took a deep breath. “Loki is a god, as he likes to remind us. He’s fine,” you said.
They didn’t believe you. You didn’t give a shit. You had more pressing matters to worry about. Like supply requests and restock. A prickling awareness settled over you and you straightened up. 
Eyes snapped towards the door. This was all so dreadfully dramatic. You turned towards the door and saw Loki looking as delicious as ever. He couldn’t be that miserable and still look that damn good. It was unfair. His hair should be messy, clothes unkempt. Something. 
Your eyes skittered over his before you looked away. It still hurt too much that he didn’t trust you with the truth. And you weren’t the begging type. So you walked over to him. “Loki,” you said with a nod.
“Is it me or is it fucking icy right now?” You heard somewhere behind you.
“Mom and Dad need to figure it the fuck out,” you heard as well. 
“Darling, good morning,” he said. He stood and stared at you, making it hard for you to deny that there was anything amiss. He also blocked the damn door. 
“Morning,” you said, nodding towards the door. Loki dug his hands in his pockets. You glared at him but his face didn’t change. Nothing about him did. Your hand was beginning to shake. You longed to run your hands through his hair, pull him to you, and demand kisses and smiles. 
The staff was right, this was icy. Nothing like the heat and passion he was capable of. You moved to walk past him and he cut you off.
“We have to talk about the VIP list tonight,” he said. There. A wince. A crack. A glimpse into that stormy brain of his. 
“Well in hand, Loki,” you said. You smiled, turned around and bowed for the audience. “And scene. Back to work, you bunch of lazies,” you said. The tension in the room melted a fraction before you shoved past Loki and out into the hallway.
Loki trailed behind you. He made no sound but you were attuned to him like never before. You were always aware of him before. How he moved, how he talked, that smile that never failed to trick and tease. But it was amplified now. As if invisible strings connected the both of you. 
“Darling, stop,” Loki said. You took a deep breath at his deep timbre. That voice. Hell, let’s be honest. Everything about him drove you crazy. And you had resisted for five long, beautiful, torturous years. It was hard to quit cold turkey. 
Still you marched down the hallways towards your office. You weren’t going to make a scene here. 
Loki’s strong fingers wrapped around your arms, pulling you to a halt. You swung your arms wide, careful to avoid any slippage of your coffee. You growled, facing Loki finally. 
“You’re such a child,” you hissed. 
“You’re the one ignoring me like one,” he said. 
“I’m not ignoring you, I’m busy. Work, remember? The thing you hired me for?” You asked.
“Fine, then you’re fired,” he said.
You giggled. You immediately shut up because it wasn’t funny, not at all. You drank your coffee to hopefully scald your throat and prevent you from letting any more giggles escape. You weren’t done being angry. 
“You won’t even look at me anymore,” he whispered. His hand left your arm and he brought it to your face. He stopped before touching you and you finally looked into his eyes. The sight nearly robbed you of breath.
Away from prying eyes, he let you see the raw pain. The whites of his eyes were wide, mouth straining, jaw clenching. 
“Ready to talk about why you blew up at me?” You asked. 
“I already said–” 
“I have things to do, Loki,” you said. You turned on your heel. Turned away from that look in his eyes. If you stared too long, you’d cave. And you didn’t want to. You did the work and now he had to as well. 
Loki didn’t leave it there. He followed you to your office where he waited for you to settle behind your desk. He leaned into the doorframe, watching your every move. You moved a pen here, opened a folder there. But there was no way you were getting work done while he was here. His presence made your brain foggy and hands shake. 
Finally, the mounting pressure got to you. You slammed your hands on the desk and looked at him. “Why are you still here?” You asked.
He crossed his arms and took a deep breath. “I don’t like that you’re mad at me. Not when we’ve come so far,” he said. 
You leveled him with a stare. “This is on you. You love to talk but won’t talk about this. With me,” you said. 
“That’s not it,” he said with a scowl. 
“If you won’t talk, I don’t know what to think,” you said.
His jaw flexed more as he spoke. You’d give anything to know what he was thinking, what he was running through his mind. 
“Believe it or not, I have a hard time admitting faults,” he said, chuckling to cover what he said. 
“So you can stick your dick in my mouth but can’t tell me what’s on your mind?” You asked.
“Don’t be so crass,” he said. 
You’d have to be the bigger person here. Which you hated. But you took a deep breath and looked skyward, praying to the gods and ancestors in Valhalla for strength. “I told you no more running. I meant it. But as much as you say otherwise, I need this to be as equal as possible. You cannot demand everything from me and give none of yourself,” you said. 
“People are entitled to lick some wounds in private,” he said. 
“I’m not asking for every detail of your sordid history. I just want to know why you blew up at me. I only asked about why you didn’t want to speak to Thor,” you said.
Loki finally looked away from you, drawing his eyes downward. He frowned as he picked at an invisible lint on his jacket. “I can’t,” he said, with a sniff. He looked back at you briefly. 
You slowly nodded. “At an impasse, then. Get out, Loki,” you said. Your voice sounded tired to your own ears. You were weary, downtrodden. Maybe it was unfair to demand so much from him, something he clearly didn’t want to talk about. 
You had enough on your plate without worrying about Loki and his moods. You had decided over the course of the week that it hadn’t been a mistake sleeping with him. You had known bliss in his arms and that couldn’t really be a mistake. It just likely wasn’t going to happen again anytime soon. Not while he held on to whatever the fuck was preventing him from speaking. 
Never one to listen, Loki approached your desk. He leaned over it, planting his hands on it and leaning further still. His hair dropped forward like a curtain pulling open for a dramatic scene. His face could technically qualify as a dramatic scene. So many lines and planes, mouth made for sin and eyes dancing with mischief. 
“Darling, please. I–” he paused and just looked at you. His eyes moved, taking in your face. You didn’t know how you looked to him. Just another angry and bitter lover? A messy subordinate with a mouth that gave as good as it got? A once irreparably damaged Asgardian without a clue in the world? 
“I don’t like this between us. I finally got you in my arms, in my bed. I finally got a peek inside and it feels like you’ve closed the doors forever,” he said. 
“You’re the one unwilling to walk through it,” you said, softly. 
“And have you told me everything then? Every dark and horrible secret in your past? Like where you run off to every few months, disappearing at the drop of a hat? Every scar on your skin?” 
Your heart roared in your chest. It beat wildly, thumping against your rib cage. “You should know that I’ve shared far more than I ever cared to with you,” you said. You thought back to the day in his office when you finally let yourself feel. 
For the first time in a long time, you stopped disassociating. Stopped trying to hold it all in. You stopped trying to take flight while your feet were planted on the ground. And he helped you. 
“If you want to know where I disappear off to, I’ll tell you. It’s no secret. But only if I get to demand something too. Only if you let me in,” you said. 
“Ask me for anything else,” he whispered. His voice was so soft, softer than a raven’s wing. He rounded the desk and moved to stand in front of you. He got to his knees and looked at you. He was still damn tall, practically eye level with you. 
He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. “Ask me for anything else and I’ll give it. But not that,” he said. 
He kept his eyes on your hand, his lips resting softly against it. You brought your other hand to push his hair behind his ear. “That is my price, Loki.” 
He loosed a breath while your phone rang. The damn thing was still foreign, even after five years. You answered it. The front desk host let you know that your visitor was here. 
You pushed your chair back away from Loki and moved around him. He said nothing and made no noise while you left the room. Your heart felt like a rock in your chest. Each step you took from him felt like lead in your shoes. 
Still, you marched on. You walked to the front and greeted the Asgardian tracker you hired. He was impossibly tall, taller than Loki even. With smooth bronzed skin, short hair, but a host of tattoos criss crossing his bare arms. You didn’t know how he wasn’t freezing in this type of climate, but well, you weren’t going to complain. 
“Erik!” You said, wide grin splitting your face and you hugged him. 
He turned when he saw you, grinning. His smile was so heartbreaking. Why couldn’t you be head over heels for someone like him? He held on a second too long, having last seen him months ago. 
You grew up with Erik in your village on Asgard, running through the streets and getting into all kinds of trouble together. You had entertained something between you many, many years ago, but it was clear that you were better off as friends. You had already given your heart away a long time ago. 
You sat on a lounge chair in the front and tried to temper your expectations. But hope was a cruel thing. It cropped up, over and over no matter how many times you tried to squash and burn it within you. Erik settled next to you, but he wasn’t smiling. 
“No word yet on your family. The universe is very large,” he said. 
You nodded. You figured as much. You tried to hold it together, but throwing that door open within you opened yourself to it all. You felt the tears but you weren’t completely transformed. You blinked them away and squared your shoulders.
“I have people on it though. They’re out there,” he said. 
You shook your head. “They’re not.” You took a shuddering breath at that realization. Five years was too long to keep searching for people that clearly weren’t here, wasn’t it? The fall of Asgard had to have spread by now. For half of life to be eradicated, even people who had never heard of Thanos likely knew his name now. 
If not, well, they knew that those people were gone. Vanished from their lives. Turned to dust and never to be seen again. If Thor was here, all hope was truly lost. The Avengers he so affectionately ran with over the years had gone all but silent. If they were hopeless… 
“Perhaps it’s time to involve Heimdall,” Erik said.
You shushed him. You didn’t need that man turning his gaze on you. He was so eerie, seeming to know so many things. His eyes, like galaxies, were far wiser than your age. 
“I can’t. I can’t just walk up to him and ask. Maybe it’s time to call it,” you said. You didn’t want to say it. That same crack in your chest split wide open at the thought of stopping your search.
Erik grabbed your hand. “Hey, I’m not giving up,” he said. 
You patted his hand. “I’ve taken enough of your time. You have more important people to track down,” you said. Your voice warbled. You hated this. This was why you kept this shit locked away and buried at sea. 
“No one is more important than your family. They’re my family too,” he said. He scooted closer to you and drew you into his arms. You greedily took the comfort. He was always so warm and solid, giving the best hugs you’d ever known. 
“My, Darling, who’s your friend?” Loki’s voice cut into what had been a sweet and peaceful moment. 
You cracked one eye open, trying to disengage from Erik. But he was slower to let you go. He hadn’t missed the deadly tone of Loki’s voice. Where the hell did he come from anyway? 
Erik stiffened, turning fully around to face the larger threat. Loki had a devilish smile on his face, but his eyes were seething. 
“Loki, this is Erik,” you said. Before you could explain further, Erik stood up and blocked your view of Loki for a moment. Erik held out his hand and Loki shook it, keeping that smile on his face.
“Erik, haven’t seen you around,” Loki said. His eyes slid towards you and you inwardly groaned. 
“Erik has–” 
“I pop in every few months to check in on her,” Erik said. 
“Every few months? Really?” Loki smiled at you. Shit, shit. 
“Any friend of Darling’s a friend of mine,” Loki said. 
You narrowed your eyes at Loki. You didn’t know what game he was playing but you weren’t in the mood. “Erik has been looking into something for me. Right, Erik?” You stood up and nudged his shoulder to agree with you. His eyes were still trained on Loki. What was this, a fucking pissing match? 
“I was just telling Darling that I’d like to meet more of her friends. We see so little of them,” Loki said. He sauntered around Erik, putting his arm around you. “I like to make sure she’s happy. Always.”
Your eyes bugged out of your head. Erik took in Loki’s arm around you and lifted an eyebrow. “Keeping secrets, are we?” Erik asked. He crossed his arms and stared at you, putting you on the spot.
You licked your lips slowly, trying to describe what you and Loki were to each other. Boyfriend? Boss? Occasional sadistic charmer? 
Loki hugged you close and you looked at him. He smiled at you, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Didn’t tell him about me? I’m a little hurt,” Loki said. Still with that damn smile. You were starting to panic. You might’ve been a little afraid of what he’d do. 
Loki moved his right hand to lift up your chin and plant a small, but sultry kiss to your lips. You gasped and he drank it down with a low hum. “Always so private,” he said against your lips.
You were going to murder him. Your hands itched with magic dancing between your fingertips. A dagger? A sword? You were going to cut him down where he stood. 
“Erik, he’s–” 
“Loki, of Asgard, everyone knows,” Erik said. He raised his eyebrow at you but you didn’t know what he was trying to communicate. 
“Will you two shut the fuck up?!” You yelled. You drew the attention of some patrons who cast little glances towards you. The host stood in the corner with a few staff members, Honey among them, as they stared at all three of you. They saw the kiss. Your shoulders deflated. There went the little bit of respect you had around here. 
“Erik is a childhood friend who has been looking for my family. They went on a trip when the Snap happened so I don’t know if they’re out there, looking for us, or if they’re gone,” your breath hitched on the word ‘gone’ but you persisted. “Loki is…Loki. We’re figuring it out. Now, say hi to Denby for me,” you said, looking at Erik who slowly smiled. 
You shoved off Loki’s arm around you. “As always, you’ve gotten what you wanted and made out like a thief,” you tossed at him. 
“You’re no better than he is,” you told Erik.
You stormed off. Leaving everyone in the dust. An ache thumped in your head. You needed away. Away from here with all of its bullshit. 
“Darling!” Loki called after you. This time, you heard his steps behind you, heard him walking down the hall. You ignored him. Your fists clenched and unclenched. Your teeth grated. You were fuming with nowhere to direct the anger.
Loki caught up to you outside of your office once more. You pushed him when he was in arm’s reach. “What the fuck was that?!” You yelled. 
You were in the back, well away from any patrons. The hallways had music playing, soft muzak that kept up the hazy and alluring vibe of the club. Each room played its own music so there was no danger of being overhead. Except the staff. You imagined the rumors flying like wildfire, distracting the staff and performers. You were going to be sick. 
“A miscalculation,” he said. 
“What?” You said. He swooped in and waved his stake in the air like you were some prize he won over a miscalculation? 
“I didn’t know about your family–” 
“You would have. I would have told you. As always, you want and you want and you-”
“I have always maintained that I want you because you’re mine,” Loki said. All sense of propriety was gone. Extra eyes be damned. He advanced on you and pushed you against the wall. 
“Completely mine. Mine to do with as I please,” he said. His lips traveled from your temple down to your neck, bypassing your lips. Your body instantly reacted. Craved him. Craved another hit of what he could bring you. 
You grabbed his jacket and turned around, pushing him against the wall. He grinned as if he won. As if you would give in and forget all about your ultimatum. You licked the long expanse of his neck and his breath fanned over your skin. 
You pulled back and smiled at him. He grinned back, hanging his head and looking up at you through his pretty eyelashes. Then you slapped the smirk right off of his face. He licked his lips as if he meant to taste the sting. You raised your arm again and he caught your wrist.
“Darling, not in mixed company,” he said. He gave you a wink. “Save it for later.” 
“You are the most arrogant, infuriating, child-like, obnoxious–”
“Do keep going,” he interrupted.
“Confusing man I’ve ever met! You irritate the fuck out of me! You…bastard,” you said. 
“I don’t know how else to be,” he said.
You yanked your wrist out of his hand. You were breathing too heavy. You couldn’t get enough air in your lungs. You wanted to smack him. You wanted to curse him. You wanted to toss him into hot lava and see if he’d melt. You wanted to kiss his stupid face. 
“We promised no lies between us. And if you can’t give me that Loki, you can’t have me.” 
He opened his mouth to say something, all hints of playfulness gone. But then the lights went out and the screaming started.
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Masterlist | Chapter 10 | Chapter 12
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Okay okay request tiem!! So like, first of all, hope you're doing well fjkebd-- second of all, how would vil, jamil and idia react to a mc in the self aware au (already in their universe) drawing and or painting them, telling the constant compliment over how pretty or nice they are to draw, doodle them in their notebooks when taking notes and so on.
Idk it's like a thing I do with my friends, so I wanna know what they'd do n all, fbnebd thank u!! <3<3<3<3<3
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsebility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, stalking, obsession, unhealthy relationship, manipulation, isolation
Jamil Viper/Vil Schoenheit/Idia Shroud-Player draws and constantly tells them compliments
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Ok, so we are throwing away our independance today (not something I would recommend but you do you)
Jamil is used to stand in the shadow of Kalim, heck, even his own parents thought that the future sultan was more important than their son
When you were suddenly standing in front of him he was already shoked enough, almost dropping the tray filled with food for his employer
Let us just say that Scarabia is in constant danger of going up in flames after that
Oh why? Well he just, more or less, quit without handing in the piece of paper that usually says “Mhm sorry bro but I’m leaving. The pay was never good tbh”
Yes, he is still employed but the person he is serving in truth is you, leaving Kalim alone with the stove
And since most of the people reading this probably don’t have a butler we are of course impressed by his skills
No wonder Al-Asim can’t do stuff on his own, Jamil is spoiling you into dependance!
So what do you do when you are impressed? You compliment whoever had that affect on you
That is already bad enough in itself but now you are also drawing him? Doodeling him into your notebooks? (He defenitely checks them)
Did you want him to be your 24/7 caretaker who takes your freedom away or what?
Somehow it is possible that those actions are making him even more focused on taking care of you
Has defenitely taken one of the paintings and hid it just for him to see
But please lay the mop down. He is here to take care of the dorm and you just need to live a comfortable life
What do you mean he does everything? Just rely on him and don’t meet with others, they just get your clothes dirty and make scratches in the freshly waxed floor boards
Also, isn’t he here? Why would you need anyone else? Uh… sorry there is something in his eyes. Could you take a look?
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Vil is pretty used to compliments and also has defenitley gotten fanart before
But if it’s you? The hecking Mona Lisa in his eyes
So how did he get close enough to you to recieve such things?
Two words, one meaning: overall care
Like this man is polishing you like his life depends on it
It’s already bad enough that you are living in that dirty place but you can’t even afford simple self care! (We ignore for now that his defenition of “simple” is worth the rent of an ordinary person)
But the man wants- no, is determined to scrub the dust of the ruin away and uncover the shining diamond under all that filth
And since we all are bound by social beauty standarts (and don’t want skin deseases connected to dirt) we are (most likely) very thankful for his hard work
So one day he came into your room, a bottle of hand lotion in his perfectly manicured clutches, and ran straight into your mirror
Oh you are curious why? Well you just threw a compliment and “thanks” at his head
But it’s probably you more freaked out because whilst he did get a scratch on his face he didn’t even care
Once you start do NOT stop!
If you do he will think that you have found someone else whom you consider better company
And remember that huge green house they have? There is probably something in there capable to make you… uh… “stay close to him”
Also, those third years you have asked for the way to your next classroom have been found “with their red paint outside their bodies” and their hearts missing, suspicious arrows sticking out of them
But what did you expect? The Fairest Queen was also pretty possessive of her status as the “most beautiful” and what is there to stop him in following her footsteps? Just maybe not with beauty…
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So either you wanted to roast marmellows in a very extreme way or you wanted to burn the whole building down
But here he is, probably already having reached the melting point of stone and still staring at you
Are you seriously suprised? This is Idia we are talking about
You are a God to Idia, a flawed one but still higher than even Hades… that guy is literally death
And he also thinks that he is very unattractive so you might as well tell Lilia to leave his iron sticks away unless he wants to rshape them
How are you still alive standing in thnis heat??!
It is already hard enough to just get in contact with him but somehow you did
Idia is not used to get paintings drawn of him and only Ortho would be able to convince him to get a picture done of him
But now here you are, telling him that you admire his skills with electronics
I hope you brought your marmellows because I forgot mine at home
When he was just creepely looking at you from time to time then say goodbye to privacy after this
You see, strays also come back to you if you fed them once and Idia is just as starved for attention as a stray is for food
But what exactly is he supposed to do? Well…
You remember that phone Crowley gave us over the winter holidays? He never took that one back
Even though Idia knows he shouldn’t do this and feels bad he just can’t stop
Stop looking at you, stop watchig you, stop craving the warmth you gave him on that fatefull day
621 notes · View notes
wayward-dreamer · 11 months
Far From Innocent - Part 3
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Reader
Word count: 6,207
Summary: Y/N's life is quite simple. She's engaged to be married in a few months, she has the easiest job at Vought American, and she stays out of the drama or away from rumors she's heard around the office. An encounter with Soldier Boy, Vought's most respected hero, quickly changes all of that and she soon realizes that there's more to life than what she's settled for. (Set in the 50s)
Warnings: Swearing, degrading language, typical 1950s misogyny, cheating, drinking, smoking, drug use, smut: dirty talk, oral sex (male receiving), deepthroating, face fucking, hair pulling, spanking, choking, use of 'slut' and 'whore', unprotected sex (SB pulls out), just a whole lotta smut, okay? lol
A/N: I'm so glad y'all are enjoying this. Just one more part after this one. Happy reading and enjoy! beta'd by my darling @hintsofhoney
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The next night came around a lot quicker than Y/N had wanted it to.
She spent the day completely distracted at work, everything she needed to do taking twice as long because couldn't’ keep her mind off the fact that America’s golden boy had given her an impossible offer to accept. She told herself she couldn’t do it continuously, throughout the day, and even when she got home. Yes, she was angry with Jim and wanted to confront him, but she wasn’t about to do the same thing in return. She had ignored him all day, having lunch on her own and taking a cab back home at the end of the shift.
The weekend had arrived, and she had to be up early the next day, having already planned dress shopping with her mom. It was yet another reason she couldn’t go running off to the Vought building for the night.
As she sat in bed, book in hand but not retaining any of it, she bit her lip as she looked at the time. It was 8:15pm, and there was still plenty of time to give in and meet Soldier Boy. Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to her book. It was ridiculous. She was better than this.
But maybe she wasn’t. Maybe she was allowed to have one secret for herself. Jim probably had several if yesterday was any indication. Soldier Boy said he knew what she needed.
She knew what she needed, and she wasn’t going to find it with Jim no matter how hard she tried.
Throwing back the covers, she got out of bed and walked over to her closet. She stripped out of her nightie and put on her black, strapless bra and panties, putting them on before she slipped on a black girdle with suspenders. She sat back on her bed, rolling the sheer stockings onto each leg, clicking the suspenders on before she stood up, taking out her favorite black dress. The flowing material was perfect for the summer, the draped neckline turning into a sash at the back of the left shoulder. She stepped into it quickly, looking back in the mirror to make sure she zipped it up properly. She checked her hair, her curls still intact which was thankful for before she applied make-up to her face again. She used her best eyeliner and mascara, completing the look with a dark red lip.
She took out her black purse, ditching the gloves for the night but the sight of the ring on her finger had her stop her frenzy to get ready. The diamond sparkled brightly, reminding her of the commitment she had made by saying yes, but a little voice in the back of her mind also reminded her of what she had seen yesterday. She may not have had the full picture, but it was easy to figure out.
She pulled the ring off and left it on her nightstand, slipping her feet into black heels just as she picked up her purse. Filling it with her necessities, she took one last look in the mirror, a smirk on her face as she flicked the sash around. She made her way out of her room, turned off the light and hurried down the stairs.
With a yell to her parents that she was meeting Jim, she picked up the keys and rushed out the door.
Hailing a cab rather quickly, she gave the driver the address of Vought American, her heart thumping hard against her ribcage as he drove down the busy New York streets. She looked down at her wrist, cursing that she forgot her watch back at home.
“Excuse me, sir, could you tell me what time it is?” she asked, politely.
“8:45, miss,” he replied, glancing at his own watch and looking up at her through the rear-view mirror.
“Thank you.” She sat back against the seat, closing her eyes as she breathed deeply, trying to calm herself down.
Fifteen minutes later, she was staring up at the building as the driver stopped at the curb, willing herself to tell him to turn around and drive her back home. She had come this far, though, and she was going to follow through. Paying the driver, she stepped out of the cab and slammed the door, walking towards the entrance. She kept her head down as she made her way to the elevators, hoping no one recognized her and asked what she was doing there so late. She managed to reach the 40th floor without anyone noticing, and she took a quick glance around as she stepped out of the lift.
Her heart continued to race with every click of her heels against the marble. She walked past her desk along with the secretaries’, turning down the hallway to the heroes’ penthouses. She gulped as she moved past the doors of the other superheroes, hoping that one of them wouldn’t walk out and see her. Not that many of them would care if she was there, but she didn’t need them saying anything to someone else. She finally reached Soldier Boy’s apartment, exhaling as she knocked on the door. A wave of déjà vu came over her as she turned the knob to find it open, but she prayed it wouldn’t be like last time.
She walked in to hear soft jazz playing, a smile spreading across her face at the familiar tune. She looked around the large room, wondering where the man who invited her here was.
“I knew you’d show up,” his voice came from the other side of the room.
Y/N turned, where she found him standing behind the bar, fixing himself a drink. She saw the way his locks fell in front of his eyes, the gathered collar of his suit open and the zip underneath pulled down to expose his clavicle, giving him a much more relaxed look than he usually had. He walked around the bar and over to her, a tumbler in each hand as he stood a few inches from her.
“We never did get to finish that drink together,” he said, handing her a glass.
One side of her mouth pulled up as she took it from him, letting out a shaky breath. “Thank you.”
“Fuck, you really are cute,” he chuckled, the timbre deep and husky as his finger tucked under her chin, lifting her face up. “But you’re a lot more than that too, ain’t ya?”
This was a last chance for her to change her mind if she really wanted to. She could put the glass down and walk out, go back home and forget this ever happened, maybe even find a job somewhere else. Or she could embrace all the sinful thoughts she had since that day he had well and truly opened her eyes to the possibility of more; of better.
“I guess you’ll find out soon,” she remarked, lifting her glass.
He smirked, clinking his tumbler against hers. He took a sip of the amber liquid as he marched over to the leather sofa, taking a seat as he placed the glass on the table. A dark green box sat on the table, with the initials “SB” engraved in gold letters on top, which he pulled closer to himself.
“You want anything else with that drink?” he asked, opening the box and turning it towards her.
She sauntered over to him and peered into the box, feeling nervous all over again. She wasn’t so naïve that she didn’t know what any of it was. There were small amounts, but he probably had every kind of pill and substance in that box. Of course, she didn’t have to partake, but she couldn’t deny her curiosity. She really felt out of her element and once again, for the fiftieth time that night, she thought that she shouldn’t be doing this.
She sipped her drink as she pushed that thought away. If this was only going to be one night like she intended, then there was no need for her to be so on edge.
“I think I’ll hold off,” she stated, bringing her glass to her lips again as she strolled away. She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window that overlooked the city, taking another sip of the Old Fashioned, as her gaze roamed over the sparkling lights.
He gave her a brief nod before he took out a small round container. Opening it, he tapped a small amount of the white powder onto his fist. Bringing it to his nose, he inhaled it quickly, twitching his nose slightly. It repeated the action with his left nostril, leaving the small container out as he sat back, his arm over the top of the sofa. He admired her from the back, his green orbs taking in the shape of her waist.
“It’s quite a view,” she commented, as she turned around and walked back to him.
“Sure is,” he muttered, as he watched her.
Y/N sighed, an amused smile on her lips as she realized they weren’t talking about the same thing. Their eyes locked as he gestured for her to take a seat next to him, noting the way her fingers drummed against the tumbler as she contemplated whether she should.
“I’m not gonna bite, doll,” he assured her, his signature smirk on his face. “Not until you want me to.”
She bit her lip, raising an eyebrow in a silent challenge as she slowly moved towards him, sitting on the edge of the couch, facing him. “Maybe I won’t want you to.”
He leaned forward, taking the glass out of her hand and placing it on the table in front of them, the proximity between them much closer than before. His face was an inch away from hers, his green orbs taking in the features of her face.
“Maybe I’ll have to anyway,” he countered.
Y/N let out a shuddered breath and before she even realized it, he had closed the space between them, his lips pressing against hers in a sensual kiss. With what little confidence she had, she pressed into him as she gripped at the fabric of his suit. The kiss deepened as he explored her mouth, a little rougher as his hands found the zipper on her dress. Pulling it down slowly, a low moan from her vibrated against his lips as she felt his fingers brush over the material of the shapewear.
“Stand up,” he ordered, his voice deep and husky as he pulled away from the kiss. His eyes darkened as she did as she was told, the thought of how easily she did turning him on. “Take it off.”
She sighed softly, allowing her remaining nerves to wash away as she did. She pulled down the top of her dress and removed her arms from the sleeves, pushing the rest of it down her body, the flowing fabric pooling around her feet. Left in her black lingerie, she gulped as she felt exposed under his intense gaze, but she reminded herself of the decision she had made. This was only for tonight. His hands laid on her hips and pulled her forward, looking up at her as they slipped down to her thighs, unclipping the suspenders.
“On your knees, sugar,” he instructed, a smug grin pulling at his lips. “I wanna know what that gorgeous mouth feels like around my cock…”
Slowly, she sank to her knees between his spread legs, allowing him to take her hands and place them on top of the pants of his suit. Her hands shook while pulling the zipper down gently as he took off the top of his suit, throwing it on the floor as he laid back, her eyes roaming over his chest and muscular arms. She pressed her lips together as she opened his pants, her mouth going slack as she caught a glimpse of his cock. He was far bigger than she was used to.
“I uh, I don’t…” she stuttered, as briefly glanced at him but just as quickly looked away. “I’ve never-”
“You kidding? He’s never made you give him head?” he asked, incredulously.
A timid shake of her head was her only response, not trusting her voice in that moment.
“You’ll learn,” he reassured her, winking.
A small smile appeared on her features, quickly morphing into a smirk as she tugged his pants down his thighs, her hands sliding up his exposed skin as she shifted forward. Her fingers brushed over his shaft, a sense of pride filling her as he twitched at her touch. His hand cupped her face, his thumb rubbing over her lips as he pulled her head down. Her tongue slowly licked along the underside of his length, softly taking the tip between her lips. His hands immediately found their way into her hair, a low moan coming from her as she took him further into her mouth.
“Pull back a little,” he instructed.
She drew back slightly, dropping some of her saliva along his shaft before her tongue circled the tip and she sank back down, letting him slide in deeper.
“That’s it, doll,” he husked, lightly tugging at the locks of her hair. “Take a little more, come on…”
She hummed around him as she moved her head back, a soft groan escaping him at the vibration around his cock as her head began to bob back and forth. His head dropped back against the leather, a smirk pulling at his lips just as he felt the drugs taking effect, his grip tightening in her hair and guiding her along his length. She took him deeper into her mouth, the head of his cock pressing against the back of her throat, causing her to gag slightly.
“Relax that throat, sugar,” he advised, his grip getting a little tighter in her hair.
She managed to do what he told her before she shifted up, letting more of her spit drip down his shaft. She continued to work her mouth over him, the erotic noises leaving him causing her to press her legs together.
“Good girl,” he praised her, looking down at her with hooded eyes. “That’s fucking perfect, doll… that mouth’s fucking wasted on that limp dick fiancé of yours.”
That insult towards the man she was meant to be marrying should’ve offended her, but she ignored it, the praise of her skills encouraging her further. A harsh gasp left her as she drew back, her eyes meeting his as her hands wrapped around his cock. She pumped them back and forth, her wrists twisting as they reached the tip, squeezing lightly but enough to make Soldier Boy’s eyes snap shut.
“Shit,” he hissed, his neck straining back as his hands dug into the sofa. “Maybe you’re not such a good girl.”
Soldier Boy sat up, cupping her face in his hands and making her look at him, her hands still sliding up and down his shaft. He stared deep in her eyes, half expecting to glance away but she didn’t. She held his gaze, and he knew that he was right about her. She wasn’t as innocent as he thought.
“All those little shy looks, the stuttered words, the nerves… it’s all just an act, ain’t it, sugar?” he questioned, an almost sinister glint in his eyes, his pupils dilated from the pleasure and drugs coursing through him.
She squeezed her thighs together, feeling the wetness growing as she looked into his eyes. It should’ve scared her, how aroused she felt, but it didn’t. She shook her head, smiling softly at him. “No, sir.”
“Don’t you fucking lie to me,” he growled, his fingers combing through her hair and pulling at the strands, making her focus on him. “Underneath it all, you just wanna be treated like the slut you are, huh?”
“Y-Yes,” she replied, feeling that familiar heat pool deep in her belly as she admitted it.
“That’s right,” he breathed, a chuckle rumbling deep in his chest. “You wanna be a little slut for me?”
She nodded, unable to speak as her hands faltered around his cock. He removed one of his hands from her hair, cupping under her jaw, gripping hard as his fingers pressed into her cheeks. She moaned at his rough hold, but it was more pleasure than pain she was feeling in that moment.
“Tell me,” he ordered, the timbre of his voice deep and gravelly as his gaze shifted down to her hands. “Keep jerking my cock and tell me…”
“I… I want to be a little slut for you,” she muttered through her pursed lips. She couldn’t believe those words were coming out of her mouth, but she had officially thrown all caution to the wind. Her hands continued to stroke him, pumping a little faster.
“Yeah,” he smirked, nodding in approval as he loosened his grip on her jaw. “You wanna be my personal whore, don’t ya?”
“Yes, sir,” she breathed.
“Then take my dick back in your slutty little mouth,” he ordered, his thumb flicking her bottom lip.
Y/N bent down, wrapping her lips around his cock once more. The weight of his hands on the back of her head allowed her to sink down, taking him deep as she picked up where she left off. She bobbed her head a little quicker, circling her tongue over the tip every time she came up.
“Fuck, you take my dick so good, doll,” he groaned, once again making her pull back. “I gotta fuck you now…”
Soldier Boy reached down and pulled at the material of her girdle, a gasp escaping her as she heard the loud tear, his hand scrunching the ruined fabric and throwing it away. He quickly removed his boots and pants, his hands moving under her arms as he stood up. In one swift motion, he lifted her up, causing her to squeal as her legs wrapped around him, her shoes slipping off her feet. Her fingers brushed against his beard as she cupped his jaw, leaning in and kissing him, roughly as he carried her across the living space and into his bedroom. One of his hands slid up her back and unclasped her bra, his lips ripping away from hers as he reached the bed and dropped her down, gently. She giggled as she landed with a soft bounce on the mattress, her eyes taking in every moment of his. He flicked her bra away, reaching for her panties and tugging them down, throwing them on the floor as his hands slid over her nylon covered legs.
She felt anxious being so exposed under his intense gaze, his thick fingers roaming over her body, warmth spreading to every part of her at his touch. She watched as they slid down between her legs, her head falling back against the sheets as he stroked two over her folds, no doubt feeling how aroused she was.
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” he grinned, as he brought his wet fingers to his lips.
A whimper escaped her as she saw him softly suck at them, his green eyes, with wide pupils as a result of the drug in his system, never leaving hers as he slowly removed them from his mouth with a low groan.
“And you taste great too,” he added, placing her left calf against his shoulder, “but we got plenty of time for that later…”
Soldier Boy leaned over her, his arms on either side as he settled between her spread legs. She gasped softly at the angle with her leg hooked over his shoulder, their faces close as he pinched and rolled her nipples between his fingers, his hand sliding up and curling under her neck as his thumb rested on her throat. His cock pressed against her sex, sliding between her folds as he teased her, a smirk pulling at his lips when she moaned softly.
“You want my cock, doll?” he asked, his thumb stroking the skin of her neck. “You want me to fuck you?”
“Yes,” she replied, quickly.
“Tell me,” he ordered, as he applied a little pressure to her throat. “Tell me you want me to fuck you…”
“I-I want… I want you to fuck me,” she started, but her voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke.
His gruff timbre had her flinch slightly, but she felt a heat settle deep in her stomach at the tone. He continued to tease her, the tip of his cock entering her briefly before he moved back, repeating the action several times as she tried to shift her hips and get closer to him.
“I want you to fuck me,” she repeated more clearly, staring up at him.
“That’s right,” he husked. “Tell me to fuck you deep and hard like a slut.”
“Fuck me deep and hard… like a slut,” she said, her breath hitching as the words still felt unlike her, but he was bringing out a side of her she never thought was possible.
Y/N’s hips squirmed, her patience beginning to wear thin as he continued to torture her. A wicked glint in eye accompanied the smirk on his lips as he pushed into her a little more, drawing back with a sickening chuckle.
“Beg me,” he commanded, slightly squeezing down on her neck enough for her to gasp in surprise.
“P-Please,” she squeaked out, her eyes locked on his. “Please fuck me, sir, I want–I need it, please.”
Just as the words left her mouth, Soldier Boy thrust into her in one fluid motion. He didn’t waste any more time, the roll of his hips against her long but hard, feeling every ridge as his cock slid deep inside her. A loud moan fell from her lips as she felt her walls contract to accommodate him, his length and his girth bringing a small smile to her face as she had never experienced anything like it until now.
“Christ, you feel so fucking good, doll,” he groaned, gripping her thigh that rested against him. “So fucking tight, perfect around my dick…”
“Oh, fuck,” she moaned, wantonly as her eyes squeezed shut.
“Tell me how good it feels, sugar,” he breathed, his hand adjusting around her neck to press down a little more.
She gasped, her lust-filled eyes snapping open as they met his. “F-Feels so good, so fucking good…”
His hand pressed down a little harder on her throat, his super strength causing to gasp for air, her gaze unwavering as she looked into his eyes, panting. He picked up the pace, his hips undulating as they smacked against her, his shaft moving deeper within her, a rasping moan escaping her as he pressed against that little spot inside her that her friends had once said could drive you absolutely crazy. She thought they were just fabricating for the sake of an interesting story, but they clearly weren’t.
“Ah, you like being choked, huh?” He loosened his hand briefly, before he squeezed once more, a dark chuckle rumbling in his throat as she whimpered. “Such a perfect fucking slut.”
She didn’t think it was possible to feel this way, so completely overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through her. Heat had spread to every part of her body, feeling a tingling sensation over her skin as he continued to deliver hard strokes into her.
“Your pussy’s taking my cock so fucking good, doll,” he growled, his fingers pressing harder into her thigh, just as his other hand continued the firm grasp on her neck. “I can feel how close you are, can’t wait to see you cum.”
She frowned, the muscles of her lower stomach tightened as her breathing became shallower, quicker as the unfamiliar feeling started. It was as if something simmering, building, ready to snap. His hips were unrelenting, and she could feel her inner walls clench around his length as he continued to thrust into her.
“Fuck, I-I…” she whimpered, shaking her head, unable to think clearly. “I feel-”
Soldier Boy grinned down at her as he removed his hand from her thigh, moving between her legs. His fingers circled over the bundle of nerves, his other hand pressing down on her throat as he moved them faster, in time with the rhythm of his hips.
“Oh my god,” she choked, her eyes widened as she stared up at him.
“That’s it, sugar, just go with it,” he muttered, his green orbs never leaving hers. “Want you to cum hard, fucking soak my dick…”
With a few more thrusts along with his fingers on her clit, a string of breathy moans escaped her as the dam broke, her slick covering his shaft. She gasped harshly as his hand loosened, her eyes fluttering closed as she turned her head into the mattress, breathing deeply as she tried to come down from the euphoric high he had helped her experience.
“Fuck, that sure was something,” he rasped, smirking down at her.
Y/N’s eyes remained closed as she felt him pull out of her and place her leg on the mattress, unable to respond to his words in any way, totally overcome from what had just happened as she tried to calm herself down. She slowly opened her lids, her vision focusing on the similar walls from the living area, the amber lighting of the room giving it a warm glow. Her fingers smoothed over the dark green, velvet comforter as she sat up, her eyebrows furrowing as she saw no sign of Soldier Boy. A small smile tugged at her mouth as she saw him walking in from the living room a moment later, a bottle of Bourbon in one hand and the small container in the other. She bit her lip as her eyes roamed down his approaching form, taking in every part of the God that he was.
He smirked down at her as he pulled the cap off the Bourbon, placing the bottle to his lips and taking a large swig. He handed it to her and watched as she did the same, his eyebrow raised in approval at the fact that she didn’t flinch at the burn she no doubt would’ve felt from that amount of alcohol. Her eyes followed his movements as she placed the cap back on, observing the way he tapped the coke into a line on his fist and brought it to his nose, snorting it quickly. He did the same with the other side of his nose, their eyes meeting as he paused closing the box, a silent question to her.
“I should really go,” she stated, her smile faltering as she looked away.
She knew she couldn’t stay any longer, having decided it was only going to be a one night deal before she even got there. She couldn’t deny her curiosity; she wanted to know what it would feel like, but if she stayed then she might never leave, and this wasn’t a place for someone like her. As much as she wanted to be anyone but her usual self for the night, she knew the fantasy had to be over some time.
“Well, you don’t have to stay, sugar,” he countered, as he cupped her jaw and made her look up at him. “But I’m not even close to being done fucking you.”
She stared deep into his eyes, biting her lip as she felt the heat building again, her walls clenching around nothing as she contemplated what he just said. She had already gone against some of her morals, what was a few more?
“I think I’m done holding off,” she said, nodding towards the container in his hand.
He wiggled his eyebrows as he tapped a smaller amount onto his fist for her, holding it close to her face. She held his wrist steady, leaning in and inhaling it just as she had observed. She felt a slight discomfort as she pinched her nose, placing her head back as she sniffed, clearing her throat. He took out the same amount again, and she snorted it from the left side, wiping under her nose once she was done. She looked up at him, squealing as he pressed his lips to hers, in a rough, searing kiss. They explored each other’s mouths, a soft gasp escaping her as he nipped at her bottom lip.
“Is that all you got?” she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye as the words fanned against his mouth.
“Oh, Y/N,” he muttered, a borderline sinister chuckle leaving him as he pulled the bottle out of her grasp. He placed it on the nightstand before he turned back to her, his fierce gaze on her. “You have no fucking idea what you signed up for the minute you walked through my door.”
She felt butterflies in her belly at the way he finally said her name, but she didn’t have much time to dwell on it. He grabbed her by her ankles, dragging her down slightly before he flipped her over, a squeak falling from her lips as she laid on her stomach. His hands drifted down the smooth skin of her back, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as he pulled her up onto her knees. She breathed heavily as she waited to see what he did next, a feeling somewhere between arousal and fear stirring within her. Suddenly, a hard strike of his hand against the right globe of her ass caused her to yelp, her eyes widening at the warm sensation on her flesh. She glanced back at him, biting her lip as she saw the smirk that pulled at his lips as he struck her again, in the same spot but harder this time.
“Fuck,” she gasped, her forehead pressed into the sheets.
He watched as she panted, her focus distracted by the sting she was feeling as he moved behind her. He briefly pumped his hand over his shaft, lining up to her entrance before he pushed in, a long, rasping moan escaping her. Much like before, he didn’t waste time as he set a hard and fast pace, his hips smacking against the curve of her ass as he pounded into her. His fingers dug into her flesh, no doubt leaving marks that would show up in the morning, as hers gripped the sheets tight. Her eyes squeezed shut as she moaned wantonly, feeling the bed shake from the force of his movement. His thrusts were brutal, practically animalistic as he growled, lifting his hand and bringing it down against her ass once more. 
“Shit,” she hissed, her teeth grazing at the skin of her knuckles, trying to keep herself from losing it.
“So fucking good,” he groaned, as he leaned over her, his hand slipping into her hair.
A pleasured hum left her as he pulled her up by the strands, her back pressed into his sweat soaked chest as he held her close. He tugged at her hair, making her whimper at the small twinge of pain before his other hand cupped her breast, his fingers pulling her nipple into a stiff bud. She could feel the drug beginning to take effect too, only heightening everything she was feeling in that moment.
He grinned at the way her head fell back against his shoulder, giving him room to nuzzle his nose against her skin, baring his teeth and sinking them into her flesh. She cried out, her hand moving up and curling around his neck, gripping the shorter locks at the base of his skull. The bite was hard, adding to the pleasure she was already overwhelmed by. Her mind wandered back for a fleeting moment to when she saw him with his assistant in this very same position, and how she hoped to someday be in her shoes. And now here she was. She couldn’t really believe that karma was finally on her side.
“Fuck, you really are a perfect slut,” he grunted, his lips close to her ear as he spoke. “A good little whore, just for me… maybe I should keep you around…”
A shrieking moan left her lips at his words, his hand sliding down her body to the swollen nub, his fingers circling it as he continued to thrust into her, harder and faster as he felt himself getting closer to his release. Her walls clenched around him repeatedly, and he knew she was near her peak too.
“You’re gonna fucking cum for me again, ain’t ya, doll?” he asked, a snicker leaving him as she nodded against his shoulder. “Yeah, you are. You’re gonna soak my cock again, and then I’m gonna cum all over these gorgeous tits of yours, leave my mark…”
Y/N felt the familiar pull low in her stomach, her walls contracting around him as she got closer and closer to her release. The rhythm of his hips faltered slightly, and with a few more thrusts, a loud, wanton moan escaped her as she reached the edge, her wetness coating his shaft as her second orgasm of the night more intense than the first. Her body convulsed as he still held her close, a wicked grin on his face as he pounded his hips and worked his fingers harder before she could even start to come down from the high. Her eyes widened as her euphoria built up again, feeling another release approaching as she shuddered against him, tugging at his hair.
“Oh god, I-” she whimpered, shaking her head, unable to think straight.
“Come on, doll, want you to cum again, I know you got another in you…” he growled, smirking.
Just as the words left his mouth, her second orgasm rolled into the next, her walls clenched tight once more as her vision turned blinding white behind her closed lids. An unrestrained, debauched shriek ripped from her throat as she came harder than she had previously that night. A string of small whimpers left her as he grunted, gaining closer to the edge. He quickly pulled out of her, pushing her down on the bed and flipping her onto her back, his hand wrapped around his cock as he moved over her. He pumped his shaft, groaning as he felt himself throb in his hand, her lust-blown eyes watching him intently.
“Oh, fuck, fuckkk,” he growled, as he worked his hand faster.
He threw his head back as a roaring moan escaped him, stroking himself harder as his release hit him, long spurts of his seed covering her breasts, causing her to moan softly at warmth of it against her skin. He hung his head as he breathed heavily, shifting off of her before he fell back on the bed, a chuckle rumbling deep in his chest as he stared up at the ceiling. He leaned over to the nightstand, opening the top drawer and taking out his pack of cigarettes and lighter. He placed one in his mouth as he laid back down, flicking the lighter and bringing the small flame to the other end. He took a drag before he pulled it away, blowing out a large puff.
Y/N breathed heavily, her chest heaving as she tried to come down from the complete bliss she was feeling. She closed her eyes briefly, relishing in the aftermath of the vigorous attention he paid her. He had brought to the peak of pleasure three times in such a short amount of time, something that her fiancé never would’ve been able to comprehend. Soldier Boy had made her feel things she never thought possible, and she knew she’d never be quite the same again.
Opening her eyes, she turned her head towards him, her gaze on the embers at the edge of the cigarette as he took a pull from the filter. She pulled one edge of the sheets up and wiped her chest, hissing slightly at the ache in her limbs as she held her head up on her hand, taking the smoke from between his fingers. He watched as she brought it to her mouth, taking a long drag as their eyes met, her lips pursed as she blew the smoke out. She shifted closer to him, her hand resting on his chest as they stared at each other, his green eyes unflinching as small clumps of ash fell on his skin.
“Are you done with me yet?” she asked, lifting an eyebrow as she challenged him.
He tilted his head towards the cigarette still between her fingers, taking a pull from it as she held it to his mouth. He rounded his lips and blew out small rings, her finger poking each of them and making them disappear. He smirked as he gazed at her, seeing how wide her pupils were from the coke in her system.
“No fucking way,” he replied, grabbing her behind her head and pulling her down, his lips searing against hers in a rough, passionate kiss.
She moaned against his lips, happy with that response, because there was no fucking way she was done with him, either.
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