#if you're wondering how goshi is a magical girl well hes transmasc and it was a fluke in the system
transsexualhamlet · 7 months
Gureshin Week Day 4: Fem!Gureshin
🩷✨Madoka Magica AU✨🩷
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The world ends in despair.
Quote from Richard Siken, i know i know.
AU explanation under the cut 👇👇 look im overly dramatic
For fifteen year old Guren Ichinose, the heir of a lowly clan, life offers few possibilities. But when she enters First Shibuya High School, everything changes.
Shinya Hiiragi, part of the very family oppressing Guren's clan and a magical girl, rescues her from harm and asks Guren and her friends Sayuri and Shigure to join her to rebel against their oppressive system.
But then Mahiru Hiiragi, Guren's childhood friend, reappears as a magical girl more powerful than any before, proclaiming that the world will end at the end of the year, and at once the city is met with an increasing swarm of witches from a mysterious organization, The Sisterhood of the Thousand Nights.
As the year wears on, Guren’s friends Sayuri and Shigure join Mito and Goshi in the fold of magical girls, and all must use their newly obtained powers to prevent the nearing apocalypse.
But they fail.
At the end, all that is left against the great witch Mahiru is Shinya, and in front of Guren's eyes, Shinya dies, and all hope is lost. Guren, at Mahiru’s behest finally becomes a magical girl to bring Shinya back to life and turn back time, hoping that if she can do it all again, she might save Shinya from this terrible fate.
The rules are simple -
Shinya cannot learn the truth.
Shinya cannot know Guren loves her.
Shinya cannot become a magical girl.
But every time she turns back the clock, it becomes harder and harder to stop. Every time she repeats the year yet again, reliving an oblivious meeting, Shinya's death becomes more and more inevitable, the devastation of the apocalypse more and more complete. In every timeline, in every reiteration, the angels, the incubators, will take their due, on the despair of the young.
Guren is the reason the world will end. This is the point, the mechanism of magical girls, after all.
The gears of Armageddon will turn. Shinya will choose love over safety, Shinya will die, the world will fall and Guren will rise from the ashes with all the world's blood on her hands.
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