#if you're not informed barcode has been spending a lot of time at studio on saturn
code-saturn · 1 year
Congrats to Barcode for getting into Thailand's Top University!
Barcode: What is this? Passed the interview! Hoohoo!
From him tweeting that he didn't apply fast enough to take the entrance exam:
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To now being accepted to Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Communication Arts!
(He most likely submitted his portfolio and took a follow-up exam. And apparently only 12 people who applied with portfolio got in.)
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Here are some of the cast congratulating him:
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BC(video): Be fierce, not considerate of anyone. (popular Thai meme)
Jeff: Congrats to this big-boy, the first year student of Chula is very fierce.
BC's reply: Nothing Phi (x3)
Studio on Saturn: Congratulations to the most talented boy😭🎊
Congratulations to the new student of Chula!!
You're a smart boy and you have a lot of talent. No matter what you give in the future, I wish it always comes from goodness and brightness.
BC's reply: Maybe I should host a party at the studio for 3 days and 2 nights (don’t tell Phi Jeff).
SOS: You don't need to keep it a secret. You can turn the AC on and off way more proficiently than me.
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Mile: I'm always happy for you
BC: What na? Will you let me borrow a guitar khrab?
Apo: ye ye
BC: kru kru
Us: Very good nong 🫶
BC: Phi, top up in the games for me as a reward? Nevermind, I'm considerate
JJ: Very talented ngod 👏
BC: But I still lost to you in arm wrestling.
Tong: Welcome my junior 😂
BC: Have you finished yet Phi Tong ngub?
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