#if you leave out the dialogue this looks like chen yi is the one who's in love
khaotungsfirst · 9 months
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it's the grip on the pants through the shirt for me
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shijiujun · 5 years
Are we gonna die? Think we gonna die (WE DIED BUT FOR AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REASON)
OKAY OH GOD we start off with the emo and heartbreaking hospital scene again, and look at those hands and Tang Yi’s face and expressions and little smiles all for Shao Fei - Once again Chris is EXCELLENT at acting - AND THEN SHAO FEI OPENS HIS EYES TO SEE TANG YI SMILING DOWN AT HIM GUYS he’s totally smiling down at Shao Fei and Shao Fei is doped up on drugs and goes “Tang Yi...” and when the cam pans back to Tang Yi he’s CRYING HE IS CRYING THIS IS NOT A DRILL omggg this scene totally tore my heart lungs and whatever out WHAT THE HELL
Yu Qi arrives outside and she’s very protective of Shao Fei and wants Tang Yi to stay away from him, she’s mad that zhao zi let tang yi in and she doesn’t want tang yi to do anything to him, what if he does something to shao fei right? and then she turns around and bumps into tang yi who’s just left the room - she glares at him and then pushes past him to go inside, and zhao zi too also moves past him to go inside
while inside, yu qi scolds zhao zi for letting tang yi in - basically she’s a parallel of hong ye and also in the dialogue by mentioning the part that nothing good has happened since shao fei met tang yi, and she’s saying that this can’t go on because shao fei has only gotten hurt worse each time since hanging out more and more with tang yi
And Tang Yi looks so numb standing at the door listening to all this, and that is how we all get the LAST SCENE OF THAT PREVIEW as he walks away
OOOOOH yes we were all damn right on our predictions - Once Tang Yi leaves the hospital, Chen Wen Hao’s people ambush him and says that Boss Chen invites him to tea and doesn’t let Jack come along so Tang Yi nods at Jack to leave him and HE GOES INTO THE CAR ALONE
Tang Yi arrives at the tea place and Chen Wen Hao nods at him in acknowledgement and wow the table is so damn long for 2 people - Chen Wen Hao says that these few years Tang Yi has been purposely fucking with his business and people - Tang Yi killed Wang Kun Cheng so Chen Wen Hao wanted to kill Hong Ye in return but she is still alive so Chen Wen Hao says that it looks like he’s at a disadvantage (he doesn’t know that he actually hit it where it hurt with Shao Fei omg i.e. that it really was tit-for-tat and eye for an eye)
OMG PLOT DEVELOPMENT: Tang Guo Dong, Tang Yi’s dad in a sense - Chen Wen Hao used to be gang brothers with him in Xing Tian Meng and from what Chen Wen Hao says, Tang Guo Dong was married and had a Wife and kid - Tang Yi doesn’t seem at all surprised which means.. WHO IS THE KID AND WHO IS THE WIFE?!!!!
So Tang Yi and Chen Wen Hao agree not to mess with each other anymore on the business and all and I’m quite surprised Tang Yi agrees - So maybe, it’s either he’s playing the long game OR the person who was responsible for the incident 4 years ago might be someone else? anw, chen wen hao offers tang yi tea and tang yi drinks it, symbolising that they agree with the arrangement to keep away from each other, and also that chen wen hao won’t sell drugs to Xing Tian Meng anymore
in the car as jack drives tang yi away (yes, resourceful bb jack managed to find out where they were meeting anyway and turned up halfway), jack asks tang yi what chen wen hao asked for and tang yi says: “it was just a transaction” and jack rightfully points out that he killed wang kun cheng and took down so many drug routes and businesses, and this was his plan all along? for chen wen hao to agree not to sell them drugs anymore? tang yi says yes, but as he looks out the window, he thinks: “that day that i’ve been waiting for so long, it’s finally going to come” - okay so it’s a toss-up right now as to what’s going on with the bad guys
back at the hospital: we get the scene of zhao zi sleeping so damn soundly next to shao fei on the floor and shao fei actually wakes up and he’s thirsty and asks for water AND- OMG ZHAO ZI U TOTALLY LET SHAO FEI DOWN WHAT THE FUCK HAHAHAHA zhao zi is sleep-talking, hears shao fei’s request for water, and then says, “i don’t want water” and then turns around LIKE DUDE
so shao fei turns to his side gingerly and tries to reach for the water but doesn’t succeed, AND THEN A HAND SLIPS INTO VIEW AND HE LOOKS UP AND GUESS WHO IT IS?!!!!!
TANG YI. HANDSOME, EMO, SAD, BUT HANDSOME TANG YI WHO LOVES SHAO FEI. and omgggg this scene i couldn’t even properly type this while i was watching the scene - shao fei’s obviously so glad that he’s here and tang yi does his boyfriend duty and pours water for him and then dabs the water at his lips with the cotton bud AND
shao fei: “why are you here?”
tang yi: “if i wanna be here, i’m here”
AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN!!! shao fei grabs tang yi’s hand as he can totally tell that his husband is so sad and emo and drags him close - tang yi lets him and leans half on the bed, and then shao fei says: “i got someone to look at my (chinese) horoscope before, and that person counted my fate. she said that i won’t die so easily and that my life signs are very strong, so you don’t have to worry about it”
and then tang yi snorts - it’s a weak one but it is one nonetheless and shao fei then says: “there, i think you look better smiling”
the next scene: it’s morning and zhao zi is asleep and someone is snoring damn loudly from the bed - you can’t tell it’s shao fei because the blanket covers the face but the snoring is so damn loud that zhao zi who didn’t wake up for shao fei the night before, GETS UP and flips the blanket open to reveal JACK!!!!
and while zhao zi is stunned and shocked and everything, jack tells him that tang yi and shao fei are having a conversation upstairs on the rooftop, and then jack also comments: “you know, even if the person wasn’t dying/in severe condition, with the way you’re looking after them, they���d be dead”
i totally agree with jack on this one, zhao zi - and anw zhao zi gets all mad and says: “hey! don’t curse shao fei. my grandma helped him to count his fate and horoscope before and says that his life signs are strong etc.....”
jack: “whoa, your wise grandma also does that?”
zhao zi: “yes!”
jack: “has she counted YOUR fate for you?”
zhao zi: “yes! she says that one day my other half will be someone who takes absolute care of me”
LOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHHAHAHA ZHAO ZI you have no fucking idea - and as if the script wanted to show us how clueless zhao zi was, jack presents zhao zi with BREAKFAST and wow zhao zi totally forgets about ah fei upstairs, he just sits down happily with food and jack is so happy that zhao zi is happy and appreciative like saying ‘see? i’m the one that’s gonna take care of you’
AND THE KEY OF THIS FRICKING EP | ROOFTOP SCENE: They’re finally having a proper conversation OH MY GOD JESUS THEY ARE HAVING A CONVERSATION A SERIOUS, PROPER ONE, and tang yi says: “i really don’t want to lose another friend”
AND LOL SHAO FEI IS LIKE: “wait, i’ve been upgraded? i’m no longer half but A friend?!!!”
and tang yi legitly looks so sad as they talk about life and death, and how it’s worser being the one who survived and watching the person that’s important to you die (tang yi is referring to tang guo dong but also partially shao fei)
and shao fei knows how tang yi feels because li zhen jie died and she was that important person to him too, and then tang yi GOES ALL EMO AGAIN AND LOOKS AT HIM AND OMG IT’S A LOVE CONFESSION!!!
tang yi: “you were in my way and against me for four years, and until the moment when i was outside the operating theatre, i realised, i didn’t want to lose you. whether it was four years ago with boss tang, my grief and anger from the way you approached me and hung around so angrily, or now, when you are so persistently getting close to me... it made me feel the warmth of being take care of. you made my life so different and even made me like this change.”
Okay in all seriousness - Tang Yi is totally trying to say goodbye to him as he continues: “meng shao fei, i want you to live well, even if it’s just for my sake-”
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so erm.... definitely a happy ending and last button scene tomorrow. shao fei says some other things after the kiss and tang yi is like looking at him stunned while shao fei yells his triumph at having his feelings reciprocated to the world on the roof but i figured the kiss is what we were all waiting for
you’re very welcomed guys. 
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tranquildr3ams · 4 years
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018)
Director: Yui Bun Chu
Cast: Andy Yang, Allen Deng, Leo Luo, Adonis Liao, Zhi Yuan Xia, Faye Wang, Ting Wei Zhou, Yukee Chen, Kathy Chow, Bella Du, Yang Peng, Run Jun Wang, Zhong Hua He
In ancient times, the Flower Goddess dies after giving birth to a daughter. Before she passed, she fed her daughter the Unfeeling Pill, ordered her subordinates to keep the girl’s birth story a secret and to imprison her within Shui Jing for 10,000 years. The girl’s name is Jin Mi. 4,000 years later, the Heavenly Emperor’s second son, Xu Feng, was entrapped by someone and mistakenly entered Shui Jing. He was saved by the ignorant Jin Mi. After living together for 100 years, Xu Feng gradually developed feelings for Jin Mi. Someone close to them wants to use those feelings for their own benefit. – MyDramaList
Where to watch with English subtitles (as at March 25, 2020): Netflix Canada & Youtube
Jing Mi: That one’s so ugly. Why did you bring it here also? Phoenix: I feel that one is the most beautiful of all the Phoenix lanterns, because it contains our memory. Jing Mi: This is the memory of Saint Girl and King Yi. [pause] What a beautiful view!  It’ll be great if we can drink some self-made osmanthus wine. In fact, before I descended to the mortal world, I buried some osmanthus wine I made here. Phoenix: I dug it out several days ago. Let’s try  your wine today. [next scene] The wine you made is indeed savory and mellow. Jing Mi: I must have some skills amongst the six realms. Why are you staring at me like that? Phoenix: Its great that I don’t have to look at you through the veil. Jing Mi: Isn’t it beautiful?
Ashes of Love is essentially a love story and its where it thrives at its best. Much like the structure of 2017’s Eternal Love (review) and background, this one is set a little different  in the actual fairy world where this one has six realms however, the Sky realm is still the highest one (as it usually is) and the story resides in these different deity/fairy ranging from flowers to nocturnal creatures to celestial creatures and all kinds of animals and even inanimate objects. In terms of creativity, the story is full of them and that is one of the many highlights of this one and can bring so much fun to this as it makes for some leaps of beliefs but in a fantasy world like this one, its more about learning about it first. And that is a lot of the charm especially as it starts off fairly light-hearted and fun.
The realms here are really where the many past dilemmas have ignited from the past generation between the Floral Goddess, Heavenly Emperor, Water Immortal and all the other people linked to them. Its created essentially what happens to Jing Mi to have been given the Unfeeling Pill when she was born to prevent her from meeting her curse of love with the first 10,000 years of her life, which ends up being the catalyst of all the events that end up happening as misunderstandings happen as the truth unfolds. But that said, each of these realms of the three focused on among the six is different in its own way and has its own traits reflective of the place but yet still has their own good and evil characters.
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At the end of all this, between war and feuds and misunderstandings and realm battles for power, it all dials down to the romance and the love triangle between Jing Mi, Phoenix and Runyu instigated by jealousy and unfairness on one end and then creating revenge and hatred, making things worsen. Its all a story of the basic philosophy and belief in Chinese that what is meant to happen will happen regardless of how you plan on changing its course, that act alone is also destined to happen. Also goes along with you reap what you sow at the end of the day especially as what is given off from one generation can affect its next. Its all very common plot points and themes in ancient Chinese fantasy TV series as Eternal Love has about the same kind of plot point (as an example since its the other one in the same genre). What does work here is that once you get past those similar plot points and embrace what they do different in building this new world and its characters, Ashes of Love has a stronger bond with its love story and leads (for myself) whereas in comparison, Eternal Love is entertaining well-rounded but perhaps didn’t quite connect as much in terms of the main leads and their love story. I don’t mean to compare but I did watch them almost back to back.
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Before we jump to pacing, I need to mention that the costume designs here are really nice. There’s a lot of thought of each one from the Birds Realm to the colorful Flower Realm to the dark Demon realms outfits as as well as the gold and white and more royalty colors in the Heavenly Realm. Its one of the elements that make me love watching Chinese Fantasy TV series. The costumes and the hair ornaments and hair styles are just so beautiful! While I’m talking about this, I do have to mention that when they do close-ups of the props, fake flowers and such, it is pretty apparent, maybe one of the lesser elements of this series. But then, I guarantee you that there is one “sex” scene in this (its public TV so nothing explicit) and its filmed so poetically and beautiful that I was really impressed by the whole thing especially when you remember the true forms of the leads on hand.
Episodes: 63 Episode length: 40-45 mins approx.
Its incredible how long Chinese TV series are sometimes especially these big production Chinese fantasy ones. Ashes of Love is surprisingly long at 63 episodes and yet, the script is done so well that the story progresses in phases that gives time for each stage of these characters to grow and develop individually and together in their different relationships, friendships, family, brothers, etc. It doesn’t take a break from this other than maybe the secondary couple from the demon realm which ends up being a rather touching story as well by the end.
Looking at the phase, the first part (as I mentioned) before is about the meeting between Phoenix and Jing Mi and her introduction from the Flower Realm to the Heaven Realm and gradually the reveal of her true identity as well as her growing relationship in their few hundred years as the helper and disciple of Phoenix. As her true identity gets revealed, it jumps into the next phase of the story where it shares about the past and the characters involved and what actually happened, throwing the hatred of the Heavenly Empress and her desire to split up Jing Mi and Phoenix while Phoenix’s brother, Runyu gets pulled into the mix and he learns about his mother and it builds on his revenge and his plot slowly conspire. Things gets more messy here as this also get intermitted with Jing Mi’s mission to become an immortal by going to the Mortal Realm to experience the suffering of mortal life to gain knowledge where she ends up connecting with her feelings more as a turn of events takes Phoenix to have a rather intense romance. Finally, the third phase appears after all the plots of phase 2 unravels and Jing Mi unexpectedly breaks the Unfeeling Pill’s effects and realizes her real feelings and makes up for her mistakes to Phoenix. That turns into the most painful, emotional and heartbreaking moments of search and hopelessness and this last part is just such a ode of how the beginning builds up its characters and relationships so well that this part ends up working a lot. (I mean, I bawled my eyes out a ton in the last 8-10 episodes or something)
Leads: Jing Mi & Phoenix
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Ashes of Love takes a lot of time and attention on building these two characters. Its great because the focus never quite leaves them even when they are apart and doing their own thing. There’s a lot of factors that work here. The first is that its not dubbed voices and the actual actors are voicing these characters because both Andy Yang and Allen Deng are really talented actors and in their respective roles as Jing Mi and Xu Feng (aka Phoenix, as I keep referring to him), they are incredibly convincing and hard to not ship them, to be honest. These two characters are strong individually as they both have their own family, relationship and realm issues to deal with and consider in all their choices and their own secrets to uncover. Its what makes their love story so heartbreaking and bittersweet altogether because each of their own issues and it all comes down to Jing Mi and the Unfeeling Pill that stops her from realizing her own feelings until its too late which makes their relationship take a very heartbreaking turn of events. The chemistry between these two characters are fantastic especially in some scenes of how the director uses close-ups to the dialogue around them where they both are able to act with their eyes and interpret some genuine feelings without saying anything.
Brothers & Family Feud: Phoenix & Run Yu
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All royalty has their own conflicts and Phoenix’s family is the Heaven realm’s family which creates all kinds of crazy as the Heaven Emperor reveals to be a rather unloyal man where his past creates the Empress’s hate and jealousy making a lot of issues become unfair to the older son, Runyu the Night Immortal. What starts off as a rather good brother relationship despite the parent issues ends up turning sour as Runyu’s character ends up having a subtle villain type of change full of plot and schemes, creating this character that flips from the nice guy at the beginning.
Love Interests, Villains & Other Characters of Interest
Love Interests for Jing Mi is mostly Runyu as well as some other characters that don’t really have too much to mention however the main villains of the series is one, the Heaven Empress, aka Phoenix’s mother (as mentioned before because of jealousy) and the second is Phoenix’s “cousin”/crush who likes him a lot and believes she is the one destined for him and does increasingly evil acts. The two villains in the end are the main cause of Phoenix’s “demise”. Everything comes in full circle in Chinese philosophy and nothing proves it quite like how TV series stories work. You can’t say these two villains don’t do a great job. Empress is portrayed by 90s Hong Kong TV actress Kathy Chow who does a fantastic job that its hard to not dislike the character much like Faye Wang as the love interest who plays on the more annoying side of things.
Of course, the more fun additions do go to the Green Snake and the other colorful character of the Flower Realm just like the Moon Immortal (Phoenix’s uncle) who are comedic but in desperate times, knowledgeable and contribute to the dilemma in their own ways. There’s a lot of characters in Ashes of Love so its hard to talk about all of it.
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Ashes of Love is a really great series. Its one that takes its sweet time to move through its different story levels to gradually connect with each of these characters as they develop and learn about the different secrete in their life, especially with the main female character, Jing Mi. The magical elements and this new world and the possibilities gives it the space to believe in all the twists and turns and thats because its already given it such a creativity to begin with which also sparks some deeper thoughts on how certain plot points would work but never quite doubt its possibility, leaving space for the audience to draw their own conclusions. The different worlds have beautiful CG effects that make them unique as well as their own kingdom and rules as well as different worlds and their feuds with each other.
Aside from all that is crafting these characters that work so well on their own in complexity. Having 63 episodes to do it definitely feels like it would be a drag but it isn’t most of the time because these characters need it and its because of that, it makes especially Jing Mi and Phoenix’s story so much more emotional to watch whether its happy moments to the extremely heartbreaking moments. Fantastic series that makes me want to watch and rewatch and notice those little story plot details more.
TV Binge: Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018) #AshesofLove #香蜜沉沉烬如霜 #CDrama #Fantasy #Romance #TV #Review
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018) Director: Yui Bun Chu Cast: Andy Yang, Allen Deng, Leo Luo, Adonis Liao, Zhi Yuan Xia, Faye Wang, Ting Wei Zhou, Yukee Chen, Kathy Chow, Bella Du, Yang Peng, Run Jun Wang, Zhong Hua He…
TV Binge: Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018) #AshesofLove #香蜜沉沉烬如霜 #CDrama #Fantasy #Romance #TV #Review Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018) Director: Yui Bun Chu Cast: Andy Yang, Allen Deng, Leo Luo, Adonis Liao, Zhi Yuan Xia, Faye Wang, Ting Wei Zhou, Yukee Chen, Kathy Chow, Bella Du, Yang Peng, Run Jun Wang, Zhong Hua He…
0 notes
tranquildr3ams · 4 years
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018)
Director: Yui Bun Chu
Cast: Andy Yang, Allen Deng, Leo Luo, Adonis Liao, Zhi Yuan Xia, Faye Wang, Ting Wei Zhou, Yukee Chen, Kathy Chow, Bella Du, Yang Peng, Run Jun Wang, Zhong Hua He
In ancient times, the Flower Goddess dies after giving birth to a daughter. Before she passed, she fed her daughter the Unfeeling Pill, ordered her subordinates to keep the girl’s birth story a secret and to imprison her within Shui Jing for 10,000 years. The girl’s name is Jin Mi. 4,000 years later, the Heavenly Emperor’s second son, Xu Feng, was entrapped by someone and mistakenly entered Shui Jing. He was saved by the ignorant Jin Mi. After living together for 100 years, Xu Feng gradually developed feelings for Jin Mi. Someone close to them wants to use those feelings for their own benefit. – MyDramaList
Where to watch with English subtitles (as at March 25, 2020): Netflix Canada & Youtube
Jing Mi: That one’s so ugly. Why did you bring it here also? Phoenix: I feel that one is the most beautiful of all the Phoenix lanterns, because it contains our memory. Jing Mi: This is the memory of Saint Girl and King Yi. [pause] What a beautiful view!  It’ll be great if we can drink some self-made osmanthus wine. In fact, before I descended to the mortal world, I buried some osmanthus wine I made here. Phoenix: I dug it out several days ago. Let’s try  your wine today. [next scene] The wine you made is indeed savory and mellow. Jing Mi: I must have some skills amongst the six realms. Why are you staring at me like that? Phoenix: Its great that I don’t have to look at you through the veil. Jing Mi: Isn’t it beautiful?
Ashes of Love is essentially a love story and its where it thrives at its best. Much like the structure of 2017’s Eternal Love (review) and background, this one is set a little different  in the actual fairy world where this one has six realms however, the Sky realm is still the highest one (as it usually is) and the story resides in these different deity/fairy ranging from flowers to nocturnal creatures to celestial creatures and all kinds of animals and even inanimate objects. In terms of creativity, the story is full of them and that is one of the many highlights of this one and can bring so much fun to this as it makes for some leaps of beliefs but in a fantasy world like this one, its more about learning about it first. And that is a lot of the charm especially as it starts off fairly light-hearted and fun.
The realms here are really where the many past dilemmas have ignited from the past generation between the Floral Goddess, Heavenly Emperor, Water Immortal and all the other people linked to them. Its created essentially what happens to Jing Mi to have been given the Unfeeling Pill when she was born to prevent her from meeting her curse of love with the first 10,000 years of her life, which ends up being the catalyst of all the events that end up happening as misunderstandings happen as the truth unfolds. But that said, each of these realms of the three focused on among the six is different in its own way and has its own traits reflective of the place but yet still has their own good and evil characters.
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At the end of all this, between war and feuds and misunderstandings and realm battles for power, it all dials down to the romance and the love triangle between Jing Mi, Phoenix and Runyu instigated by jealousy and unfairness on one end and then creating revenge and hatred, making things worsen. Its all a story of the basic philosophy and belief in Chinese that what is meant to happen will happen regardless of how you plan on changing its course, that act alone is also destined to happen. Also goes along with you reap what you sow at the end of the day especially as what is given off from one generation can affect its next. Its all very common plot points and themes in ancient Chinese fantasy TV series as Eternal Love has about the same kind of plot point (as an example since its the other one in the same genre). What does work here is that once you get past those similar plot points and embrace what they do different in building this new world and its characters, Ashes of Love has a stronger bond with its love story and leads (for myself) whereas in comparison, Eternal Love is entertaining well-rounded but perhaps didn’t quite connect as much in terms of the main leads and their love story. I don’t mean to compare but I did watch them almost back to back.
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Before we jump to pacing, I need to mention that the costume designs here are really nice. There’s a lot of thought of each one from the Birds Realm to the colorful Flower Realm to the dark Demon realms outfits as as well as the gold and white and more royalty colors in the Heavenly Realm. Its one of the elements that make me love watching Chinese Fantasy TV series. The costumes and the hair ornaments and hair styles are just so beautiful! While I’m talking about this, I do have to mention that when they do close-ups of the props, fake flowers and such, it is pretty apparent, maybe one of the lesser elements of this series. But then, I guarantee you that there is one “sex” scene in this (its public TV so nothing explicit) and its filmed so poetically and beautiful that I was really impressed by the whole thing especially when you remember the true forms of the leads on hand.
Episodes: 63 Episode length: 40-45 mins approx.
Its incredible how long Chinese TV series are sometimes especially these big production Chinese fantasy ones. Ashes of Love is surprisingly long at 63 episodes and yet, the script is done so well that the story progresses in phases that gives time for each stage of these characters to grow and develop individually and together in their different relationships, friendships, family, brothers, etc. It doesn’t take a break from this other than maybe the secondary couple from the demon realm which ends up being a rather touching story as well by the end.
Looking at the phase, the first part (as I mentioned) before is about the meeting between Phoenix and Jing Mi and her introduction from the Flower Realm to the Heaven Realm and gradually the reveal of her true identity as well as her growing relationship in their few hundred years as the helper and disciple of Phoenix. As her true identity gets revealed, it jumps into the next phase of the story where it shares about the past and the characters involved and what actually happened, throwing the hatred of the Heavenly Empress and her desire to split up Jing Mi and Phoenix while Phoenix’s brother, Runyu gets pulled into the mix and he learns about his mother and it builds on his revenge and his plot slowly conspire. Things gets more messy here as this also get intermitted with Jing Mi’s mission to become an immortal by going to the Mortal Realm to experience the suffering of mortal life to gain knowledge where she ends up connecting with her feelings more as a turn of events takes Phoenix to have a rather intense romance. Finally, the third phase appears after all the plots of phase 2 unravels and Jing Mi unexpectedly breaks the Unfeeling Pill’s effects and realizes her real feelings and makes up for her mistakes to Phoenix. That turns into the most painful, emotional and heartbreaking moments of search and hopelessness and this last part is just such a ode of how the beginning builds up its characters and relationships so well that this part ends up working a lot. (I mean, I bawled my eyes out a ton in the last 8-10 episodes or something)
Leads: Jing Mi & Phoenix
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Ashes of Love takes a lot of time and attention on building these two characters. Its great because the focus never quite leaves them even when they are apart and doing their own thing. There’s a lot of factors that work here. The first is that its not dubbed voices and the actual actors are voicing these characters because both Andy Yang and Allen Deng are really talented actors and in their respective roles as Jing Mi and Xu Feng (aka Phoenix, as I keep referring to him), they are incredibly convincing and hard to not ship them, to be honest. These two characters are strong individually as they both have their own family, relationship and realm issues to deal with and consider in all their choices and their own secrets to uncover. Its what makes their love story so heartbreaking and bittersweet altogether because each of their own issues and it all comes down to Jing Mi and the Unfeeling Pill that stops her from realizing her own feelings until its too late which makes their relationship take a very heartbreaking turn of events. The chemistry between these two characters are fantastic especially in some scenes of how the director uses close-ups to the dialogue around them where they both are able to act with their eyes and interpret some genuine feelings without saying anything.
Brothers & Family Feud: Phoenix & Run Yu
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All royalty has their own conflicts and Phoenix’s family is the Heaven realm’s family which creates all kinds of crazy as the Heaven Emperor reveals to be a rather unloyal man where his past creates the Empress’s hate and jealousy making a lot of issues become unfair to the older son, Runyu the Night Immortal. What starts off as a rather good brother relationship despite the parent issues ends up turning sour as Runyu’s character ends up having a subtle villain type of change full of plot and schemes, creating this character that flips from the nice guy at the beginning.
Love Interests, Villains & Other Characters of Interest
Love Interests for Jing Mi is mostly Runyu as well as some other characters that don’t really have too much to mention however the main villains of the series is one, the Heaven Empress, aka Phoenix’s mother (as mentioned before because of jealousy) and the second is Phoenix’s “cousin”/crush who likes him a lot and believes she is the one destined for him and does increasingly evil acts. The two villains in the end are the main cause of Phoenix’s “demise”. Everything comes in full circle in Chinese philosophy and nothing proves it quite like how TV series stories work. You can’t say these two villains don’t do a great job. Empress is portrayed by 90s Hong Kong TV actress Kathy Chow who does a fantastic job that its hard to not dislike the character much like Faye Wang as the love interest who plays on the more annoying side of things.
Of course, the more fun additions do go to the Green Snake and the other colorful character of the Flower Realm just like the Moon Immortal (Phoenix’s uncle) who are comedic but in desperate times, knowledgeable and contribute to the dilemma in their own ways. There’s a lot of characters in Ashes of Love so its hard to talk about all of it.
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Ashes of Love is a really great series. Its one that takes its sweet time to move through its different story levels to gradually connect with each of these characters as they develop and learn about the different secrete in their life, especially with the main female character, Jing Mi. The magical elements and this new world and the possibilities gives it the space to believe in all the twists and turns and thats because its already given it such a creativity to begin with which also sparks some deeper thoughts on how certain plot points would work but never quite doubt its possibility, leaving space for the audience to draw their own conclusions. The different worlds have beautiful CG effects that make them unique as well as their own kingdom and rules as well as different worlds and their feuds with each other.
Aside from all that is crafting these characters that work so well on their own in complexity. Having 63 episodes to do it definitely feels like it would be a drag but it isn’t most of the time because these characters need it and its because of that, it makes especially Jing Mi and Phoenix’s story so much more emotional to watch whether its happy moments to the extremely heartbreaking moments. Fantastic series that makes me want to watch and rewatch and notice those little story plot details more.
TV Binge: Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018) #AshesofLove #香蜜沉沉烬如霜 #CDrama #Fantasy #Romance #TV #Review Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜, 2018) Director: Yui Bun Chu Cast: Andy Yang, Allen Deng, Leo Luo, Adonis Liao, Zhi Yuan Xia, Faye Wang, Ting Wei Zhou, Yukee Chen, Kathy Chow, Bella Du, Yang Peng, Run Jun Wang, Zhong Hua He…
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