#if you can't drive and the nearest gas station is 50 miles away ur gonna have to get good at rolling your own cigarettes/tobacco
alistairian · 2 years
gossip time
My partner's friend is moving to a very VERY remote area that is an 8 hour ferry ride off the mainland (ferry only leaves twice a week, plus there's an entire day of travel from the nearest city) They're very excited but it's also very clear they have no idea what's in store for them... They lived in the city their entire life and live solely on fast food, energy drinks, weed and chips, and always needs to borrow money off people for cigarettes. They were recently pretty bummed out to learn that their new home will not have a spirit of Halloween and they expect my partner to send out any cool thing they want but can't get out there and like... Like you're going to be living at least 150 miles away from the nearest McDonald's. There is no Walmart or mall, no dollarstore, and shipping costs for anything is going to be completely ridiculous and take forever. Like, they don't work and they certainly aren't getting a job out there, and I don't think they have any clue just how bored they're gonna get.
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