#if the brain worms survive me sleeping then i'll prolly come back in the morning to analyze the show more
secret-citrus · 2 years
Spent this afternoon binging Helluva Boss, and now I'm hooked lmao, so I'll take the brain worms and point out the difference between Blitz' and Stolas's pictures of each other
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One of these was taken in the day, when Blitz feels the need to hide his emotions and push people away to keep himself from getting hurt. The other was in the night, when nobody was awake to hurt him. When he could be the loving and caring person he really is.
And I think the part that hurts the most is this isn't a buried piece of Blitz. He has moments like that rather often with everyone besides Stolas, even though he clearly cherishes Stolas above almost everyone else (the picture above, better shown by Stolas's appearance in the Truth Seekers dream sequence). What's buried is the fear of getting hurt. It's shoved so deep down that the only time it's spelled out is when Blitz is tripping balls in Truth Seekers. Even then, he tells the display of his fear to shut up.
Blitz is purposefully hurting Stolas so he'll just leave their relationship at the mutual exchange. And it's working.
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