#if people weren't so exhausted or overworked i firmly believe that the dog culture in america would be very different
hashtag-xolo · 1 year
At least when it comes to America, when I say that capitalism is the biggest devil when it comes to doodles this goes beyond designer doodles can go for big bucks. It's a much deeper societal issue rooted in the fact that Americans are so horribly overworked and over-scheduled to even begin to survive in the current economic trash heap we're in. People are exhausted, physically and mentally, and lack a lot of extra time to do all the things that an active dog needs. Addition, this economic system has completely fractured and socially isolated people, even before the COVID-19 quarantine physically isolated people. People don't have the time or energy to visit with friends. Schedules don't line up and no one can afford to take time off of work or they could quite literally starve or lose their homes. And so people get dogs to fill this void.
Is it any wonder why America has a much larger population of "fur parents" "fur baby" etc identifying people? Dogs, by and large over other animals, are a solution for many people to fill this void so much so that everyone panicked to buy a pandemic puppy. Because a dog would fill the void. But even without the pandemic, people were still getting dogs to have as companions to relieve that isolation and loneliness that comes from being worked to death. We struggle to find the time and energy to be with our families and closest friends. So we have dogs. But the dogs that exhausted people want, and need, are low energy easy-to-manage companion breeds.
Doodles have been beautifully marketed to fill this void. They are marketed as smart and easy to train, I mean they're part poodle so obviously they train themselves right guys? And their coat is non-shedding so it's low maintenance! And they're so friendly and non-aggressive, just the perfect companion dog. So people who are lonely and isolated buy them up desperate for that Ultimate Companion Dog(tm). And these are people who are already exhausted and don't have the mental bandwidth to train or research deeply. They don't have the mental bandwidth to do a lot of brushing or extra cleaning of their house. That's why they want a non-shedding dog to begin with. And then vets and groomers bear the brunt of the issues with these dogs who actually have heavy grooming needs not getting properly trained and desensitized to long procedures. Because their owners don't know better and often can't do better because they simply don't have the time or energy.
So many people just want to not be alone. They want relief from the horrible isolation that capitalism brings and so they want the easiest possible dog to fill that void. And capitalism tells them it's a doodle. The two are completely and utterly intertwined. If people don't have the time and energy to become dog savvy and do the things they need to do with their dogs, then they won't because they can't. And a lot of people who are getting dogs just to fill a void wouldn't be getting dogs anymore. But because people are horrifically isolated and exhausted, this is what happens to fill that void. Doodles are not the problem; they're beautifully marketed as a way for too many people to patch over a much bigger problem. And this is incredibly evident in all of American dog culture from the way that doggy daycares are run to the reasons people often don't go to dog training professionals until an issue appears in their dogs.
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