#if it weren't for magolor i probably wouldn't be here today
gemapples · 11 months
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yesterday (july 15th) was a very important day for me because that's the day i first started loving magolor and helped me to overcome a major low in my life 8 years ago therefore it's also the day kirby became my main interest + resulted in being one the most important things ever to me ❤️
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Butterflies Lay Upon Our Heirlooms Chapter 2
the one where I did monopoly instead of writing a believable social interaction like ya do
Chapter under the cut
Chatter filled the room near instantly, laughing of old friends filling the room with a positive air. Bandee would watch from the sidelines, he was chatting with Adeleine and Ribbon currently. Adeleine was showing off a new tattoo she got last fall of the planet ripple star- she says she wants to have a full arm covered in tattoos. Bandee is very supportive- he always thought they were cool though admittedly he was way too afraid of the needle to actually get one.. And what would he get one of?
He's snapped out of that thought when he hears a loud thud, quickly looking over to the noise shows Marx on the ground cackling like a madman while Magolor stands over him in a smug manner while hurdling a plethora of playful insults. Is this something he needs to worry about? Maybe.. Then again, this is just how Magolor and Marx are, Bandee just wonders what happened this time around.
"I'll never understand those two." Ribbon mentions, having also turned her attention to the jester. Adeleine nods in agreement.
"I don't think anyone does." Bandee states. He tried understanding Magolor once, better then trying to understand Marx, but unfortunately as Bandee would learn Magolor is just a less insane Marx. They guess that's why they like each other so much.
Honestly Bandee's just surprised Kirby didn't challenge Marx to another food eating competition! Though it wouldn't really be the same after… No, cease the thought you're supposed to be having a good time here Bandee.
He tries to focus on the conversation Adeleine and Ribbon are having as they weren't really listening good enough before, the conversation seems to have shifted to their adventures when they all first met.
Bandee remembers it well, it was when he first caught the attention of the king and was awarded his signature bandana so he could spot him easily in a crowd. As stressful as the Zero 2 situation was, they really can't deny that it was probably the best thing that has ever happened to them. They're calm for a moment remembering their childhood with Adeleine and Ribbon, though the more they think about that time the more and more they miss the king- the old king. They get lost in thought.
"Bandana?" Adeleine draws back the king's attention, she looks kind of worried "You alright? You just started zoning out there."
"Ah- I'm fine! Just thinking is all!" They try to fake a chipper tone, though it's very hard to slip anything past two girls you knew since you were 10.
They look at eachother, then Ribbon says "Well alright then. You know if something's on your mind you can always talk to us right?" Bandee nodded, giving an awkward smile in the process. Bandee was not fine. But he was a king now, and he didn't have time to be not fine, he didn't want people to see that they're not ready for this.
They've been in this position for two whole years and they still feel wrong every time they put on their crown- the robe doesn't even fit them they have to tie it around their waist with a stray piece of cloth! Deep breaths Bandee… "I know- and I will! I'm just thinking about whatever Kirby's doing, I should go make sure he didn't eat everything already."
With that the king marches away from the two, Adeleine and Ribbon look even more concerned though they decided to let him be. No this isn't any good! He was supposed to enjoy himself today.. Ok, he's going to see Kirby and he WILL feel better. If he doesn't he fakes being fine for the rest of the party and then they can go scream in their room.
Looking about he sees Daroach and Shadow Kirby talking about something that has Daroach laughing and Skirby not emoting (as usual).. Not the right Kirby but he can't help but notice Skirby is wearing a crown also, he momentarily wonders if the same thing that happened to his Meta Knight and Dedede happened to…
Just focus on looking for Kirby, he's probably eating everything on the snack table right now. Well Bandee reaches the snack table and Kirby isn’t there! He lets out a drawn out sigh and pours himself apple juice in a fancy wine glass, perhaps he should just take it easy and try to keep to themself more. There will be more parties in the future after all, and if anyone needs them they’re still right here.
He sips from his glass, homemade apple juice fit for a king! It was lifting their spirits already. They'd watch the party from their little corner of the snack table, they watched hoping time would just speed up. Unfortunately, that is not how time works. They watched as in the corner of their eye a game of monopoly was set up and immediately their fight or flight instincts set in.
Last time this group played monopoly Kirby ate the board in frustration and Magolor tried to murder Susie after landing on three of her fully upgraded properties in a row. It ended with Taranza crying in the corner and it was the first time Bandee had ever said a swear word without being egged on. They should probably do something about it.
So they make their way over to where they were setting up the game, as well as they could tell it was Magolor’s idea, something about revenge. Good Nova. They have now entered the danger zone as they stand over the board, arms crossed, putting on their best, most intimidating expression and simply asking “Have we not learned our lesson last time?” with the slight raise of an eyebrow.
No they haven’t. Susie laughs at his poor attempt at defusing this wretched game that destroys friendships “Nope!” her voice as condescending as ever “I do enjoy crushing any hope Magolor has left of thinking he can beat me at my own game!”
To which the cat grunted “You say that as if your win last time wasn’t a fluke, lady luck just wasn’t on my side! It’ll be different this time.” he snaps! Susie’s laugh only grows more cruel as she lays the board, there seems to be only five people this time who will engage in this torment and Marx just called dibs on being the banker so Bandee will not be joining them in hopes to keep both his composure and sanity.
“If it turns out like last time I’m banning monopoly from dreamland.” they state, knowing it will have no effect on whether or not the group destroys each other or not and will end up banning monopoly by the time this party is over.
“Hey Bandana, do you want to play with us?” Coo asks, and while there's at least one sane person here Bandana must refuse. He's not making that mistake again.
A thought comes up, so Bandee asks "Say, have any of you seen Kirby anywhere?"
The response he gives is an assortment of "no"s and "haven't seen him since the party started"s. Wait, haven't seen him since the party started? It could be that Kirby just dropped by these specific people once and then went to talk with King Fluff and Elfilin for the rest of the day. Speaking of, he should probably go check on them.
Making his way through the room they spot Elfilin, and go to speak with them when interrupted by a soft voice "Hello Bandana Dee, pardon me but have you seen Kirby anywhere?"
Bandee turned around to see the king of patchland himself, and he's looking for Kirby? "I was actually just looking for him myself.." Where had that pink puffball gone off too? Surely he should've seen him by now, he was there at the start of the party and now he's just vanished? This is very unlike him.
The other king looked disappointed "Oh, that's unfortunate.. Uh, can you tell me if you see him anywhere?" He sounded very disappointed in saying this, Bandee remembered how fondly Kirby spoke of the king after every trip he'd take to patch land.
"Of course!" Bandee replies quickly "I'll make sure to let him know that you're looking for him when I find him."
Fluff nodded "Thank you.".
And thus Bandana was once again walking away, they thought they'd ought to be finding Kirby right now. This is so unlike him to just not be anywhere during a party, he loves parties and talking to his friends. Their time with Elfilin will have to wait, unfortunately.
After scanning the crowd the only Kirby they could find was Shadow Kirby and as they saw before that is not someone they are ready to talk to right now. A waddle dee came up to the king, "I seen Kirby outside!" the smaller dee said, and with a heavy sigh, and another gulp of his apple juice, Bandana went for the door.
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