#if it is tho let me know and i'll put together a little spin off in the blink of an eye
elliemarchetti · 6 months
Enchanted to Meet You
Hello @corcracrow, your Secret Santa here! I know I haven't filled you with questions as I would’ve liked, and you probably have the feeling of not knowing me that well, but unfortunately real life has hit hard both on my creative process and my free time. Anyway, I don’t want to spoil the mood for I'm very happy to reveal myself and I hope you likethe first chapter of the fic I have prepared for this year’s @acotargiftexchange
Plot: The Archeron sisters are prominent members of the Upper East Side, as are the Vanserras. Elain is fresh out of a disappointing relationship, while Lucien is the neglected seventh child of a couple who haven’t loved each other for a long time. Will they be able, after a chance meeting at a Christmas party, to build something they could cherish or will gossips and meddling families stifle the budding interest they feel for each other?
Words: 2241
Elain looked around, a glass of champagne held firmly in her right hand. The celebrations were going well, Feyre was having fun, laughing at a joke delivered by her new boyfriend, while Nesta twirled on the dancefloor like a ballerina in a music box, barely noticing her partner. It was the second Christmas party they attended this year, but since their business was booming, she guessed it wouldn’t be the last. At least the host picked some quality wine, a competent catering and classy live music. All the participants belonged only to the best families of the Upper East Side although, and she suspected not by mere coincidence, the Nolans were missing from the guest list. Some had already begun to whisper ill-will about their absence, but since the event was being held on one of Rhysand’s properties, Elain had the privilege to screen out those who were no longer welcome in her vicinity. She was aware she shouldn’t have been so naïve, a marriage proposal so hasty and at such a young age could only come from the heart when net worths like theirs weren’t at stake, but since she still struggled to figure out what to do with her feelings about it, she thought it wiser to let those social climbers stay in the dark place they called home.
Graysen had defined the architecture of his house as designer modern brutalism, but Elain, for the short time she had spent within its walls, had thought it nothing more than a luxurious prison. There were few windows, practically no natural sunlight, it didn’t have a balcony, a veranda, or even a garden, and although the underground swimming pool and spa had done their duty when she needed to relax, everything, including the obsessive order kept in the rooms by a bevy of maids she had never met, appeared fake. Like the love of its heir, after all, like the glittering gifts of his mother. There was no sentiment in everything they did, and since nothing was more distant from the teachings of her father, Elain had decreed that what happened before it was too late was for the best. Not that she would’ve completely ruled out the idea of a divorce if she found out after she married him that Graysen had joined their families only for financial benefit, but it was a nuisance she preferred to avoid, just like the fast-approaching gossips.
Luckily, someone was ready to save her, or so it seemed from the twinkle in the russet eye she met.
She knew Lucien Vanserra only by name, but his story was almost legendary and the reason most rich parents won’t let their kids go to public schools anymore, even if they were renowned and the courses were the best in the US: coveted heartthrob while still in college, a young professor not in her right mind developed a crush on his socially anxious best friend. When he’d rightly rejected her, she had decided to disfigure him with a kitchen knife. Lucien had been quick to push his mate away from the blade, but had been hit in turn, losing his eye and, despite countless surgeries, finding half his face permanently disfigured by a deep white scar, in stark contrast with his amber skin.
“I wanted to wait for some mutual acquaintance to do the honors, but given the situation it seemed like an appropriate time to come and introduce myself,” he said by a way of greeting, extending a manicured hand. The sleeve of his green jacket ran up a little, showing off a probably priceless watch, matched with the eccentric gold prosthetic with which he had replaced the missing eye.
 “We’ve really lost our manners these days,” Elain joked, offering him a firm shake. It was her mother who told her, before she died all those years ago, that a weak hand was a sign of a weaker character, and after the misunderstanding with the Nolans, she was determined to convey confidence in every detail of her being. That was why she had chosen the dress she was wearing, with a neckline not too exaggerated but not even as chaste as she would’ve once preferred, the skirt narrower on the hips, where previously would’ve been tulle and wide pleats.
“Who do you think is the rudest?” Lucien asked, scanning the people by the bar. Being caught red handed, those who had distracted themselves from their conversations to glance curiously in their direction suddenly turned back to their interlocutors, making Elain smile bitterly. She could already imagine what they would say about them at the next brunch they were going to attend, she could already hear them referring to Lucien as the Beast to Elain’s Beauty regardless of the fact he was extremely charming, his disability just a means to spout malice.
“After careful consideration, I think Keir wins the prize,” Elain admitted, glaring at a blond-haired man who was displaying his voluptuous daughter like a beast at the farmers market to a group of older guests. The young woman seemed incredibly uncomfortable but didn’t leave her father’s side until a scary guy, all cradled in black, asked her to dance.
“He has been trying for nearly a year to convince my father that she and my brother would be a good match, but I think Eris’s interest lies elsewhere,” Lucien replied, nodding at Nesta’s current dance partner. His hair was a little more orange than Lucien’s, way shorter but still long enough to be tied at his nape, and although his skin was lighter, the resemblance was uncanny despite the age difference.
“She’s a though nut to crack,” Elain warned him, wondering if at least this bachelor would last a few months with her. The previous suitor didn’t get to the end of the third, retreating in his chase because of her cold and detached attitude.
“Who knows, they might have found each other, then,” Lucien muttered, drawing a surprised laugh from Elain. She was happy not to be an only child, but sometimes being three sisters and with such different characters was a real challenge. She couldn’t imagine how Lucien managed to get along with everyone in his large family, although, being the seventh, it probably meant nobody paid him much attention.
“Are you as difficult as him?” she asked, once the silence stretched for a little too long. She was enjoying their conversation, the ease with which Lucien opened up, as if he wasn’t used to be associated with the same high-class circles as the rest of the presents. His quick remarks had the same taste as notes passed under the desk during boring lessons, thrilling and personal, even if they talked about nothing of substance, and his presence was grounding, capable of freeing her mind from unpleasant thoughts and calming her anxiety.
"If I want to, but fortunately it’s not something I have often to retort to,” he replied, before downing the glass of liquor in his right hand in a single sip. “And are you the gentles of the bunch as is rumored?”
Elain thought about it for a second. Regardless of how she wanted to behave, her nature wasn’t as wild and showy as Feyre’s or as relentless and demanding as Nesta’s: her qualities lay in diplomacy and understanding of her surroundings, she liked to observe more than act, and make thoughtful decisions to prevent mistakes. She was reserved, always composed, and knew how to keep her opinions to herself, but that didn’t make her any less dangerous, just easier to underestimate.
“I suppose so, or maybe I’m just really good at my job,” she replied, finishing the champagne herself and depositing the flute on an empty tray.
“Which, if I’m not mistaken, is sadly required,” he murmured in her ear, sending a shiver down her naked back. Elain followed his line of vision, and saw her father suspiciously pale and unsure on his legs.
Her eyes involuntarily rolled back in her skull. It was always the same damn story: he was the CEO of a multi-million-dollar company, not a small-town carpenter unfamiliar with open bars, therefore he should’ve known better than to get wasted before midnight, but punctual like a Swiss clock, he proved to be unable to complete even such a simple task. Elain didn’t expect him to suddenly stop drinking, despite all the help his daughters offered and the professionals they were handsomely paying, but she felt like it wasn’t too much to ask for him to not make a fool of himself at public events.
“I could show you where the backdoor is,” suggested her interlocutor, offering his arm with a wink of his good eye. “That’s where I usually sneak out from anyway.”
Convincing her father to move away from the corner of the room where he had retreated, probably in vain search of the poorly positioned bathroom, wasn’t as simple as it may sound, but once they succeeded, Lucien helped her to keep him upright, to make as few guests as possible notice his state.
“After you,” he told her with a polite smile, when they finally reached their destination, before opening the plastic door and bowing to let her pass like the humble usher of one of the luxurious hotels where he too surely used to stay when he did something his parents wouldn’t have approved of.
As soon as she stepped out, the acrid smell of New York immediately flooded her nostrils, and she was sure that if it hadn’t rained so heavily a couple of fat rats would’ve welcomed them back into the real world too.
“My usual luck,” Elain muttered, trying to keep from shivering in the cold. Her jacket had remained in the wardrobe, as to attract as little attention as possible, but the taxi Lucien had kindly called was at least a couple minutes away, so she could only hope that the thin fabric of her dress didn’t show off her nipples hardened by the winter air.
“My mother told me cream goes great with green,” Lucien whispered, and before Elain could ask him what the hell he was talking about, she felt the weight of his blazer settle on her shoulders.
“Thank you,” she murmured, meeting his gaze perhaps for the first time since they’d taken shelter under the tiny plastic canopy. He wasn’t pitying her, he wasn’t amused nor even annoyed, he simply seemed used to helping strangers in need and vaguely sorry that their time together had come to a premature end.
“No need to thank me Cinderella,” he replied, very tenderly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. “But now we have to load your father into the carriage.”
The taxi had indeed arrived at the only exit of the dead-end street, as close as possible to its future passengers. The pouring rain didn’t take long to soak her hair, and Lucien’s white shirt stuck to his arms, the muscles tense from the effort. The cold seemed to have brought her father a little back to his senses, but his tremors, mixed with an innate lack of coordination exacerbated by the alcohol, weren’t helping.
“Your jacket…” Elain started, once she was seated, but the owner shut her with a shrug.
“See it as a reason to look for me if you ever want to see me again,” he replied, and with that, he closed the door, gesturing for the driver to start moving.
“Where am I taking you, miss?” asked the man, who was already taking the road furthest from the entrance of the venue to avoid the paparazzi camped nearby despite the adverse weather, when he realized she wasn’t going to give him directions soon, the girl too focused on the encounter she just had. Blushing for the embarrassment, and with her mind focused mainly on the heat emanating from Lucien, whose shadow remained on her in the form of his velvet jacket, she absentmindedly provided him her address.
In a moment of clarity, Elain forced herself not to be delusional. Such a handsome and charming guy was certainly already taken, or at least he had a roster of sexy lovers. But then why be so nice? Why help with her father? She was still up wandering the kitchen and asking herself questions she couldn’t know the answers to when Nesta returned home, fortunately alone.
“Judging by your state no redhead was lucky tonight,” she tried to joke, but Nesta’s expression was deadly grave and she plopped down on one of the chaises longues in the living room dimly lit by the fireplace.
“Do you think we should send him back to rehab?” Elain asked, sitting down on the expensive rug the subject of their conversation had bought on his last trip to the Middle East.
“I say give him a second chance, but only one,” she replied, her gaze following the dancing flames.
“You should’ve stayed at the party,” Elain scolded her, resting her head on her thigh, left bare by the deep slit of her dress. “The situation is under control.”
“I can’t have fun when I know you’re shouldering his addiction alone,” Nesta replied, stroking her still damp hair, destroying definitively the elaborate hairstyle. Elain didn’t say anything else, but for some reason, as Nesta recounted her version of the evening, her eyes kept slipping to the door in hope a certain gentleman would ring the doorbell just to say goodnight. 
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hearvex · 2 months
can i ask for this Juan guy lore :v i saw his tweet when it had like 3k and thought it cant be good but i dont know anything about him. its upsetting to see 12k likes tho like why are people fighting against human fights tho
oh this is a long one, who's Juan Guarnizo, the streamer who has recently tweeted against the french union in regards of the qsmp.
juan guarnizo is a colombian streamer (who now lives in mexico with his wife). he's participated in Tortillaland, a roleplaying minecraft series, as a wizard of sorts. He then decided to create a "spin-off" series (more cinematic/pre-planned) called "El Dios de Todo" (The God of Everything, his character's catchphrase). So he partnered with Euphonia, a popular Minecraft Studio that has created games such as SquidCraft, Dedsafio, SawMinecraftGames, and more.
He announced he was looking for several roleplayers for this project, and people started complaining on twitter because some of the requirements were pretty much insane.
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Some include, full availability for 6 hours a day everyday for an entire month, good quality microphone, not being able to livestream the content, just record it to be used after the proyect was released, knowing how to rhyme/rap/sing/imitate voices and animals/general voice acting talent and being able to improv. All of that for the price of 0$. The payment? The enriching experience of being part of this unpayed proyect with your favorite content creator.
Well turns out people still didn't like this idea, justifiably so, and continued to call him out on twitter. His initial response was as follows:
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(Hello, I understand that you know little about the project so I'll explain it to you: The God of Everything is a series based on a story that we will tell in the most cinematic way possible, therefore it is only possible to have one pov and not 40. Participants will be able to take advantage of the series on different social media platforms but not live. How much benefit they decide to get out of it is up to each person. The 6 hours a day thing is insurance, because there will most likely be days where your participation is half an hour and that's it. Also making it clear that professionals such as voice actors who will also be in the series will be paid for their work. We are creating an experience never seen before for me, the roleplayers and the audience, whoever wants and can experience it will enjoy it very much. It is something that we are putting all our heart and desire into for those who want to see the story. Communities that are not going to see it at all, at least don't fill it with your toxicity or bad vibes.)
Basically excusing himself by "I'm doing good by allowing you to join, please don't let toxicity ruin this". Which was still off, because professional voice actors would be getting payed but somehow the rest wouldn't, weird overall. Several POVs would be recorded but only one would be able to broadcast it, Juan. "we'll pay you with exposure" ahh deal
I haven't followed him since this happened, some claim he then did pay the actors, but even if that were the case, that would've never happened if it weren't for people calling out his exploitative bs. Which is exactly what's happened with the qsmp, only this time it's not a cancellation on twitter dot com, but a whole entire french union.
What I think their fans don't understand is that this is not a mob campaign against their faves, it's about protecting the working class from the privileged who refuse to pay them correctly or sometimes never at all, granting them rights to defend themselves when cases like these arise. This goes for people who claim Juan learned from his mistake, he clearly didn't if his immediate reaction to the union was:
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(It's good that they formed a union, so they all hold hands together and fuck off)
So either he's forgotten his "lesson", or he only payed them (if that even happened) because he got caught and wanted to prevent a future cancelation).
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risu5waffles · 8 months
A Small Wait to SweeTEN the Taste
i know, i know. i've just been a bit overwhelmed, but here we are and here we go.
A real high quality, expansive bit of LBP2 fun here. Great environment, decent story set up (even if i don't think it ever got paid off in a later level?), some fun tweaks on the mechanics. The funny thing is, i wound up having the most difficulty navigating through the tutorial bit; after that and the level flowed pretty smoothly. Nice difficulty curve, too. There're a couple of parts that were tricky, but fair, and nothing that suddenly seemed like an impossible task. The level is quite chonky, tho'; making use of the novel (at the time) level link feature. i think it uses the extra space well, but i can see how it might be an issue if you're looking for a quick in-and-out. As an aside, but tagging players never seem to have a good idea of what actually constitutes long. Well, that's perhaps unfair; what i mean to say is they don't seem to have a consistent idea of it. i see the "long" tag show up on as many 5minute levels as i do on 30minute ones. It makes it a bit hard for me to judge if a level is going to be safe for a before-work recording.
Bundling these together (out-of-order) since they're from the same creator, and working in the same theme. Lots of level to traverse, clear, coherent theming and decoration, minor, but interesting level interactions. i wound up enjoying both of these an awful lot, even if i felt the second started to get just a bit draggy toward the end. The bloom-the-flower bits in the second are a lot more active for the player, which was cool, but not always clear in how they were supposed to be accomplished, and i feel like a lot of the deaths in that last one could be at least a little chalked up to poor communication.
We talked about this one last week and it's still pretty, but decidedly meh.
This is a real neat race that i really enjoyed a lot more once i had a better idea of the layout. Presentation on a pure visual sense is spot on as always from Mellangard and Alpi, tho' the color choices could make some bits blend together a bit. My biggest issues wiv the race, the introduction of the velociraptor-hats and the chandelier jump were apparently cleaned up right after i did this recording. If only i'd waited an extra day. It does make me wonder how to handle levels that have received updates that change their handling significantly. chronos453 did some work on Neon Dimension 3, and it plays so much more smoothly than when we archived it. i kinda want to do a spin-off playlist where i can shift the old versions, and put the updated versions in the main ones, but i don't know if it comes up often enough to justify the extra work.
This is definitely a level. No one can take that away from it.
This one's a fun little one, but i kinda felt like it might have been cheating a bit? i mean to say, i don't think the dominoes were falling purely via physics, but maybe wiv a little goosing along here and there. i don't feel like the level is worse off for it, but it is just a touch less impressive.
i swear that car was stuck. i pulled the lever the right way, and it still didn't go anywhere. The level is... well, it's certainly enthusiastic, i'll give it that. i have a fondness for these "let's throw everything from collected objects in, and see what happens" levels, provided they make the effort to be an actual level, and this one definitely does. Is it a good level? Errr... honestly i couldn't say yes. But is it a fun level? Yeah. i definitely had a good enough time wiv it. i do feel like it would benefit from playing wiv a few friends, but then you could say that about a lot of early LBP1 levels.
Oh my dogs, this fucking level. i super, super did not enjoy this one. i actually found myself wishing the checkpoints weren't infinite, so i could just say "bugger this for a game of soldiers." Everything is super-fiddly to being just this side of unfair. The spikes placed in areas that typically would be safe spots to plan you jumps were definitely a choice. And the wobbly platforms where i finally gave up? Who ever thought those were a good idea? i don't know. Maybe to HARD level players, this kind of thing is totally the shits, but i've only got so much time to spend, and i spent way too much of it here.
i'm torn on this one. It is a really nicely presented level, that makes solid use of the extra layers we have in LBP3. There's some nice gameplay, and a little poking around for secrets that i always love. It's a touch overlong feeling, but not so much as to be an issue. But it has that "big empty place" vibe that plagues a lot of LBP3 levels i find. i'm not sure precisely what gives it that, but it's there. It's like... i'm going to have to put some real thought into this. It's bothered me long enough that i should probably pick it apart. Maybe if i get my thoughts clear enough, i could do a little video on it.
So that's our TEN. There're some real nice ones in there, but they're snuggled up wiv some real dross too. But, that's not the worst spread we could get, i suppose.
i am so busy. i want to get a little food in me before the stream. Siren is a real interesting play so far, but it is also an awful lot. i just know we're going to spend the whole first hour just trying to keep this old fucker from being killed. i swear, he is not the quickest draw in the West. Like, serious, that rifle packs a fucking punch, but getting it up to actually use takes a whole dog's age.
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questionsnooneasks · 2 years
Those Were The Days, A Steven and Joe Story Part 2
Those Were The Days, A Steven and Joe Story
CHAPTER 1 Continued -
“Tonight - We are Young!  Let’s Set the Stage on Fire!!” Steven says nodding his Head at Joe .
Joe is Breathless. Something has passed between them that has never happened before.  Steven is lighting the fires in the pit of his heart.  It was an exciting feeling.  And Joes thinks it's BECAUSE of how he was feeling, the band plays one of the greatest sets they have ever played.  They put on a spectacular performance.  They do indeed set the stage on fire. They are running around happily. Joe is Playing his Absolute Best Tonight. Steven is in Fine Voice and singing at full volume.  And he is taking a particular delight in pulling Joe to him via that white scarf.  Pulling them face to face for the single mic harmonies; Steven untying it from Joe's neck and artfully re-wrapping it around his own neck with the use of a strategic spin; gently tying them together while draping himself over Joe's back during a guitar solo. The Crowd was going wild at their antics.
They ran offstage after their 3rd encore, hot, sweaty and breathing hard.  Joe is not long out of the shower and in his dressing space changing into his street clothes for the party they were expected at, when Steven called him over to his space with his typical "Hey-Perry-bring-your-ass-over-to-me" summons.
“God that was a great show tonight. That's what everyone in management has been saying tonight, and you know those assholes don't know shit from Shinola. You were brilliant Joe.  I mean you always are in my opinion, but you were just magical tonight." he says.
Joe raises a skeptical eyebrow at him.  "Surprised to hear you say that. Given your behavior earlier." he says
Steven looks sternly back at Joe . “Look, I know that I constantly give you all a hard time. But I like shit to be right and I "WILL" have it right.  I mean I have to stand there while people watch me sing it you know.  The least you all can do is play it the way we rehearsed it.  I mean how hard is that, huh??"
Joe has to admit Steven is right. "Well..yeah.  But you don't have to be so god-damned rude about it Steven."  and he can tell that Steven feels the effect of his words.
"Well like I said - I truly do apologize. And I'll try harder to be a little less of a terror. At least next time when I bite your heads off, I promise I will lick the wound sooner.” Joe smiles at Steven's rather graphic left handed apology.
"Geez Steven, That was just so heart-felt.  I mean you don't have to get all sloppy about it."
"Well Fuck you, Mr. Happy, He of the Ever Present Scowl.  That's all you're getting from me on that.  Now, Get out of here and let me get pretty.  And don't you dare leave with anybody else. I'm willing to try to take it easy on you guys about the music.  But you can take it to the bank that I certainly "WILL" kick the Bitch or the Motherfucker's ass who would try and deprive me of my favorite Arm Candy."
Joe just grinned at him. As he turned to leave he said. "Okay, but sometime this side of midnight huh?"
Joe had to spend an extra 15 minutes on his hair to remove all of the face powder that came out of the small container that Steven accurately beaned him with on his  way out of the door.
The Aftershow Hotel Party is already underway. It's a typical Aerosmith affair: Babes, Booze, and Blow. Joe and Steven entered together, arm in arm like they were the King and Queen, with Steven maintaining a forceful grip on Joe's arm.  Joe could tell that many of the guests already had a good head start on them and he can observe all the various types of intense Party behaviors that occur at these shindigs: The ladies eyeing each others clothes..the men eyeing the ladies deciding who to start with..groups of folks laughing with each other..Other groups laughing att each other..people arguing about things.....all the typical bullshit.
He and Steven haven't been completely left behind tho. Steven had done a couple of lines with Joe in his dressing room before they left the arena and he knew that Steven always had his own stash plus a Tuinol pill or two handy.  However, Joe was a traditionalist and had always been a B Y O B (Bring your Own Bottle) type of guy, no matter if there were free drinks where he was going. He was a big fan of mixed drinks and wanted to be sure he wasn't being fobbed off with the cheap stuff.
So Joe was feeling mighty fine as he was taking in his surroundings.  He and Steven had taken a turn around the room together, posing for coveted backstage pics by management approved photographers, Joe shaking hands with all of the guitar magazine editors who wanted him to “at least try” their endorsed new products or were trying to entice him to do a multi page interview with a guaranteed cover.  Steven kissed all the pretty ladies with the (corporate invested) rich older husbands, giving them a thrill by making them feel young again.  For all his middle aged reality, Steven was considered quite a sexy man by every female fan between 16 and 60.  And by a few of the guys too.  It always amused Joe to watch how, when Steve made one of his few nightly forays into or ( if the venue allowed Steven to employ his trapeze) "OVER" the audience, to watch how many "straight" guys would be elbowing the girls and each other out of the way to get just the slightest touch of Steven.  And sometimes Steven would allow them more than a slight touch...
Joe ruffles his hair and realizes that he needs to pace himself with the drinks. Some of Joe’s musician friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State Building and he thinks about going in there to partake of a line or two just to even himself out. But he knows  Steven would blow a gasket if he did.  'Don't even think about Baby. I always got anything and everything you want Beautiful. No Need to go looking elsewhere.' As if by Design, Joe turns his head and sees Steven in his line of sight on the other side of the room.
Steven notices and immediately ends the conversation he was having.  Steven crosses the room and comes over and stands in front of Joe, pulling him closer by the lapels of his fur lined leather jacket.
"I want to tell you again Joe how good you were tonight and how proud I am to be doing this with you.  It wouldn't be the same for me with anyone else you know??  You do get that don't you Beautiful?"
"Of course I do Steven.  You are a special kind of crazy you know.  The light to my dark, remember?  I know I probably wouldn't have made it this far this quickly if you hadn't insisted that we were going to form this band. But you are a true pain in the ass make no mistake. It's not lost on me.  But of course if you weren't kicking my ass...all our asses for that matter...none of us would be here."
"Damn straight you scowly bastard.  I molded you and this band together with my bare hands.  I don't mean to be so hardass about it, but I can't help it. My Calabrese blood just gets up sometimes. And I admit I can be one vindictive motherfucker.  I guess I just expect some appreciation, that's all.  You can understand where I am coming from right?"
Joe was being forcefully held close enough to see the sincerity in Steven's eyes.  He could see also that Steven was gacked to the nines.  But he clearly meant every word he was saying.
"I absolutely do Steven.  No matter whatever else I may yell at you during rehearsal, you know what I really feel.  What I will always feel."
Steven gave Joe one his most dazzling smiles and slowly loosened his hold on his jacket lapels.
"Good. Glad we got that straightened out.  Okay now, as a reward, I'm gonna go get shit faced before the bar closes. Care to join me??
"No I'm good Steven.  Got my bottle right here.  Besides, someone has to make sure we get home okay.  But I'll just watch you. Go enjoy yourself."
Steven scampered off after some very tall cute blonde in a cashmere fur trimmed wrap and a leopard print jacket.  Being familiar with a number of Steven's proclivities, Joe knew the blonde was going to be going home without the wrap, or the jacket, or possibly even both depending on how fucked up Steven got her.
Slowly, but surely the party was coming to an end. Joe had taken up his position in a chair in a corner, way buzzed but awake, hanging on to the last of his bottle.  He was looking around hazily at his bandmates and a few of the party guests still left. A group of a half dozen pretty young ladies were talking and giggling on the couch.  At least three of them were braless with their shirts open.  Theirs must be whose bras were being used for sling shots for the volley sprays of popcorn that he noticed were frequently being let loose back and forth across the room. Brad the guitar player was leaning on the sturdy back of a conveniently placed iron statue looking awkward with a drink in his hand and smiling at the goings on. Joey was Hammered and having an earnest conversation with that same statue's mustachioed face. Tom was sitting in an arm chair and talking earnestly with some guy in big lensed sunglasses with a girl on his lap who appeared to be very high and nuzzling his neck. It took Joe a bit of time, but he finally located Steven in his peripheral vision.  He turned his head and saw Steven on some floor cushions nodding off using his omnipresent handbag has a headrest.
Time to go Joe thought.  His first impulse was to round up all of his band mates, but as he had seen before they were all still wide awake and appeared to be enjoying themselves.  Especially Joey who had just apparently shared a very hilarious joke with the statue's whiskery iron pan.  Besides the only one he had actually promised to be sure to get home was Steven.
To Be Continued....
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
Thought I'd do this myself as well. I might. Do it multiple times and ignore all the unfinished song analyses in the drafts as always you know what's up because this is SO FUN! Basically, this is spin the wheel but with songs, and I'm just gonna ramble about whatever song I get...
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Lemme just put it on
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This song was just like.. hey.. hey remember that one performance?
Also.. can you watch that video without cringing because I can't iiiiiieeeeee I just watched it and I crumbled up into a little squeakly ball iiieee look at them oohhh pls why why just. WHY.
They're so cute at the end tho look at theeemmm
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Producers be like "Oh you know what? That Rihanna song that's just a massive hit that these guys performed, that worked, yep, yep yepyepyep let's just make something like that for the album yep that'll work let's go." - aka the birth of Stole My Heart. Because it's basically the same song.
But really though, these songs are so damn similar even if you think the similarities with Only Girl (In The World) specifically aren't so much on purpose, it's still very clear early 1D's purpose was to get those poppy hits in the likes of stuff that was in the charts at the time such as Rihanna, Kelly Clarkson, and Katy Perry to name a few.
Between Stole My Heart and Everything About You I don't know which one is the strongest "Rihanna amirite" contender, with Everything About You more closely resembling S&M (harry still being a fan 11 years later yeee) and Don't Stop The Music.
Back to the song in question, I think the change in the lyrics of Only Girl (In The World) during their X-Factor performance demonstrate exactly what Stole My Heart set out to do (and most songs on the album for that matter... and well, actually, One Direction as a whole really): making the teenage girl fan feel like they're that one special girl these guys could have their eyes on. The way Liam sings "I want you to love my like I'm the hot guy" followed by them together singing the chorus with the altered point of view lyrics: "I'm gonna make you feel like you're the only girl in the world, like you're the only one that I'll ever love, like I'm the only one that knows your heart, only girl in the world"
So then take that to Stole My Heart, and you see the same thing. It's just 5 heartthrobs telling target demographicgirl she's special and they want her.
But the funny thing is we can just place it next to the Rihanna song they totally didn't rip off and it continues to just kinda... match up:
Stole My Heart // Only Girl (In The World)
[Verse 1: Liam]
The light shines, it's getting hot on my shoulders // I want you to love me Like I'm a hot ride
It's getting hot on his shoulders, is he the hot ride? salkdjalks
I don't mind, this time it doesn't matter // Be thinking of me, doing what you like
'Cause your friends, they look good but you look better // So, boy, forget about the world
Don't you know all night // 'Cause it's gon' be me and you tonight
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around, 'round, 'round // I wanna make you beg for it Then imma make you swallow your pride
Also let's take a second to laugh at this over at Genius:
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[Chorus: Harry]
Under the lights tonight, you turned around and you stole my heart, with just one look // Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
When I saw your face, I fell in love // Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Took a minute girl, to steal my heart tonight // Like I'm the only one who knows your heart, only girl in the world
With just one look, yeah // Like I'm the only one that's in command
Been waiting for a girl like you // 'Cause I'm the only one who understands How to make you feel like a man, yeah
...looking at this and it's not even worth it to really actually go into it.. I mean. It's just a simple pop song vs another simple pop song and it did what it set out to do and that's.. it. What else is there to say except Harry has the chorus, Liam the verses, Zayn the bridge, wheRE THE FUCK ARE NIALL AND LOUIS??
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Louis' voice would've made so much more sense on this right? why did they? make harry? hit the high notes? by himself? when? louis? is? right???? there?????
Okay I'm just gonna tag @swimmingleo and @laurelier and whoever else wants to to join @thestylinsons @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk (is this tagging secretly an attempt to get you to do another one maybe maybe not) and myself in this lil game. Rules I guess:
Pick the one of the options:
only UAN + TMH wheel
All 1D songs wheel
All of 1D + Harry + Louis wheel
And write something about the song it gives you! A full lyric breakdown, just your opinion or really anything, whatever that song sparks you to write!
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unendeligtid · 5 years
6, 10, 24, 35, 42, 85, 100 - for davenzi! you can pick which ones you want to do unless you want to do all, I'll love you forever 💖
Hello! I’ll try to get to them but I have so many requests lol! I have done 24, 35  and 100 tho, so check those out!
6. “But I never wanted him, it was always you.”
This asshole.
David swears that he’s not a jealous person. Most of the time, he’s laid back and supportive. But ever since he’d helped Matteo come out, it was like there was a raging fire in his stomach that couldn’t be put out.
They’re at a party, he and Matteo, which is something that they’ve been doing for almost their entire friendship. Except now, Matteo glows with this sort of confidence that David has never seen before. Matteo’s approaching people, chatting with other guys, flirting with them.
And the worst part of it is that David is so happy for Matteo. He knows how miserable Matteo was when he was in the closet, and so David helped him. Call it foolish, naïve hope on David’s part, but he’d helped Matteo because David had been in love with him since the day he’d laid eyes on him. David loves how messy Matteo is, the way he carries himself, which look lazy to everyone else, but David knows better. David knows how caring Matteo is, just how sensitive and conscientious he is. He was the first person that David ever came out to. He was the first person in their gymnasium to ever accept David for who he is, without fail.
And now, David has to watch as Matteo flirts with an attractive boy from across the dance floor.
It’s torture, it really is. David wants to be happy for Matteo, and he wants Matteo to be happy. And so if that means that they can’t be together, then that’s the way that it is.
“Hey,” says a familiar voice beside him, cutting him out of his thoughts. “Na?”
David startles, turning to face Matteo, who must’ve made his way over when David had stopped paying attention.
“Hey,” David replies, his voice cracking from how loud he needs to speak over the music.
Matteo looks him up and down, and then furrows his brows. “You okay?” he asks, moving a little bit closer so as to not speak so loud. David curses his heart for skipping a beat.
“I…” David trails off, looking down at his fingers.
“Wanna get out of here?” Matteo asks instead, thankfully not pressing it too hard. He always seems to know when David is overwhelmed.
“Yeah,” David chokes out, still avoiding his best friend’s glance.
Matteo leads him out, keeping a hand on his shoulder so that they don’t get separated among the crowd of people.
When they finally reach outside, they lean against the wall. As Matteo pats his pockets, seemingly looking for something, David breathes in the crisp, cool air.
“Wanna smoke?” Matteo asks, pulling his lighter out of his pocket.
David turns his head to the side. “I thought you were wanting to cut down on the weed?” he challenges, raising his eyebrows.
Matteo rolls his eyes, and then pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his other pocket. “Nicotine, asshole,” Matteo grumbles, pulling a smoke out and placing it in the corner of his mouth.
“That stuff will kill you,” David teases, unable to stop himself from watching Matteo’s mouth as he lights the cigarette and takes a drag.
“Fuck off,” Matteo teases back, blowing out smoke before handing the cigarette to David. “You’re not my dad.”
“I could be your daddy, though,” David deadpans, taking a drag of the cigarette until the smoke burns in his lungs, and then blowing it back out.
Matteo startles out a laugh, rolling his eyes again before making grabby hands for the cigarette. David hands it over, holding back a shiver as their fingers brush together.
“Good times, with uh…” David trails off, gesturing back inside.
“His name is Andreas,” Matteo fills in on his inhale. “He’s alright, yeah.”
“Andreas…” David trails off, his stomach sinking. He takes the cigarette from Matteo’s fingers once more and takes a long drag. The nicotine is making his head spin, but it’s not enough of a distraction. “You like him?”
David curses himself for always doing this. He’s always encouraging Matteo to go on dates and to pursue the guys that he flirts with. Fucking hell.
“Nah, I don’t know,” Matteo shrugs, to David’s surprise. “He was nice but I don’t think I like him like that.”
“Ah,” David replies noncommittally, taking another drag.
“Gimme,” Matteo says, taking plucking the cigarette from David’s mouth. David breathes out the smoke too early in surprise. “You’re hogging it.”
“S-sorry,” David stutters, letting out a small cough.
“Mmh, nicotine,” Matteo hums, giving David a huge grin.
They smoke the rest of the cigarette in silence. Matteo doesn’t keep his eyes off David, which sort of leaves David breathless. He can’t even help it at this point.
“Well,” David says as he puts out the cigarette. “Shall we head back inside, find someone else for you to flirt with?”
Matteo doesn’t move. If anything, he looks a little dejected. “No,” he says, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t want to go back inside.”
David leans back against the wall. “I thought you wanted to find someone to be with?” he asks, confused, and feeling his heart crush once more. He hates himself for always doing this.
“I think I have,” Matteo whispers, looking up at David, his eyes soft and sad.
“I thought you didn’t like Andreas?” David stammers, shaking his head in confusion.
Matteo rolls his eyes, his shoulders stiffening up. David’s heart sinks.
“But I never wanted him!” Matteo exclaims, his voice sharp but his eyes starting to tear up. “It was always you!”
David stills. He stares at the boy in front of him, who looks so open, so scared. His heart is pounding so hard that Matteo must be able to feel it.
“Me?” David squeaks out, feeling his forehead break out into a cold sweat.
“You,” Matteo whispers, looking down at his feet. “But you obviously don’t feel the same way, so-”
“I do!” David interrupts before he can even realise what he’s saying. “I do feel the same way.”
“Oh.” Matteo stares at him, like he can’t believe what he’s seeing.
David smiles, unable to stop himself. Matteo smiles back.
When they kiss, it tastes a little bit like cigarettes, but David doesn’t care. He has the boy of his dreams right here in his arms.
Prompt me y’all!
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akane171 · 2 years
A non-Clark-y Kara would have been so badass 😂 In the comics and e.g. Young Justice she did always come across as the "tougher" of the two...🤔 Ohh, imagine what those Karamel dynamics could have been like🤣🤣 (Tho their idiotic-arguing-puppy-love is just heartwarming 😂) 
Oh, I'm not even gonna argue. I love Kara, but this is one argument on which iI will NEVER even slightly agree with her. I mean, you already pionted out more than enough points for why, but the fact she didn't bother any other alien (e.g. from the alien bar) about how they're selfish for not superheroing or that she didn't consider she herself spent all but what? A year? on earth without superheroing and even Kal/Clark didn't always just makes her whole point pathetic... Same with the Jeremiah situation when once again Mon was made out as wrong and bad for what? Being right? Being cautious? Just no. And nobody ever apologized!!!😑
I don't get what they have against Kara being in therapy anyway, like Young Justice spent a whole episode giving the Heroes therapy sessions to deal with their trauma/traumatic experience...  
Ohhh, but what could warrant her staying forever?🤔
Ohhh 😱😍😭 I'm not sure whether to be happy of having a karamel godkid (you do realize you just sent me into a terrible downward spiral of "What does he look like? What is he like? Is he more like Kara or more like Mon or their perfect like mix? HOW DID HE DIE? I MUST PROTECT LITTLE PRECIOUS KARAMEL CHILD!", right?😅😂 I NEED ANSWERS!!) or to go sit in the corner and bitterly cry over his death...
And no, I definitely DO want to hear about Mon and Lan's deaths and how Maya reacted! I NEED to know 😭😭😭  
NOOO, write theeeeeemmm😭 You can't just drop all this heartbreak and not write and fix it!😭😭 (Just to clear up: I'd never wanna force you into anything at all ofc, so when I say sth like this, I'm just whining, don't feel forced to do anything🙈)
 Haha, nah, it's fine anyway😁 Always good to have a bunch of book recommendations lying around for whenever I finally have time for it again☺ 
I'll give you a million tragic high-fives😂 And Yup, we're pretty much screwed by definition😅 (Tho, to be fair, in "The Mortal Instruments" I got attached to kinda two side characters(one a badass immortal warlock and one a cool shadowhunter) who did end up together, and even have their own spin-off which inlucdes them adopting two Kids! So that was a non-screwed over (homosexual) couple😁💃🏻) 
Ohh, wait, which ones do you mean in Naruto?🤔 
Yeah, esp. the absorption thing was sooooo awesome, poor Lydia finally got a break from announcing death😅 And yes, Parrish was so underrated and underused anyway... It's like they just literally forgot about him and the fact that they know a hellhound...🙈 Would have been awesome to see him save the day instead of Scott winning against everyone and everything cause freaking plotarmor...😩 (It's ridiculous he defeated people like Deucalion or Peter...)
HAHAHA, Greenberg calling him Bobby would have been the BEST SCENE EVER!!!😍😂🤣
I already put Lightbringer on the list😂 Ohhh, nice rule, but I doubt I'd manage that without abandoning everything else in life😂 Just reading a little is not possible for me, if I start the book, you can be sure I'll be done with it in 3 days at most😂 (Tho at least I get my Daily dose of fanfics, which does usually derail many of my to-do-plans or sleep schedule too, but hey, "less" than normal bookd🤷🏻‍♀️😅)
Haha, Thanks, not even sure how many exactly I'm still waiting for... There's stuff that hasn't updates since 2013 or so, so... Let's really not talk about this😅😭😂
Yeah, it's probably an unspoken anime fan rule😂 Tho hey, at least you're not my level of stupid about it and try to draw realistic stuff too😅 I'm pretty sure I owe Chris Wood at least 5 apologies for the terrible attempts I made at drawing him😅🙈🙈
HAHAHAHA, yess, that's a good way of going about it😂 Tho, tbh, while I love ranting about articles, they do very much so have their purpose and using the wrong one does indeed make a big difference at times🤔 But they're still terrible😉😂
Ah yes, the good ol' days of RTL2 and Pokito 🤔😍😊 Back when they spent at least 12 hours a day with animes etc😂 And well, I mean, animes do tend to be rather obvious about what's going on even if you don't understand anything🤔 
Yup, side character fics are so freaking hard to get by... Just saaaaaaadddd😭😭😭
Ohhh, sounds like more than just dissapointment😅 I mean, I didn't exactly like the end or the way they made the later half of Naruto either, but what exactly was your major point of dissapointment? (Still my biggest problem was how they just nerved Naruto and Sasuke and the villains to god level and made everyone else pathetic, useless bystanders😅🤷🏻‍♀️🙈)
Haha, yess, weirdos for winners💃🏻
PS: ☺🙈🙈
Yeah, maybe we are getting that version in the movie. Still, probably not going to watch.
Hmm, interesting how their interaftions would look like. For sure she would quite quickly threw Lena's ass into the sun and feel zero remorese about it. But with Mon-El? Hmm.
Annoyed but intrigued or interested? Finally someone who remembered her planet and people and I don't think she would have been as butthurt about him being the prince. But... interesting idea for a fic, lol
And you know the BEST thing? She became a superhero when she was liek what, 24? ONLY becasue Alex was in danger. But well, hypocrisy was one of her character flaws.
I think Mon suffered from the "oh, no, Kara can;t apologize or admit she was wrong, especially to him". Anotehr funny thing is that's the SAME thing they had done to Alex and Kara. How many times Kara was right, but Alex screamed and didn't apologize?
Because oh she is oh so strong woman and doesn't need it. What is funny again, because thye have spent wasting time on some super dumb so called important eye-opening stuff and couldn't have spared one ep about mental health. Interesting, right?
That depends on my mood xD Because you know, as much as I like Danvers sisters I see their bond as problematic and it was never really approached. So, for example Kara deciding she needs to stay by Alex's side becasue uwu, life is brutal, she needs to three-wheeling her and her family for entire life and blah blah. What would BE CANON.
No. Becasue in the end I will want to write whole fic, so no ==' As I said, I'm the queen of unwritten angst, not written. But I can assure you, all my ideas are heartbreaking. For example mxy showing her all the scenes from her future life and all what happened, because she can't believe she just left her family etc. MUHAHAHAH
Errrm, is this malec ship? Becasue it sounds like them and I kind of know some of the stuff from Shafowhunters from the gifs on tumblr XD HAPPY FOR YOU!
Naruto, sigh. Funny stroy, in the begining i liked SasuxSaku but with time and how the story unfold, i started hated them. I really liked Sasuke and imo, he should have or died honorable death or stayed asexual and with no fam. Last Uchiha, no more curse and more people hunting for them. End of story. And seriosuly, I hate the "big breasted fangirl gets the dude and becomes the perfect waifu aka wet dream of every dude in Japan" (a big generalization, but you get my point). That's why I hate IchiHime ==' tbh, the same goes for NaruHina, but whatever.
Maybe they will fix things in the movie..... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I don't mind Scott, maybe he was not my fave character but was not bad... as for a typical teen kinda-superhero.
We would finally see Greenberg! And the conspiracy theory aka Greenberg being Bobby's halluciation or imaginery student would be clear xD
Hey, fics are in a lot of cases better than published books! I wouold ask you to go to sleep at a normal hour, but I do the same shit iwth books so xD
I like to swallow books like that... unless I get to a problematic part and I suspecty next things are going to destroy me xD so then sometimes I leave it for a few days... or months... sometimes years xD
Gurl TT All of my fave Gundam SEED fics are not finished TT ... oh wait, there is one mine that is not finished, oops
It's not stupid, it's how we learn, right? For example I stopped drawning alsmot in 100% but I like coloring books with pencils.
Articles (in any language) will never make sense to me, so I bow to the queen *bows*
RTL2 was my wormhole to anime world xD with bad internet connection and almost no anime in Polish tv, it felt like heaven. Still my dad was always pissed off when he caught me watching, but well, typical anime fan's life xD
Sad high five. We are doomed *satres into the void*
You kow, the typical shounen stuff - from zero to god level, saving the world from apocalypsis, power of friendship, sometimes I really want the good guys losing. And well, the ships at the end - geeeeeeeeeez. Minus ShikaTema all were dissapoiting. Or maybe I'm salty after what they have done to Jiraya and Tsunade, who knows. And as I said, everything about Sasuke. Just. No.
0 notes
warnerbro · 7 years
that one party
Boo: [What was she doing there? What in the world was she--- Cilla Dodgeson's blonde hair whipped around the corner, once more, as Boo stuck like glue to the wall. It was the ghost of ex girlfriend past, and of course Donnie's arm was around her. There they were, haunting Boo, as any ghost would; tormenting him.
Boo: As if supporting Donnie at soccer games wasn't enough. As if kissing that stupid guy in front of him wasn't enough. No, she was haunting him, and making sure he'd remember her and see her face every chance he'd get. Especially at that stupid party. So he took one look at her and scRUNCHED HIS NOSE, AND SCOFFED BEfORE TAKING A NICE GULP OF SOME MIXED DRINK
Cilla: [Cilla's honestly thinking to herself, why am I at a college party? I don't even like high school parties that much. Maybe these are better? Eh. Anyway, she was just here because Donnie wanted her to come with him. Something about it being important for her to come with him? Whatever. But yikes. She notices Boo is there too, and of course, why wouldn't he be? Wasn't this a soccer team sort of party? Heck. She grimaces so hard. But she huddles further into Donnie, like, keep me away from these drunk people. I'm tiny.]
Boo: [Melissa, of course, sees his discomfort. She walked right up to him and suggested they should leave, right there but no. Not tonight. He wouldn't be running away from that girl anymore, so he took one more drink and shook his head.] No, I'm spectacular. Just get me trashed. [So she nodded and disappeared for a minute and returned with libations. He tried not to stare. Boy, Willy, did he try not to stare, but of course he did, as even when he felt like he should hate her, he really didn't, and couldn't.]*
Cilla: [As Cilla is probably unable to keep her peripheral vision off of Boo, she sees that snake in the grass approach Boo, and that only serves to make her grimace even harder and tense even more. Donnie notices this. He raises an eyebrow at her, asking what was wrong.] Just not used to this... I guess. [She gave an awkward laugh, and Donnie gave her this smile, told her how adorable she was, and handed her a cup with what she guessed was alcohol in it. Oh, cool. Though, in her state of 'kill me now' she took a laRGE sip of it, and then coughed because wtf is this stuff he just gave me it is strong stuff. Donnie patted her back, and told her to slow down to which she just nodded. Yikey.]
Boo: [he wasn't quite seeing double yet. Moments had passed. Beer pong match after pong match. There were some quarters involved with a shot glass, and Melissa had even pulled him away to play a round of flip cup. She was great at distracting him. It worked, but Boo couldn't forget about that blonde-haired girl. Nope. She stayed in the back of her mind, and Boo had assumed to the side of a certain Rocket boy. His stomach tied in drunken knots he felt sick at that notion. He was still in control of most of his functions and though he swore he wasn't intoxicated, he could feel his inhibitions escaping to freedom. His eyes scanned the room once more. Melissa was nowhere to be found, and he was on his way to find somewhere to sit down, alone. To think. To escape the embarassment of how he felt-- ashamed that Cilla wasn't with him and instead with that assclown of a person. He found the perfect place up the stairs and down the hallway.]
Cilla: [The room. It was spinning. Yup. The lights were merging together. How much did she have, exactly, in her quest to not pay attention to her boyfriend's sister and her ex-whatever? Too much for someone that drank maybe half a beer for the two parties she'd been too in her life. Awesome. She swayed a little, into Donnie. He stopped his conversation with his soccer pal to ask his gf if she was alright.] Yeah. I'm fine. I just-- I think I need to go to the bathroom, and... I don't know, splash some water in my face. Nope, you can stay here. I'm a big girl, thanks. [So, on her way she goes. Up the stairs???? Down the hallway????? And oop, there's a door. Oop. This room is occupied by... ohboy. She freezes y'all. But the grimace from earlier is back now. She says nothing because BOY WHY.]*
Boo: [Boo's sitting in an armchair, his head in his hands and the room is spinning for him as well, but he's not drunk. No. Don't ask him because he'd drive himself home right now. It was only a couple of beers. A couple of drinking games. Whatever. He just needed time to himself. Which was interrupted. He looked up at the door, and his eyes fell upon a silent Cilla and he could throw himself out the window right now because why?! So he's going to address her with a real condescending tone. ] You lost, Princess?
Cilla: [And yup. Was she an angry drunk? Because, boy, that condescending tone just got her PISSED.] Yeah. You know what? I guess I am. Because I'd rather be anywhere else than standing right here. Believe me. [but is she even making an attempt to move? Probably not. Maybe a sway towards the door.]*
Boo: Good job leaving. Congrats. A+ feet you have there. [He claps.] So while I've got you here, you can't just bring yourself to my soccer games, I told you to not to feel obliged to come. Remember?
Cilla: Fuck off, Boo. [iF SHE COULD LEAVE SHE WOULD BUT HER FEET AREN'T WORKING.] You said don't feel obliged to come /for you/. And I'm not.
Boo: You'RE THE ONE STILL HERE. [ SO HE SHOOTs RIGH T UP bECAUSE LET"S GET ANGREY LETS. walking towards her all angry like] You're the one still fucking here. And Cilla, for the first time in ever, I really don't want you around anymore. So go. Leave. [he points to the door. because gdi go away.]
Cilla: YES, YES, GO AHEAD AND ACT LIKE YOU CAN KICK ME OUT OF A PLACE THAT ISN'T YOURS??? [she roLLS HER EYES.] If you don't want to be around me, which, trust me, I feel the same, you're welcome to walk away. Because, yeah, not everything is on me.
Boo: You're the one who walked away from me, and THEN you walked right back around with that STUPID GUY ON YOUR ARM SO.... [he points back towards the door, agAIN. LIKE FUCK YA I WAS HERE FIRST GET OUT, he sways of course. Alcohol soz.] I don't think I can forgive for this anymore, and I don't want you in my life anymore. Stay away.[his eye twitches tho, lol bcs he doesnt MEAN IT]
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [She does nothing but scoff. Really.] Do you think I keep visiting to hurt you? Really? [clo eyebrow raise.]
Boo: Don't you even pretend this isn't about us. [SCOFF RIGHT BACk.]
Cilla: Crazy enough, I come to visit Donnie. You know, that guy. My boyfriend. [she makes a face that says 'duh you idiot'.
Boo: Yeah. He just so happens to play on the same tEAM as me. He JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE MELISSA'S brother. Makes sense, why you'd pick him. [HE GIVES HER A SARCASTIC SHRUG.] Right?! Make REAL sure I know about. See it. [He claps again.] GREAT.
Cilla: I didn't even /know/ he was Melissa brother the first time I met him. It's not all about /you/, Boo. And just... [she shakes her head. She wants to break his hands.] No. You know what? I don't need to explain a n y t h i n g to you.
Boo: Yeah. You were LEAVING anyways. [ eye roll]
Cilla: Nope, that was you. [the face of pure sass.]
Boo: I was here first. [crossing his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: Don't care~. [she does the same.]
Boo: You know what? I can't stand you right now. Really, REALLY hate you right now. [STANDIN THERE ]
Cilla: Now you know how I've felt for months. Congratulations. [SAME.]
Boo: Thanks. REALLY appreCIAte THAT. [YELLIN,]
Boo: [He doesn't leave. He doesn't move. He takes one look at her, and the sneer he was sure to have worn softened as he let out a low fit of laughter.] I'm not going anywhere, Cil. I'm still here. And, you know what, when you're done being stubborn, I'm sure I"ll still be mad at you, but I'll be here. [so he walks right up to her, because let's push her buttons, right?] Because, yeah, I hate you so much right now, but you're still the same girl I'm head over heels for. So, you go on. Go on with your life, parade your stupid boyfriend around and you keep telling yourself that it's not about me. Because we both know it is. Otherwise we wouldn't have even had this conversation. Otherwise you still wouldn't be here.
Cilla: [She freezes again, because now he's closer. Much closer, and her alcohol-addled brain is somehow even more jarred by the lack of distance. But, his words still manage to fuel the fire of anger within her, because what right does he have to say all of those things? She managed to pull herself back enough to throw a look of annoyance his way.] Keep telling yourself that it /is/ about you, then, you arrogant asshole. If that's what gets you through, go ahead. But, you know what? It doesn't make you right. Because I feel nothing for you. Not anymore.*
Boo: Nothing? Just like that? Nothing? [So that would have hurt Boo a lot. A whole lot, a couple of months ago, and maybe without the alcohol it would have reverberated within him, but he knew that girl was lying. So he looked at her, and understood her words as a challege. He let out an irriatated sigh, before taking one step closer to her, and without any permission he tested her words. A hand on her waist, he kissed her, just as he had wanted to for the past couple of months--just like he did those months ago in his car-- just as he did under that mistletoe. He kissed her, like it would have been his last kiss on earth, K. Because well, it might as well have been, right?]
Cilla: [She was poised to answer-- ready to tell him, yes, without a doubt, I feel nothing but absolute hatred for you now. You're nothing but a piece of shit, and I didn't deserve what you did. But there was no opportunity for the words to leave her mouth. Because, as soon as she began, his lips were on hers, and her ~inebriated~ legs practically buckled underneath her. And no, she didn't try in any way to push the boy off of her. Nope. She kissed him like she hadn't kissed anybody since... well, the last time she kissed Boo. One might say she's kind of all over him right now.]
Boo: [A fist in the air in his mind, just like the breakfast club, yep, everything she had said, well this proved it completely wrong. So he pulled her closer because why stop? After all this time, after everything, he could still lose himself in that stubborn girl. So arms wrapped tightly around her holding her in palce and lips pressed all too close it happened. Even, with what he had just said to her. Even after all the hurt they had caused each other. It fell all on this really real moment. No matter how drunk she tasted-- it was real. So no, he didn't mind how all over she was on him. Nope, he invited it.]
Cilla: [In the back of her mind, someplace where her logic was still slightly working, something was telling her that her boyfriend was downstairs, and she should stop now, while she was ahead, and she could pass this... lapse of judgement on alcohol and Boo starting it, but... no, that voice was too far away. Why listen to that voice when there was a louder voice telling her to continue. So, what does she do? She listens to the loud voice, and she's got him by the collar, and she's pushing him towards the chair he was sitting in when she came in. Oop, they're down. Oop, she's on top of him. Yikes.]*
Boo: [ So lips on lips, he fell towards the chair, with his hands surely crawling up places they weren't supposed to like, for instance probably under hER SKIRT, he pulled Cilla with him. There was no breaking his hold on her now. There was no stopping him. There was no stopping her, he was sure. And screw the party, screw her boyfriend. screw Melissa. It was just him and Cilla now. And if he had it his way, it would be that way forever. But all things would come to an end he was sure. For the time being however, he would continue to kiss her, even after the door was opened and someone eNTERED THE ROOM.]
Cilla: [For the better part of being in this chair, Cilla's brain actually ceased to function. Like, she was certain there was no activity happening up there, because she literally couldn't think. The only things occupying that space were lips and, whoa HANDS. And, boy did she not mind it at aLL. But then, the sound of a door opening behind her kicked that silent part of her brain into gear, and she realized OH BOY, and she was practically army rolling off of Boo, her face towards the wall so the interruption didn't see her, stayin quiet bc oh geez.]*
Boo: [Before he even had a chance to react to the absence of Cilla, he opened his eyes, and Melissa Thornberry Rocket stared at him from the doorway. He had to catch his breath from, well, Cilla literally taking his breath away and before he was able to take calming inhale, the other girl had her hands acrossed her chest. That look in her face-- that anger shook Boo a little too sober, and he didn't know whether to explain himself, or accept the fact that, yeah, he was walking home that night. So he ran his hands through the hair on his head, because gFDi why didn't he lock the door. He looked up at Cilla, her back facing him, and he had no words.]
Cilla: [Cilla still has no idea of what fate could besET HER SHOULD SHE TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW. SHE IS UNAWARE OF THE DANGER THAT SURROUNDS HER. So, she just keeps herself pointed towards the wall. Practically everyone in this house knew her boyfriend, and therefore, they knew she was DATING him. No matter who it was, if they saw it was her she was s c r e w e d. So, she stayed silent in her little corner, probably burying her face in her knees. Like, nope, you won't see me today sis.]*
Boo: [Before he could even explain what was happening, Miss Rocket had literally stomped out of the room. And what had recently transpired as the most awkward silence in his whole life, the door slammed behind her. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes, got up from his spot, and before taking his leave, he placed a hand on Cilla's shoulder, just lightly as if to ask if she was okay.]*
Cilla: [When she heard the door shut, she didn't get up immediately. But then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and that sprung her to action. Without another word, literally, she was up and out the door (the opposite direction that Melly went in). Because. Nope. Not facing this. Not in this drunken state. Not today. Bye Boo. She's probably ACTUALLY going to the bathroom now.]*
Boo: [So that's when Boo walked out too. Yep, out to find Melissa, because low and behold she was his ride home, and without her, he was going to walk his ass home lol.]
Boo: [And avoiding everyone else, he probably never found her so he did.]
0 notes
warnerbro · 7 years
Boo: [What was she doing there? What in the world was she--- Cilla Dodgeson's blonde hair whipped around the corner, once more, as Boo stuck like glue to the wall. It was the ghost of ex girlfriend past, and of course Donnie's arm was around her. There they were, haunting Boo, as any ghost would; tormenting him. As if supporting Donnie at soccer games wasn't enough. As if kissing that stupid guy in front of him wasn't enough. No, she was haunting him, and making sure he'd remember her and see her face every chance he'd get. Especially at that stupid party. So he took one look at her and scRUNCHED HIS NOSE, AND SCOFFED BEfORE TAKING A NICE GULP OF SOME MIXED DRINK]
Cilla: [Cilla's honestly thinking to herself, why am I at a college party? I don't even like high school parties that much. Maybe these are better? Eh. Anyway, she was just here because Donnie wanted her to come with him. Something about it being important for her to come with him? Whatever. But yikes. She notices Boo is there too, and of course, why wouldn't he be? Wasn't this a soccer team sort of party? Heck. She grimaces so hard. But she huddles further into Donnie, like, keep me away from these drunk people. I'm tiny.]
Boo: [Melissa, of course, sees his discomfort. She walked right up to him and suggested they should leave, right there but no. Not tonight. He wouldn't be running away from that girl anymore, so he took one more drink and shook his head.] No, I'm spectacular. Just get me trashed. [So she nodded and disappeared for a minute and returned with libations. He tried not to stare. Boy, Willy, did he try not to stare, but of course he did, as even when he felt like he should hate her, he really didn't, and couldn't.]*
Cilla: [As Cilla is probably unable to keep her peripheral vision off of Boo, she sees that snake in the grass approach Boo, and that only serves to make her grimace even harder and tense even more. Donnie notices this. He raises an eyebrow at her, asking what was wrong.] Just not used to this... I guess. [She gave an awkward laugh, and Donnie gave her this smile, told her how adorable she was, and handed her a cup with what she guessed was alcohol in it. Oh, cool. Though, in her state of 'kill me now' she took a laRGE sip of it, and then coughed because wtf is this stuff he just gave me it is strong stuff. Donnie patted her back, and told her to slow down to which she just nodded. Yikey.]
Boo: [he wasn't quite seeing double yet. Moments had passed. Beer pong match after pong match. There were some quarters involved with a shot glass, and Melissa had even pulled him away to play a round of flip cup. She was great at distracting him. It worked, but Boo couldn't forget about that blonde-haired girl. Nope. She stayed in the back of hIS mind, and Boo had assumed to the side of a certain Rocket boy. His stomach tied in drunken knots he felt sick at that notion. He was still in control of most of his functions and though he swore he wasn't intoxicated, he could feel his inhibitions escaping to freedom. His eyes scanned the room once more. Melissa was nowhere to be found, and he was on his way to find somewhere to sit down, alone. To think. To escape the embarrassment of how he felt-- ashamed that Cilla wasn't with him and instead with that assclown of a person. He found the perfect place up the stairs and down the hallway.]
Cilla: [The room. It was spinning. Yup. The lights were merging together. How much did she have, exactly, in her quest to not pay attention to her boyfriend's sister and her ex-whatever? Too much for someone that drank maybe half a beer for the two parties she'd been too in her life. Awesome. She swayed a little, into Donnie. He stopped his conversation with his soccer pal to ask his gf if she was alright.] Yeah. I'm fine. I just-- I think I need to go to the bathroom, and... I don't know, splash some water in my face. Nope, you can stay here. I'm a big girl, thanks. [So, on her way she goes. Up the stairs???? Down the hallway????? And oop, there's a door. Oop. This room is occupied by... ohboy. She freezes y'all. But the grimace from earlier is back now. She says nothing because BOY WHY.]*
Boo: [Boo's sitting in an armchair, his head in his hands and the room is spinning for him as well, but he's not drunk. No. Don't ask him because he'd drive himself home right now, just to prove 'em wrong. It was only a couple of beers. A couple of drinking games. Whatever. He just needed time to himself. Which was interrupted. He looked up at the door, and his eyes fell upon a silent Cilla and he could throw himself out the window right now because why?! So he's going to address her with a real condescending tone. ] You lost, Princess?
Cilla: [And yup. Was she an angry drunk? Because, boy, that condescending tone just got her PISSED.] Yeah. You know what? I guess I am. Because I'd rather be anywhere else than standing right here. Believe me. [but is she even making an attempt to move? Probably not. Maybe a sway towards the door.]*
Boo: Good job leaving. Congrats. A+ feet you have there. [He claps.] So while I've got you here, you can't just bring yourself to my soccer games, I told you to not to feel obliged to come. Remember?
Cilla: Fuck off, Boo. [iF SHE COULD LEAVE SHE WOULD BUT HER FEET AREN'T WORKING.] You said don't feel obliged to come /for you/. And I'm not.
Boo: You'RE THE ONE STILL HERE. [ SO HE SHOOTs RIGH T UP bECAUSE LET"S GET ANGREY LETS. walking towards her all angry like] You're the one still fucking here. And Cilla, for the first time in ever, I really don't want you around anymore. So go. Leave. [he points to the door. because gdi go away.]
Cilla: YES, YES, GO AHEAD AND ACT LIKE YOU CAN KICK ME OUT OF A PLACE THAT ISN'T YOURS??? [she roLLS HER EYES.] If you don't want to be around me, which, trust me, I feel the same, you're welcome to walk away. Because, yeah, not everything is on me.
Boo: You're the one who walked away from me, and THEN you walked right back around with that STUPID GUY ON YOUR ARM SO.... [he points back towards the door, agAIN. LIKE FUCK YA I WAS HERE FIRST GET OUT, he sways of course. Alcohol soz.] I don't think I can forgive for this anymore, and I don't want you in my life anymore. Stay away.[his eye twitches tho, lol bcs he doesnt MEAN IT]
Cilla: [NOT EVEN GONNA REPLY TO THAT BS BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY BEEN WITH MELISSA ALL NIGHT? AND TO THE REST OF THIS, THE STUBBORN PRINCESS, WHO ALWAYS GETS HER WAY, just plants her drunken feet, crosses her arms, gets this defiant look, and stays silent.]
Boo: [HE IS GONNA PULL ALL OF HIS HAIR OUT BECAUSE GDI GO AWAY. He opens his mouth to sCREAM AT HER. BECAUSE FRUSTRATION. But it takes a step back. He pauses and takes a deep breath. He looks to the floor, and seriously seriously puts on his apology face.] You're breaking my heart all over again, and I understand why. You're mad at me because what I did with Mel, it was unfair. But what you're doing--[ hE FINALLY LOOKS BACK UP AT HER.] Showing up here, and everywhere else--it's not fair to me.
Cilla: [She does nothing but scoff. Really.] Do you think I keep visiting to hurt you? Really? [clo eyebrow raise.]
Boo: Don't you even pretend this isn't about us. [SCOFF RIGHT BACk.]
Cilla: Crazy enough, I come to visit Donnie. You know, that guy. My boyfriend. [she makes a face that says 'duh you idiot'.
Boo: Yeah. He just so happens to play on the same tEAM as me. He JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE MELISSA'S brother. Makes sense, why you'd pick him. [HE GIVES HER A SARCASTIC SHRUG.] Right?! Make REAL sure I know about. See it. [He claps again.] GREAT.
Cilla: I didn't even /know/ he was Melissa brother the first time I met him. It's not all about /you/, Boo. And just... [she shakes her head. She wants to break his hands.] No. You know what? I don't need to explain a n y t h i n g to you.
Boo: Yeah. You were LEAVING anyways. [ eye roll]
Cilla: Nope, that was you. [the face of pure sass.]
Boo: I was here first. [crossing his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: Don't care~. [she does the same.]
Boo: You know what? I can't stand you right now. Really, REALLY hate you right now. [STANDIN THERE ]
Cilla: Now you know how I've felt for months. Congratulations. [SAME.]
Boo: Thanks. REALLY appreCIAte THAT. [YELLIN,]
Boo: [He doesn't leave. He doesn't move. He takes one look at her, and the sneer he was sure to have worn softened as he let out a low fit of laughter.] I'm not going anywhere, Cil. I'm still here. And, you know what, when you're done being stubborn, I'm sure I"ll still be mad at you, but I'll be here. [so he walks right up to her, because let's push her buttons, right?] Because, yeah, I hate you so much right now, but you're still the same girl I'm head over heels for. So, you go on. Go on with your life, parade your stupid boyfriend around and you keep telling yourself that it's not about me. Because we both know it is. Otherwise we wouldn't have even had this conversation. Otherwise you still wouldn't be here.
Cilla: [She freezes again, because now he's closer. Much closer, and her alcohol-addled brain is somehow even more jarred by the lack of distance. But, his words still manage to fuel the fire of anger within her, because what right does he have to say all of those things? She managed to pull herself back enough to throw a look of annoyance his way.] Keep telling yourself that it /is/ about you, then, you arrogant asshole. If that's what gets you through, go ahead. But, you know what? It doesn't make you right. Because I feel nothing for you. Not anymore.*
Boo: Nothing? Just like that? Nothing? [So that would have hurt Boo a lot. A whole lot, a couple of months ago, and maybe without the alcohol it would have reverberated within him, but he knew that girl was lying. So he looked at her, and understood her words as a challemge. He let out an irratated sigh, before taking one step closer to her, and without any permission he tested her words. A hand on her waist, he kissed her, just as he had wanted to for the past couple of months--just like he did those months ago in his car-- just as he did under that mistletoe. He kissed her, like it would have been his last kiss on earth, K. Because well, it might as well have been, right?]
Cilla: [She was poised to answer-- ready to tell him, yes, without a doubt, I feel nothing but absolute hatred for you now. You're nothing but a piece of shit, and I didn't deserve what you did. But there was no opportunity for the words to leave her mouth. Because, as soon as she began, his lips were on hers, and her ~inebriated~ legs practically buckled underneath her. And no, she didn't try in any way to push the boy off of her. Nope. She kissed him like she hadn't kissed anybody since... well, the last time she kissed Boo. One might say she's kind of all over him right now.]
Boo: [A fist in the air in his mind, just like the breakfast club, yep, everything she had said, well this proved it completely wrong. So he pulled her closer because why stop? After all this time, after everything, he could still lose himself in that stubborn girl. So arms wrapped tightly around her holding her in place and lips pressed all too close. it happened. Even, with what he had just said to her. Even after all the hurt they had caused each other. It fell all on this really real moment. No matter how drunk she tasted-- it was real. So no, he didn't mind how all over she was on him. Nope, he invited it.]
Cilla: [In the back of her mind, someplace where her logic was still slightly working, something was telling her that her boyfriend was downstairs, and she should stop now, while she was ahead, and she could pass this... lapse of judgement on alcohol and Boo starting it, but... no, that voice was too far away. Why listen to that voice when there was a louder voice telling her to continue. So, what does she do? She listens to the loud voice, and she's got him by the collar, and she's pushing him towards the chair he was sitting in when she came in. Oop, they're down. Oop, she's on top of him. Yikes.]*
Boo: [ So lips on lips, he fell towards the chair, with his hands surely crawling up places they weren't supposed to like, for instance probably under hER SKIRT, he pulled Cilla with him. There was no breaking his hold on her now. There was no stopping him. There was no stopping her, he was sure. And screw the party, screw her boyfriend. screw Melissa. It was just him and Cilla now. And if he had it his way, it would be that way forever. But all things would come to an end he was sure. For the time being however, he would continue to kiss her, even after the door was opened and someone eNTERED THE ROOM.]
Cilla: [For the better part of being in this chair, Cilla's brain actually ceased to function. Like, she was certain there was no activity happening up there, because she literally couldn't think. The only things occupying that space were lips and, whoa HANDS. And, boy did she not mind it at aLL. But then, the sound of a door opening behind her kicked that silent part of her brain into gear, and she realized OH BOY, and she was practically army rolling off of Boo, her face towards the wall so the interruption didn't see her, stayin quiet bc oh geez.]*
Boo: [Before he even had a chance to react to the absence of Cilla, he opened his eyes, and Melissa Thornberry Rocket stared at him from the doorway. He had to catch his breath from, well, Cilla literally taking his breath away and before he was able to take calming inhale, the other girl had her hands across her chest. That look in her face-- that anger shook Boo a little too sober, and he didn't know whether to explain himself, or accept the fact that, yeah, he was walking home that night. So he ran his hands through the hair on his head, because gFDi why didn't he lock the door. He looked up at Cilla, her back facing him, and he had no words.]
Cilla: [Cilla still has no idea of what fate could besET HER SHOULD SHE TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW. SHE IS UNAWARE OF THE DANGER THAT SURROUNDS HER. So, she just keeps herself pointed towards the wall. Practically everyone in this house knew her boyfriend, and therefore, they knew she was DATING him. No matter who it was, if they saw it was her she was s c r e w e d. So, she stayed silent in her little corner, probably burying her face in her knees. Like, nope, you won't see me today sis.]*
Boo: [Before he could even explain what was happening, Miss Rocket had literally stomped out of the room. And what had recently transpired as the most awkward silence in his whole life, the door slammed behind her. He looked up to the ceiling and closed his eyes, got up from his spot, and before taking his leave, he placed a hand on Cilla's shoulder, just lightly as if to ask if she was okay.]*
Cilla: [When she heard the door shut, she didn't get up immediately. But then she felt a hand on her shoulder, and that sprung her to action. Without another word, literally, she was up and out the door (the opposite direction that Melly went in). Because. Nope. Not facing this. Not in this drunken state. Not today. Bye Boo. She's probably ACTUALLY going to the bathroom now.]*
Boo: [So that's when Boo walked out too. Yep, out to find Melissa, because low and behold she was his ride home, and without her, he was going to walk his ass home lol. And avoiding everyone else, he probably never found her so he did.]
0 notes