#if i changed interests and now i'm switching it to a fandom url again
lyctorhood · 2 years
saltsapphic >> lyctorhood
changed my url for the first time in years, hello!
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oftomorrow · 1 year
1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 21, 22
questions for the mun ( accepting )
This got extremely long so it's under the cut.
1. What made you decide to roleplay this muse? — I got attached to Clark as a character from watching Lois & Clark and Smallville with my mom as a kid. I'd made a couple half-assed attempts to play L&C based Clark before, but it didn't really stick. On top of that, newer Superman outings just weren't holding my interest. I've always struggled to get into comics, Supergirl was trending in a direction I didn't care for, and Man of Steel was just... terrible. So I basically shrugged and decided newer Superman content wasn't for me, it's not clicking, time to move on.
Then Superman & Lois came out. I originally wasn't going to watch it, thinking it would just be more like Supergirl, but the idea of Clark as a dad was too intriguing to ignore, so I tried it for the first couple episodes. And I was hooked. This show just got it. I loved all of the characters, and Hoechlin just nailed it as Clark. When I ran out of new episodes, I decided to go back to rewatch Smallville and Lois & Clark and the Reeve movies, and at some point in there I decided I wanted to try my hand at writing Clark again. Clearly, this one's stuck a lot longer than my previous attempts.
4. What made you decide on your URL name? — When I tried playing L&C based Clark, my old URLs were clarkiswhoiam, kalelmayarah, and mildmanners. The first two are a bit clunky for my tastes now, and the third has since been taken, so I had to find something else. Superman is sometimes called the Man of Tomorrow, and oftomorrow was open, so I originally slapped it on as a placeholder to set up the blog. I've gotten attached to it now, though. I think it fits Superman's status as a symbol of hope, the man trying to inspire people to be better today than they were yesterday.
8. Text format or nah? What’s your opinion on that? — Nah. I'll do little things here and there, I like using italics and sometimes bold for a bit of emphasis. And I'll switch to small text if my partner is, just for a bit of consistency. Apart from that, I'm not fussed with it. A bit of formatting can look really nice and emphasize certain parts of your writing, but it's really hard to do well. A lot of blogs unfortunately overshoot and just wind up making their replies unnecessarily difficult to parse.
9. Favorite three icons of your muse. — I love all of them because I love his dumb face but I think I have to go with...
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10. How do you feel about the interpretation of your character vs the fandom? — The thing about writing such an iconic character that's been portrayed hundreds of different ways in hundreds of different things across 80+ years means that there are naturally a lot of different interpretations. Some people are going to focus on different aspects of the character, and borrow from different sources, and that doesn't necessarily mean they're wrong. They're just different.
Usually I feel very weird about duplicates/variants of my canon characters, but with Clark I honestly find it freeing. There are so many interpretations that I feel much more free to just make this Clark my own. The parts I focus on most (Clark being human first, being a total nerd, the struggle of balancing his identities, heavy focus on family and parenthood, etc.) are the parts that appeal to me. And if they don't appeal to you, that's fine! You can go write with any of the dozen others that speak more to you, and have a good old time. I'll just keep doing my thing here.
That being said, there are definitely some elements of Clark's character that I feel are core to his being and should not be changed. And I really, really do not vibe with DCEU Clark, in the slightest, at all. That version completely misses the mark of what makes Superman... well, Superman. But generally speaking, I embrace there being a bajillion different interpretations of Supes.
18. Your muse's theme song. — I mean... (But I'd actually go with "Dare You To Move").
19. What’s your opinion on blog themes? How do you feel about your own? — I think they're great for making information more accessible, a really great way to show some of your muse's personality/vibes, and a fun outlet for people's design and coding skills. But they should definitely go in that order. A lot of blog themes are so caught up in the aesthetic that they're barely even legible or navigable. And lately I've seen themes (and carrds) that are so obviously just there to look pretty, considering when you open the elaborate pop-ups and pages they've still just got lorem ipsum in there. Why would you get this stunningly beautiful setup to hold your information and then not put your information in it?? I wish people would remember that ultimately, blogs are for reading.
I'm pretty happy with Clark's theme, tbh. It's not my usual style at all, and I usually struggle with light based themes (dark backgrounds cover a multitude of Photoshop sins), but something about Clark's just fell into place. I've been told that it's easy to read and navigate too, so that's good. And I love the little floating Supes. He's so happy. (Full credit to the original who made that manip.)
21. Three big no-nos to do or say to your muse. — Don't threaten his family. That is the number one way to get a very upset Superman who might not entirely hold onto his moral code. (The same applies to threatening his friends, of course, but the reaction isn't quite so visceral.)
Don't trample over innocent lives or livelihoods for your own ambition. Sometimes Superman can't take you down without destroying trashing the trust and public image he's worked so hard to maintain... but Clark Kent and Lois Lane will absolutely come for your entire life.
Don't call him a god or treat him as one. He doesn't want that role. He's just a guy. A very powerful guy, but a guy nonetheless.
22. Three interesting little tidbits or facts of your muse. — Clark's hair is as strong as the rest of him, and very difficult to cut. I haven't given much practical thought to how he gets haircuts or shaves, but I imagine it's a tedious process. (Traditionally, he shaves by firing his heat vision at a mirror, but that doesn't quite translate to live action, especially when his heat vision is actual fire erupting from his face and not the classic pew pew lasers.)
Speaking of, Clark's heat vision is triggered by anger. But Smallville had a much different idea, and made his heat vision triggered by horny thoughts. No, I'm not kidding. They made the same "heat vision instead of boner" joke at least three times across the ten seasons.
Did you know that originally, Superman didn't fly? He was so strong that he could jump super high, and that was how he got around. That's where "leaps tall buildings in a single bound" comes from. The first depiction of him flying was in the Fleischer cartoons from the 40s, as it was a lot easier to animate. And it stuck, presumably because floating freely is a lot cooler than hopping around cities like a kangaroo.
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