#if I wrote death note they WOULD be together πŸ˜’
buddiebeginz Β· 6 months
Have you all seen this article? I'm mostly focused on the part of it where they're going off talking about how many people Rob has killed. Why do some people insist on always painting him as the villain? πŸ˜’
Rob’s next victim was Max King. He and Max had planned to leave the village together, both desperate for a new start. But when they were going, Max changed his mind and asked Andy to drive him to the station instead.
Furious, Robert drove straight towards Andy. Max panicked and grabbed the wheel and the car went off the road and crashed. Robert managed to rescue Andy, but Max was killed.
Max's death was both Andy and Rob's fault neither one of them wanted to get out of the way in the road essentially playing chicken which resulted in the crash that killed Max. And worse Rob was the one who got most of the blame and ended up banished from the village and everyone he knew for it.
When Robert met Aaron, it was clear he would do anything to keep their relationship secret. When Katie found out the truth, and threatened to tell Chrissie, Robert pushed her through a rotting floor and poor Katie crashed to her death.
Katie's death was an accident and you can tell by the way Rob reacts afterwards he never intended for her to die. He was angry with her and he pushed her (which he shouldn't have) but there was nothing to prove he knew she would fall through the floor and die.
Later, Paddy Kirk raised suspicions about Rob’s behaviour, and wrote Chrissie an anonymous note to say her husband was cheating. Robert soon worked out who was to blame and left Paddy to die in a grain pit. Luckily Andy rescued him in the nick of time.
Obviously it was awful what Rob did to Paddy but again I don't think he was intending to kill him. He was angry and scared the affair would be found out and decided to teach Paddy a lesson. I think he also regretted it right after he did it because as soon as Paddy fell unconscious into the pit he shut the grain off and was about to jump in and save him (you see him start to take his jacket off) and he only leaves when he hears Andy show up.
Robert was also indirectly involved in more deaths thanks to his bitter divorce from Chrissie.
Chrissie set fire to Robert’s car during an argument and though they thought they’d put out the flames, the fire actually spread to some gas canisters. The explosion caused a helicopter to crash on to the village, killing Val Pollard and Ruby Haswell.
This is such a leap to say Rob was in any way responsible for those deaths and the crash. Chrissie's actions were on her even if they were motivated by her anger towards Rob. It was also Rob who saved Adam that day pulling him from the burning car.
I know this is just a dumb article but I love Rob and I can't help but defend him. I don't agree with every dumb thing he's done but he's not some horrible monster. A lot of the really bad stuff he even did in the run of the show was when he was scared and running from his own feelings for Aaron (and men in general) and not wanting people to find out about the affair.
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reynard61 Β· 5 months
Yesterday, Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker wrote to Abbott, calling him out for choosing β€œto sow chaos in an attempt to score political points.” Pritzker noted that Abbott is β€œsending asylum seekers from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the middle of winterβ€”many without coats, without shoes to protect them from the snowβ€”to a city whose shelters are already overfilled with migrants you sent here.” Chicago’s temperatures are set to drop below zero this weekend, Pritzker wrote, and he β€œstrongly urge[d]” Abbott to stop sending people to Illinois in these conditions. β€œYou are dropping off asylum seekers without alerting us to their arrivals, at improper locations at all hours of the night.” Pritzker wrote that he supports bipartisan immigration reform but β€œ[w]hile action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves. Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state. We are asking you to help prevent additional deaths. We should be able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to urge Congress to act. But right now, we are talking about human beings and their survival. I hope we can at least agree on saving lives right now.” Speaking on the right-wingΒ Dana Loesch ShowΒ last week, Abbott said, β€œThe only thing that we’re not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden administration would charge us with murder.”
Given that your cruel, hateful edict -- one cannot rightly call it a "law" or "policy" given how willfully criminal it is -- has already killed three people, that would be an excellent idea.
On January 13, 1833, President Andrew Jackson wrote to Vice President–elect Martin van Buren to explain his position on South Carolina’s recent assertion that sovereign states could overrule federal laws. β€œWas this to be permitted the government would lose the confidence of its citizens and it would induce disunion everywhere. No my friend, the crisis must be now met with firmness, our citizens protected, and the modern doctrine of nullification and secession put down forever…. [N]othing must be permitted to weaken our government at home or abroad,” he wrote.
How ironic, given that Jackson a) is such a hero of The Fascist Gasbag, whose own immigration policies edicts have contributed to much of the current chaos and himself did much to "weaken our government at home or abroad"; and b) practiced his own doctrine of nullification when he stripped indigenous Americans of their lands and homes. Not someone that I'd be quoting in this particular circumstance... πŸ˜’
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jordyn-degas Β· 2 years
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#i wholeheartedly agree that she was written poorly out kishi’s lack of capability of capturing a woman properly
My Top Posts in 2022:
The one that got away [2]
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Series: Part 1 Part 3
characters: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader additional: Shikamaru Nara, Hinata Uzumaki, Boruto Uzumaki, Himawari Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka(mentioned), Sakura Haruno;
warnings: characters are 21+; fluff; angst; smut; vaginal sex; mutual masturbation; some choking; rough; baby mention but not breeding kink;
notes: a month has passed since the first part - the story will unfold along a period of time - by the time it ends there would be a year in which Naruto and Reader have been together; yes, I wrote a lot, AGAIN, because I most likely have a documented problem in which I cannot keep a story short - forgive me 🀯;
special note: as per always, my extra special love and dedication goes to the best tumblr soulmate there is @uchihamylove26 😍! her inputs and ideas make my days and life better 😳
πŸ’€ NSFW! Minors DNI! πŸ’€
Mood 🎧 ALESSIA CARA - Scars to your beautiful
"She don't see her perfect She don't understand she's worth it Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface"
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384 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
2 am - brainrot
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How the hell does this always happen to me? At 2 am my brain simply spits this smut thingy out.
Shit! I'm waking up in 4 hours πŸ˜“
warning: Graphic content 18+; NSFW - Minors DNI! ☠️
content: smut; πŸ‘… Naruto x fem!reader x Sasuke πŸ‘…; unprotected sex; friends with benefits;
notes: brain rot at 2 am 🀯 - not proof-read - naruto and sasuke have been on my mind for the past two weeks in not a very HOLY way
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438 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
The one that got away
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Series: Part 2 Part 3
characters: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader additional: Shikamaru Nara; Hinata Uzumaki; mentions of: Gaara, Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki
warnings: characters are 21+; fluff; smut; vaginal sex; oral (f receiving); a bit of chocking because why the hell not?
πŸ’€ NSFW! Minors DNI! πŸ’€
notes: YES! I have been MIA because writer's block πŸ˜’ 4 am - apparently it's my hour for brain rots LOL πŸ˜…
I didn't even read it again after writing it so I have no idea what came out of it to be honest 🀣 I simply needed to get this out of my head.
special note: some light reading for my love, my smut partner and my Naruto soulmate @uchihamylove26 πŸ’•πŸ’• enjoy! 😎
Mood 🎧 JNR CHOI & SAM TOMPKINS - To the moon
"Come set the mood, yeah You come like sunshine, yeah Call me the moon"
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478 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
What if?
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characters: Sasuke Uchiha x fem!reader;
additional: Naruto Uzumaki x fem! reader; Sakura Haruno; Orochimaru, Sai, Yamato, Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki have a brief appereance; mention of Kakashi Hatake;
warnings: afab!reader - fem!reader; characters age range vary from children to adults; fluff; angst; emotions all over; mentions of: nudity, subtly implied intercourse, blood and death.
notes: SFW; i'm extremely in my feels today- this song ALWAYS breaks me no matter what - i actually cried throughout writing this, don't ask me why - especially the end - my emotions are all over the place 😊
word count: 4.074 - i'm sorry - my feels got me carried away
taglist: @haikyutiehoe - thank you for being my first ask and requesting to be tagged in this 😭 - hope you like it 🀐
Mood 🎧 LUKAS GRAHAM - 7 years
"It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker" - "Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me 'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me"
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607 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•”π•– 𝕨𝕖'𝕧𝕖 π•žπ•–π•₯
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Characters: Roronoa Zoro x fem! reader
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Warnings: first time writing for him - be patient with me; light smut - MDNI; Zoro fucks you against a door because why the hell not?; yes, there is some alcohol involved; yes, we also have some soft Zoro thrown in there;
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811 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review β†’
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celestialholz Β· 2 years
Celestial Live-Reacts: STP 2.5, 'Fly Me To The Moon'
Well, my darling new friend @porgthespacepenguin has informed me I should look out for some gay shit in this one, so, erm...
Make it so boys!
Oh, hello there Renee! 😍 She's beautiful, damn
Weird American Laris?????
He's blaming Q, because of course he is πŸ˜†
... And then we get a flashback to "Is that what you really want?" ?????
... AND HE KNOWS IT ISN'T HER BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO Q IS? Jesus fuck, real subtle here CBS πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
She's not Laris, but she is named after the capital of Estonia! πŸ€”
... Renee's not the best pilot, apparently?
"Boom, you're dead" - this woman would have loved the Kobiyashi Maru πŸ˜‚
Ahhhh, the launch day is the key
So Estonia's here to protect Renee, and fancies mentioning 'a grand tapestry' whilst she's here... is she also protecting her heart?
This intro theme goes harder than anything Russo did in Avengers
Frakes my guy! 😍 Back in the director's chair, as he should be ❀
"Alone, but not lonely"... this Queen's a fucking joy, truly 😍
... Rios didn't give Picard command access to his ship? πŸ€” Lack of trust, or lingering guilt over his last boss...?
What the fuck is she doing
Queens in the house 😍 I'm a Raffen fan, I'll be real
... Bit late to consider the ramifications of public beaming after last week Seven babe πŸ˜‚
"You need a target" and "all you want to do is run away" is a gorgeous dichotomy
Niiiiiice rescue ❀
She's hallucinating Elnor, bless her 😭
GARY SEVEN! I was mentioning this to @q-card this week 😍 It's the fucking smoke box guys, dead giveaway πŸ˜‚
"I watch, but I'm never seen" - could not be Q πŸ˜†
So Renee's an expert sailor, went to university at sixteen, and has a boatload of mental health problems. The drawbacks of genius βœŠπŸ˜”
Estonia be like 'fuck privacy'
"Feels like nothing matters" ... I feel you, Renee. We'll both be okay. ❀
Ahhh, so he IS changing the future through her!
"I'm a god, and as I look down at humanity I see them at a crossroads. Will they evolve toward enlightenment, or will there be a divergence into darkness?" Here's this week's mirror image then 😍
New-age Lal? πŸ˜†
"People... are idiots." πŸ˜‚ Amen Doc
Is this who Soji and Dahj are based off, his daughter? Precious 😍
Too much red tape in this fucking century, thank god we evolve πŸ˜’
"I CAN HELP. CHECK YOUR 3D PRINTER. ;)" Christ πŸ˜‚ Just HAD to stick the wink in there didn't you king
... That's a Qcard. Again. Fuck off CBS πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜
Why's the cop here? Is she trying to, as my boyfriend just wonderfully put it, 'Borgify' them? πŸ€”
Sleepy Agnes, bless ❀ Is this about to be a self-blaming thing?
It's a traaaaaap
Poor cop πŸ˜†
... Yeah okay, that is not how I want to give up nicotine πŸ˜‚
Hallo king, lovely to see you as ever 😍😍
"Why thank you, I worked hard on that" - did you? Did you actually? Has he really lost his omnipotence? πŸ€”πŸ€”
"It seems I've taken time for granted recently, and she's threatened to abandon me" - what a delightfully poetic way to tell someone you've fucked yourself over, and that little crack at the end? 😭😍
Father-to-father solidarity, very nice 😍❀
"I am the evolution of stardust, I am the gentle flutter of a butterfly; I am death, destroyer of worlds... and I'm also a big fan of your work." Jesus wept John, you absolute star you 😍😍😍 What a stunning piece of prose for one thing, showcasing the duality of ultimate power and the ability to do what you want with it whether for good or bad, with John's insane tonal range... and we even get a lovely little Data reference at the end! Fuck, I'm in love ❀
... Also I'm sorry, is he drinking fucking Earl Grey? πŸ˜‚ I wish for the sweet embrace of the void thank you (bless you Porg for pointing this out just before I wrote this review up from my notes, the speech killed me too hard to notice πŸ˜‚)
This whole banter's wonderful to behold, which is a natural conclusion when you put two of Trek's best actors together 😍
"I don't know" - a permanent mood on Q's motives, though I'm getting there πŸ˜†
Galas! ❀
Stay asleep Agnes, for fuck's sake
This poor, poor cop πŸ˜‚
"It's you I want", "alone in every timeline", "your fate in every universe, to be utterly alone", "loved completely"... good lord Queenie, get yourselves a honeymoon suite 🀣
... She's almost convinced, though...
She shot him! Smart girl, poor cop πŸ˜‚
Being angry at Q's genius is such a Picard mood πŸ˜‚
... Oh good gods, what can Q possibly need him to do for such a precious gift? πŸ˜…
Kore - which is her name, apparently - is wonderful, bless her 😍
... IT'S TEMPORARY. Q, you capricious bitch... πŸ‘€ "This is what you could have", yeah? Must be important, whatever he needs...
... Wait wait wait, she SHOT THE QUEEN???! πŸ‘€
"His spleen's in a box over there", good-o πŸ˜‚
"... There are people carrying a dead cop out the door." "Oh, I'm sure he's not dead" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 'Space Dad Amazing At Excuses', more at 11
God in the fucking Continuum John's hot here πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
"Do you have the cure? The real cure, not something that wears off? Because if you do, I am a hostage to you, sir." 😭 Bless him
"We're all hostages to what we love. The only way to truly be free is to love nothing. How meaningless would that be?" ...
... EXCUSE ME????
... And then he follows that up by saying he needs him to remove an obstacle, for 'US'????? And that that obstacle is... fuck right off, that's insane πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚
... I just... sorry, bear with me... you're having a bloody laugh aren't you? So he saves the person that means the most to Soong... and makes that only temporary, which is a lovely character deep-dive into dark!Q anyway... and then says we're all hostages to love... ties that together by suggesting they're both going to be saving the person that means the most to them by doing this... and we know Q's doing all this shit for Picard from interviews with John anyway... dear sweet fuck, just swallow me whole 😍😍😍
Oh, also: "I have discovered recently that I have certain... limitations" - still doesn't technically confirm the lack of complete omnipotence, but given the earlier thing about working hard... he's done all this off his own merit, and that is exactly what I've always wanted to see from depowered!Q: competence. Guy's an unrivalled genius with omniscience - he should not be anything other than a huge threat even without omnipotence, and this is brilliant character work for him 😍
... Is there more of this episode, I'm done πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
"Good talk" πŸ˜† Oh Raffi ❀
... Ohhh, so no Europa mission means awful future? πŸ€”
Microrganisms on Io? πŸ€”
Let's party lads, ayyyy 😍
'Intro to Antique Coding', oh my god πŸ˜†
Fly Me To The Moon ❀❀ Appropriate, and I love me some jazz, but it is a walking travesty that Frakes can't sensibly insert himself into this ensemble ✊
... Dear god, Agnes? You are gorgeous ma'am 😍😍
Queen's a dick even in death, very on-brand
"We had NOTHING together"? Cold πŸ˜‚
... No no wait, SHE'S THE QUEEN???! Just when you think your mind can't be blown anymore, fucking hell πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
Wow. Just Owen Wilson wow.
Celestial Rating: 9/10.
... Excuse me, darlings. I need a lie-down. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Fucking spectacular.
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