#ie himeko and well idc if herta's great for this i don't like her or her animations/vocalizations/girl design
thingswhatareawesome ยท 4 months
just could not get that 12th star in pure fiction. have retried so many times, ended up playing until way fucking longer than i should have. and yet i see people clearing the whole thing with fucking 70s. partly this is what i get for not having prioritized traces on my buffing characters. also this i guess is what i get for not pulling every single uber ranked 5 star even though part of it is getting fucked over by rng (I SEE YOU STANDARD WARP AND GEPARD AND FX). but also i guess this is what i get for rng fucking me over on so many halfassed to lousy relics? i think that's what gets me--is that it's just never enough. never enough 5* never enough pulling the RIGHT ones, never enough traces done never enough truly good relics bc the game won't GIVE me them
and it's not that i'm ftp anymore, i'm doing that little monthly jades subscription and the occasional bp here and there. but it's just never ENOUGH.
#seriously i've got 80s with 80 lcs and i am pushing so many of my dps traces to completion#stats and main traces (and secondary ones on many)#but i was prioritizing dps so much that my buffers aren't the best#and ofc the chars that are perfect for this i haven't put as much work into bc they're not great otherwise???#ie himeko and well idc if herta's great for this i don't like her or her animations/vocalizations/girl design#but like it's not enough to have argenti and jingliu and jing yuan and dhil and now blade#i guess i'll look at more guides on teams tomorrow but it always comes down to buffers#and every guide wanting tingyun and pela on every damned team well they cant' be on two at once come ON#it's like i'm being punished for daring to not like herta or topaz or rm as well as for my rng fail luck#please ignore my sr bs#no matter what i do or how many hours every day or all the info i look up and read i just am never good enough#and for everyone else it's ez even at much lower levels and i just#frustration frustration frustration everywhere i turn in this game no matter how hard i work at it#sometimes i get so fucking tired of how much HOMEWORK i'm expected to do for xiv and star rail#like you can't just have fun or play to relax everything has to be researched and minmaxed and improved to the nth degree#and you have to memorize fucking encylopedias of theory and meta and rotations and i am TIRED#can't i play to have fun without this expectation that means i get left out of everything and can't participate bc you're only allowed in#if you spend every waking gaming moment perfecting EVERY tiny miniscule tidbit about every character ever skill ever gear piece#i wish these games had a fucking middle ground and not constant casual/fun/get left out of all content vs HARDCOOOORRRRREEEE#like why are there only two extremes
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