#idk if i can keep enjoying shows like spn i'm just so sick and tired of always consuming the same stories over and over
queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
just thinking about how i've never seen anyone with my disability on screen. let alone portrayed in a good light. or even anyone who looked like me, even without my specific disability.
and if i saw someone who looked like me and was desired, maybe it wouldn't be enough to fix me, but it'd be a start.
representation matters. i'm tired of seeing all able-bodied white people with the same conventionally attractive features on my tv. we need diversity, we need authenticity. i'm tired of being made to believe only a certain type of people get happy endings, or get to be the main character.
i know tv and movies don't represent real life, but when you're part of a minority, whatever that minority may be, having access to stories of people who look like you, who have lives that resemble yours, even if they're not real or if you don't know them personally, that might be a way to not feel so alone.
but instead of portraying that, mainstream media always puts the same kinds of bodies, the same kinds of stories forward. i'm sick to death of it
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