#icole tries to draw
kingsnorthlobotomy · 3 years
If something is worth doing, its worth getting right.
This image is from The Lady From Shanghai. It’s Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth. I love it and wanted to recreate it.
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I icolated Orson and Rita, boosted the contrast, and “cleaned it up” a in photoshop 
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This is now what i wanted to make. First I just tried to draw it
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Not great. The idea is there, but its not how I saw it. If anything its a little too detailed. I bought masking fluid, which I had never used before. I painted the areas I wanted white on the page, and then smothered it with black ink. When it was dry I peeled the masking fluid off it looked. . . .
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. . . It looked shit. Still first time using it and everything. let’s give it another go. . .
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The idea is there, but the image is not. What i need is a stencil. . .
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Here we go, slightly tweeked image to make it easier to cut. Lets give this ago with a spay can.
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Oh damn it, the stencil wasn’t pressed right against the paper (it goes crinkly when the inks drying) so the spray paint got under the stencil. 
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That’s better, but lets try it with white paint and a sponge. 
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Boom. That’s the image. The ear is a little smudged but I can live with that.
There you go. If at first you don’t succeed, make a scencil. 
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