#icb we've done this
byanyan · 10 months
icb byan accidentally suddenly has a boyfriend now and we've already plotted things out to the point where they've inevitably panicked and tried to run away
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1stlove · 5 years
my store is changing their open hours and my position is being eliminated 😰
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blackgloved-a · 5 years
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     THERE’S  A  HESITANCE  as  you  approach  the  lab  ---  a  feeling  you  don’t  quite  understand .    ( You  shouldn’t  feel !    If  you  feel ,  they’ll  deactivate  you! )
     A  slight  pause  before  your  knuckles  meet  cold  glass ,  movement  catching  your  gaze  through  the  one  panel  that’s  clear .    The  boy’s  back  is  turned ,  hands  busy  with  something ,  but  he  doesn’t  stay  in  one  place  for  long ,  and  somehow ,  it  FASCINATES  you  for  a  few moments .    Seeing  a  HUMAN  tasking  himself  with  near  as  much  ease  as  another  android   ( not  unlike  Agent  707 )    .  .  .  it’s  a  rare  thing  to  you  indeed .    But  simply  watching  is  not  what  you  came  for  ---  the  slight  stiffness  in  the  movements  of  your  left  arm  reminds  you  of  that .    So  you  raise  your  fist  to  the  glass  once  more ,  and  rap  your  knuckles  against  it  lightly ,  hoping  to  catch  his  attention .
@saiichii  plotted !
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vaincurls · 5 years
Is there a plot you’d like to see me write with my muse(s): THE MAGICA AU!
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pffff i knew you’d send this, as soon as i saw the notification.  I  K N O W  THOUGH, i gotta just write you a thing for this.  BUT I 100% AGREE OFC !!!
PLOT SUGGESTIONS  /  always accepting  /  @pirateheir
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5judgements · 2 years
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@lightsblessed​ asked:
6 + 17 for narci and bergan
   Though he had initial reservations about the princess wanting his constant watch, it’d become a quite often happening. Rarely had the royals otherwise demanded to have a Magister personally oversee their protection detail; as Judges they often had other duties to attend to and were well served to suit a wide range of activities. Still she wanted him, above all the others.
   It’d taken time to sink in that this unique proposition perhaps put him into a more upstanding air than his peers. He had the attention of not only one but two of the Solidors now, and that was a grand stroke to his ego, even if he did not readily heed that fact. This is what he deserved, after all his hard work and loyalty to the empire. Anything less was positively criminal.
   What he cannot anticipate is that Narcissa had wanted far more than just his battle prowess. She desired the same level of devotion he had so offered to Vayne, and even further than that. So much more that it lead to the two of them laying within the confines of her bedroom.
   Initially he had been shocked that she wanted him in such a manner, and his hesitance was short lived once he came to understand it. Royalty had a desire for him and he was not going to dare turn her away, not about to waste an opportunity for himself to lie beside someone nigh untouchable for anyone. So too had Bergan made entirely sure that she was certain, and her earnest but crass response earns a small recoil and raise of his brows. She seemed to have a hidden bite beneath the public image so willingly kept.
   Just fuck me already.
   He recovers and kneels onto the bed with her, calloused hands tracing up along the inside of Narcissa’s thighs. His eyes roam over the nightdress she’s wearing and how it doesn’t hide away anything about her body, a beautiful white against the stark darkness of her bedspread. She’d already declared what is it that she desires of him and still he waited. It is perhaps the only time an order has been issued that he would not willfully dive head first into.
   At first he is careful, reaching beneath her legs and drawing Narcissa in closer by pulling her across the bed and to him. The actions rides her dress up and his hands help it along, settling them at her hips and hooking his thumbs around her underwear, sliding the garment down. He had barely anything on himself, by comparison to his own normal attire. Another one of her requested outings that had left the Magister without armor, and in rather plain clothes. Just prior to climbing into the bed he’d removed his pants, shirt, jacket. Just him in his own boxers and showing clear signs of arousal.
   Her legs spread and fingers dip down between, running through slick folds as she hums.
   I’m ready for you.
   Bergan gives a rare laugh, a smile, shimmying out of his last remaining clothing before pressing himself flush up between her thighs and guiding himself. Sex isn’t a common occurrence for a man who rarely found himself wanting, but that didn’t mean he had not indulged upon those moments. What has him warring with himself isn’t the act itself, it is the knowledge that he could be rather unyielding when it came to such things. He doesn’t want to hurt her.
   Quickly his hands move to find new purchase on her hips, pulling her towards him to fully sink in, and the sound she makes has him watching her expression.
   Come on, Bergan, I want you. I want all of you~
   Breathing a gentle huff he falls into a steady motion, sitting back on his heels as he pulls her down onto him over and over. Her warmth is invigorating, intoxicating, as the sounds of pleasure spill forth. Part of him worries if someone would come to check if she was alright. He knows their laws like scripture but nothing ever pertained to this, perhaps an unspoken rule, but such thoughts start to fade as Narcissa urges him to continue.
   Harder, you won’t hurt me, please..
   Her soft gasps of encouragement leave Bergan leaning forward, one hand taking itself from her hips to instead plant into the bed for support. The motions of him now meet how she rocks herself into Bergan, and he starts to lose himself in it, in her. Caution begins to slip and a manner of growled grunt rolls out from the center of his chest.
   It even takes a second for him to realize that she has a hand around the wrist of his grasp at her hip, and he slows just enough for a questioning look. Her grin speaks volume as she tugs his hand away, a lack of resistance given until she guides it up to be held at her throat. Stopping now with the intentions clear he’s only halfway in her, panting quietly between his words.
   “Narcissa, are you sure?”
   Yes, I trust you.
   A few more seconds pass before he gives into the sultry grin, fingers settled around the base of her throat, thumb right against the racing beat of her pulse. He hasn’t continued just yet and her impatience becomes clear as she takes matters into her own accord, leveraging a leg around his waist to press flush against him. The act alone spurs the Judge back into motion. Something about how her release of control presents itself, ignites a fire in him, one that only shone so bright when he brought a blade to bear against a foe.
   A sharp breath leaves Bergan and his grasp tightens just enough to pin her down, unwilling to actually block her airway with it, and the next movement of his hips is a near full draw back before he snaps forward again. He moves the bed with it, and her response spells everything he needs.
   She wants him hard, fast, and he will give her what she desires.
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fcxxes · 6 years
@noctertv asked:  🍷
send me  🍷 for an aesthetic of our muses
cigarette-burnt skin, silence. smoke curled in mouths and you’ll call anything a lover except for your own bones, would fuck anyone on the street that looks your way just to have this skin feel like something other than your own. i don’t want it anymore. tongues in mouth but it’s never your own. boy does not know how to say stop. boy does not know how to sing. boy does not know how to forgive, least of all himself. take something beautiful with greedy hands and break it just because you can. you’ve done it to the stars in your eyes, to the voice in your throat. tell yourself innocence is a poison, force your body not to crave it. force your heart not to ache. pretty thing. tell yourself the words do not leave a bitter aftertaste.
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🎰 (i feel like we've done this before but idr and you have more muses now anyways)
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
1. Pouncival + Ricky Bowen
Pouncival is a clumsy kitten who’s easily persuaded to do things and he will immediately latch onto Ricky and cause mayhem with him, it’ll be Neat. (d.ylan s.prayberry is his human fc dont worry)
2. Maggie Vera + Ricky Bowen
Remember what you said about Audrey and him? Picture that but like..........with Magic.
3. Maggie Landers + Ricky Bowen
Icb Ricky’s gonna have the clingiest sassiest best friend ever wow. Will it be 100% Good? Probably not but who cares, its Us
4. Billy Hitchcock + Ricky Bowen
5. Teo + Ricky Bowen
Ricky riding Teo’s wheelchair with him while they glide o3o
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