#i've played it til the final fight back when the game came out and i had several playthroughs going at once
esaari · 2 years
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broadway-stuck · 1 year
HAPPY 413!!! Our lovely cast and crew came together to celebrate with a huge collaboration. This song holds a special place in all of our hearts, and we're so excited to share this project with everyone. We love you guys!!
OG lyrics by @aki-ran, OG mixing by @fadeintocase
Lyrics, as always, under the cut!
LYRICS - How Far We've Come [413 MIX]
[KARKAT] Greetings, worthless humans!
[JOHN] Start the game, counting down til the end of the world.
[ROSE] Building up to get him in; I need to write it all down.
[JOHN] Gotta move, the meteors are heading straight for the house.
[DAVE] It's just so stupid that this game is really not worth the try.
[ROSE] Dave, shut up, and maybe finally we'll get out alive.
[DAVE] Strifing battles, here's your bottle, now I've gotta wait out this egg in time.
[JADE] I can see our game will really need a spark, The world, destroyed, take a shot into the dark,
[BETAS] Let's see how far we've come! Let's see how far we've come!
[VRISKA] Well I believe, with help, you'll be a great kid.
[KANAYA] If not, don't go if the Furthest Ring bids.
[TEREZI] Let's see the stocks to trade!
[KARKAT] Let's guess the passwords made! I think I heard a distant honk; fuck, I don't really know.
[SOLLUX] But everything is now okay, wow, where'd my sight go?
[ERIDAN] There's no hope left and we've gotta join Jack Noir.
[FEFERI] I won't tolerate and I can't excuse you!
[KANAYA] Took a chainsaw to flesh; I'm really out for blood.
[GAMZEE] Motherfucking world is rotting and I'll strike it with clubs.
[TEREZI] Say a goodbye because I'm on my way to find and kill you!
[TAVROS] I believe I need to show them who is boss!
[ARADIA] Let's go rejoice, paths have finally crossed.
[TROLLS] Let's see how far we've come! Let's see how far we've come!
[EQUIUS] Stay, no matter what, in the vents until the end.
[NEPETA] I won't! I can't! I will never just pretend!
[TROLLS] Some lives were cruelly lost, But reunite our cause.
[DIRK] And they scrapped, scratched, it was all reset.
[ROXY] It was another game to play for us to hack it again.
[JAKE] And we were fools, used just to turn on ourselves.
[JANE] Now it's overly sweet, and time will never just tell.
[DIRK] Timelines mix, match, intersect on a whim.
[ROXY] Hold us hostage 'cause you never wanted us to all win
[JAKE] But we fight back, you'll never keep us down
[JANE] And when we pull all it through, we'll be keeping that crown.
[JANE+JAKE] We will see this all to the very bloody end
[DIRK+ROXY] We'll stay alive and we'll fight for all our friends
[ALPHAS] Let's see how far we've come! Let's see how far we've come!
[JANE+ROXY] We'll win this game, you'll see, determination is the key
[JAKE+DIRK] Our hopes, our hearts, and every one of our dreams
[ALPHAS] Let's see how far we've come! Let's see how far we've come!
[BETA KIDS] Let's see how far we've come Let's see how far we'll go
[TROLLS] Let's see how far we've come Let's see how far we'll go
[ALPHA KIDS] Let's see how far we've come Let's see how far we'll go
[ALL] Let's see how far we've come
You have a feeling it's going to be a long day...
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littleturtlefish · 3 years
Stuff I drew/thought of while playing Omori (Part 1) [SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE GAME!!!!]
*sees that Omori, a game I've heard of 3 years ago, came out* "oh cool. ill just watch a walkthrough video since-" *immediately gets interested 20 mins in and dusts off my old-ass laptop to play it*
When I started the game, first thought was "Is that kid wearing a skirt? Wait, is Omori even a boy??? Did I get everything wrong????" The only Omori-related stuff I saw was a 2017 trailer + a video showing the original comics with "Pure Imagination" playing in the background (this one) but even that was years ago. Also am blind and keep thinking his shorts = skirts til this day
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Thought Kel and Aubrey were siblings cuz they sure acted like it lmao [idk if it's original source but this person inspired me. also holy cow i never thought about how much time these things took. 1 hour of my life spent making a shitpost]
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bASIL CALLED OMORI CUTE AND I WILL KEEP REMEMBERING THAT AWWWW [before you go "wtf is that shading," lemme just say that I really like that style of shading ok give me a breaK-]
Happy Omori is cute, never saw him smile before :,D (I've seen so many ppl say it's obviously a forced smile ((and you guys are likely right lol)) but I just...can't see it???? he just looks cute to me :<)
Furious Omori is...uh...
Me, seeing that scary scene in Basil's house and Omori stabbing himself: oh right this is a horror game haha
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Me, during the entire dark house section: man was this steak drugged— STOP FUCKING KNOCKING ITS SCARING ME, CALM DOWN— WAIT MARI IS THAT SCREAM GUY?!?!??!? [i put so much effort into the robe's line art yet i still chose to color it black]
Seriously, I despised the constant knocking because knocks in real life makes me flinch and want to run away. Also, after that impressingly silent and non-moving Mari jumpscare, I got chills and decided to go straight to my bed (in game). Absolutely hated the cutscene of Sunny just staring at random places in his room because I totally thought I was gonna see Hellmari again
In my sleep-deprived mind, the sounds you hear when you get a key reminded me so much of the Markiplier E meme and I couldn't wait to get an E, L, and an F just to make jokes
Me, seeing a sunflower has wilted: basil's dead isn't he. my favs always die smh
I get way too involved in RPGs and spent the entire time murdering bunnies and sprout moles (was probably worth it since I rarely died in boss fights or maybe the main bosses were just easy. i dont talk about the earth fight.)
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I hate the spelling bee.
Fun fact: At this point, I lost all my save files (probably due to stupid windows computer updating) and had to restart the entire game. I was a lot less grindy this time around :,)
"Do you think you're going to be okay, OMORI?" No.
facing your fear of heights is really that easy, huh
haha, what's this big guy doing behind this tree? What does it mean by "disturb"— AAAAAAAAAAA IM NOT PREPARED HOLD O— (I ran away from this fight immediately lol)
why is the life jam guy's theme actually really good tho (question: is it possible to kill that guy? Can someone, like, give themselves the highest speed + attack possible and just absolutely destroy that being?)
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[since the life jam guy has violins in his theme, sunny wouldve had no problem fighting omori if life jam guy was there. just saying. man will i look so stupid if life jam guy doesnt actually have violins in his theme]
I heard an air horn during the "torturing that scarecrow" part of the game and that gave me the personal quest of finding wherever that was used (pretty sure it's from one of Kel's skills but never tried it :p)
Space Boy's theme is 👌👌👌👌
Ah...right...back to horror...
It was at this moment that every time I sensed some of that psychological horror coming back, I would immediately turn on my lights (was playing this game at 2 AM with lights off because it's for the 🌺✨experience✨🌺 but gave up on that pretty soon lmao)
For the jump scare in this part, I legit had to look it up beforehand because I HATE jump scares that actually move + use audio and I had to know if the game had stuff like that. Honestly, I do not regret looking that up. Still was creepy but it was worth it to finally say "Press F to pay respects"
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emdotcom · 2 years
Nearly 2 years ago, I pre-ordered the new Animal Crossing, after falling in love with New Leaf over the summer.
I wanted it to just be a better version of the game I loved -- I wanted it to be good.
I played New Horizons on the very day it came out.
At best, it was a reduction to the prior installment. At worst, it was all polish, no refinement; a disappointment; underbaked.
I dropped off it completely just 2 months later. Between a job schedule that worked me to the bone & having to fight for the family owned Switch, there was no way I was gonna continuously put effort into playing a game I didn't like that much, Especially not when there were ones I ACTUALLY enjoy Right There.
So, a year+ later, I've logged 50 hours in this $60+ game, at max.
I wanted to play it again, but I knew it had to actually, genuinely improve before I would sink my time back into it. I kept largely up-to-date on the updates, hoping for something that would rekindle my desire to play, but nothing ever did.
'Til about a couple months back.
To steal words straight from @robbydude, "Almost 2 years after release, & Animal Crossing is finally finished."
&, now, finally, I'm excited to play this game again. Excited to play any Nintendo game again, enough to bite the bullet & buy my own Switch, over 5 years after the system came out.
Folks, I can't wait to go home, somewhat.
Let's Cross some freakin' ANIMALS.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2: At first? No. Ran was the first one who noticed when something was off but Ranbob brushed it off as him being tired. Though when he saw that his brother was still acting that way he kept checking in, til "Ranbob" eventually snapped at him one day, scaring and hurting Ran enough to get him to stop. His parents and Lias and Memi also noticed, but Lias and Memi didn't ask as often because Ran told them not too, and when Memi asked Ranbob gently told her its ok and to not worry. Lias was hesitant to accept this but eventually did, with Ranbob promising to tell him if something was wrong, a promise he sadly broke. Ranbob was close to his family, especially his younger siblings, and loved to play and study with them. He had a lot of friends at first that he played games with and joked around with. Though after he started to get out under more pressure and the introduction of Dream he got distant, lost all of his friends (even though he still cared for them), didn't play with Lias or Memi nearly as much, started skipping dinners and not talking to his parents or Ran. And when Dream was mostly and fully in control, he stopped talking at all, and ignored everyone. Lias desperately tried to get him to talk but that just resulted in a harsh stare with a silent promise, Memi tried to hug him, which he then pushed her away, and when Ran tried one last time to talk to him, but "Ranbob" just punched him and walked away. When his parents tried one very last time to intervene, that's when it got fatal. The Gladiators where horrified at what they read, finding it hard to believe and making them sick to their stomach. Benjamin caught them reading it, though he simply sadly smiled at them and said, "I read it too. Its horrible isn't it? He didn't deserve to go through that. But we'll help him. We'll help him be free and be himself again, I promise you, and everyone else. We'll save him." They felt like they where staring at a ghost, it was unnerving, to see such a happy and young Ranbob, knowing what will happen to him that will wipe him clean of all happiness. And it felt disrespectful when they caught sights of Ranya, Seth, Lias, and Memi. Cause they never knew them, and now they where looking into the such happy and gleeful eyes of dead people who don't know the torture their son and brother is going through. (And that went for everyone)
3: This is literally Ran's mentally when it comes to being stabbed, "I've been stabbed multiple times before and I haven't died. Therefor, I am immortal." Yes he is :). He gets threatened with Benjamin because if Benjamin finds out he isn't eating or sleeping Benjamin will force him to eat every bite of a full meal and force him to go to bed, sitting next to him and reading to him until he falls asleep. Which sounds nice, but considering Ranbob doesnt want to "bother" them, its a threat to him. Raq will always cause problems, he's a expert tracker and because of that he's able to hunt the groups down. He often will pop out of nowhere and attack the group, chasing them down until someone turns around and attacks him. Often Ran attacks him by looking Raq directly in his eyes, causing him to flee. Cause even though Raq wants to get Ran, he knows very well if they make eye contact he will lose a battle no matter what he does, so its best to run and attempt to blind him at a later point. Ran his very happy to be on the road again, and if Ranbob wasn't there (who's keeping Ran on edge and preventing him from fully enjoying the trip, though its mostly just Ran doing it to himself), he would be non-stop talking and running ahead of the group. But even with Ranbob there he's happy to finally be moving again. 
4: The gladiators did not witness it first hand, rather they heard screaming and went to check it out, worried and alarmed. And when Ranbob went into the depressive state did Benjamin come over to them and explain what was going on and what was going to happen. When then Jackie offered to help keep Ranbob company while Grievous and Watson offered to go along with Cletus to find Ran. When they heard the scream Jackie was scared and nervous, Grievous was anxious and on edge, Watson was calm yet curious, and Ran was mad and on edge. And when they found out what happened, Jackie felt bad and sympathetic, Grievous felt sad and a bit guilty, Watson was sympathetic and felt bad for him, and Ran was pissed. 
5: Isaac and Benjamin just kinda accepted it and went "Yes he is like a lost puppy and we love him for that.", Charles was embarrassed and instead of responding properly he muttered out an excuse and left, cause he was not expecting to be confronted with Ranbob being like a puppy at all and didn't know how to respond, and Cletus just stuck his tounge out and blew raspberries. And Ranbob was just purely embarrassed. 
6: Actually first thing Ranbob got when he arrived to the fishermen house was wrapped up in multiple fluffy blankets and had a hot chocolate shoved in his hands. Also whenever he goes into a depressive episode or wants to go back the fishermen just bring out emergency blankets and quickly make either hot chocolate or tea and Ranbob loves it every single time. 
7: Ranbob is mixed, he loves it being back as it reminds him of such good times, but it also doesn't feel right when Charles says it because Ran was the one who made it. It only sounds right when Ran says it. Ran is angry that Ranbob is letting someone else call him Bobby (which he is also sad about), but is also mad that he's mad that someone else is using it. But he's also happy its being used again, and is happy to see Ranbob still enjoys it. Grievous of course notices it, but doesnt look into it, and so does Watson but he also doesn't ask about it, determing it to be something the brothers themselves have to talk about. 
8:Because if it was Porkius or literally anyone else, they wouldn't of helped and would've watched happily as the two fought, waiting until one fell and even encouraging the fight. But they also jumped into the area from the stands and Cletus specifically placed himself between the two, pushing Ran back and yelling at him (which rarely anyone does) when Benjamin then came up to try to calm the raging enderman down, while Charles checked on Ranbob, and Isaac kept look out for any sudden movements between the two so he could intercept the potential attack. Plus when Isaac saw the other group approaching he ran to meet them, asking if they knew Ran and when they said yes, quickly stating a plan to safely restrain Ran long enough until Ranbob was taken to safety. Then leaving Ran to the group, but also saying how he wanted to talk later. 
10: Sounds like the certain town just may be the ruins of the Greater SMP. So I'll probably have Wilburs Decendent (which I dont currently have a name for, if anyone has one please feel free to suggest one!) As a popular performer there and also the towns historian, so when our groups get there Wilbur is able to provide information about Dream, Ranboo, basically everyone and the history of the SMP. Most likely going be a part of the story when Ran truly starts to slowly believe that his brother didn't meant to do everything he did. 
11: Yep, he knows Ranboo used to have bad memory (not how bad it was, just that it was bad) but he's never read it because Mizu never had the actual book, it was only told in tales and stories that Mizu had. If that makes sense. Ranbob will get plenty more hugs I promise you, though that also means he gets hurt more. 
12: Kinda but also cause I enjoy writing angst. 
Ok ok here's some fluff: These all take place a good week or 2 (or longer) after Ran forgives his brother and the relationship gets better. Watson walks in on the two sharing a blanket and sleeping against eachother. With them leaning on eachother and leaving almost no space between them. Ran finally calls Ranbob Bobby again and Ranbob cries and hugs his brother tightly, Ran is shocked but quickly hugs back just as tightly. Ranbob gets to finally pull a big brother move and tease Ran about his "nerdy" habit of reading so many books, Ran tries to fire back that Ranbob literally picked a idol that requires you to be a bookworm but he simply shoots back that Technoblade also requires you to be a bookworm. Its been spotted multiple times of either Ran or Ranbob having their tail wrapped around his brothers wrist or leg, and the two aren't very far apart now. Jackie jokes about being replaced by Ranbob and being heartbroken, basically draping himself over Ran and whining while everyone else laughs at Rans distress. Ran and Ranbob eventually agree to merge their two hauntings, which is extremely rare and is the biggest sign of trust and love there is in enderman language. Ran reads to Ranbob one night after a bad relapse, which ends up soothing Ranbob much sooner than anything else. 
I also have a more mythical idea of fluff that probably wont be in the main story, but im willing to share it if you want. 
2: Only his family noticed? Dang, okay. I’m irrationally attached to his siblings now that they have names, and this only hurts me. Do the gladiators have any noticeable changes in behavior towards Ranbob and Ran after reading it? Also, who may Ranya and Seth be? I don’t believe I saw them mentioned earlier.
3: Technically, he’s right. He hasn’t died yet, anon, and he’s been stabbed multiple times, he could very well be immortal. I guess he should probably do his best to not get stabbed again though, I hear it’s kind of bad for you. 
Ranbob: *Not doing something he should do for his own health*
Benjamin: *Self Care But As A Threat(Gently)*
Ranbob: *Does it*
Also, even though I acknowledge that Raq could be a genuine threat, all I can imagine are Team Rocket shenanigans. He keeps trying to blind him in various, complicated ways, and fails hilariously. One time he actually manages to do it only for Jackie to take him out or for him to turn around and accidentally look Ranbob straight in the eyes cause the poor hybrid was trying to knock him out without a fight.
4: Yikes, that must have been pretty scary, just hearing everything go down. If I may ask, what exactly happened with Ranbob? You said there was screaming?
5: Well, at least everyone’s come to terms with it. Ran uses people as tote bags, and Ranbob is the local puppy, and it is what it is.
6: Very good! He needs it! Also, do they just keep them on hand? Just-he looks a tiny bit sad and Benjamin pulls blanket and tea out of thin air and burritos him. 
7: Aww. But also, ouch. Oh well. At least we can get Ran eventually picking the nickname up again.
8: Oh? Interesting. Sounds like these guys are pretty quick on their feet. I can see why it’d impress the gladiators.
10: That? Sounds so cool? Oh, I really like that honestly, I can’t wait to see where you take that.
11: Neat. Is that where he got the idea for his diary, or? And why? Why must we suffer in order to take comfort from the kinder things in life? Why can’t Ranbob just have hugs without pain? 
12: Did you genuinely just admit to aiming for my feelings with that last one?! Anon, how could you! I’ve been injured! My heart, Anon! 
13: AWWWW. To all of this. So fluffy, and cute! Just what we needed, thank you! Also, more fluff, you say? Please share, we need all the fluff we can get.
Have a good week, Brothers Anon, and thank you for the lovely fluff, and equally lovely pain. I’m excited for more!
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On my way back from Nottingham (stayed over at a friend's house last night) so finally have time to put my thoughts in order about last night's game. Probably won't be home til this evening (going via London to see some friends) but will look through my photos then and put any good ones up.
Was gutted at the end (and absolutely frozen) but very proud of the team.
It was an exciting game and great fun to watch - the atmosphere in the Arsenal section was incredible, we didn't stop believing they could score and were behind them all the way.
Not sure I'll forget the feeling of Katie revving up the fans and then Jordan joining in while they were waiting to take the corner and then Leah scoring straight after. Actually gives me goosebumps to think about.
The team fought with everything they had til the end and I'm incredibly proud of them for that. Frankly think they were the better team for the majority of the match they just couldn't get enough goals - a fair few missed chances and props to Berger, she made some massive saves. It was a bit of a shaky start and a very scrappy first goal from Chelsea but we really grew into the game and really controlled the second half. The gutting bit was that last goal so late on from Beth England - it really seemed like it was going to extra time and we had the momentum with us, you never know what could happen then. Credit to Chelsea, they kept at it and got the goal they needed. Really hope Beth can reproduce her Chelsea form for England - definitely think she should be our starting no9 against the US on Thursday, she's in the form of her life right now.
Really liked Foord's tenacity and fight - when you think she's only been with the team for about 3 weeks and it was only her second game with them (and the first against a fellow WSL team) it was impressive. I'm really looking forward to seeing more from her as she settles in - she's already linking up well with a lot of different players.
Jordan wasn't great in the first half but she came out fighting in the second (as did the whole team really) and I thought she was just fantastic - think Jill also had a very good second half.
Thought Louise and Viki were excellent, possibly a bit of a shaky start but they really grew into the game and their partnership - can't even remember the number of times they blocked shots with various body parts and cut out attacks.
Both of Chelsea's goals were a bit scrappy but although we seemed to have the majority of possession you could see just how dangerous they are whenever they got the ball - they're so quick to get the ball and players forward but on the whole we managed to recover well.
We need to be more clinical but Chelsea made it very hard work - they were so quick to get so many bodies between the goal and our team/the ball - at one point it seemed like the only reason that we didn't score was just the sheer number of bodies in the way! Also wasn't helped by the fact that Viv was heavily guarded by Bright when she was near the area - to the extent that she was often popping up on the wing, even on the backline at one point, to get involved and get on the ball.
Katie was fantastic - absolutely love watching her play and she had some great runs forward attacking into the area. Also cannot mention her getting the crowd going before Leah's goal enough, it was just brilliant.
Speaking of Leah's goal - bloody brilliant! Was so so happy it was Leah who scored. Thought she also had a great game - think she may have made a mistake that led to the first goal (need to watch it back) but after that she played out of her skin.
I've probably missed a lot but this is really just my stream of consciousness thinking back through the game on the train.
With only 13 senior players available it was always going to be tough but so pleasing to see how close we were to winning it. Hopefully they take pride and confidence from their performance onto the rest of the season - still in 3 competitions and who know what will happen around the league. Just need to concentrate on our own games and try to win every single one.
Really hope we get to the FA Cup Final - both for the chance to get a trophy but also to have that incredible atmosphere of a Final in the Arsenal section again.
Hopefully we'll start to get some of the injured players back after the international break!
All in all a gutting end to a very entertaining match but a lot to be pleased with - we go again after the break. Meanwhile, I look forward to cheering on all our players in their national team games!
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captainevans · 5 years
Could you go into more detail re: your last post? I've been seeing so many reactions to what Steve did at the end of the movie and would love to hear your take on it because I'm desperate to hear from someone more level headed (and it seems like you definitely are). I've just seen a lot of people upset with/at Steve/Chris and need some reassurance lol. You can keep this private if you want or just make a separate post. Also hi, nice to meet you :)
I have been thinking about this all day, so I would be more than happy to elaborate for you! It’ll be under the cut.
It appears that the general arguments regarding Steve being out of character and not liking his ending is that he struggled for so long to put his past behind him, to find a place in the future with the family and friends he made, and by sending him back it compromised their future as well as Peggy’s and reduced her to simply a woman who stole Cap’s heart as opposed to this formidable force to be reckoned with and one of the founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D.
I don’t see it that way though. If anything, this is a Steve who failed and saw half of the universe snapped due to circumstances beyond his control and more importantly this is the first time we truly see Steve for the human he is, and not just the soldier out of time.
Two constant threads in Steve’s individual arc has been dealing with one never-ending battle after another and his struggle to acclimate to the times he’s in. I don’t mean in an ‘old man deals with newfangled technology’ sense, but Steve’s few years out of the ice pales in comparison to the seventy plus years it’s been for everyone else. Also keep in mind the era in which Steve comes from, because he deals with things internally or not at all (mostly not at all) and a therapy goer the man is not.
In TFA, pre-serum Steve has a myriad of health problems and is known to get into fights frequently. He’s tried several times to get enlisted; longing for that one chance to do something right, to do something good because he doesn’t like bullies and he doesn’t care where they come from. He meets Peggy and she sees the man he is way before he became Captain America. Keep in mind though that between post Project Rebirth and the crash, more time has passed than people tend to think about. Their feelings for one another have deepened, even if they’re not acted upon, which is why their final conversation over the comms is even more heartbreaking. They had something, they knew they had something, and now it was lost seemingly forever. Who could come back from that? Who honestly would want to?
The Avengers finds him a mere two weeks after the man was defrosted, in which he was learning that almost everyone he knew and loved was dead and that the Tesseract he crashed a plane to try and destroy was found and used by SHIELD to create weapons and had to push that into the back of his mind so he could fight aliens in the Battle of New York.
In TWS, he’s still struggling to find his footing between his past and and present. He visits Peggy and is happy that at least she was able to move on and have a life for herself, but every visit is melancholy and ends the same way - she slips out because of her dementia and he has to relive her finding out that he’s real and in front of her every time. I wouldn’t want to wish that experience on anyone, but do you know what that’s like to deal with a person who has that? To think you’re finally getting somewhere with someone for a moment and then the lucidness wears off and suddenly your heart is ripped out of your chest because you’re back at square one? To do that every single time you see them? Sam asking him what makes him happy breaks my heart every single time because he’s never been given the opportunity to figure that out, and once he learns that Hydra, again going with the whole “I crashed my fucking plane into the ocean and this shit is STILL happening” arc, has been entangled with SHIELD from its infancy, he knows the mission to take it down takes precedence over trying to take the time and figure that out for himself. Now, this movie is the Winter Soldier, and there’s Bucky to cover. At this point, Steve knows he doesn’t have much time with Peggy left when he uncovers the identity of The Winter Soldier. These two pillars are the last remaining ties to his past, which is why he tries so hard to try to joggle Bucky’s programming with not fighting back and the “I’m with you til the end of the line”. Steve knows he’s in there, he just had to get him out. He’s successful, and then that jump-starts the search post TWS leading into Age of Ultron and ending in Civil War.
Age of Ultron..is…well, okay it has more problems than anything else however, at this point it’s been three years since he’s been living in the future, and it would make sense that Peggy is still on his mind in Wanda’s dream sequence for him. He confirms it in Endgame for the first time by saying it aloud, but Peggy was the love of his life. It’s normal to dream about lost loves. He’s a man from that older era though, which is why we only have a stolen moment of him trying to remain stoic because he has to be a leader and appear unaffected for the sake of his team and the mission. I really wish the deleted scene where he comes out of the quintet with his coal to see the image of Captain America with the words “Fascist” above spray-painted on a building wall before he throws the helmet back inside was kept in because it shows SO MUCH without saying anything at all. This is where we see that break between who is he and what his superhero persona is supposed to represent. It’s not Captain America who makes Steve Rogers Steve Rogers, it is Steve Rogers who makes Captain America Captain America. And once again, we find him trying to make the sacrifice play if they aren’t successful and can’t get all Sokovian citizens as well as themselves out in time. Now all while this is happening, Sam is still trying to look for Bucky for Steve.
Which brings us to Civil War. Never has that line between his past and present been more apparent because it’s literally the plot to this movie. That’s it. That’s the whole thing. Bucky is deprogrammed but broken and more importantly to Steve - alive- and he knows that Bucky has that blood on his hands that Hydra used and abused him into spilling and that’s why if he could just get Tony to see that with these accords the powers at be, along with every country who signs, can dangle their help for political gain like they’re puppets on strings just like he was. Do they need to be put in check? Perhaps, but not by people with an agenda. It’s a dangerous game they’d be playing with no winners which is why Steve doesn’t sign them. And during that meeting with all of them discussing this, Steve learns that Peggy dies so his stake in this fight to preserve the last tether to his past increases tenfold. He’s not just fighting for Bucky, Steve is fighting for himself. By the time he’s dropped that shield, we’re shown that Steve has lost faith in his government, he’s lost faith in his friends, and he’s lost faith in himself.
He’s in Infinity War for six minutes and forty five seconds is screen time so there’s not much content wise to go on, but when we see Steve he is clearly not the man he was and you can tell something is broken inside him, but it’s not explored until Endgame.
I’m just going to focus on Steve’s arc in Endgame because while I really liked most of it, Thor and Natasha deserved better than that so here we go. If you have not watched Endgame, don’t go any further.
Between waking up and immediately having to fight post defrosting and uncovering the truth about SHIELD using the Tesseract to make weapons, Hydra being an entangled part of shield, the events of Civil War, and by the time we see him in Infinity War he’s a shell of whatever former self he was trying to grasp at straws with, and it wasn’t until we had this film that we actually see to what extent that was.
Endgame opens three weeks after the snap, in a time where they’re still desperately clinging to hope with trying to find a way to reverse things. Carol saves Tony and Nebula while he’s on the very brink of death in the Benatar, and tensions between the Steve and Tony are at an all time high. They lost. Everyone. They’re the Avengers, how could they lose?
Time jumps five years. Tony is living on a lake and has a young daughter with Pepper, and Steve has now taken over for Sam in leading group therapy meetings. Joe Russo’s character says he went on a date the night before and that his date cried before the salad and he cried after the dessert and there was nothing they could truly talk about because what could you talk about if half of the universe, including people you knew and loved, vanished in an instant and where you’re borderline living in some version of Lord of the Flies? He offers words of comfort, but he and half the people in that session don’t fully believe them. He lost the love of his life in ‘45 and woke up seventy years later and he hasn’t had a single moment of rest to do so. It weighs on him, on all of them. Natasha is at Avengers HQ still trying to find ways to help, and because of the nature of their work and who they are as individuals they can’t truly move on, him especially. But seeing Tony with his daughter I think was a catalyst of sorts for Steve, even if it didn’t fully register for him at first. One of the themes through Age of Ultron was this notion of “home”, and being an Avenger was something they all pretty much had to put first. Tony got his family, he got his home, and for someone who thought that the man who went into the ice seventy years couldn’t have that himself, there came a small burst of a what if. What if he could have that as well? If it happened for Tony…
Seeing Peggy in 1970, seeing his photo on her desk…that did something to him as well. After all those years, he’s still on her mind just seemingly as much as she’s on his. He gets that moment of seeing her again, and that longing was heartbreaking. Just one more look before he had to go back - something just for him because the mission came first, it always comes first, and he didn’t want to screw anything up so he buries it like he does everything else. Steve’s an intelligent little shit though and we’ll come back to that later.
Now here’s where I also need for you to keep in mind the conversation Banner had with the Ancient One in 2012. The Ancient One is hesitant on giving him the Infinity Stone because it will disrupt the pre-determined timeline, but Banner explains that the past is cemented in time and forever exists to allow for a subject to jump through time. Reality is experiential for individuals, meaning a person’s perception of time is linear, regardless of how they jump around the timeline. In layman’s terms, you travel to the past, that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which then cant be changed by the new future.
We’ve always known Steve is worthy of wielding Mjolnir so let’s just skip to the ending now shall we?
At the end, Steve goes alone to return the stones to their proper place in time, but also has become well versed in time travel for someone who’s not Banner or Tony. He sees this as a chance to have something that’s been unattainable to him for so long - to live the life Tony wanted for him. To be happy. To not have to fight for once in his life. So he goes to the right place in while in the quantum realm as to not disrupt the main timeline, and that’s when he doesn’t return we see that he’s become an old man finally at peace, handing Captain America’s shield over to Sam, who more than deserves the mantle, not exactly telling him that he got his happy ending with Peggy, choosing to keep it to himself and yet smiling wistfully all the same.
He never changed anything about Peggy’s future either. SHIELD clearly still exists, and do some people honestly think he wouldn’t give her the choice? If he didn’t think there was a strong enough of a chance or had she turned him down someway he would have respected her and returned to the main present timeline. Nothing changed about that, it was just an alternative path. By going back, Peggy’s life without Steve still exists and that Peggy who gets her reunion with Steve now represents a branch timeline.
I get not everyone liked the ending, I do, but to be fair, just because they didn’t like Steve’s ending because it doesn’t fit what they wanted doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fitting end for Steve. He can rest now. Finally.
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