#i've entered my cowardice arc
falinscloaca · 2 years
*makes a post talking a reasonable amount of shit i think*
*sets it to private like 10 minutes after posting it bc what if someone sees it*
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When our father passed away, i entered what my brother calls my "villain era". I guess to him it's the best way to describe my newly acquired mindset of "I will never be disrespected again as I was before. I will no longer tolerate the harm this family's cowardice and stupidity is causing. It ends now."
My brother recently revised his statement, saying that I've experienced that hero's arc of becoming the villain to the one's who refuse to change. I guess that's true, that being the person who seeks to indicate change and make progress is often vilified as a Harbinger of Doom or a Portent of Chaos.
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