#i'm sorry i can't spread the hevorganda :(
beevean · 20 days
Hevor prompt: Trevor stepping on Hector :p
Hevor prompt: "I am a simple man with simple pleasures." ❤️
Not as kinky as you would have liked, but hey
He would die there, before even getting the chance to face Isaac.
Hector hurt. His muscles burned in protest, and every inch of his skin throbbed with bruises. He attempted to call for his one Fairy, but he received no answer: she must have fainted for the strain.
How was it, that he had been able to slay a reanimated armor and a giant wyvern, but the Belmont surpassed them all? What a terrifying man he was – and Hector could not be sure if he was a man in the first place. No, the ferocity behind each and every blow and the thirst for blood burning in his eyes reminded him of a famished wolf.
Before Hector could even gather the strength to lift himself up, a heavy boot pressed on his sternum, and pressed hard; Hector gasped at the sudden weight on his chest that impeded his breathing, and the heel digging into delicate skin.
The Belmont was a hefty mountain of muscles and proud of it, judging by the smug smirk hovering above Hector.
“Did you steal that uniform, per chance?” he laughed. “This can’t be the power of a dark sorcerer working for Dracula.”
And to think that, three years prior, Dracula had trusted him with the task of killing this arrogant man. But Hector bit his tongue; he was in no place to flaunt his atrophied abilities, not with a foot threatening to crush his ribs.
“You didn’t strike me with righteous anger in your heart, did you, hunter?” he gasped. “You are enjoying yourself far too much to have pure intentions.”
Belmont shrugged, without a hint of shame. “I am a simple man with simple pleasures. Perhaps I do enjoy putting scum back in its place: who wouldn’t?” Hector scoffed: if this is what passed as a man of God, he might as well don a rosary around his wrist.
(He pointedly avoided to glance anywhere near Belmont’s crotch, which was already too close to his eyes for his liking.)
“Is this a game to you?” he spat.
“I’d say. You gave me child’s play, Devil Forgemaster.” Belmont cracked the whip in his hands, that infernal whip that seared Hector’s flesh with his holy power; he held his breath at the prospective of getting hit again. “And this is where it got you: under my feet, seething in your weakness, and about to die from my hand for poisoning this land. I hope you regret every choice in your miserable life.”
… Something wasn’t right.
“What the hell are you talking about now?”
Belmont’s good eye narrowed. “Don’t you try to deceive me! You’re the Devil Forgemaster! I know you’re the one behind the Curse corrupting innocent man!”
Hector stared at the Belmont for a long, long time. Then, he laughed, and every movement was a stab in his ribcage, but he couldn’t care less.
“I’m sorry to say…” he smiled without mirth, grasping the boot, “that you vented your perversions onto the wrong man.”
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