#i'm so sorry for the delay in the reveal hehe but i hope you like it !!!
sgiandubh · 10 months
Hi! Hope you’re well! What’s your favorite SC moment?
Dear Moment Anon,
I'm more than ok: enjoying a calmer week at the office and the lazy end of summer vibe, in this very old and very clumsy city like no other I've ever lived in - how about you?
Sorry for the delayed answer and blame it on the different time zones. I read your message this morning, while having my second frappé of the day and let it hang on somewhere, on the outskirts of my brain. So, there goes (and just so you know, I love this kind of questions):
There are so many, it's almost excruciating to pick one. But if I leave aside all the promo interviews, the BTS and the photoshoots (oh, the epic one in Prague and ah, the tender one in South Africa, hehe), it would have to be this, and not for the ehrm... reason you'd immediately think about:
The NYC Saks Fifth Avenue interview, on April 7, 2016. Blink it and you'll miss it, because it's all about the first 17 seconds of a very revealing moment (yes, her bag and yes, his trousers - IYKYK). He was flustered, he told her so, she immediately got the memo and went into full battledress mode. She did exactly what I would do and what you would do, for that matter: she spontaneously claimed him, calmed him down in two seconds and took the bull by the horns. That, Anon, is not your best friend pulling you out of a quirky situation, but flawless, genuine couple dynamics and Symbiosis 101. You can't make this up. This is not fan service. This is them.
On a very close second place, Icecreamgate in Atlanta (2018). But that is another story, at a different moment in time, when it was clear these people were consistently sharing way more than a spoon. A flat, for example.
And I cannot resist sharing with you what will always be, for me, a flagrant S&C/J&C overlapping moment, something that still moves me to tears, every damned single time:
We don't talk enough, I think, about the beauty that A. Malcolm is, probably because of the book crowd's disappointment. After reading carefully the scene in Voyager, I am going to stick with the movie. I know, oh là là, blasphemy again, but I found the book version wanting and a bit expected. Whereas, this...words are useless: what can perfect mean, when you watch it? Oh, Sam Roland Heughan, the acting powerhouse that you are (and totally unaware of it). But without a real life and love experience, this scene would have looked very differently, I think. Also, knowing what we do, by now, how is it possible not to find completely arresting and utterly moving that "there's the two of us, now" line, right there?
Thanks, Anon. I had something else in mind for this evening and I still do. A bit later, though. :)
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sichengtual · 3 years
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a supernova coming down from heaven
baby, that's you
feels so unreal but you know that's true.
— sf9, enough.
for izzie, @bbang-nim, from your fantasy friend! i really loved getting to know you throughout this event! i'm so happy this let me know such an amazing, kind and friendly person! i treasured all of our interactions so much and i hope we get to interact even more in the future! i wish you nothing but the best and i hope you know you have a friend in me 💞
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thebestplltheories · 7 years
Hi there! Greetings from France! First of all, I LOVE your blog, it keeps me updated on PLL whenever I'm too busy hehe. I wanted to ask if we'll find out why Sara Harvey helped Charlotte, I don't think they ever explained that (or maybe they did and i just missed that part, and if so I'm sorry). Like I would love to know how they met and became "friends". Wouldn't you?
Thank you! Greetings from Australia ;)
I dont know if we will but if I had to take a guess… no. I feel like Sara’s story ended in 712 when Jenna told us that Noel killed her. Which would be a massive shame because Marlene kept promising us (after her reveal in 610) that we WILL find out in 6B why she helped her. Now with 2 episodes left, we still haven’t gotten there. She keeps on delaying it and delaying it, to the point that I feel like even she doesn’t know. I would love to know, same. I have my doubts about finding out :( I’m hoping Marlene whipped up something really exciting to prove me wrong.
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