#i'm rly passionate abt this topic bc 1) i am in this industry and i know people who are cg artists
deanpinterester · 5 months
if yall haven't seen it already, i super recommend this ongoing youtube series by the movie rabbit hole that unravels a lot of those instances where a movie claims to "have zero CGI". it really uplifts the knowledge that practical effects and CGI really go hand in hand, except that the CGI side is often left in the dust when it comes to acknowledging the work that goes into making these bombastic movies.
this is the first video, where he discusses multiple movies but mainly top gun maverick, one of said movies that claims it has no CGI.
the second video just came out, and focuses on christopher nolan movies, another set of movies that people claim have very little CGI.
in the future, i believe he also plans to cover the injustice that stunt performers often face, which is related to this topic. in pursuit of being able to say a movie "has no CGI whatsoever!" or that an actor "did all their own stunts!", you end up leaving out the CG artists and stunt performers, very important parts of the industry that are often hardly acknowledged while everyone goes nuts over how real and authentic the movie is. movies are a team effort! let's not leave anyone behind! especially not the people whom the movies literally could not be made without!
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